A Spider meets A Bug from another universe! Part 21

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John: Jake how did this happened not that I am mad but very happy that I have such two beautiful daughter in laws?

Roy: I wondering as well bro?

Jake Hala: Let's all go inside we have a lot to talk about and I mean a lot.


When Jake asked his family to go into the house a long with Marinette as well as Tom and Sabine to talk about what was going on and how Jake met Marinette as well as knowing about the other miraculous heroes and how he got to the dimension in the first place. So everyone has gathered in the living room to talk about Jakes adventure into the other dimension and how he met Marinette better known as the miraculous hero named Ladybug.

John: Ok is everyone here?

Everyone: Yes!

John: Alright, Jake how did this all happened in the first place and how did you meet this lovely young lady here.(John saids to his son and made Marinette blush a little because he mention her in the sentence)

Jake Hala: Honestly dad I don't know how this happened in the first place, neither does Sugu. We were just having our breakfast at the park and enjoying some relaxation after doing so much hero work when all of sudden a strange looking portal appear out of nowhere and sucked me and Sugu right in, luckily I transformed into my hero form to make sure that me and Sugu wont get separated and then the last thing happened was that I landed in Paris but not my Paris the one where I grew up at; everything looked different and strange to me.

Sugu: Yea it was like a totally different version of Paris

Roy: That sounds very interesting, other dimensions and other versions of Paris, we probably have to look more into this and figure out how that portal sucked both of you two in.

Terra: We will worry about that later please continue sweetie.(Terra saids to Roy and then saids to her other son Jake)

Jake Hala: Yes as I was saying, after I fell out of the portal and landed in a totally different Paris, I ended up being tangled by this beautiful blueberry here and she thought I was some sort of villain called an Akuma.(Jake saids and made Marinette blush again because he called her beautiful)

Marinette: In which I am still sorry about, I just have problems trusting people who think they are heroes but people who are actually super villains pretending to be a hero to get to us and hurt others.

Jake Hala: I know sweetie, but you didn't mean too 💋(Jake saids and kissed Marinette on the cheek)

John: What is an Akuma anyway?

Tiki: An Akuma is a magical butterfly that can give a person super powers in which our enemy known as Hawk Moth used them to turn innocent people into super villains so he can get the miraculous of Ladybug and the Cat.(Tiki saids to everyone and they looked upon the kwami with shock and anger that someone used a miraculous for evil)

Terra: That is horrible!! Who would use a miraculous for evil and hurt innocent lives!!!

ONLY A COLD HEARTLESS MAN WHO BECAME A MONSTER!!!(Three voices were heard in which made the Hala family confused)

Roy: Who said that?

Jake Hala: Oh that would be the other three kwami's who came with us. Plagg, Nooroo, Duusuu you guys can come out and show yourselves.

Jake saids to the kwami's who were hidden then came out to greet the family and the others in which surprised the Hala's but Terra on the other hand I have never seen such adorable kwami's in her life except for Snow, Sugu, and Swan.


Nooroo: Greetings Jakes family it is a pleasure to meet you all.

Plagg: Hey hows it going, does anyone have any cheese on them because I am starving.

Terra: OH MY GOSH!! THEIR SO CUTE!!!(Terra saids to the kwami's who blushed a little)

Jake/Marinette/Sugu: Hehehehehe!!!

Jake Hala: Mom, dad, Roy this is Plagg kwami of the cat miraculous, Nooroo kwami of the butterfly miraculous, and finally Duusuu kwami of the peacock miraculous.

Kwami's: Hello!

Hala Family: Hello Plagg, Duusuu, and Nooroo!

John: So which one of you said that this person who turned people into super villains was a cold heartless monster?

Nooroo: That would be sir, my holder abused me and used the miraculous of the butterfly to become the super villain known as Hawk Moth then soon merge the peacock miraculous with the butterfly miraculous to become Shadow Moth so he can not only to become powerful but to also hurt everyone who ever tries to stop him.

Duusuu: I hated him for what he has done to us and will never forgive him.

Terra: Oh you poor things......(Terra saids and hugs the poor little kwami's in which they found it lovely)

Nooroo and Duusuu: Oh I like her already(Both said in thought)

Roy: And who was this person under the mask if you don't mind me asking?

Jake Hala: He was a former fashion designer named Gabriel Agreste who wanted to use the miraculous to bring back his wife Emilee who suffered a coma due to the effects of the damage peacock miraculous.

Marinette: You see if you merge the cat and ladybug miraculous together you will get to have power and able to grant one wish in return.

Jake Hala: But the wish comes at a terrible price and it nearly destroyed the whole world in which many lives would have been lost and the world will fall into utter chaos.

The Hala family looked upon this with so much hatred that this Gabriel was going to use Marinette's and the cat miraculous to get what he wants by destroying the whole world just for trying to get his wife back.


Roy: That man deserves to be locked up forever or better yet putt down for the crimes he has committed.

Sugu: Oh he already is, because we defeated him with the help of the other miraculous heroes and Marinette used her healing abilities to help Emilee recover in which she devoice Gabriel and couldn't bare to be with a cold heartless man like him ever again.

Terra: What happened to Emilee after she stopped her ex husband from taking over the world?

Plagg: She denied to leave and start her life all over again and help raise her son Adrien who has been suffering for years due to his father not being there for him after what happened to his mother and not showing him any love at all.

Terra: How could someone not be there for their own son after what happened to his mother. That man is no father but a deranged lunatic who only cares about himself.(Terra saids with anger and sadness)

Plagg: I am glad that Gabriel is gone, now I don't have to put up with him and his obsession for taking the miraculous. Also Adrien starting a new life after what happened with........(Plagg couldn't finish because he was still scared of what his holder did that day)

Sabine: Whats wrong Plagg?

Plagg: I can't say it, it is just too painful to talk about......

Jake Hala: Sigh.....Tiki why don't you and the others head off into the kitchen and get something to eat while we talk because I don't want to see how hurt about what we are going to tell them.

Tiki: Alright come on guys lets head into the kitchen if that is ok with you Terra and John?

Terra: Not at all Tiki please help yourselves with anything you like.

With that said the kwami's headed into the kitchen to get something to eat while everyone else was left in the living room to talk about what happened with Plagg's holder.

John: Alright so what exactly happened to Plagg's holder?

Jake Hala: You want me to tell them because I can tell is that you are not the mood.(Jake saids to his fiancé Marinette in which she nods in agreement)

Jake Hala: The thing is Adrien the son of Gabirel and Emilee Agreste is actually the holder of the cat miraculous and the hero known as Cat Noir who helps Ladybug protect Paris from Hawk Moth's Akumatised villains. Marinette told me so much about him and how he likes being a hero and making friends as well as flirting with her in which she thinks his flintiness is childish but that all change when he..........

Roy: When he what bro?

Jake Hala: After I met Marinette and found out about her being a miraculous holder and the guardian she and I became a team and stoped Shadow Moth's Akumatised villains all day long until she and I grew closer to each other and soon began to develop feelings for each other and which we both fell in love and Sugu was happy with it that she gave Marinette a chance to be with me and we enjoyed everything together.(Jake saids and Marinette smiled so sweet at her future husband along with Tom and Sabine)

Terra: AWWWW! that is so sweet, and I am happy to have you in our family Marinette.

Marinette: Hehehe, thanks Terra

John: Ok but what does this have to do with Adrien?

Jake Hala: Well you see when Marinetted called me about another Akumatised villain that was terrorizing the city, her partner Cat Noir returned from his summer vacation and started to flirt with Ladybug some more in which made Marinette very uncomfortable and angry. Then when she mentioned me to him, he got all jealous and angry that he thought I was another super villain or a threat and started to scare Marinette and thought of ways he could have her all to himself since he fell madly in love with Ladybug with such lust and dicier to keep her to himself by doing something that would not only make him an ex hero but also someone in which Marinette can not look at anymore.

John: What was trying to do son tell us?

Jake Hala: Sigh......he was going to kill me because he thought I was stilling his lady from him in which Marinette wasn't his lady to begin with, and it drove him into madness all because Ladybug rejected him over and over because she was in love with another boy which was him but as Adrien Agreste but he rejected her because he was in love with Ladybug and not Marinette in which broke her heart and after we took his ring from him, he pulled out a police officers gun and fired couple rounds at me but thankfully my suit is bullet proof so I can not be killed.

The Hala's and the Dupain Chengs were so full of shock, sadness, anger and horrified that Adrien aka Cat Noir would do something that cruel to Jake and Marinette which brought the women into tears and the brother and father as well as Tom with greed and hatred for what Adrien has down to them and will not forgive him for it.

Terra: He.......he tried to kill my sweet little boy........😢sniff.....and my future daughter in law.....

Sabine: 😢sniff..........that is so cruel........




Marinette: But that all changed after we helped him reunite with his mother Emilee but with a cost though........

Sabine and Tom: What was the cost Marinette?

Marinette: We had to erase his entire memory of him being Cat Noir and of his father for the cruel man he has become so that Adrien can have a normal life and be with his mother.

Jake Hala: And he apologized for everything he has done to us, and the reason why he was acting up so crazy was due to the effects of the cat miraculous energy but now he can live happily with his mother and start his life all over again along with her.

Jake saids to his family and wipes away a tear that came down Marinette's face and gave her a soft and lovely hug to help calm her down and so did Sugu.

Tom: Sigh....even though I still wont forgive him for what he has down to ur daughter including our future son in law, I think it was a good idea for him to start a new life with his mother.

Sabine: I agree honey, maybe now Adrien can become someone fall more greater and not something he wants to be.

John: I agreed to that as well Tom don't you Terra?

Terra: Absolutely honey, Adrien may have done something terrible but he was just didn't want to be alone anymore or be with a father who doesn't show him any love at all.

Roy: He will make a better life with his mother at his side.

After a long story about telling the family more about the miraculous heroes like Rena Rogue, King Moneky, Bunnix, Viperion, Carapace, Queen Bee, Pegasus, and many others that came before and the fights they had with the super villains and saving the world, the family thought it was time to ask what Jake, Sugu, and Marinette did during their time together.

Terra: So after telling us more about your world Marinette and those amazing heroes of yours what did you and my son along with Sugu do after defeating Shadow Moth and saving all of Paris with the help of Lucia and Ryan?

Sugu and Marinette: Oh well we uh well..............we.um.......(Both trying to saying something while being nervous as well as Jake)

Jake Hala: Um.............(Jake saids while rubbing his head)

Sabine: Oh Jake and the girls took their friends to watch that movie called Avatar was it?

Jake Hala: Oh yea everyone wanted to watch something that they never seen before, so I asked them if they wanted to watch a movie from my world and see if they would like it and they did as well as the Narnia movies I showed them.

Marinette: I really liked those Narnia movies you showed us sweetie and they were full of magic and adventure.

Sugu: True on that Marinette!

Roy: I agree I seen those movies hundreds of times and never get tired of them.

John: That is so sweet of you son to show your new friends movies from our home dimension was the most greatest thing you ever thought of doing for them.

Jake Hala: Thanks dad really appreciated

Sabine: What did you three do after words because me and Tom were at our friends place on that day?(Sabine saids to the three in which they began to pale because the three knew exactly what they did that knight and didn't want to talk about it until a certain cat kwami came in and exposed it in front of everyone while holding a block of cheese in his tiny hands)

Plagg: Oh those three made love to each other that night in which the girls wanted to do it in the first place, while us kwami's heard everything.(Plagg saids to everyone and the three heroes looked towards Plagg with shock and yet anger for exposing that to the family in which the entire Hala and Dupin Cheng family were in lost for words)

Jake/Marinette/Sugu: PLAGG?!!!!!! 😡THAT WAS SUPPOSE TO BE KEPT SECRET?!!!(All three screamed in anger and blushing madly out of the embarrassment)

Plagg: Oops.................(Plagg saids knowing what he just said while the family was still here)

Sabine: M......MM.....Marinette......Sugu....is.....is this true.......(Sabine trying to form words)

Terra: Did......you three......really.......do it..........like really really do it........(Terra also trying to form words as well)

Jake, Marinette, and Sugu looking still red and embarrassed nod in agreement in which made the mothers blush pink and the fathers and brother smile with such proudness because Tom trusts Jake with his life and loves his daughter with all his heart and John is proud that his son has finally become a man and has such beautiful girls in his life while Roy was jealous that his brother did with two girls while he still is single.

Jake Hala: I know you all might be angry and mad as us for doing it.

Marinette: And we understand if you do not approve of us

Sugu: But me and Marinette wanted this for a long time and Jake made us feel happy and safe that he will always be there for us.

Once all three of them confessed to their families and how much they love each other, the next thing the three knew was that they were being hugged by the entire family.

Hala and Dupain Cheng family: WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU THREE!!!!

Jake/Sugu/Marinette: Huh?

Terra: The reason why we are proud of you three is because my sweet little boy has become a man! and has such beautiful women in his life.(Terra saids to them in which they blushed pink)

Roy: I am kind of jealous, my own brother got to have sex with two girls while I am still single and still looking for a girlfriend.(Roy saids to the three and they blushed red now)

John: I am proud of you my son, and I know you will take good care of these two because after all you got your bravery from my side of the family after all.

Terra: And my kindness and charms included

Tom: Our little girl has become a woman and Sugu as well I am the most proudest father ever!!

Sabine: I can not wait to become a grandmother pretty soon!!!(Sabine saids with joy making the three heroes blush really red and almost fainting)

Jake/Sugu/Marinette: I am about to faint right now.....(Both said in thought)

Plagg: Wow they took it pretty well?

Tiki: Still you shouldn't of done that Plagg

Duusuu: Things must stay secret even if its their secret love making

Nooroo: Agreed

Terra: Wait a minute! Jake since you proposed to the both of them, did they tell you how many kids you want because I want a lot of them!!

Sabine: I do as well!!!

Jake/Sugu/Marinette: MOM!!/SABINE!!!/TERRA!!!(Both said in union while blushing more and more)

Roy: Hehehe, well did you three?

Jake Hala: Yes we did agree ok........

Tom: Really how many kids did you wanted Marinette!

Marinette: Uh....three beautiful children, two boys and a lovely girl.(Marinette saids while smiling and blushing lightly)

Terra: Awwww!! that is so sweet and what about you Sugu?

Sugu: One boy and one girl is enough for me Terra.

John: What about names for them?

Marinette: For the first boy I want to name him Louis the second boy Hugo and the girl Emma.

Terra: I love those names!

Sabine: Me too!

Sugu: For me, the boy I will name him Josh and the girl Zessica.

John: Good choice Sugu they sound great names for our future grand children.

Jake Hala: They sure are Dad they sure are.

John: And since you propose to them when do you want to have the wedding?

Mairnette: Well we decided that we want to have it after we all get settled in with our new home and I can search for a job as a fashion designer.

Jake Hala: That is the idea and we already found a nice place for you and yours parents to live at and I had Lucia and Ryan make some surprises for you in return.

Marinette: What kind of surprise my love?

Jake Hala: I will tell you tomorrow because your new home is getting changes as we speak, so you guys can spend the night here with us if that is ok with you guys.(Jake saids to Marinette and then his family)

Terra: Oh absolutely we have enough room here in our lovely home and we would love for you to spend the night because we are about to have dinner soon anyway.

Tom: Oh we don't want to be a bother

John: Oh don't be will would love to have you stay the night while your new home is being constructed.

Roy: Yea we have plenty of room and the girls can sleep with Jake since he is their snuggle bear after all.(Roy saids with a smirk in which made the girls and Jake blush more)

Jake Hala: ROY?!!!!

Roy: Well it's true isn't it?

Sabine: Well when you put that way, sure we will be honored to stay the night.

Terra: Excellent would you like to help me in the kitchen.

Sabine: I would love to Terra!

John: Tom would help me get the stuff ready

Tom: Sure John I will be glad to help

Roy: I am gonna go to the store and buy some drinks since we ran out, I will be back soon as I can for dinner.

Marinette: What about us?

Terra: Jake why don't you take your beautiful wives up stairs and show them your room while we cook dinner.

Jake Hala: Uh.....sure mom whatever you say, shale we girls.

Mairnette and Sugu: Ok!

Jake/Marinette/Sugu: I have never been so embarrassed in my life!!!(Both said in thought)

Chapter 22 coming soon!

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