A Spider meets a Bug from another universe Part 3

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After Jake and Sugu met Marinette and her parents they decided to stay for dinner so that Marinette's parents can get to know them and see where things can work out. During their time at Dupain Chengs bakery, Marinette challenged Jake to a game battle to who would win in Ultimate Mecha Strike III and what she can tell is that she is struggling to keep up with Jakes moves and fighting styles while Sugu is watching the two battle each other to see who will win; because she did play some bets on who would win the game and what she can tell is that her boyfriend is beating Marinette at her own game which means Sugu is gonna win the bet she made with Sabine and Tom. Also what Sugu sees on Marinette's face is complete utter shock and amazement that somebody is beating her at her favorite video game, since she never lost to anyone who ever challenge her until she met Jake Hala. 

Marinette POV:

I was just watching how Jake was beating me at Ultimate Mecha Strike III and I thought to myself that nobody and I mean nobody has ever tried to beat me at this game, and what I can tell I am in complete shock as well as amazed that Jake actual beat me at the game I played for years and never lost. When the final round came, Jake unleashed a lot of moves and punches that I couldn't keep up and then KO!, Jake actually defeated me at my own game. 

Jake Hala: And it looks like I win! (Jake gives Marinette in your face look)

Marinette: B....ut.....bbut...buuut..but.but.....but..h-how?

Sugu: YES! I WIN THE BET! (Sugu Looks at both Tom and Sabine and they both payed up for loosing their bet to Sugu)

Jake Hala: I told you I never lost in any Mecha games and never will. (Jake smiles at Marinette) 

Marinette: How did someone like Jake beat someone like me at Mecha Strike?! (Marinette screams in Thought)

Sugu: He's right Marinette, Jake has never lost to any Mecha game that everyone has thrown at him and even I couldn't beat him. (Sugu walks over to Jake and kisses him on the cheek then hugs him)

Marinette: But still its amazing that someone actually defeated me at this game not even my friends or Adrien couldn't beat me, but you Jake has. 

Jake Hala: Hey don't take it personal, this is my first time playing a game like this, its like similar to those combat games I played back when I was younger. 

Marinette: I understand but if you tell anyone I lost, I will hurt you. (Marinette pointing her finger at Jake warning him which he laughed)

Jake Hala: Hahahahaha!, don't worry I will make sure not to tell anybody that little miss blueberry got her butt kicked by someone who more experience in Mecha games then her. 

Marinette: Hmmp! show off (Marinette pouting) 

Sabine: Alright kids its time for dinner!, Jake, Sugu hope two are really hungry because we just made something that will make your tummies explode. 


Marinette: Hahahahahaha! (Marinette reacts to their reaction)

Sabine: Great here you are hope you two like it! (Sabine and Tom put down the food while Jake and Sugu smelled how the food looks)

Jake: Wow! this looks absolutely amazing! I can't wait to try this food. 

Sugu: Me to!

Tom: I just love people who appreciate our cooking including our daughter, isn't that right honey. 

Marientte: Absolutely Papa!

Sabine: And while we eat, why not tell us about yourselves because we would like to get to know our daughters new friends. 

Jake Hala: Of course Sabine we be more than happy to. 

Tom: Splendid!, why not tell us about yourself Jake and then Sugu you can tell us about yourself as well if thats ok with two. 

Jake and Sugu: Absolutely! (Both said at the same time)

Marinette: I really want to get to know them as well! (Marinette Thought with excitement)

Jake Hala: Ok I was born in Paris and raised by my parents John and Terra Hala, I have an older bother named Roy Hala, I classic music from each different year from the 80s to the 90s, I like drawing, painting, digital art, reading, hanging out with my friends as well as my girlfriend, me and Sugu have been together for five years, I studied graphic design in high-school, then graduated to go to College of Art to become a professional graphic designer, I made over 140 different designs for my skills, I love meeting new people and becoming friends with them, I don't like people who lie to others or try to hurt them, I like all kinds of foods and want to try something new for once in a while, I am twenty one years old about to become twenty two in three months, I like people who can come up with amazing design even if its graphic design, or fashion because one time I had to design clothes for a company and won in first place for my talented skills as a designer, (After he said that, Marinette was really happy that someone has skills as a designer for both graphic design and fashion) and finally when I am done with college I would like to travel the world and explore new sites to help to become a better designer to help me come up with wonderful designs for my portfolio. 

Sabine/Tom/Marinette: WOW! (They were amazed of what Jake doing in life even Marinette was amazed that he and her have similar stuff in common)

Sabine: Seems like you're gonna have a wonderful future Jake and we wish you the best of luck in the world.  

Tom: I have to agree with my wife, you have talent for someone like yourself just like our daughter. 

Marinette: (Blushing of her father said)

Jake Hala: Thank you Tom and Sabine, I really appreciate the compliments and your kind words. 

Sabine: So Sugu, why not tells us about yourself as well and how you and Jake became a couple. 

Sugu: Of course Sabine (Sugu saids with a sweet smile, that made Sabine remind of herself when she was her age)

Sugu: I was born outside of Paris, I raised by my two siblings Swan and Snow, my parents past away when I was younger, (That made everyone sad to hear that she lost her parents) I love both of my siblings so much that we look out for each other and stay together, I moved to Paris when I turned sixteen and went to College of Art for singing and music, singing and dancing is my passion and I love ever minute of it, I met Jake during computer class and it turned out me and him had things in common and we went on couple dates and spend a lot of time together, we went to amusement parks, movies, the beach, museums, and watch a beautiful sunset together and thats when we confessed our love for each other and we have be together for five years and never stop spending time together, I also love all foods as well but my favorite food has to be strawberries, and finally when I am done with college with Jake, I want to become a professional music writer and Jake will help design my music covers as well as poster designs. 

Sabine/Tom/Marinette: (They were amazed and yet sadden that Sugu lost her parents and yet found happiness from her siblings and from her boyfriend Jake) 

Sabine: Thats sounds wonderful Sugu, though I am sorry for what happened to your parents. It must of been hard for you to grow up without them. 

Tom: We are very sorry for your loss Sugu.

Marinette: Yea were sorry. 

Sugu: Its ok, besides I never knew them when I was born, and my siblings did a wonderful job in raising me and I loved them with all my hearts, and I was never alone; now I have my siblings, an amazing boyfriend and a new friend to help me. (Sugu points at Marinette showing that she would be a great friend to her which Marinette smiles in return)

Marinette: Thanks Sugu and I would like to be your friend as well. (Marinette gets up from her chair and walks over to Sugu and gives her a hug which Sugu was happy to do the same)

Sugu: I really appreciated Marinette, thank you. 

Then when everyone was continuing talking to each other, thunder was heard from outside which means it was raining outside. ⚡️ ⛈ 🌩 

Jake Hala: Well that stinks? It's raining like crazy out there.

Sabine: Do you want us to drive you two home, since its not a good idea to walk in that kind of weather. 

Jake Hala: Actually we can't go home because our home is being remolded so me and Sugu are looking for a place to stay in the mean time. Also my parents are away on a business trip and my brother lives in Philadelphia with my uncle Leonardo. Sugu two siblings are on vacation, so its just us two. (Thats when Marinette had to idea in her head but they don't know if they would except the offer, that was until her mother and father beat her to it)

Tom: Well why not you two stay here with us at the bakery, we have extra rooms for the both of you and you can help around, I can also teach you two how to bake. 

Sabine: We would love for you two to stay while your home is being remodeled, besides we would like to have you stay here and Marinette can help you two get settled in. (Marinette blushes at the idea and thinks that they would take the offer)

Jake Hala: Well now that mention it, this place is quite nice and it smells like bake goods that brings happiness to me and Sugu. (Marinette in her head saying please say YES! please say Yes! over and over)

Sugu: We would love to stay! thank you so much! (Sugu hugs both Sabine and Tom which they also hugged as well)

Marinette: YESSSSSS! (Marientte Thought with excitement)

Sabine: Excellent!, Marinette will show you two to your rooms. Marinette if you be so kind to show our new guest to where they will be staying at. 

Marinette: Our course mom, follow me guys!

After everyone was done eating their food, as well as getting to know each other. Marinette was taking both Sugu and Jake their new rooms where they would spend until their home is done being remodeled. They couldn't say that they were from another universe because it could cause a problem so they came up with a story that actually worked and they believed it. Now Marinette was showing their rooms and they were blown away from what they saw in front of them. 

Sugu's Room: 

Jake's Room: 

Sugu: All MY GOSH! I LOVE IT! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! (Sugu hugs Marinette while she laughs)

Marinette: Hahahaha!, I am glad you love it Sugu!

Jake Hala: I like mines the most, its just like my old room!, just the way I like it. Thanks Marinette really appreciated it. (Jake thanks her with his sweet smile)

Marinette: Oh-uh-uh y-your welcome! (Marinette blushing red)

Sugu: Well I think I am gonna hit the hay, goodnight Marinette and good night my love (Sugu says good night to Marinette then walks up to Jake and kisses him on the lips which he did the same) (Marinette gets a little jealous of the kiss)

Jake Hala: Good night babe! 

Sugu walks into her new room and closes the door leaving only Marinette and Jake outside the hallway. Then Tiki comes out of her hiding place to see them. 

Jake Hala: I told you two I had a plan that would work and it work perfectly and thanks for letting us stay here really appreciated for what you done for us. 

Marinette: It was no problem Jake, and I would like to thank you for taking our offer and also sharing that you are also a miraculous holder as well and a big time hero. 

Tiki: Yea, I really enjoy having you two hear and I can talk to someone who treats me like a sister. 

Jake Hala: Yea what I can tell Tiki, you and Sugu would make great sisters. 

Marinette: And thank you for keeping our secret and we will keep yours as well so thank you so much Jake. (Marinette blushes while looking at Jake)

Jake Hala: It was no problem at all, us heroes have to stick together no maker what and try to keep the ones we love safe. Also if you are having trouble with this Hawk Moth and his Akuma's, me and Sugu would be gladly to help you deal with them since your partner is away. 

Marinette: You would actually do that for us! I mean really but don't you have to get back to your universe any time soon. (Marinette could use Jakes help in to defeat Hawk Moth and his Akuma's but she is also sadden that he has to go back to his world soon and she will never see him again)

Jake Hala: Its like I said I don't know how we are gonna get back home, and its best to help those who are in needed of helping and what I can tell Marinette you need the help. (Marinette was amazed of what he said and he offer his help to her which made her really happy that started to cry with happiness)

Marinette: THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! (she hugs him while he pats her head)

Tiki: This is great now we have another hero to join us against Hawk Moth!

Jake Hala: Your welcome and we will do everything thing we can to help protect Paris. 

Marinette: Thank you Jake, I really appreciated the help. (She stops hugging him and wipes her tears away)

Jake Hala: Your very welcome blueberry, and YAAWWWWN! man I think its time for me to hit the hay as well. 

Marinette: Ok I'll let you two get some sleep and we'll see you guys in the morning. 

Tiki: Good night Jake!

Jake Hala: Good night Tiki and good night Marinette. 

Marientte: Good Night (before she was going to leave Jake stop her and wanted to say something)

Marinette: What is it Jake?

💋 (Kiss on the cheek)

Jake Hala: Thanks for everything you done for me and Sugu. (Jake then walks into his room then closes it leaving a shocked and blushing red Marinette) 

Marinette: H-hh-he k-k-ki-kiss-kissed m-mm-me?

Tiki: Hehehehe, looks like you have a new love life Marinette! (Tiki giggled at the site she saw)

Marinette: Whhhhat!?, Tiki! you know I still feel for ADRIEN! (Marinette blushing really red)

Tiki: I don't know maybe its a brand new love start! 

Marinette: Whatever lets just go to bed! (Marinette still blushing but also thinking that maybe she is starting to fall in love with this new guy maybe?)


Meanwhile in the secret dark lair:

Shadow Moth: Natalie I want you to study any power energies that just accord this evening because I just felt something strange and it was nothing I ever felt before. 

Natalie: Right away sir, but are you sure it wasn't a negative emotion coming some where else or its just a false alarm. 

Shadow Moth: NO, this is something new to me and I need to know what it is before Ladybug finds out about it and it could bring my plans to the ground. 

Natalie: It could be another lost miraculous that is in the book, just like the eagle miraculous that was found in New York. 

Shadow Moth: Hmmm...maybe but I don't want to take that chance because if it was then were probably have to deal with another superhero. 

Shadow Moth: Whoever you are mystery person? I will find you and see what you really are!

Chapter 4 coming soon!

Katipo/Jake Hala, Sugu-95nicholasnm

Miraculous-Thomas Astruc

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