A Spider meets a Bug from another universe! Part 15

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(Artwork done by me:95nicholasnm) ☝️

Once everyone at Luka's place got ready to watch the Chronicles Of Narnia, the first film it was time to see what everyones reaction to the film since the only people who saw it were Marinette, Sugu, Jake Hala, Rose, Mylene, Juleka, Alix, Alya, Tiki, and Plagg.

Jake Hala: Alright everyone ready to watch the fist Narnia movie!(Jake saids to everyone on the boat)

Everyone: Heck Yea!!

Sugu: Then let the movie begin!!

While everyone was getting settled in Marinette and Sugu move close to Jake so they can be with the one they love in which Jake found very confutable to have the girls that he loves the most while watching their favorite film together along with their friends. Once the movie was getting to the good parts everyone was like awe, that they never seen such a fabulous film in their life which they enjoyed Lucy meeting Mr.Thomas, the talking animals, the children meeting the Narnians as well as Aslan, the white witch, but were sadden that the witch killed Aslan and when the battle was about to start they could only hope what was going to happen next.

Example of the movie battle:

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Once the battle for Narnia shown, everyone that was watching thought with amazement and how the soundtrack blended in with the scene.

Luka: Wow the soundtrack is absolutely incredible, I never heard such melodies.(Luka thought)

Alix: Yup still loving the battle scene even more.(Alix thought)

Kim: Woah! this is the most epic battle scene I have ever scene?!(Kim thought with excitement)

Mylene: I loved how Peter included Aslan name to the scene.(Mylene thought)

Chloe: That white witch is kind of freaky and that outfit pathetic.(Chloe insults the white witch)

Nino: Totally awesome!!(Nino thought)

Alya: Man this scene is even better a second time.(Alya thought still remembering when she first saw the movie)

Rose and Juleka: The killing part still scares me.(Both said in thought)

Ivan: Wow that centaur guy is amazing with those swords.(Ivan thought while looking at Oreius)

Max: That is one big army the white witch has.(Max thought as looking at the witches army)

Marc: I hope that have a book about this movie, because I would like to come up with a story about a fantasy world.(Marc thought and yes they do have a book for Narnia)

Nathaniel: My mind is brainstorming with new ideas for my illustrations.(Nathaniel thought while writing down some ideas for a new illustration)

Sabrina: I still can't get over the talking animals in this film they are incredible.(Sabrina thought while looking at the animals in the film)

Kagime: I really enjoy the fight scene and those swords skills were interesting.(Kagime thought while looking at the swords movements)

While everyone was thinking of how this movie was looking Marinette and Sugu snuggled closer to Jake because they love being next to him while watching such an epic movie. When the Narnia movie was close to the end to where Peter was facing the white witch and Aslan returns to save Peter, Marinette couldn't help but think about that scene to where Aslan saved Peter almost reminds her of how Jake saved her Adrien from turning rogue which she still can not get over but it did brought her happiness and protection that Jake will always be there for her. Once everyone saw that Lucy used the juice of the phenix flower to cure her brother Edmund injury, both the boys and girls were crying over the most beautiful scene of all the children coming together and never leaving each other. Then in the scene where Peter, Lucy, Edmund, and Susan became kings and queens of Narnia, Aslan left the castle to where Lucy and Mr.Thomas were watching him leave but Thomas told her he will return in time which brought sadness and yet happiness to everyones face that the great lion will return someday; then in the last scene it shows the children all grown up and are chasing after stag in the woods while they look upon a familiar lamp that they did not see for a long time in which Lucy wander off with her siblings following her to where they came across the wardrobe again and they turned back into their younger selves in which mean they have left the world of Narnia. Towards the end of the film Lucy walks up the wardrobe again and tries to go back into Narnia but fails until she sees the good doctor and they both left the room in which the wardrobe glows bright and Aslan's roar was herd. The first movie was finished and Jake went up to everyone and asked how did they like the movie.

Jake Hala: So what did you guys think of the movie?

Ivan: That

Marc: Was

Nathaniel: The

Chloe: Most

Max: Incredible

Kim: Spectacular

Sabrina: Fantasy

Kagime: Movie


Everyone: Totally Amazing!!

Sugu: Were happy that you guys love it now how would you like to see the trailer for sequel before we watch the movie so you will get an understanding of whats happening.

Luka: That would be great Sugu

Sugu: Very well then, Jake play the trailer for Chronicles Of Narnia Prince Caspian.(Sugu said to her boyfriend)

Jake Hala: You got it babe.(Jake said to Sugu and clicked play to which the trailer was being shown)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Trailer for Chronicles of Narnia Price Caspian still can not get over it even after watching the movie)

Once the trailer ends everyone was like wow this was going to be even epic then the first film and couldn't believe where the next adventure to Narnia was taking place.

Max: Woah!, it was one year for them and in Narnia it was thirteen hundred years, that is a long time.

Marc: Yea and what happened to the castle called Cair Paravell?

Nathaniel: Who were those soldiers in the blue and silver armor they don't look very friendly?

Rose/Alix/Juleka/ALya/Mylene: I think those are the Telmarines that Sugu told us about.(All said in thought while remembering what Sugu said to them about Narnia was invaded by humans)

Nino: Dude this is a whole new level of excitement!!

Ivan: I think this second film would be even better than the first film maybe?

Luka: Looks like were gonna see Aslan again.

Kagime: Those soldiers wearing the blue armor looked like something from the Rome year.

Chloe: Wow Prince Caspian looks so handsome!!

Sabrina: What I can tell is that the battle scene would be epic as it did in the first film.

Tiki: Wow was that a water guardian I just saw.

Plagg: I can not get over Aslan's roar anymore!

Marinette: This version of the second film is gonna be very interesting to see.(Marinette smiles while thinking about the trailer she seen for the second film)

Jake Hala: Ok everyone since you all seen the trailer, it is time to watch the movie are you ready for another adventure in the world of Narnia!!

Everyone: Yess!!

Jake Hala: Then let the movie begin!!

Once the movie begins everyone was filled with excitement about how this film was gonna turn out. The movie started off where the young prince fled from the castle because his uncle was blessed with a son and his men were sent to kill the the prince but he escaped when his professor gave him the horn that belong to Queen Susan in which he took it and fled into the woods in which the men that the princes uncle told them to execute the boy chased after him and the prince fell off the horse and seen two small beings looked at him with shocked and they were dwarves from the old Narnia; once they looked upon the prince one of the dwarves went to fight off the soldiers while the other was instructed to take care of the boy until the young prince blew the horn in which the dwarf knocked him out. The horn was to call the Kings and Queens of old to return to Narnia. Once Peter, Lucy, Susan, and Edmund come back into Narnia they find out that Cair Paravell was attacked and fell into ruin in which they did not know what has happened after they left, by the time they got their gear from their chest that still remained untouched they came to the beach shore and saw two soldiers about to drop the dwarf that attack them last night into the water to drown until the Kings and Queens saved him and told them what has happened for the past few hundreds years since they left and couldn't believe that a group of men called the Telmarines invaded Narnia and killed the Narnians but some that survived the battle retreated into the woods to live in hiding until the time was right to reveal themselves once again. During the other scenes of the film the young prince known as Prince Caspian the tenth found the old Narnians and asked them for help to retake the Telmarine throne and bring peace between them and the Narnians to restore the glory once again. Following the film, the Kings and Queens meet the Caspian and took them them to Aslan's How where the stone table was and talked about a invading the castle in which turned out horrible and they lost half of their armies while trying to free Caspian's friend and trying to escaped the carnage of the Telmarines; also it showed that Caspian's uncle Miraz was declared King and his armies marched to where the Narnians are hiding. But what shocked everyone the most was that the white witch has also returned in the film and needed one drop of Adam's blood so she can be free from her ice prison but that didn't happened since the Kings and Queens manage to stop the ritual and destroyed the witch again. Then once the battle between the Narnians and the Telmarines began, everyone was looking at the most epic battle that was even seen and it was on the same level as the first film minus the the trees coming to life and the eiver god coming out of the water and taken the life of the man who killed Miraz. Everyone were also happy that Aslan has also returned to save the lives of the Prince and the kings and queens of old along with their friends. But towards the end of the film, Caspian was named King of Narnia and the original Kings and Queens went back home until Peter said that Lucy and Edmund will come back but not him and Susan since they have their own lives to go back to in which Caspain was sadden that Susan was leaving but earned a goodbye kiss from her, but really what really upset everyone that is how Lucy and Aslan were looking at each other one last time before departing. The film ended with Peter, Lucy, Susan, and Edmund leaving on the train while Aslan's roar was heard once more. The film ended and Jake could see their faces that had tears and happiness as well as excitement to what they just saw.

Jake Hala: So? how did you guys like the second film?

Rose and Juleka: It.........was........😭(Rose and Juleka trying to say while having tears in their eyes)

Kim: The most.......the most........

Kagime: I couldn't....believe.....what I was seeing.......in front of me.

Marc and Nathaniel: Wow.....just....that...was.....

Chloe: I......I....I.....I...😭.........it.......was....(Chloe like Rose and Juleka couldn't say what they just watched)

Ivan: I never....seen...such.....

Sabrina: 😭...........no words......

Luka: Such a melody and yet such sadness but happiness as well.

Alix/Mylene/Alya/Max: IT WAS BEAUTIFUL!! 😭(All said together)

Marinette: That was....the most...😭....amazing movie I ever watched in my life and it had the same feeling in the first film!!

Tiki: So beautiful so beautiful.......

Plagg: That was quite something.........

Sugu: So do you guys like the movie?

Everyone: WE LOVED IT!!(everyone scream with excitement while tears still coming down their faces)

Jake Hala: You guys need some tissues?(Jake asked everyone)

Everyone: Yes please!!(Jake handed everyone tissues in which they started to calm down from what they just watched)

While everyone was calming down, Marinette was being hugged by her boyfriend who was trying to relax her since she was crying a lot more than everyone else. Once she settled down and went back to her seat with Sugu, Jake told everyone that he was gonna put on the last film called the Chronicles Of Narnia The Voyage of Dawn Treader.

Jake Hala: Ok! is everyone settle in and everyone is ok now?

Everyone: Yea were good!!

Jake Hala: Great I am gonna put on the trailer for the last film and see how you guys like it.

Everyone: Ok!!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(The trailer for Chronicles of Narnia The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, I still think the first and second film were the best, the third not so much)

Once the trailer was finished, Jake saw everyones faces with somewhat confused and yet some looked happy while some look disappointed to which Jake and Sugu already know since the third didn't turn out that well but there were some things in the film that were ok while the rest not so much.

Jake Hala: So what you think?

Chloe: I can not believe the witch is back again!! Ridiculous Utterly Ridiculous!!

Max: They made Aslan too much three dimensional and everything didn't looked that well.

Rose and Juleka: I agree!!

Alix: Yea there were no battle scenes that were shown so that sucked.

Kim: Yea!

Kagime: I was kind of hoping for more sword fighting.(Kagime said looking down in disappointment)

Marc: The water mermaids and the glowing sword were great.

Nathaniel: Ooo I did like those mermaids and that guy who blended himself with the background.

Alya and Mylene: Yea this film is um........

Ivan: Stupid?

Sabrina: Not enough real stuff in the movie.

Luka: Not a very good film to watch.

Nino: I was gonna say it dose not seem like a great film to watch either due to the fact it basally them on the water.

Marinette: Yea sorry sweetie, but we are gonna have to pass on that film.(Marinette saids to her boyfriend who nods in agreement)

Jake Hala: Yea i have to agree with you all, when me and Sugu seen it we thought it was an amazing movie but it turned out to be a big huge bummer.

Sugu: Yea I think the first and second film were a lot more better than this one.

Everyone: Agreed!

While everyone was continuing talking Luka and Juleka's mother Anarka said it was time to clean up since it was getting late but everyone wanted to watch another film that Jake and Sugu brought.

Anarka: Come on kids it is getting late and it is time to clean up!

Everyone except for Sugu and Jake: All man!!

Jake Hala: Hey don't worry guys hows about tomorrow we can all go to the amusement park and then afters we can watch my favorite movie James Cameron's Avatar. It is the most polar movie to watch back at home and it has a lot of action, drama, adventure, some violence; here is an image of what it looks like.

Everyone: WOAH!!

Nino: Now that is a movie I would like to see.

Max: I hope it has something that I would like.

Sugu: Wanna see the trailer before we leave.

Everyone: Yess!!

Sugu: Great!(Sugu saids and plays the trailer for Avatar)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Trailer for Avatar which is still my favorite movie and can not wait for the sequels!)

Once the trailer ended, everyone was blown away by this movie and couldn't believe what they just saw.

Max: Ok!! now I am very happy that it is a movie that I would love to watch.

Nino: Woah! Dude this movie is awesome!!

Marinette: And those beings called the Na'vi are such beautiful creatures and the world they live on is amazing!!

Alya: Yea the way their world glows in the dark is epic!!

Blizzard Bear and Tyranno: It is!!


Chloe: Well I am not much of a fan of Scfi movie but this looks like a good movie to watch don't you agree Sabrina.

Sabrina: Absolutely and the creatures look so much like a fantasy.

Kagime: These Na'vi look like great warriors.

Luka: I wonder what the soundtrack is like in this film.

Ivan: Oh sweet!

Rose: I would like to see the romance in this film.

Juleka: I agree as well as Rose.

Mylene: This movie is gonna be great to watch tomorrow!

Jake Hala: I am glad you guys feel that way.

Sugu: Yea and we look forward to see you guys tomorrow to watch the movie and go to the amusement park as well.

Marinette: Yea but for now let's clean up and head home since it is getting late.

Everyone: Right!(everyone saids and start cleaning up while Marinette and Sugu talk about their gift for Jake when they get home)

Sugu: You ready to surprise Jake with our gift.(Sugu saids with a smirk)

Marinette: Yes I am but I am still nervous and it could be my first time.

Sugu: Hey it is ok to be nervous thats the whole point but you will enjoy it when it happens.

Marinette: Ok I will thanks Sugu

Sugu: Your welcome Marinette

When everyone has finished cleaning up and saying goodbye to everyone as well as took back their miraculous, Sugu, Marinette, and Jake along with Tiki and Plagg went home. Once they got home they found a note from Marinette's parents saying they wont be home till tomorrow because they stayed over their friends place for dinner which means they have the house to themselves. Jake decided to head to his room before Marinette and Sugu told Tiki and Plagg that they will be sleeping with Jake tonight and the two went to sleep in Marinette's room while the two girls get ready for Jakes surprise gift.

Jake Hala: Man what a day that was......yawn!....now it is time to get some.....(Jake didn't finish because there was knock on his door)


Jake Hala: Yea!

Sugu: Sweetie it's me and Marinette we were wondering if we can sleep with you tonight.

Marinette: And we got a surprise for you as well.

Jake Hala: Yea sure but what is the surprise though and is it that thing you two were not gonna tell me about.

Sugu: Yup thats right babe!

Marinette: But close your eyes and no peeking!

Jake Hala: Ok ok.....door is open you can come, and my eyes are closed.(When Jake said that both Marinette and Sugu walked in wearing something that would either shock their boyfriend or make him love them more)

Jake Hala: Ok can I open my eyes now?

Sugu: Yes you can my love(Sugu saids to her lover)

Jake Hala: Ok but what is the surp........😳🔥 .........(Jake stop what he was saying the blushed really red at what both his girlfriends were wearing in front of him)

(Artwork done by me:95nicholasnm)

Marinette: Hehehehe!, hello our spider, you ready for your gift!

Jake Hala: I.....I....I...?!

Sugu: Like what you see Jake because I know you do.

Jake Hala: I....I.....well...I...you...you two ....look!!(Jake couldn't finish talking until both Sugu and Marinette jump on him and started make out with him)

Sugu: 💋....We will take that as a yes babe 💋(Sugu saids while kissing her man)

Marinette: 💋And judging by how your face looks it means you like it.

Jake Hala: Yea I can not fight it anymore and you two do look absolutely attractive and gorgeous!! 💋(Jake saids to his girlfriends and gave both a kiss on the lips which they begin to make out)

Sugu and Marinette separated from the kiss from their boyfriend and whisper something in his ear that made him confused.

Sugu and Marinette: Jake let's do it.(Both whispers to their boyfriends ear)

Jake Hala: Do what? Continue to make out?(Sugu and Marinette looked at Jake with a questionable look)

Marinette: Do wha-what do you think?(Marinette asked Jake, and she couldn't believe that he can not be serious about a guy that can turn into a spider theme hero for crying out loud)

Jake Hala: Sugu, Marinette honestly I don't know what you two mean?

Sugu: You can not be serious babe? you don't know what do it means?

Jake Hala: Am I missing something here Sugu and Blueberry?(Jake saids to the girls then they both leaned in and whisper something in his ear again)

Sugu and Marinette: Jake, we want to make love now.(They both said to Jake and then the lightbulb hit him and made him blush as well as popped up)

Jake Hala: You...two...and...m...me..ma...make love?!(Jake couldn't believe it though he did say to Marinette that he wasn't ready for that yet but what changed her mind including Sugu's)

Marinette: Jake, you be so good to me and Sugu and I thought I have lost you in the final battle against Shadow Moth which almost broke our hearts. If something happened to you, I wouldn't be able to live with myself.(Marinette saids while trying to undo Jakes clothes but stop a little while and looked down in sadness)

Jake Hala: It's just...I thought that you two would want it to be more special?(Jake saids while Sugu puts a hand on his face)

Sugu: Jake, doing this with you for the first time will make it special and we both love for who you turned out to be.

Marinette: A wonderful human being who would protect the girls he loves and wont let anything happened to them. 💋(Marinette saids to Jake and kisses him on the lips while he squeezes Sugu's hand and pulls both of them into a deep kiss)

Jake Hala: Okay..(Jake smiles at both of them)

Marinette: Great!, now help us get these clothes off you before we rip them off you!!(Marinette saids with crazy love)

Jake took off his clothes and the only thing remaining was his boxers as well showing off his muscle body and abs which made both Sugu and Marinette blush really red.

Jake Hala: Hehehehehe!, does that help?

Sugu: Oh shut up honey.

Marinette: Now it is our turn!(Both girls took their shirts off and were both naked in front of their boyfriend in which Jake blushed redder than Nathaniels hair)

Time Skipped: (Ps I am not adding lemon parts to the story so I will not add those)

Both Jake Hala, Sugu, and Marinette laid in bed together, naked, sweaty and while both girls were grinning like crazy after the night that had with their boyfriend and couldn't believe it was absolutely amazing.

Marinette: I...wow...that was...wow...(Marinette said trying to catch her breath of what she had with Jake)

Sugu: That...was...absolutely......incredible....wow...just..wow..(Sugu said grinning while trying to breath as well after her fun with Jake)

Jake Hala: Hehehehe!, I will take that as a compliment from the both of you I guess.(Jake saids to both Sugu and Marinette who smile at him)

Sugu: You were incredible Jake...

Jake Hala: You two were incredible.

Marinette: Hehehe!, and you know we both loved it, now cuddle us sweetie.(Marinette saids to Jake and begins to cuddle them)

Jake Hala: Whatever my ladies wish.

Marinette and Sugu: I love you Jake!(Both said in union)

Jake Hala: I love you girls too 💋(Jake saids to the girls kisses them goodnight)

Jake Hala: Yawn!..goodnight girls.

Marinette and Sugu: Goodnight my love!

With that all three of them wen to sleep and couldn't wait till tomorrow to got the amusement park with their friends and see the movie Avatar.

Chapter 16 coming soon!

Katipo/Jake Hala, Sugu, Blizzard Beard, Tyranno:95nicholasnm

Miraculous: Thomas Astruc

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