A Spider meets a Bug from another universe! Part 6

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It was 10:30 pm at night in Paris where everyone is sleeping after a wonderful day, but one girl on the other hand was still awake after having the fun of her life with a certain handsome boy from another universe who is also a miraculous holder just like her. Marinette couldn't stop thinking about how Jake was singing at Luka's party or the moment she had with him at the Eiffel Tower dancing to Lionel Richie's song Stuck On You which made her realize something if she is falling for the new guy or if she is still in love with her the model Adrien Agreste. What her kwami Tiki can tell is that she gonna have to choose either which one she wants to be with, but the other problem was that one of them doesn't belong in their world which could bring some sadness to Marinette's heart. 

Marinette: I just can't get over the wonderful day I had with Jake, and I even still thinking about that moment I had with him that night. (Marinette mumbles to herself which Tiki heard her)

Tiki: It was a wonderful day indeed Marinette, I still can't get over the fact that my new sister can sing so amazing as well as Jake but there is something that would trouble things though. (Tiki saids to her holder which she agrees to but stop at what she gonna say next)

Marinette: What do you mean Tiki?(Marinette asked in concern)

Tiki: I mean that sooner or later Jake and Sugu would have to leave our world and go back to theirs anytime soon because they don't belong here and they do have friends and family to get back to.(When Tiki said that, it maid Marinette sad that she was right that they have to leave and go back home soon)

Marinette: I know Tiki but, I just don't want them to leave so soon I mean we are starting to get to know each other and I am starting to feel something for Jake even though he is with Sugu.(Marinette saids when she placing her hand to her heart and looking down sadden that she will never see them again)

Tiki: I know its hard Marinette but you might as well enjoy the time you have with them because I know I am with Sugu, I never had a sister before in my entire life cycle. 

Marinette: I know but still......

Tiki: Hey don't forget that Adrien is comign back tomorrow that could change things right I mean you still have feelings for him to right.(Tiki asked her holder which she is still confused about)

Marinette: Yea I know but every time I try to talk to Adrien it gets harder to have a conversation with him but with Jake its totally different story, maybe I should change my relationship besides Adrien only sees me as a friend and nothing more but maybe I should try to confess to him. 

Tiki: Thats a great idea Marinette!, but it's ok if he doesn't feel the same way about you, Adrien and you can always keep your friendship. 

Marinette: Yea that would be great, I'll do it first thing tomorrow when everyone comes back to school. (Marinette still thinking about Jake but might want to talk to Sugu first before she does anything else)

Tiki: Thats the spirit Marinette, but I think it's time for bed you got to wake up early and also make sure to set your alarm as well. 

Marinette: Ok ok Tiki I will, good night Tiki.(Marinette kisses her kwami's forehead)

Tiki: Good night Marinette. 

Marinette: Good night Jake.(Marinette whispers to herself before going to sleep)

Meanwhile back in Jakes room where he and Sugu are cuddling in bed

Jake Hala: Man that was an awesome party don't you agree Sugu. 

Sugu: Absolutely even with both us singing and dancing to our favorite songs! (Sugu saids with excitement)

Jake Hala: Yea it should was but?

Sugu: What is it sweetie? 

Jake Hala: Don't you think Marinette is acting strange while we were at the party and not just that she acting strange while we first me, any idea why? (Jake asked his girlfriend which she nods to what he is saying)

Sugu: Hehehehe!(Sugu giggles and Jake is confused why)

Jake Hala: Why are you giggling Sugu?

Sugu: Because Marinette has feelings for you thats why you knuckle head, hehehehehe!

Jake blushes of what she said to him and asked is she saying what is true does blueberry has feelings for him.

Jake Hala: Is that true Sugu?!(Jake asked in shocked)

Sugu: Of course it is, I can tell by the way she staring at you and not to mention how much she is blushing towards you as well as how shy she's been acting.(Sugu saids with a smile)

Jake Hala: But you know I with you right and I don't want to hurt your feelings Sugu.

Sugu: Jake it's ok if Marientte loves you as well, I wouldn't mind sharing if its just only her, I trust Marinette and Tiki as well. 

Jake Hala: So what you are saying is that it's ok for me to date Marinette and you as well is that correct. 

Sugu: Yes!, just don't let Marinette hog all the kissing because thats my job.(Sugu saids in flirting tone which Jake blushes really red)

Jake Hala: Well ok if you say so but I have feeling that she is in love with that Adrien Agreste guy, I can tell by all the pictures she has of him. 

Sugu: Hmmm.....maybe but maybe he would only see her as a friend and if she confesses to him and just asked her to be friends then she won't have problems with that right. 

Jake Hala: Your right, being friends always is fun as well. 

Sugu: Exactly!, now come over here and cuddle me my Spider(Sugu saids in another flirty tone)

Jake Hala: Hehehehe!, as you wish my very attractive girlfriend.(Jake goes over to cuddle with Sugu)

(Artwork done by me-95nicholasnm)

Jake Hala: Good night Sugu!

Sugu: Good night my love!

After that both boyfriend and girlfriend sleep happily together after a wonderful and amazing night they had. 


Monday morning at 8:40am, and everyone in the Dupain Bakery was up and ready to start the day, and luckily Marinette got up early this time before school starts at 9:30am. She was just finishing up getting ready for school while her parents along with Sugu and Jake were helping them prepare for opening their bakery. 

Marinette: Good Morning everybody! (Marinette saids to her parents as well as Sugu and Jake)

Sugu/Jake/Tom/Sabine: Good Morning Marientte!

Tom: How did you sleep last night Marinette?(Tom asked her daughter)

Sabine: Yea after that party last night we thought you would be sleeping all day and miss school again. 

Marinette: My sleep last night was absolutely wonderful and I made sure to set my alarm to wake up early for school. 

Tom: Well thats wonderful news and by the way Jake, Sugu don't you two have to get to school as well.

Jake Hala: No we don't have to go back to school till next March comes so we have the entire months to help you and your wife with the bakery. 

Sabine: That is wonderful news to hear Jake!

Tom: Excellent now can you Jake help with the flower and Sugu you can help my wife with front. 

Jake and Sugu: Yes Sir!(Jake and Sugu salute to Tom which made him salute back)

Marinette: Hehehehehe!, well I have to get to school and I will see you two later on ok. 

Sugu: Will do Marinette have fun and tell your friends I said hi!

Jake Hala: Same here!

Marientte: Will do by everyone!(Marinette waves goodbye to her parents as well as Jake and Sugu)

Tom: Alright everyone lets get this bakery up and running! Because were expecting a lot of customers today. 

Jake and Sugu: You got Tom!(Jake and Sugu went to work)

Sabine: Their such great kids aren't they sweetie.(Sabine saids to her husband)

Tom: Yea their sure are, Jake and Sugu reminds me of us when we were their age.

Sabine: Oh I have to agree on that one.(Sabine kisses her husband on the cheek and began to work then realize that her daughter forgot her homework on the table)

Sabine: Oh no Marinette forgot her homework again.(Jake hears her and walks up to her to see whats wrong)

Jake Hala: What's the matter Sabine?

Sabine: Marientte forgot her homework again, would you be a dear and bring it to her, the school is right next to door. 

Jake Hala: Sure thing Sabine.(Jake takes the papers and head towards the school to give Marinette her homework)

Sabine: Such a nice young man. (After she said that, Sugu walks up to her)

Sugu: I have to agree with you Sabine.


It was 9:00am at College Francoise Dupont and everyone was coming back from their vacation. Also it was almost time for classes to start and everyone is talking about their vacation and good news as well is that Marinette made it to class on time this time. Back in the classroom where Marinette is at she was having a conversation with her best friend Alya saying that she is gonna confess to Adrien after school even it takes all of her strength and courage to do it which made Alya squeal with excitement along with her other girl friends. After words Adrien comes into the door along with Nino and they sat together exchanging conversations with the day. 

Alya: Girl!, I am so happy for you I know you could do it, just try not to have a panic again. 

Rose: We are rooting for you Marinette!

Alix: You got this in the bag!

Juleka: I believe in you.(Juleka saids shyly)

Mylene: Marinette we have faith in you!

Marinette: Thanks girls really appreciate the thanks.(Marinette still thinking if Adrien only sees her as a friend than its ok with her which means she could try to confess to Jake instead)

(Ps Lila Rossi won't be in this story just to let you know because that could change some things)

After all the students took their seats to get ready for the day, a red head woman comes in and she greets her fellow students with wonderful smile, her name is Caline Bustier or Miss Bustier.

Caline Bustier: Good morning  my students I hope all of you had a wonderful vacation with your friends and family! (Caline greets her student with a joy smile)

Everyone: Good Morning Miss Bustier!

Caline Bustier: I am so happy to see all of you and I hope all you did your homework while on vacation because today is time to hand in your work.(Caline saids to her students in which they all agreed to)

Everyone was taking out their homework except for a blonde girl with a bad attitude, and asking her friend with the orange with the glasses to ask if her homework was done since she doesn't like to the work herself. 

Chloe: Sabrina you have my work done for right.(Chloe saids to Sabrina while doing her nails)

Sabrina: Our course Chloe, I done everything that was completed before I started my vacation.

Chloe: Excellent now I can just work on doing what I do best, relaxing until school ends and mess with Mari-Trash. (Chloe saids while still doing her nails and looking towards Marinette with grin)

On the other side of the tables Marinette was about to get her homework until she sees that her work in her bag wasn't there and started to freak out. 

Marinette: Oh no oh no oh no oh no!, where is it! where is my homework!(Marinette begins to panic more and more)

Caline Bustier: Marinette?, are you gonna turn in your work as well. Because this work counts as for your higher grades. 

Marinette: I AM SO DOOMED!(Marinette Thought)

Alya: Its ok Girl I am sure that she would allow you to redo the work. Maybe?

Chole: Hahahahaha!, looks like Dupain Cheng forgot her work again!(Chloe laughs at Marinette who is freaking out)

Caline Bustier: Marinette if you don't have your work in about three minutes you will get a zero and would have to do the work all over again. 

Marinette: NO no no no no! please no!(Marinette was freaking out more and was about to say something to her teacher when all of sudden there was a knock on the door)


Caline Bustier: Hello you can come in please.(Caline asked the person to come in and what she saw was a tall young man with red and black shirt with blue yes and brown hair who was holding some papers in his hands)

Marinette: Jake?!(Marinette sees Jake with excitement and blushes a little but only to see why is he doing here and whats he holding in his hands)

Caline Bustier: Oh hello young man who might you be, are you a new student here?

Jake Hala: Hello mama, my name is Jake Hala and no I am not a student here, I only came here because Marinette's mom asked me to deliver her homework that she forgot at home.(Jake hands the teacher Marinette's homework and sees that everything is there while Marinette blushes seeing that Jake came to her school to get her homework for her which was very sweet of him to do)

Caline Bustier: Well looks like everything is here, congratulations Marinette you won't be failing this time just make sure to not forget again this time. 

Marinetee: Yes Miss Bustier!(Marinette saids to her teacher while still looking at Jake and nodding saying thanks for bringing her homework which he nods back)

Caline Bustier: Well thank you Mr.Hala for bringing her work on time.(Caline shakes Jakes hand in saying thanks which Jake shakes back)

Jake Hala: It was no problem mama but please call me Jake, Mr.Hala is my fathers name. 

Caline Bustier: Why of course Jake.(Caline saids with a smile)

Jake Hala: Well as much as I want to stick around I have to get back to the bakery, Marinette's parents and my girlfriend Sugu need help, so you may contine your class I will let myself out.

Adrien Agreste: You and Marinette know each other?(The model asked Jaked with a smile which he nods into agreement)

Jake Hala: Of course, me and my girlfriend Sugu met her a couple days ago and she invited us to her friend Luka's party where we performed and got to know some of friends while the rest of you were on vacation. After words we started to become her friends and allowed us to stay at the bakery while my families house is being remodeled and my family is away on a business trip. And since me and Sugu go to College of Art in Paris, we don't start school till next March so we are helping Marinette's parents with the bakery in the mean time. 

Caline Bustier: Well I think that is very sweet of you two, maybe you can also help us with some events at school if you would like to. 

Marinette: Jake and Sugu helping us with school events, oh my gosh please say yes to that as well!(Marinette Thoughts with even more excitement)

Nino: Yea dude!, that would be awesome after what you and Sugu did for Luka's party. 

Alya: I have to agree with Nino on that one Jake!

Jake Hala: Sure why not, we love doing events at school and we would be more than happy to help however we can Miss.

Caline Bustier: Caline Bustier or you call me Miss Bustier if you like and thank you very much we look forward into working with you and Sugu as well. 

Jake Hala: Great, now if you would excuse me I have to get going, I'll see you back at the bakery Marinette. Bye everyone!(Jake saids goodbye to Marinette and her friends she met)

Marinette/Alya/Nino/Kim/Alix/Juleka/Rose: BYE JAKE!

After Jake left, class continued and Miss Bustier began teaching her students while Marinette was still thinking about Jake during class period. Also Chloe however was shocked at what she saw, a tall handsome guy who was cuter then her Adrikkins and more muscular but bad news is he's taken and he friends with Mari-Trash, but for now she only has eyes for her Adrikkins. However some of the students in class were shocked of how Jake looked and how kind he was to their other classmates. Nathaniel and Marc were seeing if he was a new hero with that body shape, Max wanted to know if he's good at video games which could be a challenge for him, Mylene and Ivan were agreeing that they could ask Jake if he and his girlfriend would like to hangout together like a double date, Kagami was thinking if this person can be a great appointment to face in combat or in fencing or maybe his girlfriend she has to see for herself, while Adrien was seeing how Jake was being so kind to his friends and teacher and what he can tell is that they will become great friends some day. 


Meanwhile: At the river bank where a kind man name Mr.Ramier was feeding his lovable pigeons a certain Police officer named Roger can up to him and asked him to leave and saying there was no feeding the birds on this park of the area. 

Officer Roger: Mr.Ramier, how many times do I have to tell you that there is no feeding the birds around public which is still strictly forbidden, do I need to repeat myself over and over again.

Mr.Ramier: But sir how I am suppose to enjoy wonderful day and my birds together!

Officer Roger: Didn't I just say to you before, that you are banned from every park in Paris which also includes the River banks as well. 

Mr.Ramier: But...but...but..sir...my...pigeons.(Mr.Ramier saids nervous)

Officer Roger: Leave now or I'll have to take you in!(Roger saids angry)

Mr.Ramier gets up from sit and walks away in sadness while his pore birds fly away from the angry police officer. (The inside a dark lair Shadow Moth felt his negative emotion and began to make two new Akuma's and Amok) 

Shadow Moth: Ah, Mr.Ramier the feeling of injustice again such glorious day for my Akuma's and Amok. Fly away my little Akuma and Amok and evillise him!

The Akuma and Amok lands on his rissole and began to turned him into a darker super villain like the Dark Pharaoh. 

Shadow: Mr.Dark Feather, I am Shadow Moth neither the police officer or any other of the park owners should stop taking care of your birds, what would Paris be without these delectable birds and what would they be without their leader. I will give your new powers but in return you must bring me the Miraculous of Ladybug and Cat Noir, and also crush this new hero that appeared that is called Katipo; do we have a deal.

Mr.Ramier: Yes! Shadow Moth(Mr.Ramier begins to transform into his new darker form)

(Character is from Batman but I don't know which Batman show)

Mr Dark Feather: COME TO ME MY PIGEONS  AND LET US CONJURE THIS CITY!(MDF summons his birds and they took flight and begin to get their revenge)


Back at College Francoise Dupont, school was coming to an end and everyone was about to go home except for Marinette and Adrien because, Marinette wanted to ask Adrien something before they leave and so she asked if they meet by the back of the school where they can have their conversation. While Marinette's friends wait for her until she gives them her answer.

Adrien: So what is that you wanna talk about Marinette?(Adrien saids with a smile)

Marinette: Ok Marinette you can do this just relax and come out and say it!(Marinette thinking)

Marinette: Adrien I-I-I wanted t-t-to ask you something I be keeping down inside myself all this time and never had the chance to tell you until now.(Marinette blushes while rubbing her arm)

Adrien: Well what is you wanna say to me Marinette, you can tell me anything you want were friends after all.

Marinette: Ok, Adrien I like you, but more than just a friend and I been in love you ever since you can me your umbrella and I was wondering if you would like to go out with me!? (Marinette saids with nervous as well as excitement so she get it out of her system)

Adrien: Wow Marinette, that was really nice of you to say that I am really flattered but I am in love with someone else. So I can't except your feelings for me but I would like to remain friends with you if thats alright with you. (Adrien looks at Marinette with a sad look saying that he won't except her feelings)(Marinette however was shocked and broken but yet calm to know that he was honest and would like to remain friends which did bring a smile on her face)

Marinette: Its ok Adrien, I understand your friendship is more than enough for me and sorry I had to get all that out sooner or later but at least you are honest with yourself.(Marinette saids with a smile which Adrien smiles back)

Adrien: I am happy that feel that well so friends?

Marinette:Friends(Marinette hugs Adrien and he hugs back)

Adrien: Well I have to get going before my father has another photoshoot for me to do or piano lesson. 

Marinette: Sure thing, I'll see you tomorrow and also I can introduce you to my new friends Jake and Sugu they would like to meet you. 

Adrien: I am looking forward to meeting them, anyway see you later Marinette!(Adrien waves goodbye to Marinette and she waves back)

Tiki: Well at least you tried and without falling apart, I am happy that you remained friends Marinette.

Marinette: Thanks Tikki, at least his friendship is more than enough. 

Tiki: Now how you gonna confess your love for Jake.(Tiki saids while giggling)

Marinette: W-WHATTT?!(Marinette blushes really read)

Tiki: Well you did say it yourself when you were sleeping.

Marinette: I know but I still have to talk to Sugu about it though and do you think that he would like me, I mean I don't want to loose him.(Marinette looks down in sadness)

Tiki: Don't worry Marinette, I know the fact that Jake is nothing like that at all I mean just think about it before you do anything or better yet just talk to him as least try to. 

Marinette: Yea your right Tiki, I'll do that but first I need to tell my friends that me and Adrien are just gonna remain friends for now on. 

Tiki: Right lets head off and...........



While Dark Feather flies around Paris with his Pigeons Marinette and Tiki look at the new super villain which brought fear in their eyes. 

Marinette: Was that another Akuma Amok again!

Tiki: I believe so we better call Jake and Sugu and let them know!

Marinette: Right(Marinette calls Jakes number to warn him)

Meanwhile at the bakery: 

Sugu: Ok here is your macaroons and fresh baked bread! enjoy the rest of your day sir.

Random civilian: Thank you! you too 

Sabine:You are doing a marvelous job Sugu, well done.(Sabine compliments on Sugu's hard work)

Sugu: Thanks Sabine, it's really not that hard at all.(Sugu saids with a smile)

Meanwhile in the other room Jake and Tom are baking the cookies and other fresh baked macaroons which Jake has taken the liking to since he loves the sweet smell of bake goods.

Jake Hala: Alright the new bash of macaroons are done and now let's give them a couple minutes to cool off before we start giving them out. 

Tom: Excellent work Jake your learning quick by the minute, I am very proud of both you and Sugu for helping me and Sabine at bakery really appreciated.(Tom saids as he places a hand on Jakes shoulder)

Jake: It was no trouble at all Tom, I am glad we're here to help.(Before he said something else his phone started ring and it was Marinette and it looked like it was an emergency)

Tom: Huh, I wonder what Marinette wants?

Jake Hala: Hey Marinette is something wrong?(Jake talks to Marinette on the phone)

Marinette: Yes a new Akuma Amok has appeared can you and Sugu come and help.

Jake Hala: Yea were be there as soon as we can. 

Call Ends

Tom: What did my daughter want?

Jake Hala: She asked me and Sugu can meet her and friends at the park today if thats ok with you Tom.

Tom: Wow of course we were about too close up anyway and we can just pack the cookies and the macaroons until tomorrow. 

Jake Hala: Awesome!, we will see guys after were done. 

Tom: Don't stay too late!

Jake Hala: We won't, come on Sugu Marinette needs us right away!

Sugu: Right, bye Tom and Sabine!

Tom/Sabine:HAVE FUN!

When Jake and Sugu got to an empty alley

Jake Hala: Ready


Jake Hala: SUGU WEBS UPS!(Jake Transforms into his hero form then swings to where Marinette signal came from)

Meanwhile on a random house roof top where Ladybug was waiting for Katipo.

Ladybug:Katipo should be here soon, might as well wait until he gets here.(Ladybug sits on the rooftop waiting for her new team mate while still thinking about him until a certain cat came out of nowhere and surprised her)

Cat Noir: Hello M'lady!, what wonderful purrfect day we are having isn't it.(Cat Noir saids to Ladybug and she turns around and sees her partner Cat Noir)

Ladybyg: Cat Noir!, how you been how was your vacation.(Ladybug saids with a smile)

Cat Noir: It was amazing though without you with me Bugaboo it was a bummer.(Cat Noir saids with flirty smile as he try kisses her hand but she refused again)

Ladybug: Cat we talked about this, about the flirting it needs to stop and besides were here to stop another Akuma Amok. 

Cat Noir: Another Akuma Amok seriously!(Cat Noir saids in shocked)

Ladybug: Yea and their getting more darker and more stronger by the minute, luckily me and our new team mate manage to stop the first one before it caused anymore damages. 

Cat Noir: Wait new team make? When did this happened?(Cat Noir saids confused and yet jealous that somebody else was fighting along side his lady)

Ladybug: It happened during your vacation and I was alone to fight the Akuma Amok's until a new miraculous holder came in and help me and he is not a fake this time like Volpina, his kwami filled me in with his history and how long he's be doing hero work and he is willing to help us defeat Hawk Moth and his Akuma's.(Ladybug saids with excitement while Cat Noir looks mad that the new team mate is a boy and he was fighting along side her)

Cat Noir: How do we know he's not a villain sent by Hawk Moth to take our Miraculous.(Cat Noir saids with a serious look that made Ladybug glare at him)

Ladybug: Because his Kwami said that him and her are from another universe where there is only three miraculous holders and we do not exist. His kwami even showed me proof of him and his team mates together. (Ladybug saids to her partner who looks at her confused and weird)

Cat Noir: Hahahahahaha!, good one Bugaboo I thought you had me there for a minute.(Cat Noir looks at her and sees her angry at him which he backed up)

Cat Noir: You're not joking are you?

Ladybug: I don't joke around Cat Noir, and another thing his kwami was telling me the truth about how he got here and is willing to help.(Ladybug still glaring at Cat Noir)

Cat Noir: M'lady thats impossible other universes don't exist, he could be using you or trying to manipulate you into getting you miraculous or mine, I say he's just another villain who needs to be taken down.(Cat Noir saids to Ladybug who became shocked of what he said)

Ladybug: He even reveled his identity to me and what he told me was the honest truth, and the way he was talking to me was honesty and kindness. You weren't there when it happened and when the portal that brought him here and now he is trying to find a way back home, but he can't do that because he doesn't know how to get back. Also how dare you say such horrible things without getting to know him first and see where things can go.(Ladybug saids to Cat Noir who is still angry and shocked that someone revealed themselves to another person)

Cat Noir: HE DID WHAT?! M'lady don't tell me you revealed yourself to him as well. 

Ladybug: I did what I had to do in order to gain his trust and right now he trusted me, and we made a promise to not to reveal ourselves to anybody. Since he's from another universe and never heard of us, he needed to know about everything that is happening in Paris.(This ticked off Cat Noir that Ladybug revealed herself to a complete stranger and not tell her partner, he was so mad right now he just wanted to tear this new guy in half)

Cat Noir: How could you do this to me Ladybug!, I thought you said we shouldn't reveal our identities to anyone?! 

Ladybug: Cat he needed to know how else was he gonna trust me and what I can tell that he and his kwami are good people who do the same thing we do. 

Cat Noir: Ladybug you belong with me and only me not some guy from made up universe who thinks he's a hero. (Cat Noir saids to Ladybug who looks at him in horror)

Cat Noir: As soon as he gets here, I'll be the only partner for you and once we take care of Hawk Moth we will be together forever because you and I are made for each other! while this new guy will be nothing. (Cat Noir saids to Ladybug with lust which made Ladybug cry and then slapped him so hard in the face and began to scream at him)



Cat Noir: So thats his name huh, Katipo.

Cat Noir: Looks like I have to take down two guys now.(Cat Noir saids with evil grin)


Cat Noir: Yea now since I am back in Paris I would be grateful to get rid of him along with the Akuma Amok as well and then you will be mine.(Cat Noir saids with another evil grin)(This made Ladybug more angry by the minute and said something that made the Cats heart shattered)

Ladybug: STUPID CAT I HATED YOU!!!(Ladybug swings away while crying even more)

Cat Noir: You will be mine M'lady, I will make sure of it.(Cat Noir leaves while on the other side of the houses a certain spider hero was looking and hearing the whole thing with anger and shocked of what Cat Noir said about him and Ladybug)

Katipo: So that was Cat Noir, I cannot believe this is guy that Marinette told me about. This is guy is even more crazy than the guys I face back in my universe and how dare he make Marinette cry like that. I believe me and Sugu have also have to keep an on this Cat Noir and Hawk Moth as well. I might as well go after Ladybug and see hows she's doing after all we still have that villain to deal with. (Katipo gets up from his spot and made his hands into a fist showing that he won't let anyone hurt team mate or anyone who cares about)

On the top of the Eiffel Tower Ladybug was sitting on the ground crying about what Cat Noir would do Katipo if he finds him.

Ladybug: Hiccup H-how how could he say something like that, how could not believe me. Was he really that angry about a new team mate joining and helping Paris. Was he really angry that I revealed myself to Jake and Sugu in order to gain their trust.(Ladybug crying)

Ladybug: I never want to see Cat Noir again, never again, all he does is trust flirt with me and makes me angry and gets on my nerves.(Ladybug Thought)

Katipo: He doesn't deserver you what you had to say to him, because he's living in a fairly tale and not waking up from it.(Katipo saids as he lands next to Ladybug in which made her surprise)

Ladybug: Katipo y-y-you came sniff.(Ladybug still sadden about what happened)

Katipo: I heard everything that was happening between you and that so called Cat Noir and I just had to make sure you were ok.(Katipo saids as he places his hands on Ladybug's face to help her calm down) 

Ladybug: You heard everything even the stuff I said sniff.

Katipo: I did and was the most amazing words you every said about me Ladybug, because I feel the same way about you. 

Ladybug: Y-y-you do.

Katipo: Yes I do, and I also feel something else between us and I know you do to as well. 

Ladybug: Like what?(Ladybug clearing her tears away)

Katipo: Marinette, I know your in love with me.

Ladybug: How did you know?(Ladybug asked in shocked)

Katipo: Sugu told me how you were acting around me and she has your approval to be with me because you both love me and I love you both equally and would love to be with you always.(When Katipo said that to Ladybug she was shocked and started to cry with happiness)

Ladybug: Oh Jake! I love you too!(Ladybug crying with happiness and joy)

💋 (KISS) Ladybug and Katipo kissed in showing their love for each other and then separated to looked into each others eyes

Ladybug: Jake thank you for being with me and don't ever alone please.

Katipo: I will always be with Marinette, I promise(Jake and Marinette put hugged for while until they heard an explosion)


Katipo: Well what we waiting for Lady Luck let's go!(Katipo offers hind hand to her and she takes it) 

Ladybug: Lets go save Paris my love!(Ladybug saids as she and him swing into action)

Chapter 7 coming soon!

Katipo/Jake Hala, Sugu-95nicholasnm

Miraculous-Thomas Astruc 

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