A Spider meets a Bug from another universe Part 17

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After a fun day at the amusement park yesterday, the three heroes were enjoying a nice relaxing day in the park since they had nothing else to do but just sit back and enjoy the relaxation while cuddling close to each other. Marinette really enjoyed the park yesterday and her Katipo doll that Jake won her and she kept it in her bed where she can snuggle with it while thinking about her boyfriend, Sugu enjoyed the day as well and having to see her kwami friends in their human forms once again because they barley do it anymore with all the commotion happening in their Paris. Jake however really loved spending time with both his girlfriends including his best friends and new friends at the park yesterday and all of them got along pretty well even out of costume. So right now Jake, Sugu, Marinette along with the two kwami's Tiki and Plagg were enjoying their day while Marinette was working on a brand new design for her fashion career and something else for her special boyfriend which she will not tell him on the proper day and Jake was working on something on his new Laptop that he got thanks to the money he earned from working at the bakery along with Sugu.

Jake Hala: So my sweet little blueberry whats you working?

Marinette: Hehehe, I am working on some new fashion designs for my career and I hope in your universe they have a career for fashion designers like me. (Marinette saids while showing Jake her designs and asking him about the companies in his world) 

Jake Hala: That looks very beautiful and yes they do Marinette, there is about six different famous fashion companies out there and I can a sure you that you would choose the right one with someone who talented as you are. 

Marinette: Aww....thanks sweetie 💋and I what are the names of these fashion companies in your world.(Marinette saids while she gave Jake a kiss on the cheek)

Jake Hala: Hard to say there is a lot of them besides six, but the six that are more popular are Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent, Dior, Hermes, and Lanvin; those six are the most famous fashion companies of my world Marinette and make sure to choose the one bested for you. 

Marinette: I will and thanks for the info Jake, also what are you working on your new laptop my graphic man.

Jake Hala: Well right now I am working something for a candy company, so I am designing my very own chocolate bar boxes so that people can see if they would like to buy it, would you like to see Marinette since Sugu already knows about it. 

Marinette: Sure!

(Artwork done by me:95nicholasnm I took graphic classes during college) 

Jake Hala: I call it SPOTS named after a girl who I fell over heels for and not only she is a talented person but she is also a magnificent super hero but I prefer the real her more than the hero version. 

Marinette: Oh my gosh! you named this after me!! Jake I don't know what to say anymore but thank you!(Marinette saids while hugging her boyfriend) 

Jake Hala: Your welcome, I got the idea from how you say Tiki Spots On!, and then it it me; I was gonna do Ladybug but it turns out most of the merchandise already has Ladybug written all over them so I went with SPOTS instead with some Ladybug details as well. 

Marinette: I think it is a wonderful product Jake and by the way what kind of chocolate is this cover gonna be for?

Sugu: It is gonna be chocolate with raspberry filling.

Tiki: Oooooo, that sounds delicious! 🤤 

Plagg: Sugar Cube your drooling again!

Tiki: Ah! why does that always happened?!!

Jake/Marinette/Sugu/Plagg: Hahahahahahaha!!!!!

While everyone was laughing at Tiki's drooling problem, Jake needed to ask Marinette something about the last two kwami's and miraculous known as Nooroo and Duusu of who would be the holders for them since everyone else has got their miraculous back. 

Jake Hala: Hey Marinette can I ask you something and it has been bugging me for a while now?

Marinette: Sure what is it?

Jake Hala: Since you gave your friends their miraculous back, what are you planing on doing with Nooro and Duusu and who would be their new holders since Gabriel is now in prison and Natalie is longer around Paris. 

Marinette: Well now that you think about it I am not really sure yet. I honestly don't know who would be their new holders or who would be chosen since there is no one I know would take them in and since the peacock miraculous is fixed I just don't know Jake. 

Tiki: Don't worry Marinette, you will find the right people to the next holders for the butterfly and peacock miraculous it just take time and patience. 

Sugu: She is right you know, I think is best to wait and see what happens. 

Marinette: Your probably right guys, we should just wait and see for our selves. 

Plagg: Now that we got that out of the way, I am excited to see this Avatar movie you two were talking about to everyone!!

Marinette: Oh yea!, I am dying to know what the movie has in it Jake and I hope it is absolutely amazing. 

Jake Hala: Oh it does, but it might have violence, wars, killing, death, explosions, along with love making, romance, adventure. 

Marinette: I don't mind the love making, romance, explosions but the killing and death I will try to get used to. 

Tiki: Of course you choose the love making since you and Sugu enjoyed it twice in a row with Jake here.(Tiki saids while the three blush really red)

Plagg: Hahahaha!! its true you two were going all out on him like crazy with all the moaning and begging for more!!!

Sugu and Marinette: PLAGG/TIKKI!!(Girls scream while blushing redder) 

Jake Hala: Ok that is enough! can we all just sit back and enjoy this wondering evening together without that stuff involved please. 

Sugu/Marinette/Tiki/Plagg: Sorry Jake!

Jake Hala: It is ok now hows about we all have some lunch that I made for everyone and Plagg I put your cheese in separate basket just for you. 

Plagg: Sweet!! 

Marinette: You made us lunch, aww you are the best boyfriend girls like us could have. 

Sugu: It is so romantic of you sweetie 💋(Sugu saids while kissing Jake on the lips) 

Jake Hala: Alright, I have the pork ham and cheese croissant, Tiki you get the cookie sandwiches, Sugu the strawberry sandwiches, Plagg you get one big camembert and Marinette I made you an egg and cheese sandwich with lettuce and tomato. 

Marinette/Sugu/Tiki/Plagg: THANKS JAKE!!!

Marinette: MMMMMM.......this taste delicious my spider!!

Sugu: I'll say you know how I love my strawberries honey!

Plagg: Oh I think I am in heaven!!(Plagg saids while enjoying his cheese)

Tiki: Mmmmm....soo good!!

Everyone was enjoying their lunch that Jake made for them and couldn't stop to think of how Jake made something this delicious for them. After they all finished they all got up and headed back to get ready for movie night with their friends to see the Avatar movie Jake and Sugu promise them but they decided to watch it at the theater since the Luka's boat was getting a little too crowded but Jake didn't have a problem with it and thought it was a great idea to watch the movie on the big screen. 

Time of the day: It was 2:50 when they were still at the park and now it is 5:30 pm which means it is time to pack up and get ready for movie night. 

Jake decided to wear a red and black t shirt with blue jeans and a black necklace. 

Sugu decided to wear a red dress with a black belt and heels.

Marinette decided to wear a white shirt with a red skirt.

After everyone finished changing and Marinette asked her parents to watch over Tiki and Plagg while they go the theater to watch the movie with their friends in which they would be most grateful to do for her. 

Jake Hala: Alright Marinette, are you ready to see a movie that will blow your mind as well as your friends. 

Marinette: Yes I am Jake!! 

Sugu: Oh one more thing Marinette, you gonna need these for the movie.(Sugu saids handing her tissues because in Avatar some people did cried during some of the scenes in the movie)

Marinette: You two think I am going to cry for this movie?

Jake Hala: A lot of people cried when they saw Avatar so you and your friends might. 

Marinette: I will see when I see the movie first. 

Sugu: Wanna make that a bet.

Marinette: I will bet two hundred bucks that I will not cry at one of the scenes during the film. 

Sugu: I will take that bet and prepare to loose bluebell!

Marinette: Your on and if I win I get to sleep with Jake for the whole day and you sleep alone. 

Sugu: Deal!(Sugu and Marinette shake hands while Jake facepalms saying this is gonna end badly) 

Once the three made to the theater they med up with their friends all new friends to watch the Avatar movie together and what they can tell is that Marinette's friends are really excited to watch a film from another world in person. 

Jake Hala: Ok everyone! are all of you ready to see the movie Avatar for the first time ever!!

Everyone: Yess!!!

Alya: Oh man I wonder what kind of adventure this would be!!

Nino: I hope to see some action in the movie!!

Kim and Alix: Same here action scenes are always the best!!

Sabrina: I wonder what kinds of animals are in the movie 

Chloe: I hope it has cute boys in the movie(Chloe saids while everyone looks at her with confused looks)

Max: I am interested in the technology in the movie 

Luka: I am looking forward to the melody of the movie and wonder how it sounds like. 

Marc: I hope that story is very good

Nathaniel: I brought my sketch book in case I want to work on some ideas for a new illustration when I see this movie. 

Rose: I hope there is a love scene in the movie!

Juleka: I agree

Ivan: I wonder if I get to see some fighting and punching in one of the scenes 

Mylene: You and your fight scenes for each movie we see 

Ivan: Can't help it

Kagime: I would like to see what the people of this world called Pandora are like and what languages they speak. 

Marinette: Looks like everyone is excited to see your movie from your world Jake. 

Jake Hala: Of course they are, so shale we all go inside and see a movie that would blow your minds!!

Everyone: Heck yea!!

Once everyone was inside the theater and got seated to how close they wanted to watch the film. Marinette and Sugu sat on two sides while Jake sat in the middle so all three stayed close to each other. Everyone got seated and the first seen of the movie was starting to begin, which means it is showing how the movie is gonna start. 

(I decided to show shots from the film instead of showing the full movie scenes)

During the movie, the story takes place where a marine named Jake Sully lands on a new world called Pandora where a group  of trained soldiers who used to be on earth came to the world to collect a mineral rock that could be worth a lot of money but the planet isn't alone because Pandora was home to the Na'vi a population of people who are tall, blue, have tails, and speak a different language but they aren't dangerous because during a couple years ago the humans invaded their territory and killed most of the people and that is why the Na'vi don't trust the humans for what they did. Anyway Jake becomes a cadet for the Avatar problem after his twin brother was killed and decided to take his place where Jake will put his mind into a Na'vi body called an Avatar to where he meets the people of the planet and learn how to be one of them while getting information for the soldiers to help look for rare material rocks, but after spending time with the people and falling in love with one of them named Neytiri; Jake disobeys the soldiers and betrays them after destroying one of their work trucks and with that he and his friends were lucked up and the home where the Na'vi lived was destroyed. Jake needed a way to help the people by taking on a giant banshee called Toruk which means last shadow to where he meets the remaining Na'vi and with the help of the other clans Jake along with Neytiri and a warrior named Tsu'Tey went to war against the humans and killed their leader with the cost of Tsu'Tey and he made Jake the leader of the people. After the humans lost the war and went back to earth with the rest decided to stay, Jake becomes one with the Na'vi and his subconscious lives in his new body since his old human one can not walk and so Jake becomes the leader of the tribe with Neytiri along side him. 

After four hours, the movie ended and what Sugu can tell is that Marinette has lost the bet and sees her crying after watching such a great film even her friends cried as well and enjoyed every minute of each scene in the film. Once the movie came to a close, Jake Hala got up and looked towards everyones faces and asked what they think of the movie.

 Jake Hala: So guys after watching the movie in person what do you think, since me, Sugu, Ryan, Lucia, Swan, and Snow already seen it what do you all think of it. 

Alya: Jake I have never in my life seen such a totally amazing film in my life........😭....it was epic I tell you that quite the adventure I was expecting. 

Nino: Dude! the action scenes were totally awesome!!

Kim and Alix: Wicked Cool!!

Rose: I do love the scenes where Jake and Neytiri fall in love with each other, so romantic!!

Juleka: Truly beautiful....

Luka: The music has capture my attention, such marvelous melody to the film. 

Sabrina: The creatures were absolutely beautiful and some even glowed in the dark which was amazing!

Ivan: At least I get to see some punching and batching in the film that was way better. 

Kagime: I do like how Jake learns to become one of the people and they teach him their ways of the warrior and he becomes leader of the tribe. 

Mylene: But it was sad when the Na'vi lost their home and Grace died in the film which was very upsetting.(Mylene said while wiping her tears away) 

Rose: Yea that seen was upsetting I cried a lot from that scene....

Marinette: Yea that was the most saddest scene in the movie that made me cry a lot......😢...(Marinette saids wiping her tears away) 

Max: I have to admit the technology they had was absolutely amazing!, I wouldn't mind trying to build those Amp Suits sometime in the future. 

Marc: The story and the plot came out perfectly and it was well creative. 

Natahaniel: I even got good references for a new illustration thanks to the glowing world of Pandora and those Na'vi people. 

Chloe: I had to admit even though I am not a sci-fi fan but I have to admit the movie was amazing and that Jake Sully was kind of handsome. 

Ryan Jason: Were glad you guys love the movie and James Cameron did say he is making more sequels soon but they won't be coming out in couple more years. 

Alya: Whoah that is something else I wonder what the sequels would be like.

Lucia Thompson: We will know when we go back home and see what year it comes out. 

Snow: Yea I can not wait for couple more years until the movies come out!!!

Swan: Oh relax Snowball we have time until the new movies come out. 

When everyone was finished talking about the movie, they all went home and texted each other about what they gonna do for Marinettes leaving party since she is going to live with Jake in his universe while the three heroes head home and get some sleep but without some fun time with Jake again which Tiki is gonna have more of a hard time sleeping now. 

Sugu and Marinette: WE LOVE YOU JAKE!!!(Both said while doing it again with Jake in the bedroom) 


Plagg/Nooroo/Duusu: Hahahahahaha!!! 

Chapter 18 coming soon!

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