Chapter 10 Here Goes Nothing

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      Chat swallows the pillow. It is green.  Ladybug takes one too, but hers is red.

       The two are not sure what kind of effects it will have on them.  

               *Author's note: It is never smart to take something without knowing what it is or what it does to you, people. 

             Carapace cringes as he watches to see what happens. Rena does the same.

             Rena worries about the side effects Ladybug and Chat might have now.  It is not like she has seen what the medication does once it is swallowed.

            Chat meows twice, then scratches his neck. 

         Ladybug makes some bug noises. Then flaps her wings.

                A few minutes later, there is a flash of green light and a flash of pink light.

            Beep! Beep!  Beep!   This sound is heard. Then, there is another flash of bright pinkish green light.

               "What is happening?"  Rena screams.

               "How should I know?" 

                  Chat stands up and feels something different. He goes over to the mirror and glances into it. He smiles with relief. He is back to his usual self.  He is no longer a cat. He is just a typical cat hero that is all.

                 Ladybug sees him and grins.  "Chat, we are back to normal!  Yes!"

                      "We sure are m'lady!" 

                       "Hey, stop that shouting will you?"

                        "Sorry, but we can not."

                         "Wow, LB it worked." Rena remarks.

                           "She is right you know."

                           "Thanks, so much."

                           "Oh, you are welcome."

                     Carapace exits through the window. Rena is about to follow him when a noise is heard outside the door. 

                        LB, CN, and Rena stand there unsure how to proceed next. The door opens so they form a small circle. Rena thinks fast.  "Illusion!" She calls out.

                         Suddenly a butch of copies of the three of them appears throughout the dusty old attic area.  It creates a nice diversion.

                          "You can thank me later," She whispers.

                            Rena, Chat, and Ladybug wait until the villain is distracted.             

                   Then, they make their way over to the exit.  Ladybug manages to escape for once without being caught, so does Chat Noir.  Rena makes it halfway then trips. As LB and CN run the rest of the way outside, Rena is caught.

                  Carapace sees this and comes up with a plan to help her.

                      Chat and Ladybug realize they are long ways off from Paris, France. How will they get back?   They run through the dense, fog, not knowing quite where it leads.

                ....Rena finds herself stuck in a small space. It is even smaller than the attic. It is dustier too, and dark. Very dark.  She screams in pain. She screams again out of fear. She reaches up in horror when she realizes it is gone. Her miraculous is nowhere to be found.  How will she ever be able to explain this to the miraculous guardian now?   How will she get out of here?  What if Carapace never finds her?

                   Carapace jumps off the roof and lands in a pile of hay. He brushes as much of himself as he can then he rushes to the door that leads to the cell that holds Rena. He tries to pull it open but finds it locked.  He thinks great now what do I do?  He realizes he has a pocket knife with him, but the trouble is it is in his jeans. He thinks fast.  

             He detransforms and hands Wayzz some food.  He pulls out the knife and uses it to remove the hinges off the door. Then, as soon as Wayzz is done eating, he calls out, "Wayzz, Shell on!"

              He pulls Rena out of the dungeon-like area. He can tell she is glad to see him.

                 "What is wrong, darling?"

                  "It is Trixx she is gone. My necklace is missing!  Somehow when they grabbed me I lost my miraculous. What am I going to do?"  Alya manages to blurt out as she sobs.

                  "Shh, do not worry, I am sure will come up with something. There must be some way for us to find your special jewelry. Do not cry, love. It is going to be okay."

                    Will Chat and Ladybug ever get back home? What about Carapace and Alya?  Will Alya's miraculous ever be recovered?

                      Find out more in Chapter 11

                    bye, bye little owlets!

                   -Summer out!                    

Edits made to Chapter 10 on October 19, 2020. 

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