A Spider meets a Bug from another universe! Part 27

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After Katipo left with Marinette's counterpart while the the other went to get Katipo's friends along with Plagg to explain the situation about is going on, Katipo who was holding the second Marinette in his arms and was swinging back to the bakery to inform the Dupain Chengs about their surprise guest and hope they don't flip out.

Katipo: How you holding up uh Marinette?(Katipo saids while swinging from building to building with the second Marinette in his arms who was enjoying the ride)

Marinette(Look alike): THIS IS AMAZING! WHOO-HOO!(Marinette look alike saids with excitement in her voice)

Katipo: I take that as a I am doing amazing? At least she is calm now and filled with spirit for a while.(Katipo saids in thought)

Marinette(Look alike): This is best ride I had all my life, I mean sure I did with Mister Bug before but never this fast and the way Jake...I mean Katipo is swinging from building to building is extremely awesome makes me wonder what else he can do.(Marinette look alike saids in thought while enjoying her time)

Katipo: Alright hang on tight were almost there.

Marinette(Look alike): Almost where exactly? Where are we going?

Katipo: You will soon find out and of course we still want you to meet some people of course.

Marinette(Look alike): Oh alright.

Katipo: I just hope she doesn't freak out when she meets them because the way I seen her when I found her, she looked completely devastated and broken but maybe if they can open up to her maybe just maybe this Marinette can actually be with a family that will love her for who she is.(Katipo saids in thought while thinking of the Dupain Chengs being this version of Marinette family now)

Soon after a couple swinging from different buildings later both Katipo and the other Marinette landed on top of a roof in which the second Marinette took in the view of this version of Paris in which the view from on top of the place was breathtaking.

Marinette(Look alike): Wow its beautiful up here and the view is amazing.

Katipo: That it is, I always come by this neighborhood and check out the view of place and it never stops to amaze me.

Marinette(Look alike): Even though it is not my Paris, I still think it is quite lovely but where are we anyway?

Katipo: You will know once everyone gets here.

Marinette(Look alike): Oh ok and when would they coming.(Marinette look alike saids then hears a voice coming from out of nowhere)


When both the second Marinette and Katipo looked towards the voice in which was Tyranno along with Ladybug and Blizzard Bear, the other Marinette couldn't believe what she was seeing with her own eyes. The second Marinette looked and saw the two other miraculous holders that Katipo explained to her and what he said to her was true about there being holders who looked like a dinosaur and a polar bear.

Tyranno: Hey man whats going on why did we get called back?

Blizzard Bear: Whats going on Katipo? Ladybug only told us to come back because something came up?

Katipo: Uh yea you see while Ladybug and I were patrolling the city we encountered something on the way.

Blizzard Bear: Really what was it?

Katipo: Sigh...lets just say we encountered a dimension portal that appeared out of nowhere.(Katipo saids to the team who looked shock of what they heard except for Ladybug who knows already since she was with Katipo)

Tyranno: How is that even possible? We didn't open any portals did we?

Blizzard Bear: No we haven't this doesn't make sense? Katipo did see what came out of the portal once you spotted it.

Katipo: Indeed I did and don't worry what came out of the portal is harmless.

Tyranno: How do you know that?

Katipo: Because she is standing behind me.

Tyranno and Blizzard Bear: She? Whose She?

Katipo: You can show yourself now, its alright.(Katipo saids to the second Marinette in which she came out behind Katipo to greet the heroes)

Marinette(Look alike): Um hehehe hi....

Both Tyranno and Blizzard Bear had their eyes widen like dinner plates of what they were looking at and then took a look at Ladybug then at the other person who looks just like her in which they couldn't believe what they were looking at and it was making Ladybug giggle of both Tyranno and Blizzard's reaction.

Ladybug: Cough!.....Tyranno, Blizzard meet my counterpart. Her name is also Marinette Dupain Cheng but it turns out she is a Marinette from another universe in which she was the the heroin known as Lady Noire while Adrien was the hero known as Mister Bug.

Katipo: Basically speaking Marinette and Adrien had different lives where this Marinette's version of Adrien was the holder of the ladybug miraculous while she received the miraculous of cat.

Blizzard Bear: Sorry I need to reboot about what I just heard just give me a second.

Tyranno: Two Marinette's I think I am starting to hallucinate.

Ladybug: Don't worry guys I had the same feeling when I first met her and I too couldn't believe there is another version of me of there in another world.

Marinette(Look alike): Yea a world in which I can no longer go back to because what my father did.(Marinette look alike saids while feeling angry about her villain father who destroyed everything that his daughter loved)

Tyranno: Wait you father, you mean Tom but he is not a villain his is a sweet guy.

Katipo: Not where this Marinette is from, you see guys this Marinette lives Adrien's life in which she is the model and her father is cold heartless man who lives in mansion and he is Hawk Moth in that universe.(Katipo saids to the team in which they were shocked of what they just heard and looked towards the other Marinette who looked sadden)

Ladybug: She told us that in her world, her father...I mean Hawk Moth got his hands on the miraculous of both creation and destruction and used them to make his wish to bring back the version of my mother from her coma but a price it destroyed her whole world in which none survived.(Ladybug saids to the two heroes and they felt bad for the girl who lost her home and everything else)

Blizzard Bear: I am so sorry for your losses.

Tyranno: Me too, I couldn't imagined anyone loosing so many people they cared about.

Marinette(Look alike): Thank you...both of you...I needed that.

Katipo: Hey it will be alright, your not going to be alone anymore we are here for you. We hate to leave people who lost everything they care about and just left to broken in which we will not allow that right guys.

Tyranno: Absolutely.

Blizzard Bear: Indeed.

Ladybug: I know you have lost everything that you loved back home but you were able to survive the crisis and don't let the past haunt you because there is nothing to go back to now.

Katipo: She is right, so why not start a new life and a whole new being here in my world and it could help you let go of the past and move forward.

Marinette(Look alike): You will allow to live here and start fresh.

Katipo: Absolutely, even though you were broken and sadden by what your Hawk Moth did to you, I truly think you are something special even though your a version of this Marinette.

When Katipo said those words to the second Marinette she felt warmness in her heart as well as comfort and for some reason deep down she was starting to feel love like actually love that she has never felt before while back in her world.

Marinette(Look alike): Thank you all of you even you Katipo.

Katipo: Your welcome, now than hows about some introductions guys if you would.(Katipo saids to the second Marinette then towards his teammates)

Soon both Blizzard Bear, Ladybug, Katipo, and Tyranno changed back into their civilian forms and flying next to them were their kwami's Swan and Snow.

Lucia: My name is Lucia Thompson and I am the holder of the polar bear miraculous and this here is my kwami Snowflake but you can call him Snow for short.

Snow: How you doing.

Marinette(Look alike): Nice to meet you both.

Ryan: My name is Ryan Jason, I am the holder of the dinosaur miraculous and this here is my kwami slash girlfriend Swan and yes she and Snow can take on human forms as well.

Swan: How you doing girlfriend!

Marinette(Look alike): Wow there really are other miraculous holders here along with kwami's amazing and it is a pleasure to meet you as well Ryan and Swan.

Plagg: Hey what is going on I was taking a nice relaxing nap? What gives?(Plagg saids and comes out of Lucia's pocket in which the second Marinette gasp in complete shock of who she was looking at)

Marinette(Look alike): GASP!....PP...Plagg......

Plagg: Huh oh hey pigtails hows it......(Plagg stops when all of sudden he saw Marinette but not just her but another Marinette in front of him)

Plagg looked at front of him in which he saw Marinette standing next to Tiki while in front of them was another girl who looked just like Marinette from ever inch and it caused the kwami of destruction to look at the two in comparison.

Plagg: Uh I must be dreaming because I am seeing double pig tails now?

Marinette(Look alike): PLAGG I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!(Marinette look alike saids and holds the kwami of destruction and gives him and cheek hug while tears were coming down her eyes while Plagg on the other hand was now more confused)

Plagg: Uh whats going on and why are there two Marinette's?

Tiki: Plagg this here is a Marinette from another universe in which she fell out of a dimensional portal after she lost her world due to the Hawk Moth who turned out to be her own father and she lives Adrien's life while Adrien lived Marinette's life.

Plagg: Wait pigtails I mean this one hugging me received the ring and Adrien the earrings, wow this day couldn't get any more stranger.

Marinette(Look alike): 😢sniff...I am so sorry Plagg I couldn't stop him from taking the miraculous and I couldn't stop him from destroying the world...I'm....I am so sorry.(Marinette look alike saids with tears of sadness while Plagg felt bad for the girl who lost the miraculous and also his counterpart of himself)

Plagg: Hey hey easy there kit I am not going anywhere.

Marinette(Look alike): I know but even though your not my Plagg I still want to protect you and keep you safe.

Plagg: Well I have been looking for a new holder anyway hows about having this version of Plagg as your kwami that is if it alright with you other pigtails.

Marinette: Well my counterparts saids she was the holder of the miraculous destruction and it seems like you want to be with her and she does as well I guess I don't mind.

Plagg: Awesome here is the ring.(Plagg saids and hands the second Marinette the ring)

Marinette(Look alike): This is for my Plagg, I promise to never loose this ring ever again.

Sugu: Looks like were having another girl on the team isn't that awesome Jake.

Jake: Sure is and wouldn't mind another member joining us that is if you want to join or not.

Marinette(Look alike): Give me time to think about it and I will give you my answer and I just did arrive here after all.

Jake: I understand but for now hows about we all head inside and meet those people we were talking about.

Marinette(Look alike): Inside where is what I was trying to ask but you never tell me why?

Jake: Call it surprise kitten.(Jake saids in which caused the second Marinette to blush in which caused her counterpart to pout while Sugu smirked at the nickname)

Everyone headed inside the place that Jake and his friends put together for Marinette and her family to live stay. Once inside the second Marinette took in what she was seeing in which the room that they were in was pink and had things that she didn't know about.

Marinette(Look alike): Uh ok, I like how nice this room looks but whose is it?

Marinette: Hehehe welcome to my new room other me.

Marinette(Look alike): This is your room!

Jake: Yup it is, all of us put it together for her when she moved here.

Marinette: I know right amazing isn't it.

Marinette(Look alike): Yea amazing...and normal.

Jake: Hey it is alright you no longer have to live in that nightmare every again your safe now.

Marinette(Look alike): I know all I ever wanted is to be like everyone else, you know normal.

Marinette: And you will, we promise.

Everyone and Kwami's: Absolutely!

Marinette(Look alike): Thanks.

Jake: Why don't you relax for a while, while I attend to those people I told you about in which I will be back soon.

Marinette(Look alike): Why can't I come with?

Jake: Just trust me alright.

Marinette: Come on I show you a tour of my new place.

Marinette(Look alike): Sigh...alright.

Jake: Good kitty.(Jake saids and pats Marinette's counterpart on the head in which caused her to purr)

Marinette(Look alike): Purr...

Jake: Did you just purr again because I know I heard it?

Marinette(Look alike): Uhhhhhhhh....no...(Marinette look alike saids while blushing in embarrassment)

Marinette: Oh my gosh that is so cute!

Swan/Sugu/Lucia/Tiki: Awwww!

Ryan: Tell me someone got that recored.

Snow: Oh I did!

Plagg: Hehehe wow that was embarrassing for her.

Marinette(Look alike): Stop it guys your embarrassing me!

Jake: Alright everyone enough of that, keep her company while I get back.(Jake saids in which everyone nod on agreement and soon Jake headed out the door while the others stayed behind)

While Jake went out to find the Dupain Chengs, Marinette was giving her counterpart a tour around her new room while the others stayed in the bedroom to play some video games in which Lucia was beating the crap out of everyone and Sugu was placing bets to see who will win the game that they are playing.

Marinette: Over here is my new fashion design room along with a closet with many different fabrics I can use to make many different fashion designs.

Marinette(Look alike): Wow that is amazing and your designs are beautiful.

Marinette: Thanks I been doing designing work for years since I was a kid.

Marinette(Look alike): Adrien is the same, he was always a fan of fashion design and wanted to become a professional fashion designer.

Marinette: You miss him don't you.

Marinette(Look alike): He was the first friend I ever made in school even though I only saw him as a friend I was ok with it but then when I found out he was Mister Bug I wanted to tell him how I truly felt about him but after what happened with my former father and my world is gone, I can no longer see Bugaboy ever again.(Marinette look alike saids in saddens in which her counterpart gives her a warm hug in which the other one hugged back)

Marinette: It is going to be ok, I am here for you as well as Jake and the others.

Marinette(Look alike): Thank you so much and thank you for doing this for me.

Marinette: You really should thank Jake because this was his idea in the first place and he felt bad of how he found you alone and broken so he took upon himself to make you feel better.

Marinette(Look alike): He is very sweet and very kind hearted.

Marinette: And very protective as well as strong and more mature.

Marinette(Look alike): Not to mention cute and very good looking.(Marinette look alike saids in thought while blushing a little)

Marinette: If she starts flirting with my man well both mine and Sugu's she is so gonna get it even though she is me from another world.(Marinette saids in thought)

Marinette(Look alike): So you think can show more of your work, I would love to give my opinion on them since I was a model after all and I did try on so many different clothes as well as saw many fashion designers work.

Marinette: Oh my gosh I will be happy to!

Meanwhile with Jake who was walking down stairs and found out his parents are gone probably went to do their own thing along with his brother Roy so while he was walking around the place he was able to spot both Tom and Sabine in their new kitchen and it looks like they were baking some goodies and due to the smell of sweets Jake knew exactly where the parents were.

Jake: I see you two are making some goodies.(Jake saids to both Tom and Sabine who turned and looked to see Jake walking towards them)

Sabine: Oh Jake your back already?

Jake: We had to cut our tour short because something came up.

Tom: What seems to be the problem my boy?

Jake: Can we talk in private and this is a serious matter.(Jake saids to the parents in which they both looked worried about something that happened in which they both nod and followed Jake to the living room area)

Jake then soon took both Tom and Sabine to the living room upstairs right before Tom put the bake goods that he and his wife made away for latter and once then were in the living room together, Jake can tell them about who they found while he was on patrol with his fiancé's.

Jake: Where are Nooro and Duusu?

Tom: They are sleeping right after had some of the bake goods we made so we didn't want to bother them.

Jake: Understandable and my parents as well as my brother?

Sabine: They went out to get some air and possibly food they will be back soon.

Jake: Alright in the mean time I think is best I tell you both what me along with Sugu and Marinette as well Tiki did while we were out.

Sabine: We saw on the news of you and Marinette taking down some armed men robbing a bank are you two alright.

Jake: Were alright and I have been dealing with those kinds of guys all the time but let's focus on the other matter at hand.

Tom: Very well what is that you wanted to tell us Jake?

Sabine: Take your time sweetie.

Jake: Well we were out and getting ice cream as well as going on patrol of the city after me and Marinette took down those bank robbers we encountered something that appeared out of nowhere in which I couldn't believe it at first until I saw it with my own eyes.

Tom: What did you see Jake?

Jake: It was another dimensional portal and it wasn't us who opened it.

Sabine: Really? Was there anyone near the portal when you found it?

Jake: I went to check for myself while Marinette stayed behind to make sure it was safe or not and once I was near the portal I did see a person near it before it closed completely then disappeared without a trace.

Tom: Is this person dangerous?

Jake: No absolutely not but she is alone and upset as well as broken in which she has lost so much in her life and needs help.

Sabine: The person you found who came out of the portal was a girl. Oh the poor thing is she alright.

Jake: She's fine, she is upstairs with Marinette and the others but there is something you need to know about the girl and it will shock you both to the core.

Sabine: Why would that happened Jake?

Jake: Because the girl that I saw who was near the portal was....Marinette Dupain Cheng.(Jake saids in which both Tom and Sabine's eyes widen like dinner plates and they were gasping in utter shock of what Jake just said to them)

Tom: Wait you mean our daughter?

Jake: Yes but your daughter from another universe in which she lives a different life then the Marinette we know and love.

Sabine: What do you mean a different life?

Jake: Sigh...this version of your daughter told us everything about what went down in her world as the one responsible for the destruction and loss of those closest to her and she can no longer go back to it every again.

Tom: What has happened to her?

Jake: Try not to get upset Tom because this involves you but not you you, the other you in which the other version of you is the one responsible for this Marinette that we found in my world that came to be here.

Sabine: What does this have to do with Tom? I mean not our Tom here but the other one?

Jake: Well you see this Marinette that we found lives a totally different life in which she lives the life that Adrien has while he on the other hand had the life that your daughter had.

Tom: I am very confused right now?

Jake: The Marinette that we found lives the life as a model who is the daughter of a famous fashion designer aka your counterpart in which he is the Hawk Moth of that universe and Sabine is the one in the coma. Also this Marinette never received the miraculous of creation but the miraculous of destruction while Adrien who lives a normal life with his parents who are the bakers of that universe received the miraculous of creation making them both Mister Bug and Lady Noire but sadly the Tom Dupain Cheng is cruel and harsh towards the daughter sharing that same feeling with Gabriel in which this version of Tom becomes the villain and tries to take the miraculous in which he did in order to bring back the other version of Sabine and the price was horrible and the wish changed everything and by doing so it destroyed the balance of the whole world in which no one survived except for the Marinette that we found and she is all alone without any love all because of what the other version of Tom Dupain Cheng caused.(Jake saids in which both Sabine and Tom were paling and frighten of what has happened to their counterparts but mostly Tom because his other self becomes the evil Hawk Moth and destroyed an entire world)

Sabine: I suffered a coma......in that world....

Tom: I....I...I am the villain and I destroyed the world.......how could my other self do such a horrible thing and caused that poor girl such great pain?!!

Jake: She still blames him for everything that he did and all she wanted was the love of her father but he never gave it to her after what happened with Sabine of that world in which I kind feel like that she didn't want any of that to happened to the other Marinette.

Sabine: Oh the poor sweet innocent girl!

Tom: Does she....does she know about us though?

Jake: I told her about you guys in which she almost cried when she found out that Sabine is alive and Tom is not a super villain so that made her calm for a while and that is why I need your help both of you.

Sabine: What can we do to help her?

Jake: I talked this over with our Marinette and we both came to an agreement about what to do with the other version of your daughter.

Tom: And that would be?

Jake: I want you to take her into your family and give her the love she always wanted in which she will never be alone and she can actually have the life that she wanted for so long and that is to be normal. She already seen the other version of Plagg in which our Marinette made her the new holder of the miraculous of destruction and is still thinking about joining my team but for now she needs the love of a family and Marinette really liked the idea of having a sibling around especially a twin sister.

Both Tom and Sabine looked at each other and thought of the idea of having another child in their family in which was another Marinette but from a different world who has lost everything that she loved and can no longer go back to her home because of what happened with the version of Tom Dupain Cheng who became the Hawk Moth of the world. After thinking for a while both parents smiled at each other and nod in agreement then looked towards Jake for he knows that the parents made their decision.

Sabine: We will be happy to take her in and I always wanted another child in our family.

Tom: And I am going to give her the best love and warmness that any father would that is a promise.

Sabine: And we will make sure she is well and settled in because I feel so sad for what that girl has been through in her life and I want to be there for her.

Jake: That is wonderful news to hear from the both of you.

Sabine: Can we go see her Jake...please.

Tom: But let's take things slow so we don't upset her in any way.

Jake: Sure thing and yes it is best to do things very slowly and not rush into things that can get complicated. Come on let us all go up so you both can greet her together and hopefully she will feel a whole lot better once she becomes a member of the family.

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