A Spider meets a Bug from another universe! part 26

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After both Ladybug and Katipo took down the baddies who were robbing the bank, the two heroes went on patrol around Paris to see if there was anymore danger lurking in which they both kept their guard up to make sure nothing happens while also keeping an eye on the civilian population since Katipo informed to Ladybug that bad things could happened at any time when there is a whole bunch of people walking around the streets of Paris or near the Eiffel tower itself.

Ladybug: Looks like there nothing happening right now you think that the baddies are taking a break?

Katipo: Hmm so far everything looks fine and for your question no baddies don't take breaks trust me my baddies are completely different from the ones in your world a lot different.

Ladybug: If you say what is true I will make sure to keep my guard up.

Katipo: Thats what I like to hear. Why don't we sit down and catch our breath before we continue patrolling.(Katipo saids while sitting on the ledge of a building)

Ladybug: Yea that would be great my feet could use some rest.(Ladybug saids as she sits by her partner slash future husband)

Katipo: Its quite beautiful isn't it.

Ladybug: What?

Katipo: This view in front of us isn't it lovely to see where there is no baddies and no destruction happening.(Katipo saids while looking at the view of Paris)

Ladybug: You know what your right it is quite beautiful even though its the same city of where I was born even though its in another universe I still can't get over how Paris looks so lovely even the weather itself feels nice.

Katipo: I agree, before we met and I was sucked through the portal that ended up in your world; I come up here to look at the view of Paris and make a promise that I will protect it with my life and with the help of my teammates we will make sure nothing bad happens here.

Ladybug: Kind of like how I was doing back home in which I myself made a promise to look after Paris and protect the people from harms way in which I did but now I get the chance to do it in another universe.

Katipo: You sure your friends will do well without you there?

Ladybug: I know they will I trust them with my life besides my time in the world came to end when I met this amazing and very brave hero who helped change my life and gave me something no one could ever done.

Katipo: Oh and what would that be?

Ladybug: Hehehe you gave me love and compassion as well as protection in which I never met anyone like you Jake Hala and I am so honored and proud to be called your future wife in which I am so going to spoil our future kids.

Katipo: Oh geez are you really?

Ladybug: What?, my parents do it to me all the time when I was younger.

Katipo: Ok whatever you say I wont stop you but at least let me spend time with them because a lot of mothers hog their children more and not let the father spend more time with them.

Ladybug: I think I can make exception.

Katipo: I love you red spandex polka dotted bug girl.

Ladybug: Hehehe and I love you wall crawling arachnid.

Both Katipo and Ladybug scouted closer to each other while showing how much they love each other while also looking at the view of Paris. While the heroes were enjoying the site they were seeing all of sudden the moment had to end when all of sudden a bright light appeared out of nowhere in which was appearing on top of the houses below the city itself in which caught the eyes of both Katipo and Ladybug.

Ladybug: What the heck?(Ladybug saids while looking at the bright light from below)

Katipo: Ok now things are starting to get mysterious right now.

Ladybug: What do you wanna do Katipo?

Katipo: I will go check out what that is, you wait here and if its a problem they you know what to do.

Ladybug: Spring into action got it but what if its not a problem?

Katipo: If its nothing dangerous then once I get a look what it is I will come back and inform you but for now stay put and I will be back soon.

Ladybug: Ok but be careful ok sweetie.

Katipo: I will don't worry.(Katipo saids while rubbing his hand on his fiancée cheek then shot of web towards the light)

Ladybug: Whatever that is down there I hope its not dangerous or something that wants to harm innocent lives.

Meanwhile with Katipo who was swinging and jumping from building to building towards the bright light he and Ladybug saw, he went to investigate what it was and then report back to Ladybug to see if its dangerous or not. When Katipo landed where the bright light appeared, he hid himself behind a wall to make sure whatever the light was bad to come from a person of some sort in which he got himself ready to see who or what the light was from.

Katipo: Hmmm...looks like the light is dying down might as well check to see whose behind the wall but while also keep my guard up because I may not know whats behind the wall in front of me I just hope it is nothing dangerous or evil.(Katipo saids in thought and was ready to come out of his hiding spot until he heard crying sounds)

Sniff! Sniff!.......

Katipo: Wait is that someone crying? And it sounds like a girl thats strange?

When Katipo peeked behind the wall to see who was crying in which he saw it was actually a girl who was wearing all black and had dark bluish black hair and was holding her face with her hands in which the girl was crying for some reason in which Katipo didn't know why but then looked at what was in front of her in which was another portal just like the one he got sucked in and then all of sudden it disappeared leaving the girl alone on the ground and it looked like she was in pain.

Sniff! Sniff!.........(The girl kept of crying more in which Katipo felt bad for the pore girl in which he deiced to come out and try to calm the girl who was crying)

When Katipo came out of his hiding spot he walked towards the girl very slowly without making a sound and decided to walk around her to get a look of who the girl was and once he did all of sudden he looked at the girl in pure shock in which he looked closely at the girl who on the ground crying and when he saw the girls face she looked just like Marinette but the only difference was the her hair was darker as well as long and was wearing all black clothes but had the same blue eyes just like his Marinette but he was wondering how was is this possible that there are two of them is the question he was thinking.

Katipo: Hey are you alright?(Katipo saids while kneeling down in front of the Marinette look a like in which the girl looked up and saw who was in front of her)

Marinette(Look alike): GASP!........(Marinette gasp in shock and then backed away from Katipo)

Katipo: Whoah! whoah take it easy I am not here to harm you I was just seeing if you were ok or not.

Marinette(Look alike): Mm....Mister....Bbug.......?

Katipo: I am sorry but who are you talking about?

Marinette(Look alike): Mm...mister....Bbug is..is that...you......

Katipo: Um sorry but I think you got me confused with someone else my name is Katipo hero of Paris and the holder of the spider miraculous.(Katipo saids as he stand tall in which the Marinette look alike got a closer look at the guy in red and black suit in which she realized that this person was not someone she knew but totally different)

(Artwork done me: 95nicholasnm)

Marinette(Look alike): Yy....your not him.....then......then thats means.......😢sniff...no....please...no........(Marinette saids then goes back to crying more)

Katipo: Hey hey easy theres no reason to be upset I am sorry if my appearance shocked you but can you possibly tell me how you ended up here?

Marinette(Look alike): I...I was fighting......Hawk Moth....ww....with mm...my partner.....Mmister...Bug....and.....and......😢sniff.......

Katipo: Easy take your time..

Marinette(Look alike): Me and him......were fighting...Hawk Moth......and we....we found....out...who....who he was....and we...went....t..to stop him....but.....I...I....I found out...something...dark...about...him.....

Katipo: And what would that be?

Marinette(Look alike): I....I found out that.....he...he....was...was....mm..my.....😢sniff...

Katipo: Your what?

Marinette(Look alike): I FOUND OUT THAT HE WAS MY FATHER!!!! THE ONE WHO NEVER LET ME GO TO SCHOOL AND MAKE FRIENDS, THE ONE WHO KEPT ME IN THE MANSION FOR YEARS AND NOT HAD THE TIME TO BE WITH ME, THE ONE WHO NEVER SHOWED ANY LOVE FOR ME, THE ONE WHO MADE MY LIFE A LIVING HELL AFTER MOM DISAPPEARED AND NOW I FOUND OUT HE IS A TERRORIST WHO WANTED NOTHING TO GET HIS HANDS ON BOTH MINE AND MISTER BUG'S MIRACULOUS, AND HE WAS TRYING TO BRING BACK MY MOM WHO HE SAID THAT SHE SUFFERED A COMA DUE THE PEACOCK MIRACULOUS AND THEN HE ATTACKED BOTH ME AND MY PARTNER AND STOLE THE MIRACULOUS AND MADE HIS WISH AND........AND......then......I....I ended up...here.......I...I don't how.......or why....bbut....I cannot forgive what he did to me....or what he did to so many...people...and for what.....he...he did to......Mister....Bbug....😢sniff.......why did he do this....why........(Marinette look alike saids in anger and sadness in which more tears came down her face while Katipo looked shocked of what he just heard)

Katipo: If she is truly Marinette then thats means, wait she said Mister Bug? Wait a minute could this Marinette be from another universe as well if so then that means where she came from she must of had Adrien's life while he had hers so that means Marinette's father Tom becomes Hawk Moth and her mother suffered the coma while Adrien had the miraculous of creation and his parents were still together so that means this Marinette in front of me had the miraculous of destruction he has to be.(Katipo saids in thought while feeling bad for the girl in front of him)

Marinette(Look alike): He....took everything from me.....and now I don't think I can live with myself anymore...😢sniff....I'm all alone now..........

Katipo: Hey look at me your not alone and I am sorry for your losses and for what your father did to you and your friend but you must not feel this way because someone like you doesn't deserve to feel this way.

Marinette(Look alike): But you don't even know who I am and I don't know you and I never heard of a spider miraculous before!

Katipo: Well your right about not knowing who I am and about my miraculous but I do know you Marinette.(Katipo saids in which shocked that girl that the person in the super suit knows her name)

Marinette(Look alike): How....how did you know my name?

Katipo: Your not the only Marinette Dupain Cheng I met.

Marinette(Look alike): What do you mean by not the only Marinette Dupain Cheng?

Katipo: Wait here I will be right back because there is someone I would want you to see.(Katipo saids to the Marinette look alike in which the girl nod here head then saw Katipo leave for a while)

Marinette(Look alike): Who was that? He looks so much like Mister Bug but so different?

Back with Ladybug who was waiting patiently for her spider, all of sudden she saw him swinging back to him and she got up from her spot and await for what Katipo is going to say to her.

Katipo: I'm back.

Ladybug: Thats good so what did you find out and why do you look so shock all of sudden?

Katipo: Well I figured out what that light was....and I found something else.

Ladybug: Really what is it?

Katipo: It was another portal that lead to another universe in which a person came out of it and she looked so broken.

Ladybug: Another portal! And wait you said she as in a girl came through?

Katipo: Yes in which she is in so much pain right now.

Ladybug: Why what happened did she tell you anything.

Katipo: Yes but I also found something else that is more shocking in which you will be shocked as well.

Ladybug: Why me?

Katipo: Let's just say your not the only Marinette Dupain Cheng in existence.

Ladybug: Katipo what are you talking about?

Katipo: Sigh...the girl I saw and went to calm her down was you another Marinette Dupain Cheng and I believe she is from another universe and I don't know how it is possible.(Katipo saids in which made Ladybug's eyes widen like dinner plates)

Ladybug: WHAT?!!!!!

Katipo: Yea but there is a difference between the two of you.

Ladybug: How different?

Katipo: Well for one thing I found out that she doesn't get the miraculous of creation but the miraculous of destruction instead in which Adrien received the miraculous of creation and he became this hero called Mister Bug so apparently I think in this Marinette's universe she and Adrian had their lives switched in which Adrien is possibly the one who lives in the bakery with both of his parents while the other you lives in a mansion with a father who acts like Gabriel and Sabine is the one who suffered the coma.(Katipo saids in which made Ladybug look even more shocked and horror of what she just heard)

Ladybug: So you mean that this other me has Adrien's life where she lives alone in the mansion while her father becomes cold towards her and not let her do anything she wants and she becomes the holder of the cat miraculous instead of the miraculous holder of the ladybug.

Katipo: Yea thats sounds about right and she was screaming in pain when she told me that her father is Hawk Moth where she came from and he did such horrible things to her that broke the poor girl into pieces in which I believe that her father tried to do the same thing Gabriel did in trying to bring back Emilee and it looks like that version of Tom Dupain Cheng succeeded in getting the miraculous in which caused the destruction of your counterparts world but the other question is how she ended in my world is beyond me.

Ladybug couldn't believe what she was listening to that there is another version of herself from another universe where she has Adriens miserable life and that another Tom Dupain Cheng who is a cold heartless man turns out to be the Hawk Moth of that Marinette's universe and used the miraculous to revive the Sabine Dupain Cheng of that other universe but it turned out to lead the destruction of the world in which he counterpart lost everything even her friends and even the Adrien of her world all because of what the other Tom Dupain Cheng did in which both Ladybug and Katipo felt bad for the other Marinette and wanted to help.

Ladybug: Can you take me to her or me I want to know what is going on.

Katipo: Alright but be very careful she still feels sad for what has been going on even after the events that took place in her universe.

Ladybug: I will do that, I just cannot believe there is another version of me out there makes me wonder if there are others as well.

Katipo: If so its going to be very confusing due to the fact they have the same name as you.

Ladybug: Hehehe yea that would be confusing, but anyway let's go check on my counterpart.

Soon both Ladybug and Katipo swung back towards where the other Marinette was who was waiting for the spider like hero to come back and meet this person he told her about. And while she waits, she still cannot get over what her awful father did to her and doesn't know why he never told her about what truly happened to her mother in which she can tell that the Sabine from her world wouldn't want Tom to become such a horrible father as well as terrorist that brought destruction to Paris and harm innocent lives.

Marinette(Look alike): Why did you do these things father......why did you have to become a monster.....why didn't you tell me about what happened to mom.......why.....why...did you have to be so cruel towards me.......I just wanted you to love me......😢sniff.....now I will never be loved again....never again....

Katipo: Hey I am back and I brought that person I said about.

Marinette(Look alike): 😢sniff...Oh its you and you did?

Katipo: You can show yourself now.(Katipo saids in which a girl came out wearing a red suit with black dots all over her body as well as a mask in which made the other Marinette gasp in shock of what she was looking at)

Ladybug: Um hello......there.....(Ladybug saids while waving at her counterpart)

Marinette(Look alike): What........

Ladybug: Whoah there is really another version of me though her hair is a lot darker than mine and wearing all black but a least our eyes are still the same.(Ladybug saids while looking at her counterpart from head to toe)


Ladybug: Whoah easy there my name is Ladybug the holder of miraculous of creation where I come from.

Marinette(Look alike): No this can't be Mister Bug would never be replaced never!

Katipo: Ladybug I think its best you show her yourself.

Marinette(Look alike): Show me what?

Ladybug: Spots Off!(Ladybug saids as she changes back to normal)

Soon when the light dyed down all of sudden the other Marinette looked upon the Ladybug girl in complete utter shock in which she was looking right at herself and next to her was the kwami of creation herself known as Tiki.

Marinette: Hehehe um hi yea I know I am as shocked as you are.

Tiki: Huh? Two Marinette's?

Marinette(Look alike): Tt...Tiki is that you.....(Marinette look alike saids and walks towards the kwami)

Tiki: Wow never excepted to see another Marinette before.(Tiki saids with a smile in which the other Marinette knows that smile anywhere)

Marinette(Look alike): TIKI IT IS YOU!(Marinette look alike saids and hugs the little kwami near her cheek)

Katipo: Looks like this version of you knows about Tiki?

Marinette: Looks that way.

Marinette(Look alike): Tiki what happened, where is Mister Bug what is going on?

Tiki: I am sorry but I am not the Tiki you knew and I don't know anyone named Mister Bug.

Marinette(Look alike): What?

Katipo: She's right what you are looking at in you hand is a Tiki from another reality and this girl next to me is you in which she received the miraculous of creation while that Mister Bug of yours received the miraculous of destruction.

Marinette(Look alike): Other reality? I am not sure I understand?

Marinette: I am you from another universe in which I am the holder of the miraculous of creation and the guardian of the miraculous.

Marinette(Look alike): You look like me and sound like me but why do you look so normal?

Marinette: Well that is because I live a different life then you in which I am not the daughter of famous fashion designer but the daughter of the best bakers in Paris.

Marinette(Look alike): Wait you mean that......I mean do you have....I mean...

Marinette: If you wondering if I have a Tom Dupain Cheng who is my father yes I do but he is not like yours in which mine is sweet and kind and filled with joy who loves me very much along with mom.

Marinette(Look alike): Mm...mom....you mean that she's.....she's alive......(Marinette look alike saids in which looked like she was about to break down)

Marinette: Yes she is, you see where I come from I live a normal life like everyone else and had so many good friends while my friend Adrien had the life you have in which his father Gabriel became cold and ruthless as well as a terrorist in which he became Hawk Moth after his wife Emilee suffered a coma like your mother Sabine.

Marinette(Look alike): But the Adrien I knew lives in a bakery and his parents are the best bakers in Paris and his father is not a super villain and his wife is not in a coma?

Katipo: Thats is because you and this Marinette live different lives in two different worlds.

Marinette(Look alike): So if what your saying is true but who was the holder of the cat miraculous where you came from since I found that Adrien from my world is Mister Bug.

Marinette: The holder of the cat miraculous was also Adrien but my Adrien from my world until he was.

Marinette(Look alike): What do you mean was? Is he not the holder of the miraculous?

Katipo: No he is not...

Marinette: Adrien became corrupted due to the dark energy in the cat miraculous in which drove him to madness ever since I kept on rejecting him as Ladybug in which he was unworthy of the miraculous after he tried to bring harm to me and Katipo here and so he got his miraculous taken away from him and had his memory erased.

Katipo: What I can tell is that you almost went down that same path, did the Adrien of your world reject your feelings when you were...what did you call yourself if you were the holder of the cat miraculous?

Marinette(Look alike): I went by the name Lady Noire and yes he did reject me lots of times in which he only sees me as a friend and nothing more but when he confess his love for me in his civilian form I rejected him as well because I was in love with his alternate ego more than the real him in which I felt horrible for what I did and wanted to make it up to him but I couldn't after what my horrible father did to him and to my world.(Marinette look alike saids in sadness that she had a Adrien where she came from but lost him due to what her father did as Hawk Moth)

Marinette: Were sorry for what happened to you and to your world as well as Adrien.

Marinette(Look alike): Thank you but now I don't think I will ever find love again or be loved for that matter after how cruel and evil my own father has become even after he destroyed everything that was dear to me.

Katipo: Tell me something that I don't know I mean after what your father did with the miraculous that he took from both you and the Adrien of your world how did you end up in mine?

Marinette(Look alike): Wait you mean I am not in my world anymore?(Marinette look alike saids while looking around her that she was in Paris but not hers)

Katipo: What is the last thing you remember?

Marinette(Look alike): After my father aka Hawk Moth took our miraculous and made his wish to bring back my mother in a cost all of sudden I saw a huge bright light appear in front of me and Adrien who was hurt badly and wasn't moving in which I knew I had to get away somehow before I was about to be absorbed into the light that was covering my father when he merged the miraculous together. When I was running for my life all of sudden something appeared in front of me and it was so bright I couldn't remember what it was until I was pulled into it and then the next thing I knew I was here while mourning the people I have lost in my world.

Katipo: I actually know how you ended up here.

Marinette(Look alike): You do what?

Katipo: What you came upon was a dimensional portal.

Marinette(Look alike): Dimensional portal? What are you those?

Katipo: They are portals that came bring people to other worlds in which they work in mysterious ways I should know because I got sucked into one and ended up in this Marinette's universe and helped her defeat the Hawk Moth of her world.(Katipo saids while pointing to his Marinette)

Marinette(Look alike): Is that true?

Marinette: It is in which I couldn't thank him enough for what he has done for my world and with the help of his team we would couldn't have defeated the Hawk Moth of my world.

Tiki: She's right Katipo is great hero just like his two teammates.

Marinette(Look alike): Really but I never heard of a spider miraculous where I come from how is that possible I mean do you have miraculous here in your world?

Katipo: I do but there is difference you see the miraculous that both you and this Marinette here along with the kwami's do not exist in my world because there is only three miraculous that ever existed and there are no guardians or super villains here.

Marinette(Look alike): You mean that you and your two teammates are the only miraculous holders here and there are no others?

Katipo: No there is not in which I am not sure yet because I don't know if there are any other miraculous out there because myself and my friends found ours in dark cave outside of Paris in an ancient box.

Marinette(Look alike): If that is true then who is the leader of the team?

Katipo: Your looking right at him.

Marinette: Katipo is a great leader to his team and the best that I ever met in my life.

Marinette(Look alike): Now that she mentions it, he does kind of remind me of Adrien when he is Mister Bug.(Marinette look alike saids in thought while looking at the spider hero in front of her)

Katipo: If your wondering who my teammates are their names are Tyranno and Blizzard Bear in which Blizzard is the holder of the polar bear miraculous and her powers are based off ice and snow while Tyranno is the holder of the dinosaur in which his power can allow him to grow int the size of dinosaur and unleash a powerful stump the can make the ground shake.

Marinette(Look alike): A dinosaur and a polar bear miraculous now that is something new to me and at least of there is a girl on the team which is great.

Katipo: I can tell you will like them very much including their kwami's Snow and Swan.

Marinette(Look alike): I guess I will but there is something I don't get?

Marinette: What is that?

Marinette(Look alike): If you are me then how did you get here in Katipo was it, how did you end up in his universe?

Katipo: Oh well before the defeat of Hawk Moth my team was able to track me down by inventing some kind of dimensional portal bracelets that would allow them to travel to other worlds in which they used them to help find me and help save Ladybug as well as defeat Hawk Moth but soon this Marinette decided that she wanted to start a new life in whole new world so I invited her to my world so she and her family can live a normal life and start fresh.

Marinette(Look alike): I see...hey what is that on your finger?(Marinette look alike saids while looking at her counterparts engagement ring)

Marinette: Oh this, this is my engagement ring why?

Marinette(Look alike): YOUR MARRIED?!

Marinette: No not yet I am engage soon to be married.

Marinette(Look alike): Really who is the lucky guy?

Katipo: Your looking at him.

Marinette(Look alike): YOU!

Marinette: Yea he propose to me before I left my world to be with him.

Marinette(Look alike): Who are you under that mask?

Katipo: Allow me to show you, Webs Down!(Katipo saids as he changes back to normal)

When the glowing dyed down, all of sudden there was no spider hero in front of the other Marinette but a very attractive and handsome man along with a kwami that looked like a small black spider in which the other Marinette got a good look at the boy in front of her. He was tall, muscular, had amazing brown hair and such beautiful eyes as well as a great smile that made the girls heart beat like crazy as well as earned a blush on her face.

Jake: My real name is Jake Hala and this here is my kwami Sugu.

Sugu: Hello!

Marinette(Look alike): OH MY GOSH HE IS SO HOT!!!! Such beautiful eyes and such lovely brown hair and those muscles so attractive....I mean sure Mister Bug was cute and good looking even when I found out he was Adrien all along but this guy right here he is something else and that smile its so dreamy.(Marinette look alike saids in thought while looking at the sight in front of her)

Sugu: Yup Marinette well this Marinette is engaged to this guy what here and so am I.

Marinette(Look alike): Huh? Wait how could a kwami be engaged to a human being?

Jake: Well there is something you should know about the kwami's here.

Marinette(Look alike): And what would that be?

Sugu: We can take on human form.

Marinette(Look alike): WHAT?!!!!

Marinette: I had the same reaction when I found out about it.

Jake: Sugu if you would.

Sugu: Gladly!(Sugu saids and changes into her human form in which surprised the other Marinette)

(Artwork done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Sugu: What do you think?

Marinette(Look alike): OUR KWAMI'S CANNOT DO THAT?!!!

Jake: Yea I know shocking right but you will get used to it.

Marinette(Look alike): Ohh my brain is killing me....

Marinette: Why don't you sit down for a while and try to process the information.

Marinette(Look alike): Yea good idea....

While the other Marinette is taken in what is going on and where she was the other version of her was talking with Jake along with Sugu and Tiki to discuss what to do now.

Marinette: So what do we do?

Jake: Well it is clearly that we cannot just leave her by herself I mean after what she has been through and I feel so bad for her.

Tiki: I agree with Jake, I also feel bad for what happened to other versions ourselves.

Sugu: Don't worry sis it is going to be ok.

Jake: I think I might have an idea and since she cannot go back to the world she came from well since it is destroyed now.

Marinette: What do you have in mind Jake?

Jake: Well why not bring her into the family in which she could have the love she always wanted as well as the kindness from the parents including having a twin sister.

Tiki: Thats a great idea Jake! And Marinette since she does look like you she could possibly be a twin sister to you which would make her part of the family.

Sugu: I agree and we can't just leave by herself.

Marinette: Well now that you guys mentioned it I always wanted a sibling since I am an only child but after what my counterpart said to us and how she is all alone maybe bringing her into my family would help her adjust a new life here in Jakes world.

Jake: Exactly but we have to inform your parents about this they need to know as well even what went down in the other Marinette's world.

Marinette: You are right Jake and no one deserves to be alone not even another version of me.

Jake: Then it is decided let's go inform her.(Jake saids in which everyone nods in agreement)

When the other Marinette processed everything that her counterpart along with Jake told her about the other worlds and the new miraculous holders she saw them coming towards her with smiles on their faces for some reason.

Marinette(Look alike): Hey whats going on?

Marinette: We want to take you to meet some very special people.

Tiki: Very special and I know you would like them very much.

Marinette(Look alike): Um ok but how are we going to get to them.

Jake: Sugu Webs Up!(Jake saids and turns back into Katipo and then walked towards the other Marinette and carried her in his arms in which made the girl blush crimson)

Marinette(Look alike): Whoah he is so so......muscular......Purr......(Marinette look alike saids in whisper then purred)

Katipo: Did you just purr?

Marinerre(Look alike): Uh no........

Kartipo: Just checking, Marinette inform the others that were heading back so they know what is going on and I will see you there.

Marinette: Got it, Tiki Spots On!

Marinette(Look alike): Wait are we going swing to the place that you said were going?

Katipo: Yes we are so hang on tight.

Marinette(Look alike): Will do..(Marinette look alike saids and snuggles into Katipo's chest while the other looked towards her counterpart in jealousy already)

Ladybug: She has to know that he's my man.(Ladybug saids in thought then takes off)

Katipo: Ready?

Marinette(Look alike): Yes..

Katipo: Here we go!(Katipo saids and swings with Marinette look alike in his arms)

Marinette(Look alike): WHOOOH HOOOO!

Chapter 27 coming soon!

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