A Spider meets a Bug from another universe! part 24

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It was morning in beautiful other dimension Paris and the sun was starting to rise on the city of love where our three heroes known as Jake Hala along with his two future wives Sugu and Marinette Dupain Cheng were still sleeping after last night dinner with the entire family and starting today soon Jake will be taking Marinette and her family to their new home in which Jake along with his friends Lucia and Ryan have a great surprise for the designer girl which she is going to be so happy about.

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!(Alarm going off in Jakes Room)

Jake: Agh.....dam alarm clock......(Jake saids while getting up while Sugu and Marinette are still sleeping)

Jake got up from his bed and shut off his alarm clock without waking up his two future wives who were still sleeping and decided to wake up for an early morning, so he got up from bed and walked towards the bathroom and saw how messy his hair looks.

Jake: Geez?....my hair looks like crap and it looks like it gotten longer might as well go out and grab myself a quick haircut then head back, right after I take my shower and get dressed.

Admittedly Jake got undressed and hopped into the shower while playing some music called Heaven by Pink Sweats but not before clothing the bathroom door so that Marinette and Sugu can not hear because their still sleeping in the bed together while Tiki, Plagg, along with Nooroo and Duusuu are still sleeping as well.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(I have to say this is quite an interesting song to listen to in the shower)

Once the song was done, Jake finished up his shower and got out and dried himself off and put on a nice set of clothes while leaving his a little mess since he is going out to get it cut. He made sure to do everything before heading out, like brush teeth, make sure to take his money and keys with him as well as lock the door to the house, bring phone with him always in case his family needs to call him or his fiancés would want to know where he is at.

Jake: Alright everything I did is done and I got everything I needed now it is time to head right over to the barber shop and grab myself a haircut then come back because I am taking Marinette and her parents to their new home here and they are going to love it.(James saids in thought then begins to head out of house but before writing a note and placing on his desk so that Marinette and Sugu can see where their lover went)

With that said Jake headed out to head towards his favorite barber shop while back in the house Marinette and Sugu began to wake up from their lovely nap.

Marinette: YAWN!!!...........mmmmmmm.......(Marienette saids while yawing and stretching her arms while waking up)

Sugu: Mmmmm!!!!........what a good night sleep that was ain't that right Jake. Jake?(Sugu saids while getting up like Marinette then looks to see that Jake is not in bed with them)

Marinette: Hm? Whats wrong Sugu?

Sugu: Where did Jake go? He is not in bed?

Marinette: He must of gotten up early and didn't want to wake us, hey look there is a note on the desk maybe it was from him.(Marinette saids to Sugu and goes over to the desk where the note is and begins to read it)

Sugu: What does it say?

Marinette: It saids, Went out to get myself a haircut because my hair was growing to long and it got messy so I will back soon, so I wanted to let you both sleep for a little bit so enjoy. Love your future husband Jake

Sugu: Aw that is so sweet and he did actually needed a haircut for a while now since we got back and could use a new look once in a while.

Marinette: Hey speaking of new looks before we left my dimension I was working two new outfits for you and Jake.

Sugu: Really that is so sweet of you Marinette!

Marinette: I will you let you two try them on when Jake gets back because I want to see you two together with them.

Sugu: Fare enough

Marinette: Hows about we get ready as well after all it is pretty nice outside and I could use some fresh air.

Sugu: Sounds good should I wake up Tikki and the others?

Marinette: Nah let them sleep a little bit more they will wake up on their own.

Sugu: Alright and speaking of which today is the day where you are moving into your new home are you excited.

Marinette: Yea I am!

Sugu: Well lets grab our showers and get dressed and have some breakfast with the others downstairs while we wait for Jake to come back.

Marinette: Sounds like a plan you want to go first and I'll wait.

Sugu: No it is ok we will both go in the shower if that is ok with you

Marinette: Not at all, though I think our spider is going to miss out in all the fun.(Marinette saids with a smirk in which Sugu smirked as well)

Sugu: Yea he is

Both Marinette and Sugu went into the bathroom together and got undressed and both hopped in the shower together and began washing each other bodies which they enjoyed the most but wished Jake could join them but they couldn't blame him he needed to go somewhere on his own but will be back soon.

Meanwhile with Jake:

Jake was walking down the streets of Paris and saw the place he was looking for which was called French Barber the place where he always gets his best cuts at along with his dad and brother Roy who also enjoy the place as well.

Ring!(Barber shop bell ringing)

Barber Cutter: Hello welcome to French Barber!

Jake: Hello there miss, I am here for a new haircut since this style that have now isn't quite working anymore.

Barber Cutter: Oh sure of course sir please take a seat and I will get right to you after I finish up this customer here.(The cutter saids to Jake in which Jake took a seat and waited for the cutter to be done with the person who was also getting a haircut as well)

Then after waiting for an half an hour later and reading a magazine, the barber finished the person who got his haircut done and went over to do Jakes haircut next.

Barber Cutter: So is there anything you want me to do, I mean what kind of style are you looking for?

Jake: Hmmm...let me see?

Back with Marinette and Sugu:

After Marinette and Sugu took their showers and got dressed they headed down with the family who were making breakfast and they decided to go help the mothers while the boys sit in the living room who are talking and watching the sports station.

Sabine: Good morning girls! Sleep well

Marinette: Morning mama, yes we slept pretty well good.

Sugu: Morning to you too Sabine and to you too Terra.

Terra: Good morning to you too Sugu and you as well Marinette, say wheres Jake at isn't he with you two?

Sugu: He said he went out to get himself a haircut and will be back soon, he wrote a note for us so that we know where he went.

Terra: Well ok then, would you girls care to lend your future mother in law a hand with food.(Terra saids to the girls who blush about the mother in law thing but shook it off and went to help Terra and Sabine with breakfast)

So after cooking and baking that lasted for more than an hour, the girls along with the mothers finished making the biggest family breakfast ever in which they called the boys over and couldn't believe how amazing and delicious the food looks in front of them.

Tom: Wow honey you and the girls and you Terra really outdone yourselves with the breakfast!

Sabine: Thank you Tom

Terra: Why thank you Tom your so kind and generous

Marinette and Sugu: Thank you papa/Tom(Both said in union)

John: Sweetie everything on this table looks absolutely delicious

Roy: Yea I can not wait to eat I am starving!

Terra: You guys we eat as soon as Jake comes back from the barber shop in which he should be back by now.

When Terra said this, all of sudden the house door came open and the person who came into the house was her son Jake with his new haircut and was heading towards the family and his two fiancés to greet them on a splendid morning.

Jake: Hi guys I am back from the barber shop!(Jake saids and walks into the dinning room to see everyone and when he shows up both Sugu and Marinette blushed pink for how handsome and good looking their man looks with his new haircut)

Marinette and Sugu: OH MY GOSH! HE LOOKS SO HOT NOW!!!(Both said in thought while looking at Jakes new look while still blushing pink)

Roy: Trying on a new look I see, nice bro

John: It is about time you change the look son, and I have to say I like this version better.

Jake: Thanks Roy and thank dad!

Terra: Wow look at you sweetie, you look very handsome with that new hair style heck even your fiancé's can help but look at the new you.(Terra saids to Jake in which made both Marinette and Sugu blush red and looked away while smiling knowing what Terra said was true)

Tom: It suits you well Jake

Sabine: I like it

Jake: Thank you, you all are so sweet now hows about we have some breakfast I am so hungry right now!(Jake saids as he sits between Marinette and Sugu who can't stop looking at Jakes new look)

Marinette and Sugu: So good looking...❤️(Both said in thought while looking at Jake)

When everyone got settled in they all began to eat breakfast together as one big family and then after finishing eating Marinette took both Sugu and Jake upstairs so she can give them both their new outfits that she designed for them while back in her dimension while the parents and older brother get dressed as well because they will all be going to the new home for the Dupain Chengs.

Jake: So blueberry what is that you want to show me and Sugu?

Marinette: Before we left my dimension, I was working two new designs who I made them just for you two and was wondering if you would like to try them on.

Sugu: I would love to Marinette, I need a new look anyway because been wearing the same thing over and over again.

Jake: She's right I could use a new set of clothes that would suit me well sure Marinette we will be happy to try them on.

Marinette: Awesome!, here they are you two can go change in the bathroom while I wait and see how they look once you put them on.

Jake and Sugu: OK!(Both said and took the new clothes Marinette designed and headed into the bathroom to change)

Marinette: You think they will like my designs Tiki?

Tiki: Of course they will Marinette, you put you heart into making them really nice clothes to wear; I am sure they will enjoy their new looks.

Duusuu: Absolutely guardian!

Nooroo: No doubt about it Marinette

Plagg: Yea Pigtails!

After a couple of minutes later both Sugu and Jake came out of the bathroom wearing their new clothes which they really love the designs and it works great with them. When Marinette saw them coming out she wore a big smile at seeing the two looking absolutely perfect in the new clothes she designed them.

(Artwork done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Jake wore a new hoodie with both red, black, and white with his spider logo blending into the front of the shirt while Sugu wore a red dress with spider web pattern running around the entire outfit with the spider logo on the waist part in which both Jake and Sugu love the new looks and couldn't wait to show everyone else.

Marinette: WOW! you two look absolutely amazing do you like the designs.

Jake: Like no....WE LOVE THEM!!!!

Sugu: I love this new look Marinette thank you so much!!!(Sugu saids and hugs Marinette with joy in which Jake joined in and Marinette hug them both)

Marinette: Hehehe, I am happy that you both love the new looks and I am proud how they turned out.

Jake: And you did an amazing job Marinette I can see why your into fashion designing.

Sugu: Yea and we know you will become the greatest fashion designer ever.

Marinette: Aww you guys!

Tiki: I really like the new looK Sugu looks good on you!

Sugu: Thanks sis!

Nooroo and Duusuu: Absolutely stunning!

Plagg: Eh it ok for me

Jake/Sugu/Marinette/Tiki/Duussu/Nooroo: Sigh....Plagg as always(Both said in thought while rolling their eyes at Plagg)

Jake: Anyway are you ready to see your new place Marinette.

Marinette: Yes I am my spider! 💋(Marinette saids to her man and kisses him on the lips)

Jake: Then come on lets all head downstairs so that we can all head out together and go to the new place, Lucia and Ryan along with Snow and Swan are already there waiting for us.

Sugu: Oh thats great!.....and is the special surprise for Marinette finished.(Sugu saids to Jake and whispers to him about the surprise for Marinette)

Jake: Yea it is finished and she is going to love it so much.(Jake whispers back to Sugu)

Marinette: Hey what are you two whispering about?

Jake: Sorry MDC but that is a secret until we get to your new place come on everyone is ready to head out and we might as well get going.

Marinette: Alright, Come on Tiki, Plagg, Nooroo, and Duusuu were leaving.

Kwamis: Ok!(All got into Marinette's bag and her along with Sugu and Jake headed out)

When everyone got dressed and freshen up they all left the house together but couldn't help but look at Jake and Sugu's new looks which earned smiles from everyone for Marinette creating such amazing clothes for the both of them, then they all got into the SUV and drove off towards the direction where Marinette's new home will be in which Jake gave his dad the direction to where drive to. Then when they came to a stop meaning that they are in front of the place, Jake has asked Marinette and her parents to close their eyes so he can surprise them with their new home.

Jake: Ok everyone we are here, but first Marinette, Tom, Sabine close your eyes so you we can surprise you with your new home.

Marinette/Tom/Sabine: OK!(All said union and close their eyes)

Jake made sure that their eyes were completely closed and when he along with Sugu and his parents and brother got out of the car and helped them out and start walking towards the place where Lucia and Ryan as well as Snow and Swan were smiling and couldn't wait to revel the place to the Dupain Chengs.

Sugu: Oh I can not wait to see the looks on their faces!(Sugu saids in thought while standing next to Snow and Swan)

Jake: Ok Marinette, Tom, Sabine are you ready to see your new home!

Marinette/Tom/Sabine: YES!!!!(All said while eyes still closed)

Jake: Ok everyone on the count of three get ready to surprise them.(Jake saids to his family, and friends and Sugu in which they all nod)

Marinette: I am ready getting excited!!!(Marinette saids in thought while trying to calm herself)

Everyone: 3......2.......1 OPEN YOUR EYES!!!!!(Everyone saids to the Dupain Chengs who open their eyes and looked at their new home and couldn't believe what they were seeing)

(Edits done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Jake: Say hello to your new bakery and home!, Boulangerie La Dupain Cheng!

Sabine: Oh my gosh Tom our new home!

Tom: It looks even better and bigger than our old one!

Marrinette: JAKE WE LOVE IT!!!!(Marinette saids and runs towards Jake and hugs him for dear life)

Sabine: You even added our family logo!(Sabine saids and goes hug her son in law with Marinette)

Tom: I never whoah and I like the new name La Dupain Cheng it sounds perfect!(Tom saids and goes into the hug as well)

Jake: Hehehe, I am happy you all like it so much would you like to see in the inside of the place.(Jake saids to the family and Marinette in which they smile and nod and then he along with everyone else went inside to check out the place for themselves)

(La Dupain Cheng Bakery and Housing)

Jake took Marinette and her parents around the place and showed them the new parts of the bakery area where their is a new counter for bake goods and a much larger kitchen to work on bake goods in which Tom was amazed of how big the kitchen was and saw all the amazing cooking tools to make many different bake goods while Sabine really like the counter with all the shelves and places to put bake goods even Marinette was amazed by it. Then Lucia and Ryan showed them the living quarters in which they were amazed of how the living room and kitchen area was spectacular including the parents bedroom and bathroom which Tom and Sabine really love the most.

Lucia: So what do you guys think

Tom: I absolutely love everything in this place and the kitchen and counters downstairs are marvelous! I can easily walk around more and there is plenty of space to put many different bake goods on each shelf so that our customers can choose which food they would like to have.

Sabine: I have to say you all did a splendid job on the living quarters as well, I absolutely loved the kitchen and living room as well as the bedroom and bathroom which has a good view of the city by the way.

Ryan: Thank you Tom and thank you as well Sabine

John: Have to say you kids really did a magnificent job in making this family a new home, I am proud of you all including you son.

Jake: Thanks dad what you think Marinette

Marinette: Jake everything looks lovely! I mean everything you all did looks great!

Lucia: Oh that is not the best part would you like to see your room now Marinette.

Marinette: OH MY GOSH YES!!!!!

Terra: Jake why don't you Ryan, Lucia, Swan, Snow, and Sugu show Marinette her new room while me and your father and brother help Sabine and Tom get settle in.

Jake: Sounds good, shale I escort you to your new room darling.(Jake saids as he puts out his arm for Marinette to grab hold of in which she smiles and grabs on)

Marinette: Show me my new room my spider

Jake along with his friends and Sugu took Marinette to show her new bedroom in which they walked up the steps to the third floor and when they open the door, Marinette stared at the room in awe and amazement.

(Edits done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Marinette: Jake is this......is this really.....(Marinette almost about to explode with excitement of how her new bedroom looks)

Jake: That right my Ladybug this is your new bedroom designed by me and my friends to you feel right at home.

Sugu: Do you like it Marinette

Swan: We put everything into making the perfect room for you.

Snow: Even though it was a tough job to do

Ryan: It wasn't that hard

Lucia: Oh you try lifting a three hundred ton bed up the stairs and lets see how that is hard job.

Marinette: Sugu....I don't like it.......I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!!!!! 😍❤️(Marinette saids as she hops right into the bed which really soft which she liked which earned smiles on everyones faces even Jakes)

Jake: We are happy you like it Marinette, but check out the view from up top of the skylight and you will see how amazing the view is from on top.(Jake saids to Marinette who got up from the bed and climb up the ladder to the outside in which everyone else followed suit)

Marinette: Wow what a view it is so beautiful up here!(Marinette saids while feeling the nice air around her face while taking in the beautiful Paris view from on top of her new home)

Jake: It sure is Marinette, we wanted you to have a good view of the area where you can see Paris's beauty am I right guys.

Everyone: Yea absolutely!

Marinette: Jake, everyone thank you for what you did for me and my parents we really appreciated this more than anything.(Marinette saids and goes hugs Jake and his friends as well as Sugu in which they all got into a group hug)

Ryan: Your welcome Marinette

Lucia: And thanks for being our new friend

Snow: As well as you guys too Tiki, Plagg, Nooroo and Duusuu.

Kwamis: No problem!(Kwamis said and join the group hug)

Swan: Oh guys should we show her the surprise!(Swan saids to everyone which made Marinette confused)

Marinette: What surprise?

Lucia: Oh you will know right now Marinette come on we will show you!

Admittedly everyone went back down to Marinette's new room and walked towards a bookshelf and waited for Jake to show Marinette her surprise.

Jake: Marinette what do you see in front of you?

Marinette: Uh a bookshelf? A really nice one by the way why Jake?(Marinette saids in confusion which earned smirks from everyone even Sugu and Jake)

Jake: Well Marinette because this bookshelf is also a door that leads to a hidden room just for you.(Jake saids as he pulls on the fake book in which it unlocks the secret doorway and opens it revealing a hidden room which surprised Marinette)

Marinette: Whoah.....whats in there?

Lucia: Something that Jake wanted you to have and it was all his idea from the start.

Jake: Go ahead sweetie take a look inside(Jake saids to Marinette in which she nods and walks into the room which was dark at first until she found the light switch and turned on the lights and when they came on Marinette stoped in her tracks and was beyond amazed of what she was seeing in front of her)

Marinette: No......no....no...no way my....my very own fashion designer room........oh my goodness it is like a dream.....a dream come true....😢sniff......oh my gosh....(Marinette saids while on the verge of crying tears of joy of what she was seeing with her own eyes)

Jake: I figured that since you want to become a fashion designer you are gonna need a fashion designer room to work on your designs and here the other surprise I have for you.

Marinette: What could be better than this Jake because I love it all of it!!

Jake: Well you are gonna love this!!!(Jake saids as he opens up the big slide door and it reveled hundreds of different colors of clothing fabrics in which made Marinette smile more)

Jake: Not only do you have your very own fashion designer room but you get your very own clothes fabric closet with hundreds of different colors of fabrics all around the room!!!

Marinette: KYAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!! THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!! 💋 💋 💋(Marinette saids with excitement and tackles Jake to ground and starts kissing all over his face in which Jake loved the most while everyone else was giggling at Marinettes reaction)

Swan/Snow/Sugu/Ryan/Lucia: She loves it(All said in thought)

Jake: Hehehe, I am very happy you love your surprise Marinette and I knew you would.(Jake saids as he gets up from the ground and helps Marinette up as well in which she smiles at Jake for giving her something she always wanted)

Marinette: Jake this is the greatest and most sweetest thing you ever done for me, not just for me but for my parents as well and I am going to be very happy to be part of yours soon as your wife.(Marinette saids to Jake which earned a smile of his face along with everyone else)

Sugu: Don't forget about me I am going to be his wife as well 💋(Sugu saids and walks over to Jake and Marinette and gives a kiss on the cheek for Jake)

Jake: That is true I am gonna have two beautiful wives in my life and I am already seeing a bright future for the three of us.

Marinette and Sugu: We love you Jake!

Jake: I love you too girls

Swan: Aw thats so sweet!

Tiki: I know right!

Plagg: Oh please.....Ow!(Plagg saids then gets hit by Nooroo who smirks along with the others)

Snow: Say hows about we all help Marinette settle into her new home and then all of us can go out for some ice cream.

Ryan: Thats not a bad idea I could go for some ice cream what about you Swan.

Swan: I am down with that

Lucia: Same here!

Jake: Agreed Marinette, Sugu?

Sugu: Sure that would be very nice!

Marinette: I could go for some ice cream and a walk around this new Paris that I am in.

Kwamis: Us too!

Jake: Then we all agree to help Marinette settle in and later go out for some ice cream together!

Everyone: Yes!

Next Chapter coming soon!

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