Melissa Hillard Oliver(Green Ranger) Part 3!

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After Mayura summoned the sentimonster known as Strike Out, it went on a rampage and started to smash up Paris in which the heroes and the rangers looked to see the giant monster in shock.

Black Ranger: Whoah I thought Lord Zedd looked dangerous but this thing is far more worse!

Dragon Bug: Looks like Mayura summoned an all powerful sentimonster.

Viper Cat: Looks that way.

Honey Princess: Whats the plan?

Pink Turbo: Sweetheart I think it is time for your big moment.

Green Ranger: I know where this is going. I will deal with the sentimonster while the rest of you deal with Hawk Moth and Mayura.

Carapace: You sure you can handle this dudette?

Red Zeo: Trust us guys my sister can handle anything.

Green Ranger: Thanks brother, now get going while I'll handle this giant walking abomination.

Rangers and Heroes of Paris: Right!

As soon as they left to go after Hawk Moth and Mayura, The Green Ranger leaped onto a building and looked towards the sentimonster that was destroying the city and then looked towards her flute.

Green Ranger: Alright it is time to fight fire with fire. I NEED DRAGONZORD POWER!(Green Ranger saids then starts playing the flute)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Flute to summon the DragonZord)

Once the Green Ranger played the flute, something came out of the water and started to reappear after spending so long beneath the sea itself in which was the DragonZord itself and it looked ready to fight again and aid the Green Ranger once more.


When Melissa looked to see her fathers old friend reappear after so long she was absolutely stunned and amazed to see the actually Dragonzord in person in which it looked ready to serve and fight.

Green Ranger: Alright Yes!!! WHOO-HOO!!! Welcome back DragonZord!

Admittedly the DragonZord saw the Sentimonster and moved towards it in which caught the attention of Hawk Moth and Mayura who looked shocked of what they were seeing in person while the Sentimonster looked towards the direction of where the DragonZord was approaching.

(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)


Mayura: I believe its what the Rangers use in battle against their enemies they call them Zords and it looks like the Green one is the one who summoned it.

Hawk Moth: Send the Sentimonster to take care of that Zord or whatever it is now!

Mayura: Yes sir. Strike Out attack the Zord!

Strike Out heard Mayura's command and then went to attack the DragonZord, of who the Green Ranger looked to see the Sentimonter moving towards her sword.

Green Ranger: Well looks like it is time to kick some sentimonster butt! Going Up!(Green Ranger saids then jumps high into the air and lands on top of the DragonZords head then went inside of it)

Green Ranger: Systems online! Alright DragonZord are you ready to help us save the world again.


Green Ranger: Alright lets do it! Attack the Sentimonster now!

The DragonZord then began to charge at Strike Out in which the sentimonster did the same and both were going all out fighting each other but the DragonZord was quicker and doing the most damage to Strike Out.

Green Ranger: Thats it buddy give him everything! Show this monster what it takes to be the DragonZord of the Green Ranger! Missal rockets ready aim FIRE!

The DragonZord then fired it missals from its fingers and fired them at Strike Out who was being hit with all of them and was backing away then soon tipped over and landed on the ground. Strike Out then soon got back up and was ready to attack again but then was hit by a large metal tail from the DragonZord and the sentimonster went flying and towards the ground again.

Green Ranger: Nice one my friend! Now let's take him down!


Meanwhile with Hawk Moth and Mayura who were watching the sentimonster being beaten by the DragonZord and were furious that their most powerful creation was getting clobbered by the Green Ranger and her Zord.

Hawk Moth: NO!!! How is that Strike Out is loosing to that thing how?!!!

Mayura: I never realized that the Rangers Zords were so powerful?

Hawk Moth: I think is about time we....


Hawk Moth: What......AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!

Hawk Moth was about to say something when all of sudden he was kicked in the back and went over the ledge of the Eiffel Tower and hit the ground which got Mayura's attention.

Mayura: HAWK MOTH!!!

Once Mayura lands on the ground, she found Hawk Moth land on a bus and then went to check on him to see if he is alright.

Mayura: Hawk Moth are you alright?

Hawk Moth: Argh.....yes I am Mayura but who hit me?

Hold it right there Hawk Moth and Mayura!

Both villains looked to see the heroes and the Rangers together and armed and ready to fight.

Hawk Moth: So the heroes of Paris are here to challenge us and I see you made some new allies as well. I must say you Power Rangers are quite something and have such skills.

Red Zeo: We get that a lot but now it is time to take you both down for the destruction and chaos that you two have brought.

Dragon Bug: So hand over your miraculous and we promise to go easy on you.

Honey Princess: And let's face it your plans always fail every time and I mean look at your so called Sentimonster being beaten I mean really.

Hawk Moth: Nothing will stop for getting the miraculous!! Even if I have to destroy all of Paris to do so!!!

Black Ranger: We're not going to let you do that.

Hawk Moth: THEN SO BE IT!

HawK Moth charged first with his cane and was about to hit one of the heroes when it was blocked by Black Rangers staff. Then soon Black Ranger along with Red Zeo Ranger as well as Viper Cat and Dragon Bug took on Hawk Moth while the others deal with Mayura.

Meanwhile with the Green Ranger who was inside the DragonZord, herself along with the Zord were doing amazing at taking down the sentimonster who was struggling to fight back and realized that the DragonZord was far more powerful than the sentimonster.

Green Ranger: Alright DragonZord let's end this!

The DragonZord then used its power tail yet again but this time used the drill part to aim it at the sentimonster's chest in which the tail went through the tough hide of Strike Out in which caused the monster to be destroyed and turn back into a feather.

Green Ranger: YES!!! That was awesome!!! Well done DragonZord and welcome back.


Back with the heroes, both teams were fighting against the villains who were struggling to keep up what the heroes and rangers were doing.

Mayura proceeded to attack Carapace but blocked the attack using his shield for protection then soon Bunnix appeared out of a portal and kicked Mayura away from her team mate followed by a hit from Rena Rogue.

Rena Rogue: She's all yours Pink Ranger and Honey Princess!

Pink Turbo: Right! Turbo Wind Fire!(Pink Ranger saids and fires her weapon beams at Mayura)

Mayura: ARGHHHH!!!!

Honey Princess: Nice shot now it is my turn! STING!(Honey Princess saids and paralyzes Mayura with her stinger weapon)

As soon as Mayura hit the ground and paralyzed from the sting, Pink Turbo went over and grabbed the peacock miraculous in which the villain turned out be Natalie who is the assistant of Gabriel Agreste and Adrien's tutor.

Honey Princess: Natalie is Mayura?

Pink Turbo: You know her?

Rena Rogue: She is the assistant of Gabriel Agreste as well as Adrien's former tutor but why would she do this and if she is Mayura than that would mean.

Bunnix and Carapace: Gabriel Agreste is Hawk Moth!

Pink Turbo: The famous fashion designer is the super villain. If that is true why would he do all of this and hurt innocent people and why does he want with the miraculous?

Natalie: He wants to use the miraculous to bring back his wife Emilee....

Honey Princess/Carapace/Rena Rogue/Bunnix: WHAT?!!!

Pink Turbo: What do you mean by wanting to bring back his wife? Did she die from something?

Natalie: No she is alive but she is in a magical coma due to the broken peacock miraculous that Gabriel gave her at thought it was fixed but it wasn't and then a couple years later Emilee felt ill and couldn't breath and went into a deep slumber. She is resting beneath the mansion inside a glass coffin to keep her safe.

Honey Princess: So all this time she was here in Paris and she's in a magical coma.

Rena Rogue: If that is true do you know what would happened if he uses the miraculous he could destroy the balance of the world and probably kill thousands of lives because the wish comes at a terrible price.

Natalie: He was planing on taking the risk and didn't care what would happened to get his wife back.

Pink Turbo: What would she think of him of what her own husband has become she will not understand as a matter of fact she will be heart broken and shattered that Gabriel became a monster and a terrorist as well as brought nothing but pain and suffering to others all because of his mistake that he made.

Carapace: That would explain why he is so cold towards others especially his now disowned son Adrien.

Pink Turbo: As soon as he is defeated you and him will be charged for your crimes against Paris and I am sure we will find a better way to save Emilee without that stupid idea that your boss has because I hate to see many people suffer and loose everything that they love.

Natalie: I...I....understand and I am sorry......for all it..

Rena Rogue: Apologies wont cut it, you and your boss are going to get what is coming.

Carapace: You made all of our lives miserable and made us hurt those we cared about.

Bunnix: I agree with my team mates.

With Dragon Bug and Viper Cat along with Black Ranger and Red Zeo Ranger, all of them were fighting Hawk Moth as well as him trying to remove both Viper's and Dragon's miraculous so he could make it wish come true but wasn't doing so well while the rangers were in his way.

Black Ranger: Viper Cat destroy his cane!

Viper Cat: Right! Cataclysm!(Viper Cat saids and uses his power to destroy Hawk Moth's cane)

Hawk Moth: You will pay for that!

Black Ranger: Energy Orb Now!

Black Ranger fired his energy orb at Hawk Moth who was now hit and pushed back due to the attack but was still standing.

Red Zeo: My turn! Zeo 5 Power Sword Ha!

Hawk Moth: Argghhhhh!!!!!

Viper Cat: Dragon Bug figured out how to use your lucky charm now?

Dragon Bug looked around and saw the mallet then the Dragon Zord then Hawk Moth in which she got the idea now and knows what to do with the charm object.

Dragon Bug: I got it! Green Ranger I need your DragonZords assistance!

Green Ranger: Right! DragonZord use your mighty metal tail on Hawk Moth now!


Viper Cat: Hey Hawk Moth incoming!

Hawk Moth: What?......


DragonZord then uses its tail to smack into Hawk Moth of which the super villain went flying towards Dragon Bug who was holding the mallet behind her and ready to swing it at her enemy.

Dragon Bug: Time to end this conflict once and for all, batter up!

Dragon Bug then hits Hawk Moth to the ground and is now unconscious. Once the villain was down and restrained by both Black Ranger and Red Zeo Ranger, Dragon Bug took the charm and threw it into the air and called out the words to repair the damages to the city.


Admittedly thousands of magical ladybugs appeared and fixed the damages to the city in which the rangers except for Green Ranger were in awe of how the charm fixed the city and made it look like it wasn't destroyed.

Green Ranger looked to see her family and friends defeated the villains after so many years of trying to take them down they finally put an end to all of it but now it was time to see who Hawk Moth really is and so she jumped out of the DragonZord and landed on the ground to see everyone surrounding Hawk Moth.

Green Ranger: Now it is time to see who Hawk Moth really is.

Rena Rogue: We know who it is Green Ranger.

Green Ranger: You do who?

Pink Turbo: His assistant told us everything in which her name was Natalie, the assistant to Gabriel Agreste.

Bunnix: And once we found out that she was Mayura we put the pieces together and that shows us that Hawk Moth is actually...

Honey Princess: Gabriel Agreste himself.

Green Ranger: All this time I thought he wasn't Hawk Moth and I know? Unless he lied to me about being Hawk Moth to keep his real secret hidden.

Dragon Bug: Viper Cat his miraculous take it away from him.

Viper Cat removed the miraculous of the butterfly from Hawk Moth and then he changed back into Gabriel Agreste who looked down in failure of not getting the miraculous and getting his wish to bring back Emilee.

Gabriel: All I ever wanted was to have my beloved Emilee back to me...I never wanted to cause all of this too happened.

Dragon Bug: But did you realize the destruction and suffering you would have caused you made that wish in which it comes at a terrible prince.

Viper Cat: Thousands of lives would have been lost, the world would have been destroyed, the balance will fall apart. What would your wife think of what you have done as well as what you done to your son will she even understand of what her own husband has become.

Gabriel: I was willing to take all the risk of getting my wife back and I mean anything.

Carapace: Even giving up Adrien your own flesh and blood what would happened if Emilee finds out that you made him miserable all these years and not being there for him when he needed you the most.

Green Ranger: Even if you did somehow brought her back with the miraculous then another would have to take her place. A life for a life that is the rules of the miraculous and you cannot change it once you make that wish.

Gabriel looked down in shame of what he just heard as well as thinking what Emilee would of thought of him if she saw what kind of man her husband has become, a villain, a cold heartless man, a bad father, and a terrorist that brought pain and harm to the people of Paris and possibly the whole world.

Soon after both Gabriel and Natalie were taken into custody along with Lila Rossi who was found guilty of being a liar as well as a murderer for the death of Tom and Sabine Dupain Cheng and got many lawsuits from the celebrities that she lied about as well as expelled form school along with the teacher and principal who didn't bother to help the students but just let their lives be miserable for many years. Lila was sentence to life in prison far away from France while Gabriel and Natalie were sentence to life in prison in France with Adrien at their side. As for the Akuma class their lives turned into a nightmare that what Lila promised them were all fake and their dream jobs were crushed and will never be the same again and they tried to apologizes to their former friends but they didn't want their apologies for the pain they have caused and simply moved on with their lives and they should do the same.

Once all the miraculous were back to where they belong, Kagami decided to become the best guardian of the miracle box there could be while the team were aloud to keep their miraculous just in case a new threat arrives to harm the city. Also Kagami who was now the new holder of the miraculous of the Ladybug was able to heal Emilee with some help from Melissa and the woman was alive and well but was told about everything of what her husband and son have done while she was in a coma and she went to see them who were happy but sad to see her of which Emilee divorced Gabriel for what he has done to the city of Paris and became someone else but made a promise to Adrien to take him when he gets released and raise him better which made Adrien smile that he wants to be with his mother and start fresh.

Alya and Nino finished their studies at school and moved to America in which Alya became a reporter just like she wanted while Nino became an amazing DJ who played music at events and parties. Chloe moved to New York with her mother and became a model for her company while also still having contact with her friends. Alix became a gym coach who helps train people to get into good shape and later competed in sports tournaments and won six medals. Juleka and Rose were forgiven and they work together with Prince Ali who is helping raise money for children hospital and the ill.

As for Melissa well she settled down back in her home town with her family after Hawk Moth was defeated in which she became a professional fashion designer and created her own website called MHO Power Fashion where she designed a lot of interesting clothes for around the area and many people wanted to bye her work which made her family very proud. She also found out that her brother got a job in New York where he became a photographer and then soon met up with Chloe of which the two started to date and became a couple after words. Her parents retired as Rangers for good and settled down and continue on with their normal lives. Even though the villains of Paris are gone there will always be more danger and when there is the heroes will come back to help as well as the Power Rangers now that Melissa took the mantel of the Green Ranger and likes to spend her weekends training to become the best while also living a normal life with her boyfriend Luka who moved to his girlfriends hometown to be with her. Luka got a job as a musician and his music were absolutely stunning and made his first cd called Forever.

Many years later Melissa grown into a fine young woman who became an inspiration to the world of fashion and nothing couldn't make her life even more amazing except for the part when Luka popped the question with the blessing from Tommy and Kat who approve of Luka in which Luka took Melissa on a romantic date as well as a fancy restaurant then too a beautiful pond lake where he said the most beautiful words that made Melissa cry years of joy but then cried more when Luka got down on one knee and said the words.

Luka: Melissa Hillard Oliver, the love of my life and my melody to my songs will you marry me.(Luka saids and holds out a silver ring with a beautiful green gem and diamonds)


Then soon both Luka and Melissa became husband and wife where Tommy's friend Jason who was the original Red Mighty Morphin Power Ranger became the best man and god father to Melissa and the entire Ranger family was invited along with Melissa friends who were happy for her and Luka.

Years later Melissa gave birth to four beautiful children which she named the first two Sabine and Lucious, then the last two were Emma who was bundle of joy and happiness and lastly was Tommy Oliver Couffaine named after Melissa's father Tommy Oliver who past away a couple years ago but was able to meet his grand children when they were born. When Tommy's passing was heard it left a hole in the ranger family but his memory and legacy lives on in the next generation of which his grandson Tommy Oliver Couffaine will one day take the mental of a Power Ranger and become someone great just like his parents and grandfather before him. Melissa and Luka made a promise to the children when the time comes then will become the next generation of Rangers when ever evil returns but for now they will continue to live their normal free lives as a happy family while also remembering Tommy Oliver their grandfather and know up there in the heavens he is proud of them as well as his daughter for making the world a better place. Kat who is still around and lived with her daughter and husband will always remember Tommy forever and visit the spots of where they first met and spent time together with her grandchildren being by her side which made her happy that Tommy's spirit lives on in them. It's like Tommy said once a ranger always a ranger.

(These three one shots were tribute to Jason David Frank may his soul rest in peace and may the power of all the rangers protect him.)


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