A Spider meets a Bug from another universe! Part 16

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After a wonderful night with their friends and having a lovely night together at the bakery, both Sugu and Marinette enjoyed the night with their boyfriend Jake Hala and could not wait for the day to where they and their friends are going to the amusement park to have a really fun time without having to deal with Akuma's or crazed up super villains. 

Dupain Cheng Bakery: 10:34 am 

It was a wonderful morning and both girls were up with great big smiles on their faces and making breakfast for their special someone who is still sleeping after the night they had with each other. 

Marinette: You think Jake would love our breakfast that we are making for him Sugu. 

Sugu: You bet he will after the fun we had with him last night and it felt really amazing.(Sugu saids while still thinking about that moment last night) 

Marinette: Yea, that was absolutely incredible, Jake made me feel like a woman and I couldn't be any happier by the thought of it.(Marinette thinking about the moment as well as Sugu) 

Sugu and Marinette: Oh my Spider!!(Both said in union while in love) 

While they were still thinking about their moment with Jake they continue to finish making the food for him while he is still in bed sleeping. Meanwhile the kwami's known as Tiki and Plagg were watching them make breakfast while Tiki the thought of what her holder did was out of the question along with Sugu. 

Tiki: I can not believe you two have down that?!!(Tiki said with a glare while her friend next to her is eating cheese) 

Sugu: Oh relax Tiki, and besides if you were able to turn into human form, you too would know what it is like to feel the pleasure.(Sugu saids to Tiki who looks blushes really hard at what Sugu just said to her while Marinette giggles and so does Plagg) 

Tiki: I.....I.......I.WHATT?!!!(Tiki blushes redder than what she already is) 

Plagg and Marinette: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! 

Plagg: Good one! Sugu, still I don't know what the big deal is Tiki if they want to have fun with their love life you should just let them and not bug about it.(Plagg saids while eating cheese) 

Marinette: He has a point Tiki, and I am at  that age to do what I want to do, besides Jake means everything to the both of us and we both love him dearly. 

Sugu: It's true sis. 

Tiki: Ok fine.......but next time do it quietly so I don't have to hear your moaning as well as your screaming, I hardly got any sleep last night because of you three. 

Sugu and Marinette: Hehehe, sure no problem Tiki!! 

Tiki: Thank you, now don't you think you two should wake up a certain someone out of bed.

Marinette: Oh yea your right and we just about finished the food, shale we Sugu. 

Sugu: Yes let's go wake up our man!

Both Marinette and Sugu got the food and went to Jakes room to wake him up and to hand him his morning breakfast that both girls have made for him. 

Tiki: Sigh.....those two are not gonna change are they.

Plagg: Nope their grown women now thats how they do things even though one is a human and the other is half human and half kwami. 

Tiki: They may have gave me a bad night sleep but I love them equally. 

After Tiki saids this, two more kwami's joined in the conversation and their names are Nooroo and Duusu who used to be the kwami's that belong to Mayura and Hawk Moth. 

Duusu: HEY!! what did we miss this time Tiki!!

Tiki: Oh nothing much just that two girls who were making breakfast for their special boyfriend who is still asleep after what they did which I can not stop thinking about.(Tiki saids to Duusu who groans over what happened between the girls and Jake) 

Nooro: Well I though it was beautiful that both Marinette and Sugu enjoyed their time with Jake and even expressing how much they love each other. I also couldn't thank them for saving me from Gabriel's torcher from using the butterfly miraculous for evil and not feeding me at all. 

Plagg: Yea that dude was the worst for using you guys for evil and not taking proper care of you, luckily our spider and ladybug saved both of you and brought back Emilee to stop all of this before things turn into chaos. 

Nooro: Yea, Jake Hala has such a kind and noble heart and he even fed me as well which I really appreciated him doing, since I haven't eaten anything in couple years. 

Tiki: That was very sweet of him, and I too am very fond of him for taking care both you and Duusu after the last battle against Shadow Moth. 

Duusu: Still we are very sorry for what he did to your holders as well as the other miraculous heroes. 

Tiki: Like we said Duusu it wasn't any of your faults, Gabriel was drawn into too much power and couldn't know how much danger he could cause if used that wish. 

Plagg: And thank heavens he is out of our lives and locked up in prison forever. 

Nooro/Dussu/Tiki: Yea thank goodness!

While the kwami's are continuing talking to each other, the girls known as Marinette and Sugu head towards Jakes room and are getting ready to precent their morning breakfast to their lover. 

Meanwhile in Jakes room: 

Jake Hala: MMMM..........Oh my head........what happened last night?(Jake saids while rubbing his head after what happened between him and his girlfriends) 

Jake Hala: Oh wait a minute.......now I remember, I did the thing with both Marinette and Sugu; and I couldn't believe it was both our first time having it.(Jake saids that he remembers what happened last night between him and his girlfriends) 

Jake Hala: Speaking of those two where are they?(Jake thought) 


Jake Hala: Come in!(Jake saids when both Marinette and Sugu come in with food in their hands while wearing big smiles on their faces) 

Sugu and Marinette: GOOD MORNING HONEY!! 

Jake Hala: Hehehe, good morning too you two sweet hearts, and did you two make all this for little old me. 

Sugu: Absolutely sweetie after the fun we had last night, we wanted to make something to show how much we love you. 

Marinette: And we hope you like what we made for you my spider.(Marinette saids while both her and Sugu show Jake his breakfast) 

(Blueberry pancakes with icing in the form of a spider web with maypole syrup) made by Sugu

(Heart shaped eggs with croissants along with a cup of warm milk in the shape of a heart as well) made by Marinette 

Jake Hala: Wow! you girls cook all of this by yourselves. 

Sugu: Well Marinette showed me how to cook while she was working on her master piece, thanks by the way. 

Marinette: Your welcome and yes my darling spider we did and I put all my heart and soul into making the best breakfast for you. 

Jake Hala: Awww you girls are so sweet and I love you both. 

Sugu and Marinette: We love you two Jake! 

Jake Hala: Man everything looks so good, I don't where to start? 

Marinette: Why don't you try Sugu's blueberry pancakes then you can try mine. 

Sugu: Would you like me to feed you my love. 

Jake Hala: Sugu I am not a baby, I can feed myself.(Jake saids to Sugu) 

Sugu: Awwww.....pretty please my love😘(Sugu saids while giving Jake the cutest puppy dog pout in which Jake couldn't say no to) 

Jake Hala: Sigh.....alright you may feed me Sugu

Sugu: YEAAA!! say ahhh....

Marinette: Oh come on I did the puppy dog pout on you and you said it didn't work but on Sugu seriously. 

Jake Hala: Well that is because Sugu gets more into it while saying lovely words to my face. 

Marinette: Note to self say lovely words to him besides giving him the look and then the pout.(Marinette thought) 

Sugu: Open wide sweetie

Jake Hala: Oh right sorry...ahhh(Jake saids while Sugu puts the food in his mouth and chews it) 

Sugu: So how do they taste Jake? 

Jake Hala: Wow! Sugu these are really good pancakes thank you. 

Sugu: Really!! 

Jake Hala: Absolutely babe


After Jake finished his delicious pancakes that Sugu made, it was time to try Marinette's breakfast and he couldn't wait to try it. 

Jake Hala: Alright now it is time to try yours Marinette. 

Marinette: Can.....can I feed...you as well Jake(Marinette saids while blushing a little) 

Jake Hala: Sure go ahead, you deserved it 

Marinette: YEAA!! now say ahhh....

Jake Hala: Ahhhh.......mmmmmm

Marinette: So how do you like my eggs and croissants 🥐 sweetie? 

Jake Hala: They takes very delicious blueberry!! thank you. 

Marinette: Do you really mean it!!(Marinette saids with a big smile)

Jake Hala: Absolutely my Ladybug, your cooking is really amazing and yours too Sugu. 

Sugu and Marinette: EEEEEEE!!!! THANK YOU JAKE!!

Jake Hala: Your welcome girls and also.........OW!!(Jake saids when he tries to get up and his body starts to sting and looks down and sees scratch marks all over his body) 

Marinette: Whats wrong my love? 

Sugu: Are you alright Jake? 

Jake Hala: Yea I am ok but I think you two went a little over board with the scratching my body because I have scratch marks all over the place including my back. 

Marinette: That is because we mark what is ours(Marinette saids with flirting tone) 

Sugu: And you are ours now Jake and that body belongs to us!(Sugu saids as well while Jake blushes red) 

Jake Hala: Thanks I think, by the way girls what time are we meeting up with the others at the amusement park? 

Sugu: Oh were meeting them around 1:30 so we have plenty of time to relax and since Marinette's parents come home and then went back out to spend some time together. We got the whole place to ourselves again. 

Marinette: And you know what that means Jake.

Jake Hala: What?(Jakes saids as both girls look at him with a lovely eyes while taking off their shirts showing Jake their amazing bodies in which he blushes more) 

Sugu: We both are still feeling a little more lovely since last night. 

Marinette: And we can go another wound right now our spider.

Sugu: So are you ready for round two sexy spider!(Sugu saids while Jake blushes) 

Jake Hala: Sigh....the things I do for love again

Sugu and Marinette: We will take that as a yes!

Jake Hala: Come here you two!! 

Sugu and Marinette: MY LOVE!!!(Both said while jumping into bed with Jake and going another wound until Tiki heard them from down the hall) 

Tiki: There at it again?!! SERIOUSLY!!! 

Time Skip:


After so many hours of doing the thing, both Marinette and Sugu as well as Jake were in bed snuggling again while trying to catch their breaths again after doing it a second time and check the time and it was 1:00 which means it was time to get up and get dressed to go to the amusement park. 

Marinette: Wow.......that was.....better than......the first time.....wow.....absolutely...amazing...💋 (Marinette saids while trying to catch her breaths and gave Jake a kiss on the cheek) 

Sugu: Jake....you are even.....more.....amazing.....than before.....thank you....💋(Sugu saids to Jake and gave him a peck on the lips) 

Jake Hala: Thanks girls again....but it looks like it is time to get up and start getting ready to go to the amusement park because it is 1:00 now. 

Marinette: Oh shoot your right we might as well get in the shower and get dressed!

Sugu: Right! 

Jake Hala: And next time we do it, stop digging your nails into my skin please!!

Sugu and Marinette: No promises!! 

When all three of them got out of bed and took their showers and got dressed, started to head out and meet their friends at the amusement park to have the fun of the life time, and unknown to them four other people were waiting for them as well, two girls and two boys. Anyway all three of them made it the amusement park and Jake and Sugu couldn't believe how amazing the park looks. 

Jake Hala: Wow so this your Paris's amusement park Marinette, it looks amazing. 

Sugu: Yea our amusement park wasn't this amazing in our world but this one tops if off Marinette. 

Marinette: Thanks guys, oh look theres Alya and Nino at the game stands!!(Marinette saids to them and spots ALya and Nino at a game stand) 

Sugu: Oh yea! looks like Nino is trying to win something for Alya. 

Jake Hala: Yo!! Alya, Nino we made it!!(Jake saids to both Alya and Nino who both look at the three with smiles) 

Nino: Dude and Dudettes! you made it!! and woah! Marinette did you change your look!!

Marinette: Thanks Nino, both Sugu and Jake gave me the idea for this new design and I could use a change.

(Artwork done by me:95nicholasnm and Marinette by Thomas Astruc) 

Alya: Girl! you look absolutely amazing and what does the words on your shirt mean?

Jake Hala: The letters on her shirt MDC are her initials Marinette..Dupain..Cheng. 

Alya: Wow!! Marinette that is really awesome!! and you totally match with both Sugu and Jake. 

Sugu: Thanks Alya, so what are you guys doing by any chance.

Nino: Oh I am trying to win this beautiful fox here a prize since I love her so much. 

Alya: Aww thanks Nino, I love you too 💋(Alya saids to Nino and kisses his cheek) 

Jake Hala: So Nino what you trying to win her? 

Nino: Oh that adorable stuff animal fox there(Nino saids while pointing at the fox plushy) 

Sugu: AWW...it looks soo cute!!

Alya: I just love foxes, they are small and adorable with their cute tiny faces. 

Jake Hala: They sure are Alaya, they sure are 

Marinette: I can see why you lov.........OH MY GOSH!!!(Marinette saids while screaming with excitement that got everyones attention) 

Nino: Woah what is it dudette? 

Alya: Yea Marinette, why did you scream all of sudden? 

Jake Hala: Hehehe, I believe she was screaming because of that and also I didn't know they were selling those in the first place.(Jake saids while pointing to the prizes in which everyone looked and saw what made Marinette scream with joy and it was a plushy of Katipo that was very adorable) 

(Artwork done by me:95nicholasnm) 

Alya: Woah I didn't know they were giving away plushies of your alternate ego Jake. 

Jake Hala: Neither did eye? 

Marinette: ITS SOO CUTE!!!

Jake Hala: Would you want me to win it for you sweetie.(Jake saids to Marinette) 

Marinette: Really!! 

Jake Hala: Judging by the look on your face sure why not. 

Marinette: Thank you Jake!! 

After a couple of tries on the game stand both Jake and Nino won their prizes for their girlfriends in which both girls loved their plushies very much. 

Alya: Awww it looks soo adorable, thanks Nino!

Nino: No problem babe

Marinette: OH MY GOSH IT IS SOO CUTE!!! I LOVE IT!! I LOVE IT!!(Marinette said while hugging her Katip plushy in which both Jake and Sugu giggle at Marinette's reaction) 

Jake Hala: I am glad you love it Marinette

Sugu: Yea I didn't know they were giving away stuff of Katipo? 

Nino: Well you guys did save all of Paris maybe that is a good reason to give away stuff that has to do with you. 

Alya: He does has a point you two

Jake Hala: You probably right on that Alya

While the five of them were talking a group of people come up to them and decided to say hello to them. 

Yooo!! Jake hows it going!! 

Jake Hala: Huh?(Jake saids as he turns and see it was his friends but without in costume along with their kwami's in their human forms which brought confusion towards Alya, Nino and Marinette) 

(Artwork done by me:95nicholasnm) 

Alya: Jake you know these guys? 

Marinette: Yea I never seen these group of people before in my life? 

Ryan Jason: Ouch Marinette, I cannot believe you have forgotten your favorite dino guy and bear girl already.(Ryan saids to Marinette who looked at him with more confusion until she release who she was looking at and couldn't believe it) 

Marinette: Wait a minute, Tyranno? Blizzard Bear?  

Alya and Nino: NO WAY?!! 

Jake Hala: I thought you guys said you weren't going to show everyone your real selves until we got home. 

Ryan: Yea well we got bored and though coming to the amusement park with you guys would be more fun in our identity selves. 

Alya: Woah is this what you guys look like under the mask. 

Lucia Thompson: Why of course Alya and our real names are Lucia Thompson and Ryan Jason. 

Nino: Awesome dudette and dude but who are those two next to you guys?

Sugu: Those two are their kwami's

Marinette: Seriously!! are these two who I think they are Jake.

Jake Hala: Yes

Snow: Yup that is right, my name is Snowflake but you guys can call me Snow for short, and I am Lucia's kwami. 

Swan: And my name is Swan, I am Ryan's kwami slash girlfriend.(Swan saids while holding Ryan's arm) 

Alya: Wow it is a pleasure to meet you all, would you guys like to join us for the fun of the life time. 

Snow: Heck yea, I am been itching for some fun all day. 

Swan: Same here, if I get to spend time with my man here and his friends. 

Ryan: I wouldn't have it any other way Swan 💋(Ryan saids and kisses Swan cheek which she giggles and blushes) 

Lucia: Than what are waiting for let hit those rides and party!!

Everyone: YEA!! 

When everyone started to play more games and having fun with other, as well as getting to know each other more and start to go on the rides which brought happy smiles to everyone, until Alya sees Marinette with a smile on her face and thinking about what she was smiling about or thinking about so she went up to ask her while everyone else was sitting down and chatting while eating food that they got from the food stands. 

Alya: Hey girl what are you smiling about or maybe thinking about? 

Marinette: Oh I was thinking about something that made me very happy including Sugu. 

Alya: Why did something last night? 

Marinette: Hmmm....maybe ❤️🥰(Marinette said while giving a lovely look towards Jake while Alya thinks for minute about what she said until her eyes went open like dinner plates and know what hey best friend did and couldn't believe it)

Alya: M....Marinette....did...you...did you and Sugu....you know.....do....the thing with....Jake(Alya saids while in shock) 

Marinette: EEEEEE!!!!🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


Marinette: Shhhhhh....not so loud they might hear you Alya. 

Alya: Sorry girl but seriously, did you actually do it 

Marinette: Why you think I wasn't? 

Alya: Um....no but what did it felt like doing it with Jake for the first time?

Marinette: Pleasure......lots and lots of pleaure 🥰🥰.....Jake made me feel like a woman❤️(Marinette saids with love in her eyes while Alya blushes red) 

Alya: My girl and Sugu has become a women.....😭.......I am so proud of you Marinette and Sugu.(Alya while tears come down her face as she is proud of both Marinette and Sugu)

Marinette: Thanks Alya though Jake was even more amazing a second time. 

Alya: Marinette please stop talking because your about to make me faint. 

Marinette: Hehehehe, sorry Alya it was our first time including Jakes as well and he too enjoyed it. 

Alya: Thats great to hear but make sure not to rush things to quickly ok girlfriend. 

Marinette: Sure thing Alya

Once both Marinette and Alya finished chatting with each other, they join everyone else and decided to go on the last ride before calling the day, they all went on the Ferris Wheel to see the view of Paris during a beautiful sunset in which both Ryan, Swan, Nino, Alya, Jake, Sugu, and Marinette really enjoyed while Lucia and Snow took some pictures of the site their seeing in front of them. 

Marinette: Wow this very beautiful don't you agree Jake(Marinette while leaning her head on Jakes shoulder as well as Sugu)

Jake Hala: Yea the colors look amazing this time of day in Paris even looking at with two girls i love in my life. 

Sugu: We love you too Jake and this is perfect just perfect. 

Jake Hala: Yea....

Sugu and Marinette: I love you Jake....

Jake Hala: And I love you too Marinette and Sugu....

After spending all day at the amusement park with Alya and Nino it was 10:45 pm and it was starting to get dark so both Alya and Nino said goodbye to everyone and headed home while leaving the others to do one last thing before calling it a day. 

Lucia: Hey guys hows about we get group selfie before calling it a night.

Snow: Now that sounds like an excellent idea Lucia

Marinette: Yea let's do it, I want to remember this moment forever with all of you. 

Jake Hala: Then let the picturing commence

With that everyone got together and took a group picture 

Ryan: Alright everyone say Heroes Forever!!


(Artwork done by me:95nicholasnm) 

With the picture taken and everyone got a copy, they all decided to call it a night and head home, and than when everyone got back to their place they all went to sleep and could not wait for another movie night with all their friends together before their new friends leave their universe along with a the bakeries family and daughter. 

Chapter 17 coming soon!

Katio/Jake Hala, Blizzard Bear/Lucia Thompson, Tyranno/Ryan Jason, Sugu, Snow, and Swan:95nicholasnm

Miraculous: Thomas Astruc 

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