A Spider meets a Bug from another universe! Part 14

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(Music is called Solace by RUNAGROUND) Its a good song to listen to and it works well for this. 

It has been two weeks since Ladybug and Katipo along with their team mates ended the final battle against Shadow Moth and everything was finally at perfect after so many years of trying to stop Shadow Moth from taking over the world; the battle has ended and everyone in Paris was celebrating their day and it was all thanks to the brave heroes that save them. Katipo and Ladybug still do patrols around the city to make sure that there is no harm coming to the civilians of Paris even Katipo's team mates are doing the same thing but they will not reveal themselves yet since they still had a bad feeling not to trust the people of the Ladybug universe so they will stay in their hero outfits until it is time to return home to their universe. 

Paris time 10:30 am in the Dupain Cheng bakery: 

We join our three heroes still sleeping in bed, that right three which are Jake Hala, Sugu and Marinette Dupain Cheng who are sleeping together after doing so much patrols last night and making sure that the people of Paris are still safe from danger. So when the alarm went off Jake was the first to wake up for a beautiful morning. 

Jake Hala: MMMMMM.............man what a wonderful day to wake up to a beautiful sunny sky.(Jake stretches his arms and legs ready to get up)(But someone was trying to make sure he doesn't leave and it was Marinette who wanted to stay a little bit more longer) 

Marinette: Nooooooo.............stay for a little......yawwwnnn!........while, you're so warm and soft.(Marinette saids while sleeping a little) 

Sugu: Come back...........my.....yawwwnnnn!!.....pillow......mommy needs her pillow.(Sugu saids while sleeping a little as well which made Jake laughs at his two girlfriends) 

Jake Hala: Hahahahaha, come on you two it is time to get up for a great day. 

Marinette: Nooooooo........I want to cuddle some more........(Marinette said while still hanging onto Jake) 

Sugu: Me too........

Jake Hala: Come on Sugu I know your faking it.

Sugu: Yea yea yea, I know but still I thought it could work 💋 (Sugu saids while she gets out of bed and gives her man a kiss on the lips while Marinette is still sleeping) 

Jake Hala: Hmmmm....think Jake what could you use to get this one out of bed?(Jake was thinking a way to get his girlfriend out of bed and than an idea hit him) 

Jake Hala: Sugu hold your ears because I am about to say something that will wake Marinette up a lot more quickly. 

Sugu: Oh I see what you are doing got ya.(Sugu saids while covering her ears) 


Marinette: WHATTT!!!! where!!, how!! and..............(Marinette saids while looking at her boyfriend and Sugu who are laughing like crazy) 

Sugu: Hahahahahahah!!!! that was the best wake up call you did sweetie classic!! 

Jake Hala: I knew.......hahahahahaha.......that would work and you should see your face blueberry classic......oh man that was......hahahahahaha.(Jake saids while laughing only to see his girlfriend pouting at him) 

Marinette: Hmhp......that was not funny Jake not funny at all. 

Jake Hala: Sorry blueberry but it was the only way to get you out of bed and it worked like a charm. 

Sugu: I agree with him Marinette I mean you do sleep a lot and snore as well. 

Marinette: What! I do not snore!! 

Jake Hala: Tiki, Plagg get the recorder!

Plagg and Tiki: You got it!! 

Marinette: You recorded me sleeping!! 

Jake Hala: Yup and I might say you look cute when snore like a little piggy 🐷. 

Marinette: W......wha......whaa...whatt?!(Marinette saids while blushing red) 

Tiki: Found the recorder Jake!

Plagg: Hey kid ready to hear what you sound like when you snore, it's hilarious!!

Marinette: Jake I swear you push that button, I will destroy you!!(Marinette saids to Jake who looked nervous and decided not to push the button) 

Jake Hala: Ok you win babe............I won't push the play button. 

Marinette: Thank you sweetie 💋(Marinette saids to her boyfriend and gives him a kiss on the lips as well but then Jake hands the recorder to Sugu and asked her to do it) 

Jake Hala: I won't push the buttom Marinette but.......

Marinette: But what? 


Sugu: You got it handsome and play!! 

Marinette: WHAT?! NOOO!! 


After hearing what Marinette sounds like when she is sleeping, everyone in the bed room laugh like there was no tomorrow including the kwami's who couldn't hold their laughter anymore. 

Tiki: HAHAHAHAHA!!, wow Marinette I thought fainting was funny but this is way more funner!!

Plagg: Kid I can not believe you snore like that!!

Sugu: Aww....little piggy sleeps so cute!! 

Jake Hala: Oink oink..... 🐷 

Marinette: That is not funny!! 😡 

Jake Hala: Ok ok ok it is not funny.....it is adorable!! 

Sugu: So adorable!! 

Marinette: Hmph...... 😤 

Jake Hala: Oh come on blueberry it was adorable even more adorable when you blush. 

Marinette: I........I...I.....I...wh.....whaa....what!!(Marinette blushing more red) 

Jake Hala: Yup still cute when you blush.(Jake saids to his girlfriend while he gets a hard punch to the arm by her) 

Jake Hala: OW!! 

Marinette: Hmph......you deserve that sweetie(Marinette saids with a smirk) 

Jake Hala: Yea I kind of had that one coming and yes I did deserve that sorry blueberry.(Jake said while rubbing his arm after that hard punch from Marinette) 

Marinette: You have to earn the apology back big boy. 

Jake Hala: Fine what do you want my beautiful Ladybug. 

Marinette: Oh I am not gonna tell you now but it will come soon just wait and see but I do forgive you for now because I love you so much. 

Jake Hala: I love you too Marinette but seriously what is that you want though. 

Marinette: Smirk........I am not telling you until the time is right and Sugu is part of this as well since we both agreed to it right Sugu. 

Sugu: Smirk.......Absolutely my friend sorry Jake but we can not tell you. 

Jake Hala: Seriously?! oh come on!! 

Sugu and Marinette: Sorry my Spider!!(And with that both Sugu and Marinette went to get ready for the day while leaving Jake with the two kwami's in the room) 

Jake Hala: You two know what they are planing? 

Tiki: Actually we don't know either, Marinette never said anything to us. 

Plagg: Yea this a girls thing that I want nothing part of so for now I gonna get some cheese. 

Tiki: Ooo I'll join you Sabine is making me some new cookies for me to try. 

With that both kwami's left the room leaving Jake alone while thinking what his girlfriends are planing together. 

Jake Hala: What are they planing for me........hmmmmmm. You know I might have to put that on hold for now but for now it is time to get ready for the day. 

Down in the bakery: 

Sabine: Can you believe it Tom, it has been two weeks and there was no Akuma's anywhere as well as no Hawk Moth terrorizing Paris. 

Tom: Absolutely honey and it is all thanks to our beautiful daughter Marinette and our future son in law Jake. I could already imagined their kids running around in their future home and us being grandparents. 

Sabine: Don't forget Sugu because I would like to be a grandmother for her children as well including our daughter. 

Tom: Oh by the way are we into agreement about us moving to Jakes world because since there is no more Akuma's in Paris, I think it is time for change for us and to open up a brand new bakery that is bigger than this one. 

Sabine: Why of course, I agree as well since Jake told us that his Paris is different from ours I wonder what kind of bakery would be perfect to move to and a place for our daughter to start her fashion designer dream. 

Tom: Absolutely sweetie, once they come down we can give them the big news!!

Sabine: Yes, and I could teach our daughter and Sugu how to be a perfect mothers to our future grandchildren. 

Tom: Oh and to also meet our future in laws because I would like to meet Jakes parents as well as his brother Roy. 

Sabine: So do I Tom so do I. 

After their conversation, Jake, Sugu, Marinette including the kwami's came down to meet with them but to see happy smiles on their faces which confuses them to what they are thinking. 

Marinette: Mom, Dad, what is going on and why are you smiling at us like that?

Jake Hala: Is there something you two wanted to tell us? 

Sabine: Tom should I tell them or should you.(Sabine whispers to her husband) 

Tom: Why not you tell them honey.(Tom saids to his wife) 

Sugu: What is going on you two? 

Sabine: Marinette sweetie, me and your father have been talking a lot about your relationship with Jake and well........

Marinette: Mom......is something wrong........with Jake....(Marinette saids and looks on the verge of tears) 

Tom: Oh NO NO!! there is nothing wrong with your relationship with Jake here Marinette. 

Marinette: Then what is it that you wanna tell me? 

Sabine: Marinette, we decided to move to Jakes universe and start a brand new bakery company and for you to start your dream as a fashion designer. 

Tom: As well to be with the man you love with all your heart including Sugu as well since we love her as well. 

Marinette couldn't believe what her parents have just said to her, they decided to move to Jakes world and for her to start her dream as a professional fashion designer. Jake couldn't believe it either that both parents agreed to move to his universe and to let their daughter be with him. Sugu looked like on the verge of crying since she loves both Tom and Sabine for being such wonderful people to her and Jake. 

Marinette: M.....mm....mom, are you saying what you are saying and please tell me it is true.(Marinette saids with tears of joy coming down her face) 

Sabine: Marinette our beautiful daughter, we decided to live in Jakes universe and to start a brand new life together.(Sabine saids to her daughter who looked on the verge of crying) 

Tom: And I want to meet our future son in laws parents as well as his brother!!(Tom saids while Jake blushes of being called son in law) 

Marinette: Mommy, Daddy..............

Sabine and Tom: Yes our wonderful designer.(Tom and Sabine said in union and than saw their daughter run to them and gave them a warm love hug) 

Marinette: I LOVE YOU GUYS SOO MUCH!!😭this is the happiest day of my life!! 

Tom: We love you to sweetie and we want you to be happy with the man you love. 

Sabine: Jake, Sugu, Tiki, and Plagg come over here and join the hug since you are part of the family now.(Sabine saids to the trio and they walk towards the family and they all hugged together) 

Sabine: Oh one more thing, Marinette, Sugu I think it is time I tell you two how to become perfect mothers for our future grandchildren.(Sabine saids to the girls who blushed really red while Tom and Jake laugh at what Sabine said) 

Sugu and Marinette: MOM!!/SABINE!!(Blushing really red) 

Jake Hala: Yup still cute when they blush. 

Tom: I couldn't agree more, it is so adorable. 

Sugu and Marinette: DAD!!/JAKE!!

Tom and Jake: Hahahahahaha!! 

Tiki: Wait what about the miraculous Marinette? 

Plagg: Yea who is gonna take care of the other kwami's? 

Marinette: I already had that figured out you two. 

Tiki: What do you mean Marinette? 

Marinette: Come on let us go meet everyone at Luka's place and you will see what i mean. 

Tiki/Plagg/Jake/Sugu: Alright!


At Luka's place: 

Marinette has invited all of her friends including Chloe so she can tell them the news about how she and her parents are leaving her world and moving to Jakes world along with his team mates Blizzard Bear and Tyranno. But to also spend more time with them before leaving for Jakes world and Jake did promise to show them the two Narnia movies as well since none of them heard them before. 

Nino: So dudette why did you invite all of us to Luka's place? 

Luka: I am wondering the same thing as well melody. 

Marinette: Well there is something that I need to tell all of you since I already told you about me being Ladybug and well as Jake being Katipo from another universe along with his friends here Blizzard Bear and Tyranno. 

Blizzard Bear: True on that sister. 

Tyranno: Agreed

Ivan: So what is it that you wanted to tell us Marinette?

Rose: Yea? 

Marinette: Well the first thing is that I am giving all you back your miraculous and you can become the heroes again just in case a different enemy comes to Paris. 

Alya: Marinette are you serious!!(Alya saids with excitement but still looked at her with confusion) 

Chloe: I get to be Queen Bee again!! 

Kim: I get to be King Monkey!!

Max: I get to be Pegasus again awesome!!

Kagime: But why all of sudden Marinette is something happening. 

Mylene: Yea are you feeling alright, you look a little whats the world?

Alix: On the verge to panic?

Juleka: No more like nervous to say something serious. 

Marc: Marinette you can tell anything were your friends after all. 

Nathaniel: Yea what is you gotta say to us we will understand. 

Marinette: Breath.......ok that truth is that I am leaving Paris and starting my new life as fashion designer and to be with Jake. 

Luka: Marinette that sounds wonderful!!

Max: Yea why do you look upset though. 

Alya: I know why she is(Alya along with Rose, Mylene, Juleka, Alix, already know what Marinette is gonna do) 

Nino: You do babe what is it? 

Alya: Marinette is leaving Paris but.....

Marinette: I am leaving Paris and going to live with Jake in his universe along with his friends and my parents already agreed to go as well.(Marinette said while all of her friends look at her in shocked while some already know and give their blessing to go) 

Nathaniel: Wait so that mean we will never see you again. 

Marc: And we never see you as Ladybug ever either. 

Chloe: And we won't be best bug buddies forever!!(everyone looks at her confused) 

Ivan: That means we wont get to see you during school or at graduation. 

Marinette: Actually I graduated early since I did all my assignments and completed every course. 

Kagime: Well you are smart after all. 

Luka: Still it wont be the same without you here with us. 

Nino: And you will never return and come visit us in the future. 

Jake Hala: AH...that where all of you are wrong. 

Everyone: Huh?!

Blizzard Bear: Guys we built devices to travel to other worlds and if Marinette misses you guys she can always visit you and spend time together. 

Tyranno: Yea, so you guys don't have to say goodbye forever she will always visit you guys including us as well. 

Alya: REALLY!! 

Rose: So we don't have to say goodbye after all!! 

Jake Hala: That is correct my friends, we will visit you guys time to time to see how you guys are doing and we will also spend time with you during the holidays as well. 

Kim: You guys better visit us during vacation times as well. 

Alix: Yea we still want you Jake as our work out buddy. 

Jake Hala: Hahahaha, I can't say no to that work out buddies. 

Marinette: So do you guys give my blessing to live with Jake in his world. 

Everyone: Of course we will Marinette!!(Everyone said to Marinette and cries tears of joy and runs up to them and formed a group hug) 


Alya: So when are you guys planing on leaving and i hope it's not now though. 

Marinette: No were leaving in about five days so thats plenty of time to spend the rest of my life with you guys and have fun together. 

Nino: Good enough for me dudette!!

Jake Hala: Then it is settled. 

Rose: Oh guys guess what today is!! 

Ivan: what is it Rose? 


Alya: Oh yea, Jake and Sugu are going to show us movies from their universe and let's just say guys that the movie we seen was absolutely amazing and they will be showing all three of them to us. 

Luka: Really what are the movies from your universe called Jake? 

Jake Hala: The movies are called The Chronicles of Narnia The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe, The Chronicles of Narnia Prince Caspian, and The Chronicles of Narnia Voyage of Dawn Trader. 

Sugu: Each of them has magic, adventure, action, war, romance, and fantasy. 

Tyranno: Those movies are absolutely spectacular you guys will love them. 

Blizzard Bear: I couldn't agree more. 

Jake Hala: Here I'll pull up some images of the covers. 

When Jake pulled up the images for the movies, everyone was amazed of what they were seeing and wan to see what these movies from Jakes world was about. 

Luka: Wow these movies look epic to watch. 

Kagime: I want to see what kind wars are in each one. 

Max/Kim/Ivan: Totally awesome!!

Chloe: It even shows royalty which I like. 

Sabrina: I wonder if they have talking animals in these movies. 

Jake Hala: Well since you guys like the movies let us watch the first one The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe and then we can watch the sequels after words sound go to you. 

Everyone: Yess!!

Tyranno: I will get the pop corn!!

Kim: I will get the seats ready for the movie!!

Luka: I will set up the screen and the speakers. 

While everyone was getting ready for movie day, Marinette and Jake looked at each other with smiles and happniess that Marinette's friends agreed to her decision as well as her parents. 

Marinette: This is the happiest day of my life and it all thanks to you my love 💋(Marinette saids to Jake and kisses him on the cheek)

Jake Hala: Hey I do what I can for the girls I love in my life you and Sugu.

Sugu: That is true sweetie and we both love you dearly. 

Jake Hala: I know you and can you two now tell what you have planed for me. 

Sugu and Marinette: NOPE! sorry not happening. 

Jake Hala: Dang it!! 

Sugu and Marintte: Hahahaha!! WE LOVE YOU JAKE!

Jake Hala: Yea yea I love you too.(Jake saids while pouting before kissing both his girls on the head) 

Tiki: Those three are made for each other. 

Plagg: I agree with that sugar cube. 

Chapters 15 and 16 coming soon!!

Katipo/Jake Hala, Sugu, Blizzard Bear, Tyranno:95nicholasnm

Miraculous: Thomas Astruc 

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