A Spider meets a Bug from another universe! part 23

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Everyone: BON APPITIT!

Marinette: I have to do that next time me and my parents eat dinner, it is such an honoring thing to do when eating dinner.(Marinette saids in thought)


After everyone saids their blessing for the wonderful dinner in which they all start picking out which food they want to try first in which Marinette decided to whatever that she picks anything that looks delicious while Jake and Sugu did the same as well.

Jake: Hehehe seems like you are picking the same things we are Marinette.(Jake saids to his future wife)

Marinette: Well what can I say everything looks absolutely delicious and I can not decided which to try?

Terra: Hey it is ok sweetie you can have as much as you want there is plenty to go around the table isn't right boys.(Terra saids to her future daughter in law and to her son and husband)

John: All yea absolutely

Roy: Yea help yourself sis

Marinette: Sis?

Roy: Well you are going to be part of the family soon so yea you are going to become my sister in law so might as well get used to being called sister.(Roy saids to Marinette who blushes a little while thinking that was going to be true)

John: So anyway Marinette what do you like doing in your life besides being a crime fighting hero like my son here.(John saids to Marinette)

Marinette: Well not only I like to help around in the bakery with my parents but I also like fashion designing in which I am really great at doing.

Jake: It is true dad, Marinette has talent and her designs are absolutely marvelous as matter of fact that outfit she is wearing is her own design.(Jake saids to his father in which Marinette smiles for thanking her future husband kind words)

John: Interesting how long have you been doing this Marinette?

Sabine: Our daughter has been doing this since she was a little girl and she always wanted to become a fashion designer.

Tom: I always thought she wanted to be a knitting fairy?(Tom saids in which Marinette blushed more and got embarrassed)

Marinette: PAPA?!!!

Jake: Hehehe knitting fairy really?

Sugu: Hehehe! Tiki is that true?(Sugu saids to the red Kwami who is eating cookies with Plagg along with Nooroo and Duusu)

Tiki: Of course it is true she has been having dreams about it every single day when she falls asleep.(Tiki saids to Sugu in which both her and Jake giggle making Marinette look embarrassed)

Marinette: Stop your embarrassing me!!!

Terra: Why I think is very sweet Marinette besides your not the only one who dreamed of something that they always wanted to be.(Terra saids to Marinette who calms down and looks towards her son Jake who a smirk in which he started to freak)

Jake: Mom don't you dare say it.....

Marinette: Say what?

John and Roy: Oh this is gonna be good(Both said in thought)

Terra: Hey Marinette wanna know what Jake wanted to be when he was a boy.(Terra saids in which got Marinette's attention including her parents)

Marinette: What?(Marinette saids with a smile while thinking if what she is gonna say was embarrassing than her being a knitting fairy)

Jake: Mom I swear you tell her I will not forgive you...(Jake sending a glare to her mother in which his mother and father as well as his brother were giggling at what Terra is about to say to Marinette)

Terra: You see Marinette when Jake was a boy the one he always wanted to be when he grows was.

Jake: Please don't!!!

Marinette: Please tell me!!!

Terra: When Jake was a boy, what he always wanted to be was a magical wizard!(Terra saids to Marinette who is struggling to keep her laugh in her as well as Sabine and Tom including the Kwami's)

Jake: Man......(Jake saids in thought while blushing in which got Sugu's attention in which she didn't know about this)

Sugu: Awww my sweet Jake wanted to be a wizard so cute!!!

Jake: Don't push Sugu....

Marinette: He wanted to be a wizard!!!! That is soo adorable!!!(Marinette squeals in cuteness while Jake looks away embarrassed)

Terra: Oh it gets better you see when he was little he had his very own mini magic castle made of cardboard and he would just run around it waving his little wand and chanting out many magic spells in his little wizard hat and cape.(Terra saids to Marinette who is now laughing her butt off along with her parents and the kwami's as well as John and Roy)

Marinette: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! 😂Oh my gosh......I can't....I'm crying.....HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!(Marinette laughing so much that tears of happiness and laughter was coming out of her)

Jake: Yea yea laugh at up why don't you......

Sabine: Awww..that is so adorable

Tom: Imagine our daughter and Jake doing that together wizard and fairy knitter together.(Tom saids in thought while thinking the idea was great for a prank)

John: Hey sweetie show her the pictures...(John whispers to his wife in which she nods)

Terra: Hey Marinette want to know another thing?

Marinette: What is it?(Marinette saids while calming down from all her laughter)

Terra: I GOT PICTURES!!!!!(Terra screams with joy making Jake pale as a ghost while Marinette wore a big smile on her face)

Marinette: I WANNA SEE!!! I WANNA SEE!!! SHOW ME!!! SHOW ME!!!(Marinette saids and goes over to Terra to show her the pictures of her little boy while Tom and Sabine and the kwami's did the same and wanted to see little baby Jake)

Jake: Why me why..........

Sugu: I want to see as well!!!

Jake: Not you too........

Admittedly everyone got up from their seats and looked towards Terra's phone so she can show everyone including Marinette, Jakes pictures when he was younger.

Terra: He is the picture of Jake's little castle when he first got it and it was really happy that he began running around it with happiness and joy to his heart.(Terra saids while showing the cardboard castle to everyone)

Sabine and Tom: Awwwww!!!

Marinette: That is so adorable!

Sugu: Aww I wish I could of seen this in person

Kwami's: Us too!!!

John: Sometimes when his mother is out of town me and Roy would play with him, like for example he would be the magical wizard while me and Roy would be the dragon and evil sorcerer who try to take his castle.

Roy: Hehehe yea those were the days am I right bro!

Jake: Yea those were the days.........(Jake saids while rolling his eyes anode)

Terra: Oh here is where it gets better ready to see my little Jake girls.(Terra saids to both Marinette and Sugu in which they nod with smiles on their faces)

Marinette and Sugu: Yes please!!!

Admittedly Terra shows them the picture of her son Jake wearing his little wizard hat and cape while holding his little magic wand while his father was wearing a dragon mask and Jake is trying to caste a spell on him in which made everyone but Jake sequel with such cuteness and love.

Marinette and Sugu: KYAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!! HE IS SO CUTE!!!!! 🥰 ❤️ ❤️ ❤️(Both said in union while looking at their future husbands little baby self in the pictures)

Tiki: Awwww!!!

Plagg: Hahahahah!!! That got you good kid!

Nooroo and Duusu: He looks so small and adorable!

Sabine: Awww look at him Tom isn't he just precious!

Tom: Hehehe that is what I call a happy child right there.

Marinette: I want a copy of this please!!! This is too much for my heart!!

Sugu: Awww I can just cuddle him all day!

While everyone was looking at the baby pictures of Jake making Marinette and her family wear smiles as well as Terra, and John as well as Roy; Jake on the other hand was blushing red like really red like he is about to explode until once everything was calmed down and Terra sent many pictures to Marinette in which she going to treasure forever Jake has finally calm down as well and everyone went back to eating their dinner and had their desserts in which Marinette and her family really enjoyed. Then after they had their feels and cleaned up everything the parents decided to watch television together and talk about what their plans are while Roy goes to his room to work on whatever he does and as for Jake and his two finances they went towards the pool to relax for a little.

Marinette: Sigh.....the water feels so great on my feet, this so relaxing...(Marinette saids while dipping her feet in the pools water)

Sugu: I know right nothing could make this even better right babe.(Sugu saids to Jake who nods in agreement)

Jake: Yea I needed this as well after that embarrassment you two and my mom did to me.

Marinette: Aww but we couldn't help it you looked so cute and I just had to see for myself.

Jake: Yea yea whatever....

Sugu: Come on Jake sure you looked cute and adorable when you were younger but you know what the best part is.

Jake: What?(Jake asked in which both Marinette and Sugu when towards him with smirks and whispers into his ear)

Marinette and Sugu: You may looked cute when you were younger but right now you look absolutely hot and it makes us tingle.(Both said to Jake which made him blush again)

Jake: Re....really

Marinette and Sugu: Uha.....

Jake: Well I have something to say to you two as well.

Marinette: Really what would that be?

Jake: I find you two be the most attractive Ladybug and Kwami that I had to honor of falling in love with and the way you girls cuddle me is very sexy even when we make out.(Jakes saids with a smirk in which both girls blush red and pink while thinking about what Jake said to them)

Marinette: You.....you really mean that sweetie....

Sugu: Like really really.......

Jake: Really really my little strawberry and blueberry

Marinette and Sugu: I love this him so much...(Both said in thought while being in love)

Soon both Marinette and Sugu scooted closer to Jake and both of them cuddle next to him and which Jake held both of them in his arms showing how much they love each other until Jakes phone started ringing which ended to excitement.

RING! RING! RING!(Jakes phone ringing)

Jake: Sigh.....looks like the fun is over

Marinette: Whose calling?

Jake: Oh it's Lucia lets see what she wants?(Jake saids and picks up the call from Lucia)

Lucia: Hey Jake and hey Marinette and Sugu!

Marinette and Sugu: Hey Lucia!

Jake: Hey whats up Lucia do you need something?

Lucia: Oh no I just wanted to let Marinette known that her and her parents new place is ready and everything is moved into place so she and her family can move in when ever they feel like it.(Lucia tells Jake the good news about Marinette's new home in which got the girl excited)

Marinette: Oh my gosh really!!!

Lucia: Thats right and me and others made you a surprise as well but we will show when you see the place first ok.

Marinette: Oh I can't wait!!!

Lucia: Good and thank Jake because some of the ideas were mostly his so he deserves the most credit.

Marinette: Thanks Jake 💋(Marinette saids and kissed Jake on the cheek)

Jake: Your welcome Marinette

Lucia: Anyway thats all I wanted to call and I will send you guys the street address of where your new place is at.

Jake: Good thanks Lucia and tell the others I said thanks as well.

Lucia: You got it Spider, I will see you guys latter bye!!

Marinette/Jake/Sugu: Bye Lucia!!

Call Ended

After the call was finished Jake along with Marinette and Sugu went to tell the parents that Tom and Sabine along with Marinette's new place is done and are thinking of moving in tomorrow but they promise to stay the night with Jakes family for being so nice to them in which they agree to. So right now the sun was setting and the sky turned dark which means it was time to head to bed and everyone took their showers and head straight to bed and each of them got their own rooms but Marinette and Sugu decided to sleep with their man in his room for the night since they didn't want to sleep alone which Jake couldn't deny the offer.

Jake: You excited to see your new place Marinette.(Jake saids while Marinette cuddles next to him on the left while Sugu is on the right)

Marinette: I am sure am sweetie and I wonder what this surprise is that Lucia was talking about on the phone?

Jake: You will see once we go there tomorrow I promise.

Marinette: Thanks my Spider 💋(Marinette saids and kisses Jake on the lips)

Sugu: Sigh....this is the life just us beautiful girls with our man in bed together just wonderful.

Jake: Yes but you two little misses need the sleep for tomorrow and so do I.

Marinette: I guess your right Jake

Sugu: Yea same

Jake: Well lets get some rest good night girls

Marinette and Sugu: Goodnight my love....(Both said then drifted off into sleep along with Jake)

Tiki: Those three are made for each other am I right(Tiki saids while resting with Plagg and Nooroo and Duusu)

Nooroo: I agree with you Tiki

Duusu: Yawn!!....yea same

Plagg: Ok enough with the lovely silly stuff can we go to bed now please.(Plagg saids while trying to sleep)

Tiki/Duusu/Nooroo: Love hater(All three said in thought than went to sleep)

Chapter 24 coming soon!

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