A Spider meets a Bug from another universe! part 25

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Marinette: I could go for some ice cream and a walk around this new Paris that I am in.

Kwami's: Us too!

Jake: Then we all agree to help Marinette settle in and later go out for some ice cream together!

Everyone: Yes!


Admittedly everyone began to help Marinette settle in into her new home and help her organize what she had in her room into her new room of which she really liked the most including her very own fashion designer room which is a secret room behind a book shelf which Jake came up with the idea for his future fiancé. Not only that but Jakes parents and brother were also helping Tom and Sabine settle in as well which they are enjoying their new home in which they unpacked everything they had in their old home and put into the new place to make it look like they were still home but in another dimension. Then after Jake along with Sugu and their friends helped Marinette got everything settled and organized they told the adults that they were heading out to get some ice cream as well as walk around the city of which they all nod in agreement and told them to look for each other.

Marinette: Hey Jake I have to admit something?

Jake: What is it Marinette?

Marinette: Well while we are walking around your Paris, some of the places here still reminds of home back in my dimension and some of them not so much?

Ryan: Well you might find some things similar to your world Marinette and some things that are quite different but you will get used to it.

Lucia: Yea like that hotel that Chloe's father owns that exist here in this world but it doesn't belong to Chloe or her father.

Marinette: Really what about my school does that exist here?

Snow: Unfortunately Marinette it doesn't not everything in your world exist here in ours, we have different verity of schools and colleges here and none like the ones in your world exist here.

Swan: But we did find something that is totally similar to what you have and we couldn't believe it is real in our dimension.

Marinette: What would that be Swan?

Sugu: Hehehe just follow us Marinette and you will see for yourself and be prepared to amazed of what you going to see.(Sugu saids to Marinette in which she looked at Sugu in confusion but just nods and follows the others)

After walking around some blocks later everyone came to a stop and saw what they were looking for and showed it to Marinette who looked in front of her and saw it with her own hers and was stunned of what she was seeing which was a version of her parents bakery and her former home.

Marinette: Its my parents bakery?! It actually exist here is this dimension!!(Marinette saids in shock while the others giggle at her reaction)

Jake: It may look like the bakery you knew back home but this one is completely different and it belongs to the owners who own this place and the inside in completely different from the one in the other dimension.

Marinette: Well I guess that is true and I am taking a look at the inside and it doesn't look anything like my parents bakery but it still looks quite nice.

Sugu: Say you wanna pick up some bake good then we can head right over to the ice cream place.

Marinette: Sure thats great!

Jake: Me and the others will wait out here for your girls while you get what you want theres no rush.

Marinette: Thanks sweetie 💋(Marinette saids and kisses Jake on the cheek and her and Sugu headed into the bakery together)

Both Sugu and Marinette went into the bakery and bought some really good bake goods and some fresh bake bread in case they want to make some sandwiches for later and after they bought what they wanted they payed for the food and headed to meet the others and they all headed to the ice cream place that everyone goes to and are now taking Marinette with them because she doesn't know the place like they do but soon she will.

Marinette: So what kind of ice cream place are going to?

Snow: Oh Marinette the place were taking you sales the best ice cream ever made and you will love it am I right Swan.

Swan: Absolutely it is the same place where me and my dino hunk here had our first date.(Swan saids while holding Ryans hand in which he smiles)

Ryan: That is correct my little red rex 💋(Ryan saids and kisses Swan on cheek in which she giggles)

Plagg: Oh blah.....Ow!(Plagg saids and then gets hit by Tiki of which both were in Marinettes bag)

Tiki: Serves you right cheese lover

Plagg: Heh whatever cookie face

Tiki: Hmph.........

Jake: And the best part is that they all come in different flavors and you get to choose which one you like the most and they add macaroons on the top.

Marinette: Oh that sounds delicious I might have to try it for myself.

Sugu: Oh you will because here we are!(Sugu saids as everyone stop and looked at the place they were heading towards)

Marinette: Amorino? Huh I never heard of place like that in my world?

Jake: It is ok if you don't know about it but the food and ice cream here is delicious come on I will show you blueberry.(Jake saids as he takes both Marinette and Sugu's hand into the place so that they can have some nice relaxing ice cream together with the others following behind)

Marinette: Wow, Jake wasn't joking there are a lot of different flavors in this place I don't which to choose from?(Marinette saids in thought while looking at the ice cream flavors)

Worker: Hello and welcome to Amorino's how may I serve you.

Jake: Hello all of us are interested in having ice cream for today.

Worker: Alright what would it be sir?

Jake: Well for me I will have the chocolate and vanilla, Sugu will have the strawberry and vanilla, and Marinette here will have the Lime and vanilla.

Worker: Coming right up sir would macaroons on top suit you three.

Jake/Sugu/Marinette: Yes Please!

Worker: Alright I will have your ice creams ready after I take the customers order behind you three next.(Worker saids while pointing at Swan, Snow, Ryan, and Lucia)

Jake: Sure thing come you two hows about we find a table to sit while we wait.(Jake saids to Marinette and Sugu in which they both nod and go sit with their man while the others order their favorite ice cream)

Jake: So Marinette while we wait for our ice cream how you liking this version of Paris so far?

Marinette: Well Jake so far mostly everything in this version looks similar to mind but with different places but other than that I think I am going to like here and soon I will find a fashion place where I can become a property fashion designer and live up to my dream as well as being married to my favorite spider sitting right next to me.(Marinette saids and holding Jakes hand in which he smiles)

Sugu: As well as me since both of us are going to be his wives soon.

Marinette: That is true

Jake: And I know you two are going to make beautiful wives to me and who knows maybe even mothers if we start having kids in the future.

Marinette: I would love to have that as well and be a family.

Sugu: Same

Worker: Alright one chocolate, one lime and one strawberry is ready!

Jake: Oh better go get our ice creams be right back.(Jake saids and goes up to get the ice creams he order for him and his two finances)

Jake comes back from the counter with the ice cream in his hands and when both Marinette and Sugu saw the ice cream they were happy with joy even Marinette who amazed how they made the ice cream in the shape of a beautiful flower.

Jake: Alright the chocolate is for me, and one strawberry for my beautiful Sugu, and one lime for lovely fashion designer Marinette.

Marinette and Sugu: Thank you Darling!(Both said and took their ice creams)

Sugu: So hows about it Marinette shale we taste our ice creams together.

Marinette: Sure!

With that said all three of them eaten their ice creams and Marinette couldn't believe how delicious her ice cream was in which she never had something so good before except for Andres ice cream back in her world but here it is completely different. The others got theirs as well and sat with Jake, Sugu, and Marinette and they too enjoyed their ice creams and while they were enjoying themselves they started to hear police sirens pacing by them.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Marinette: Whats going on?

Ryan: Hang on let me check the police radio on the phone.(Ryan saids as he checks the radio on his phone to see what the problem is)

Police Radio: All units we have a bank robbery on twenty one Av George V, seven five hundred and eight Paris France hostiles are armed and dangerous over!

Ryan: Hey Lucia its your turn

Lucia: No way man me and Snow went last time.

Snow: Agreed

Ryan: Well me and Swan already did our part before we left so?

Jake: Looks like it is our time Sugu shale we.

Sugu: Lets, say Marinette hows about you come along as well and give us a helping hand.

Marinette: Wait you want me to join you guys?

Jake: Well sure and you are now a member of our team now which makes a part of this and Paris could be introduced to its newest hero Ladybug.

Marinette: Hmmm now that you mention it, I could use some action right about now and this Paris could use Ladybug right about now what you say Tiki are you in.

Tiki: I am with you all the way Marinette!

Marinette: Great, Lucia you mind looking after Plagg while we are gone.(Marinette saids and gives the ring to Lucia in which she nods and Plagg flies out and lands on the girls shoulder)

Lucia: Sure I'll keep this guy company while you kick some ass out there.

Plagg: Seen you soon Bug and Spider and knock some heads!

Jake: Right lets go girls!(Jake saids in which Tiki, Marinette and Sugu nod and headed out of the ice cream store and into an alleyway to transform)

Jake: Alright this should be a good spot are you ready girls!

Marinette/Sugu/Tiki: Yea!

Jake: Sugu Webs Up!

Marinette: Tiki Spots On!

Both heroes transformed into their super suits and swung away and headed towards the place the cops mention about the armed men and dangerous who are robbing a bank on the street address that was told.

Meanwhile at the bank:

Four armed men with masks were in the bank gathering all the money they can fit in their vehicle while the other looks out for the cops or those super heroes and try to stop them.

Leader: Come on boy hurry it up!!! We don't have all day the cops would be here any minute!!!

Gunman: The cops please I am more worry about those heroes coming after us?!!!(The Gunman saids while loading the bag with money)

Sniper: Yea especially that Spider guy, Oh I hate him so much!!!

Leader: Lets chit chat more loading up the money! Hey any cops or those heroes coming over?(Leader saids to his men and talks to the other one on the radio)

Wingman: Wingman here so far none of them showed up yet so were good for now but I think it is best we hurry with the past over!

Leader: Understood come on boys lets get all that we need and get the heck out of here!

Sniper and Gunman: Yes sir!

Back outside with the Wingman who is keeping watch:

Wingman: Hmm so far no sign of those cops or those heroes huh must be our lucky.....Arghhh!!!(Wingman didn't get to finish as he gets punch in the face by a fellow spider hero and his partner who landed on the ground next to him and then when Wingman was knocked out unconscious Katipo webbed him up so he doesn't escape)

(Instead of Spider-Man think of Katipo punching the bad guy)

Katipo: One done, three to go

Ladybug: Nice one Katipo do you except the other three know we are here?

Katipo: I don't think so but lets give them a warm welcome.

Ladybug: I like the way you think lets go!(Ladybug and Katipo headed into the bank and greet the other robbers who were still gathering the money)

Sniper: Boss we got all the money!

Leader: Excellent lets get the heck out of here! Wingman we got the money anything yet over?(Leader saids to his men and calls Wingman to respond in which he didn't)

Leader: Wingman this is your leader do you copy over!

Gunman: Boss whats going on?

Leader: Wingman nots responding and I have no idea why?


Leader: Crap its the spider shoot him?!!!(Leader saids to his men who pulls out their guns and get ready to fire until they heard a female voice)

I DON'T THINK SO BOYS!(Ladybug saids and throws her yoyo at Sniper and Gunman and wrapped them up)

Sniper and Gunman: Another One?!!!(Both said in union and get wrapped up in the yoyo and then Ladybug swung them around in a circle and they both slammed into the wall knocking both out cold)

Leader: Sniper, Gunman!! Who the heck are you suppose to be?!!!(Leader saids while pointing his weapon at Ladybug)

Katipo: Oh her she's my newest member of the team

Ladybug: The names Ladybug how you doing.

Leader: Well whoever you are your about to be a dead bug in about three seconds!!!

Katipo: I don't so!!!(Katipo saids as he jumps down and hits the leader hard in the face in which he hits the wall like his men and gets knocked out cold)

Leader: Argghhhh!!!!!!.......(Leader saids while getting punched in the face knocked out)

(Artwork done by me:95nicholasnm)

Ladybug: Nice knock out spider

Katipo: Thanks LB

Ladybug and Katipo: Pound It!

After Katipo webbed up the rest of the gang who were still knocked out, the police arrived on the scene and saw the heroes who have taken down the men who were robbing the bank.

Police Officer: Well done Katipo you done it again and who might you be miss, I have to say I never seen you around here before?

Katipo: She is my newest team mate her name is Ladybug.

Ladybug: Pleasure to meet you officer

Police Officer: Well Ladybug thank you for helping as well and welcome to Paris and thanks again Katipo.

Katipo: No problem Officer were just happy to help.(Katipo saids to the officer in which he nods then heads back to his fellow officers to take away the criminals)

Ladybug: That was great Katipo and I was actually kind of happy to be back in action again and don't have to worry about Akuma's or Hawk Moth ever again.

Katipoi: Glad you enjoyed yourself, so wanna patrol with me because I got text saying that the others are doing their own thing and Lucia is still looking after Plagg so we got some time for ourselves what you say Ladybug.

Ladybug: I would be delighted to patrol with you my spider.

Katipo: Then lets go!

Ladybug: Lets!

Chapter 26 coming soon!

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