A Spider meets a Bug from another universe! Part 4

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It is Monday 9:30 am in Paris, and everyone in the Dupain Cheng bakery were up and making breakfast for their new guest that will be living in their place until their home is finished, but the two adults except for their daughter don't know that their guest are from another universe and have nowhere to go until they can figure out how to return to their universe. So in the mean time, the mother baker named Sabine wants her daughter to go wake up their new guest because it's time to have some breakfast and good day to spend time together. 

Sabine: Marinette dear, would you be so kind is to wake up both Sugu and Jake its time for breakfast. 

Marinette: Sure mom, I'll be right back with. 

Tom: Oh honey make sure to knock first before you enter their room, just wanted to let you know. 

Marinette: I will make sure Papa! (Marinette leaves the room to go wake up both Sugu and Jake from their slumber)

Tom: Great!, me and your mother will have the food done when you three get here because those two are in for a real treat today. 


The first room Marinette was going to stop at is Sugu's to see if she's up or not. When she got to the door she knocked on it and heard that Sugu was up and ready for a beautiful day and can not wait to spend some time with Marinette and her man. Sugu came out of the door with a big yawn and did some quick stretching before doing anything else. 


Sugu: Yawwwwwnnnn!, mmmm.....what a wonderful night that was. I haven't slept like that in years and I really glad that I got to sleep on a nice comfy bed. (Sugu saids with a big smile on her face saying that she enjoyed her good night sleep)

Marinette: I am really glad you enjoyed yourself Sugu because today my parents are cooking up a great breakfast for all of us and I know they might make something that would make droll all over the place hehehehehe. 

Sugu: Oh! they better because I am ready for a surprise breakfast from the two greatest bakers and sweetest people I just met last night. (Sugu saids making Marinette feel very special knwoing how Sugu enjoys her parents company and love)

Marinette: Aww! thank you Sugu, my parents really enjoy having you and Jake here and would love it if you could help around, I mean you two do need money and things you need if your gonna be staying in my universe for a while. (Marinette is still thinking that it will be upsetting to see them leave her universe and that she will never see them again)

Sugu: Oh sure Marinette, and your right we could use the money to get settled in and work at the bakery for a living, I mean I do love the sweat smell of bake goods in the morning and to be able to help cook them as well as to sell them to people. 

Marinette: Awesome!, we can give you and Jake steps of how to bake and to help around the bakery as well as to show Tikki and me some cool new battle strategies to help us with Hawk Moth. (Since they offer to help Tikki and Marinette with Hawk Moth they need new ways in order to defeat him and his Akuma's if they get too dangerous)

Sugu: Absolutely!, we be more than happy to show you two what we have and oh you better go wake up Jake he might still be sleeping or not. 

Marinette: Oh yea thats right, why not you go to the kitchen while I'll grab Jake so we all have a nice breakfast together. (Marinette saids with a sweet smile)

Sugu: Alright I'll meet you two in there. (Sugu waves to Marinette then walks to the other room for breakfast while Marinette goes wake up Jake)


Marinette: Jake it's Marinette, can I come in!

Jake Hala: Yea sure!, doors unlocked 

Marinette opens the door

Marinette: Great because breakfast is almost ready and I just need to make sure y-yo-you-your your..............(Marinette stops talking because what she saw in front of her was Jake and his muscle body with sweet abs)(she stares in shock and begins to blush really red)

Marinette: I.....I.....I....I...I can y-y-you ah...pu-pu-put shir-ir-irt o-n-on.(Marinette trying to say something while blushing really hard and still looking at Jakes ripped muscle body and such strong arms) 

Jake Hala: Huh?, (Jake confusing on what Marinette is saying until he looks down and sees what she was talking about)

Jake Hala: Ohhhh!, right sorry I didn't mean for you to see that sorry hehehehe. (Jake laughs nervously while putting on his shirt)

Marinette: If this is a dream please don't wake me up from this wonderful moment. (Marinette Thought while still blushing after the site she just saw in front of her)

Marinette: Oooohh! Ohhhh! don't worry about I didn't see your hot body, I MEAN! I DIDN'T SEE YOUR ABS!, I MEAN I DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING!. SO THE FOOD IS ALMOST DONE SO I WAS SENT TO GET YOU AND NOW I'LL SEE YOU THERE BYE!. (Marinette nervous screams out-loud to Jake then shots the door)

Jake Hala: O-k?, I think its best I just sleep with a shirt for now on. (Jake saids that it would help and not see Marinette freak out like that)

Outside the hallway ,Marinette trying to catch her breath of what she saw

Marinette: Ok, ok, ok, just breath and just forget you saw anything and just think of something other then what you saw on the other side of the door. (Marinette trying to relax herself after seeing a shirtless Jake Hala)

Jake then opens the door fully clothed and goes to apologies to Marinette for what happened

Jake Hala: Hey I finished changing and sorry you had to see that Marinette, I'll wear a shirt to bed next time if that makes you feel any better.(Jake saids while rubbing his hand behind his head)

Marinette: Oh don't worry about, I am ok now and yes do try to wear something on top next time. (Marinette saids while trying to forget the shirtless Jake Hala from her mind)

Jake Hala: Sure thing will do, anyway did you say it was time for breakfast because I am totally hungry right now. (Jake's stomach grumbles making Marinette giggle at the sound of it)

Marinette: hehehehe judging the way your tummy is acting it means you are definitely hungry. 

Jake Hala: Cool, lead the way Blueberry!

Marinette: You know I got to think of a nickname for you since your calling me blueberry. 

Jake Hala: Hmmm.... yea you have a point there any ideas?(Jake puts a finger on his chin to think)

Marinette: Hmm....let me think....how about Mr.Muscles?

Jake Hala: Really?, is because I have a muscle body and strong arms you decided to call me that. 

Marinette: Ok? maybe not, hows about Graphic Man since you love graphic design so much and want to do that in the future so why not that nickname. 

Jake Hala: Hmm...Graphic Man, I like it!

Marinette: Graphic Man it is then!(Marinette happy that he likes his new nickname)

Marinette and Jake made it to the other room to see that Sugu along with Marinette's parents are enjoying their breakfast

Sabine: Oh there you are Jake, I hope you had a good night rest last night. 

Jake Hala: Good Morning Sabine, and yes I had a lovely night sleep and so did Sugu over there. 

Sugu: Yup sure did and I can not wait for what you and Tom made for breakfast!

Tom: Wonderful to hear you say that Sugu, here is your breakfast. Strawberry pancakes with cut up strawberries along with rip cream on top. (Tom hands Sugu her food and stares in shock of what she is seeing in front her)

Sugu: OH MY GOSH!, this looks absolutely gorgeous and I love how you made the pancakes a different color; thank you so much Tom!. (Sugu hugs Tom and thanks him for creating something that Sugu loves to eat)

Tom: Hahahahaha!, you're very welcome Sugu enjoy your food. (Tom hugs her back then lets Sugu try a bite of these new pancakes she never had before)

Sugu takes a bite on her new pancakes and she screams with joy along with love ❤️ 

Sugu: DECLIOUS! ❤️ 

Marinette: Hahahahaha!, she really does love strawberries doesn't she. (Marinette looks at Jake who nods of what she saying is true)

Jake Hala: Yup ever since I gave her first strawberry, she madly fell in love with them; it's so adorable the way she eats them. 

Sabine: I have to agree on that one Jake, anyway here is your food that both me and Marinette made for you. (Hearing Marinette's name after what her mother said made her blush a little) 

Jake Hala: MMMM...oh wow!, the sweat smell of bacon, eggs, toast, sausage, and beans; just the way I like it. Thank you Sabine and Marinette I really appreciate of what you did. (Jake thanks them then sits down to eat his food while Marinette smiles for thanking her)

Sabine/Marinette: Your welcome Jake! (Said in together)

They all sat together and ate their breakfast, while having a conversation about Sugu and Jake working at the bakery to earn some money so that they can buy their food, clothes, or anything they need. Which both of them agreed to and that made both Marinette and her parents very happy that can get more help at the bakery and Marinette can spend more time with Sugu and Jake. But also train together to help stop Hawk Moth and his Akuma's as well as hanging out together and meeting some of Marientte's friends who are still in Paris like Luka, Alix, Kim, Rose, Juleka, Nino, and Alya since the her other friends are on vacation somewhere else while her friends in Paris are planing a party today at Luka's place. 

Marinette: Hey Jake, Sugu? my friends are having a party at Luka's home today and I was wondering if you two wanna come because I would like to introduce to some of my friends there.(Marinette said and thinking if they wanna meet her friends)

Jake Hala: We would love to join you Marinette and besides I do love going to parties as much as Sugu does. 

Sugu: I agree with Jake and we would love to meet your friends, it wouldn't hurt to get to know new people. 

Marinette: Awesome!, I'll text Luka saying I will be bringing two new friends of mine to the party.

Jake Hala: Fantastic!(Jake gives a thumbs up to Marinette) 👍🏻 

Marinette begins to text Luka on her phone

Marinette: Hey Luka, I'm just letting you know that I will be bringing two new friends that I bump into last night and they would like to come to the party and meet all of you. 

Luka: That sounds wonderful Marinette, we could use more people at the party what are their names?

Marinette: Their name are Jake Hala and his girlfriend Sugu who is also a singer, so we can have her sing some songs at party. Does that sound cool to you?

Luka: Awesome! and yea we would like to see what this girl can do. I'll see you and your friends today later on. 

Marientte: Great! thanks Luka. 

end of text message:

Jake Hala: So what did your friend Luka say?

Marinette: He said that you two are welcome to come and I told him that Sugu could sing some songs at the party if thats alright with you Sugu.

Sugu: Yea! that sounds awesome to me, I am totally there. 

Marinette: Excellent wanna walk around Paris until then, the party doesn't starts till 12:30.

Jake and Sugu: Sure lets hangout!


Meanwhile at Luka's home: 

Alya: Hey Luka what did Marinette want?(Alya asked while next to her boyfriend Nino)

Nino: Yea is something wrong, can she make it to the party?

Luka: Oh yea everything is fine, she texted me that she will be bringing to two new friends she made yesterday and one of them is gonna sing for our party which would be awesome. (Luka thinking what this new girl sounds like and maybe her boyfriend can sing as well maybe?)

Nino: Woah! seriously dude, that sounds awesome would could use more people to party with us and we can get to know these two dudetts. 

Alya: Yea that would be great, what are their names Luka and do they go to the same school as us. (Alya saids to Luka and thinking that these two new friends of Marinette go to the same school as they do)

Luka: Their names are Jaka Hala and his girlfriend Sugu and no Marinette didn't say what school they go to, we might find out when they arrive. (Luka saids to Alya)

Alya: Oh ok, I hope I get to know interview them and share my Ladyblog with them! (Alya saids with excitement)(Then Rose, Juleka, Kim, and Alix come over and ask whats going on)

Alix: Hey guys whats going on?

Rose: Yea is something going on with Marinette?

Juleka: Would she be able to come to the party?

Kim: She better come, because I want some of those delicious bake goods from her parents bakery. 

Everyone gives Kim a really look?

Nino: Yea everything is fine with Marinette, more than fine she will be bringing two new friends she met yesterday and one of them would be performing at our party isn't that awesome!. 

Rose: Ohhh! amazing, I wonder what they are like maybe we can do a sing along together what do you think Juleka. 

Juleka: That sounds like a wonderful idea.

Alix: What are their names anyway and do they go to school with us?

Alya: Marinette never said what school they go to in the text but their names are Jake Hala and his girlfriend name is Sugu. 

Kim: Hmm..I wonder if this Jake guy likes to work out, I could use a workout buddy at gym along with Alix. 

Alix: I wonder if he's as strong as the both of us and more good looking. 

Rose: I'm wondering how this Sugu girl can sing. 

Juleka: I agree, it would be nice to hear a new female voice for a change. 

Nino: And I hope we all can be best buds, don't you agree babe.(Nino saids to his girlfriend who nods at his agreement)

Alya: I agree with you Nino, now lets get this party ready for today. 

Luka: Yes I have to agree, I gotta get the instruments ready and the songs as well. 


Meanwhile at a museum: 

Jalil Kubdel was looking at some ancient Egyptian artifact when his father interrupted asked that doesn't get to close to the artifact, but Jalil doesn't listen and gets a lot more closer until he was pulled away by the artifact by his father saying that these artifacts are artifacts and there's nothing special about them. But Jalil disagrees with his father and saying that there is something about the artifacts that he finds most interesting. 

Alim Kubdel(Jalil Father): Son you need to get your head out of the artifacts and start spending more time with your father and sister otherwise your not gonna have a normal life like everyone else. 

Jalil Kubdel: But dad there's something about these ancient artifacts that I find very interesting and it could look to clues about what happened many centuries ago during the time of the great Pharaohs. (Jalil tells his father who still doesn't care about anything that has to do with spending time with family) 

Alim Kubdel: Son why don't you take a break from all this nonsense about Pharaohs and other stuff and spend some time with people who act their age. 

Jalil Kubdel: But..but..dad..if you just look at these for a moment you will see.....

Alim Kubdel: I seen enough today, now come run along and talk to other people who are your age. (After Alim saids that, he leaves his son alone upset and frustrated that his father doesn't appreciate what he does)

Jalil Kubdel: Why can't you see what I am trying to uncover?! (Jalil gets annoyed and angry)

In a dark place, a window opens up and inside Shadow Moth appears with his butterflies and planning on sending his next Akuma and Amok 

Shadow Moth: Ahh...there's nothing wrong living out a dream especially when I can make it come true. Fly my Akuma and Amok and make this boy into a great and all powerful Pharaoh!

The Akuma and Amok fly away to the direction where the negative emotion is coming from


On the streets of Paris at 11:30, Marinette is showing Sugu as well as Jake around and what they can tell is that this Paris was way more different from their own and streets are much more cleaner then their own. Also Marinette had an idea to take them to meet Andre, an ice cream man who can see the love between two people but showing them the colors of person through the ice cream. 

Marinette: Would you guys like to get some ice cream at Andre's, his ice cream is absolutely amazing. 

Jake Hala: I could go for some new ice cream in another universe, what do you say Sugu. (Jake asked while holding his girlfriends hand)

Sugu: Sure why not and if you say what is true Marinette, then I would love to try his ice cream. 

Marinette: Fantastic! let's head there now. (Marinette saids to the two of them and both nod in agreement)

Then back at the museum Jalil Kubdel was upset of how his father didn't appreciate of what he is doing in his life then out of nowhere the Akuma and Amok land on his necklace and his eyes became dark. 

Shadow Moth: Dark Pharaoh Tek, I am Shadow Moth I am giving you new powers that far more greater then your original Pharaoh abilities so that you show your father that he would appreciate you more but in return you must bring me the miraculous that I seek, do we have a deal. 

Jalili: Considered done, Shadow Moth(Then Jalili begins to transform into his new pharaoh form)

(The image is from World of Warcraft)


On the pier, Marinette introduces Andre to Jake and Sugu and he finds them such a wonderful and beautiful pair. Which brings a smile to both Sugu and Jake as well as Andre who offeres them an ice cream that shares their colors which symbolizes their love and affection for each other. When Jake and Sugu as well as Marinette looked Andre new creation they looked amazed and excited to try this new flavor of ice cream. 

Jake and Sugu: OHHH! Wow! this looks absolutely delicious, thank you Andre!

Andre: Oh how I love people who appreciate my ice cream even such a wonderful and newer couple such as yourselves. ❤️ 

Sugu: Awww! why thank you Andre your very sweet and lovely human being. (Sugu saids to Andre who gave Sugu an adorable hug for being such a good person)

Jake Hala: Thats why I fell in love with Sugu, for your kind and gentle heart as well as kindness to others. (Jake saids to Sugu and kisses her on the cheek which she blushes)(Though Marinette is still a little jealous of the two) 

When they finished their ice cream and meeting Andre, all three of them decided to continue to walk around until them heard a loud boom sound coming from the museum.


Jake Hala: What the heck was that!

Sugu: I don't know but it could be trouble!

Marinette: It has to be an Akuma

Marinette: You guys ready to help me take down the Akuma! (She saids with a heroic smile)

Jake and Sugu: We were born ready lets do this! 

Marinette: Tikki Spots on!

Jake Hala: Sugu Webs Up!

(Artwork for Katipo-created by me 95nicholasnm)

When both Katipo and Ladybug got to the museum, they see whats the commotion is all about and its a dark figure that looks like a Pharaoh but it had the body of a cat and the head of bird

Katipo: Woah!, so thats what an Akuma villain looks like. (Katipo saids in shock seeing he never seen anything like this before in his life)

Ladybug: Actually its not just an Akuma, its also an Amok which is a feather similar to an Akuma that turns people into monster beast. 

Katipo: Alright then let's find out where the Akuma and Amok have landed on and see if we can get this person back to normal before he causes harm to others. 

Ladybug: I agree, I think the Akuma and Amok are in his necklace because I fought against somewhere who also turned into a evil Pharaoh who shared the same weekness; maybe this is the same person but with a much evil and yet dangerous look. 

Katipo: Ok, see if I can hold him down while you try and go for the necklace, also be careful alright. 

Ladybug: Got it and you do the same. (Ladybug and Katipo charge at the Akuma Amok villain)

Katipo: Hey ugly!, leave these people alone and fight somewhere your own size! (Katipo yells at the villain who got his attention)

Dark Pharaoh Tek: Huh? who the heck are you?(DPT ask the new hero)

Katipo: The name is Katipo and I am the new hero of Paris, and I am here with Ladybug to take your rear end down! (Katipo shoots a web at DPT face and he is having trouble getting the web off his face)(While Ladybug on the other hand is looking for the right moment to pounce)

Katipo: Whats wrong your highness having trouble with that, here let me give you a hand. (Katipo saids as he walks up to DPT and lifts him up in the air using his super strength then throw him into the ground)(This shocks Ladybug and he did say he had super strength but never knew he could lift a villain that big before)

Katipo: Huh? I thought these Akuma's were tough but I guess not(Katipo Thought)

Katipo: Now lets have some fun shale we!(Katipo grabs hold of DPT again and smashing him back and forth like a rag doll and then turns to ladybug to come take care of the Akuma and Amok)

Ladybug: Wow just wow, you took him down in less then two minutes thats very impressive, now lets take care of the AKuma and Amok. 

Katipo: Right! I'll get the necklace (Katipo takes the necklace and then breaks it releasing the Akuma and Amok)

Ladybug: No more evil doing for you Akuma and AMOK (Ladybug spins her yoyo)

Ladybug: Time to De-Evilize!, got ya bye bye little butterfly and feather

Ladybug: MIRACULOUS LADYBUG! (Everything turns back to normal and the victim as well)

Katipo: Wow! thats something I never thought was possible.

Ladybug: Hehehehehe you be surprise Katipo. (Ladybug holds up her fist to Katipo to do a fist bump which he agreed to)

Ladybug and Katipo: POUND IT!

Back in Shadow Moth lair:

Shadow Moth: But..how...how..did this new hero named Katipo beat my Akuma Amok in two minutes, wait could this be the person that was having that strange energy I felt. If so then he must be very strong in order to defeat my Akuma Amoks, but when I saw his miraculous it was something that was not in the book. This could be a miraculous I never seen before or heard of what ever the case Ladybug and Katipo I will get what I want and I will crush you!


On roofs of the houses of Paris:

Ladybug: That was the most amazing thing I have ever seen Jake I mean Katipo, you took on the villain without a scratch and beat him in two minutes just wow! (Ladybug saids in excitement and amazement seeing her new team member take on an Akuma Amok with such strength)

Katipo: Hahahahaha!, thanks and I thought he was hard to be but I guess I was wrong, and I have to say I loved how you did the thing with your powers the Miraculous Ladybug chant and restored everything that was damage, I am very impressed very very impressed. (Ladybug blushes of what he said to her)

Ladybug: Thank you Katipo, I really appreciated the compliment. So are you and Sugu ready to have some fun at Luka's party because its gonna start soon. 

Katipo: Oh Hell Yea! we are!

Ladybug: Ah language please.

Katipo: Sorry 

Ladybug: Well lets go I'll race you!

Katipo: Oh! you are so on! LB

Ladybug: He's amazing with or without his powers, Jake Hala what a guy. (Ladybug blushes at the thought of Jake Hala)

Chapter 5 coming soon!

Katipo/Jake Hala, Sugu-95nicholasnm

Miraculous-Thomas Astruc

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