A Spider meets a Bug from another universe! Part 7

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After the fight that Ladybug had with her ex partner Cat Noir who got very aggravated and cocky over her new team mate Katipo she decided to go to the Eiffel Tower to clear herself from her tears because of what Cat Noir said to her that made her very upset and broken. That was after Katipo seen the whole thing and got mad at how Cat Noir said those things to Ladybug and to himself, so he went to the Tower to try to calm Ladybug down and he it work and thats when he and she confess their love for each other and shared a romantic kiss before then realize they still had to deal with the new super villain. 

Katipo: Ok Ladybug what did this new villain looked like and how do we stop him?!

Ladybug: Well he was like darker version of my former enemy Mr.Pigeon but his real name was Mr.Ramier who loves to feed the pigeons around Paris until the police said he was banned from every park for giving the birds food. So I believe its him again but he looked much like a darker pigeon monster than what he used to look like. Maybe he has both Akuma and Amok inside the same object his flute.(Ladybug said to her new partner)

Katipo: Tell me something does he look like a big huge black bird with a lot of birds at his side.(Katipo said to his partner, which she nods is agreement)

Ladybug: Yea why?

Katipo: Oh no reason is because he's heading right towards us?!(Katipo saids to Ladybug who looks at front of her and sees Mr.Dark Feather about to charge at them)

Mr.Dark Feather: Hahahahaha!, I finally found you Ladybug and you must be the new hero Shadow Moth told me about; Katipo and where is that Cat Noir of yours Ladybug.(MDF saids to the heroes who looked ready to fight and pissed off about Cat Noir of what he did)

Ladybug: Cat Noir won't be joining us!, after what he's said and now it's just us two.(Ladybug said and taking out her yoyo about to face the new villain along with her new love life)

Katipo: Yea!, so get ready you over size chicken you're about to feel a lot of pain from both Ladybug and Katipo!(Katipo saids to the villain who looked mad after he called him an over sized chicken)

Ladybug: Hehehehehe!, that was a good one Katipo.(Ladybug giggles at what he said to the villain)

Katipo: Why thank you Lady Luck now let's show this guy what a bug and a spider can really do together. 

Ladybug: Yes!

Ladybug and Katipo engaged the villain and throwing a lot of punches and kicks to their enemy, which didn't effect him at since Ladybug punches weren't doing anything to him but when Dark Feather felt Katipo's he felt a lot of pain everywhere due to Katipo's super strength and incredible speed. After a couple of beatings to Dark Feather, the villain unleashed his birds on them which the two heroes dogged every attack from Dark Feather's birds and it was time for Ladybug to use her lucky charm to see if it can stop the villain. 

Katipo: Hey Ladybug, I think its time to use your lucky charm don't you think!

Ladybug: You're right!, LUCKY CHARM!

(What came out of her lucky charm was a baseball bat)

Ladybug: A baseball bat?

Katipo: You planing on playing baseball with him or better yet use it to him with.(Katipo saids to his Ladybug who had just the right idea to use it)

Ladybug: I got it!, Katipo I need you to use you super human strength and throw the villain to me and thats where I will hit him.

Katipo: Ohhhh!, I see where this is going sure and wants you hit him and use my special power to knock him out.(Katipo saids to Ladybug who looked confused about his special power)

Ladybug: Ok, go get him and throw him to me and hard as you can!

Katipo: I am on it!

Katipo swings to Mr.Dark Feather who was still recovering from those hits from Katipo and Ladybug until Katipo came up to him and lifted him up from the ground and started to throw him towards Ladybug who looked ready to play ball. Then around the corner a girl with her phone out was recording the whole thing and the girl was Alya and her friends looking at the new hero who is facing the villain with Ladybug which brought excitement to her, seeing a newer hero in action and helping her idol from her blog stop the villain. 

Alya: Woah! a new superhero in Paris and he's looks absolutely amazing! 

Rose: Wow, he is so strong 💪 and brave!

Alix: Yea and check out that suit of his, he looks just like Ladybug but he is a spider. I never seen a spider hero before and not one like this before. 

Juleka: He looks mysterious in a good way.(She said shyly)

Mylene: I'll say, hey Alya are you planning on doing an interview with him. (she said next to her friend who is still recording)

Alya: You bet I am! he looks like someone who would do anything to protect Paris. 

Katipo: Hey Ladybug!, you ready for the pitch. 

Ladybug: I am ready!

Katipo: Here comes the pitch!(Katipo throws Dark Feather towards who about to hit him and Katipo gets ready for his special move)


Ladybug: And here comes the hit!


Ladybug: Katipo! he's coming right back to you!(Ladybug saids to her partner who nods)

Katipo: Alright bird brain here comes my special power(Katipo Thought)

Katipo:VENOM PUNCH!!(Katipo hits Dark Feather with his special power which knocks out the villain out cold and Ladybug seen it and was very impressed)

Ladybug: Wow so thats his special power!(Ladybug Thought with excitement)

After Katipo knocks Dark Feather out, he removes the flute and both the Akuma as well as the Amok come out so that Ladybug can de-evilise them. 

Ladybug: No more evil doing for you little Akuma and Amok. Time to de-evilise! got ya! 

Ladybug: Bye bye little butterfly and feather, Miraculous Ladybug!

Everything turns back to normal and Mr.Ramier turns back into his human self while Marinette's friends looked shocked at what they say in front them and how the new hero used an awesome power just like Ladybug and Cat Noir. Then on top of the buildings there was Cat Noir who was observing the heroes together and lets just say he is more angrier by the minute and was going to go down there and take care of Katipo and show Ladybug that he and she are made for each other as well as partners. After that Marinette's friends walk towards the heroes to ask questions about the new hero in the spider suit.

Ladybug and Katipo: POUND IT!

Ladybug: That was amazing! Katipo I never knew that your special power would work at a time like this.(Ladybug saids with excitement to her partner)

Katipo: Thanks Ladybug, really appreciate the comment. Also looks like your friends are coming towards us right now.(Katipo saids to Ladybug who looks next to her and sees her friends walking towards her and Katipo)

Alya: Excuse me sir are you a new superhero and are you gonna team up with Ladybug and Cat Noir!!(Alya saids with excitement while recording the new hero)

AlixL: Yea dude what you did was absolutely incredible and totally radical!

Rose: What is your name new hero!(Rose asked with joy)

Katipo: Yes I am a new hero, and yes I will be joining Ladybug to stop Hawk Moth and his Akuma's and as for your question my little pink friend my name is Katipo I am the holder of the spider miraculous and protector of Paris along with Ladybug here.(Katipo answered their questions while putting a hand on Ladybug's shoulder which she blushes at her love life)(But then out of nowhere a staff hit Katipo and he was smashed into a car)(The hit came from Cat Noir who has now a much more various look in his eyes)

Cat Noir: Stay away from my lady!! she's mine and mine only!!(Cat Noir screams at Katipo and Ladybug looks shocked as well her friends to see that Cat Noir has gone rogue)


Cat Noir: Don't worry M'Lady once I get rid of this so called hero, it will just be you and me forever and ever!!(Cat Noir saids with a lustful grin which scared Ladybug and her friends)

Ladybug: I WON'T LET YOU HURT HIM!!(Ladybug saids as she yoyo's Cat Noir arm and tries to stop him from attacking Katipo)

Cat Noir: Ladybug he stole you from me!, he needs to go even if I have to kill him.(Cat Noir saids with anger and Ladybug stares at her ex partner with horror)

Ladybug: Cat Noir, if you do this you will never be a hero again. Everyone will only see you as a psycho path as well as a murder!!

Cat Noir: No!, they will see me as a true hero and that I got rid of an imposter and that you and I are made for each other!!(Cat Noir saids to Ladybug who looks at him with more horror and anger)

Ladybug: If this who want to be Cat Noir, then you and I are no longer partners or friends!!(Ladybug screams at Cat Noir who looked more broken then ever and now looks at Ladybug with deadly lust)

Cat Noir: NO-NO-NO-NO-NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! YOUR MINE!(Cat Noir charges at Ladybug with lust which Ladybug looked at him with shock as well as scared)(But then something happened that stop Cat Noir from charing and ending up getting hit towards the solid wall)


Katipo: STAY AWAY FROM HER!!(Katipo punches Cat Noir in the face and he goes flying into the wall and he gets knocked out)(Ladybug was shocked that her new love protected her from her ex partners lust and anger)

Katipo: How dare you try to harm Ladybug and trying to think I was a pretend hero!!(Katipo looks at Cat Noir with hatred)

Ladybug: K-K-Katipo, you protected me.(Ladybug saids with tears falling down her face)

Katipo: I'll do anything to protect those closest to me, friends, family, and that includes loved ones. I will make sure that you and I will stop Hawk Moth and bring peace and order into Paris.(Katipo saids to Ladybug who looked loved and happy as well as her friends who looked happy as well though still shocked that Cat Noir would do anything to hurt someone new)

Ladybug: Thank you, Katipo(Ladybug hugs her new partner who is also her love interest)

Katipo: You are very welcome Ladybug and now for one last thing to do.(Katipo separates the hug and walks towards Cat Noir still unconscious and removes his miraculous from his hand, but then when Cat Noir transformation wears off everyone including Ladybug looks at Cat Noir in shocked that the former Cat hero was known other than Adrien Agreste who is the son of Gabriel Agreste the famous fashion designer and friend to everyone at school)

Ladybug: Cat Noir is Adrien Agreste!!(Ladybug saids in shock and horror)

Alya: Our friend Adrien is the ex hero Cat Noir!!(Alya saids with sadness as well as shocked)

Alix: Why would Adrien go so far and to kill!(Alix saids with horrifying look)

Rose: How could he do this to us! and not tell us!!(Rose saids with tears while Juleka hugs her)

Mylene: I can't believe what I am seeing in front of my eyes.(Mylene said with eyes wide and shock)

Juleka: He betrayed Ladybug as well as trying to kill the new hero that saved us and now he betrayed our trust as well.(Juleka saids with anger)

The out of nowhere a green flash came in front of everyone and it was a kwami that was a small black cat with green eyes. It was Plagg the kwami of destruction and kwami of the cat miraculous.

Plagg: Ladybug and Katipo I am sorry for my holders behavior, he's been acting like this during his vacation and wouldn't stop.(Plagg saids to the two miraculous heroes who looked upset about the poor kwami and angry at his holder)

Ladybug: It wasn't your fault Plagg, you didn't know he would do something this dangerous and stupid as well.(Ladybug saids to Plagg who cuddles the poor kwami in her hands)

Katipo: Yea and I think I know why, Adrien would do this in the first place.(Katipo saids and everyone looks towards him in what he's about to say)

Katipo: The guy was madly in love with Ladybug and got tired of rejections as well as jealously over her getting a new partner which caused him to go completely crazy. Also on my way to stop the the villain, I saw him with this girl with bluish blackish hair I think her name was Mari something and he said he is in love with someone else which could mean Ladybug. I mean how can a guy like him be in love with a superhero and what I can tell if he only love the girl o=for just being a hero and not the real person behind the mask then that could shatter the persons heart permanently. Then after I saw him with Ladybug and they got into a big huge fight and he said he would do anything to be with Ladybug even if it means getting rid of me with lustful rage and controlling. 

Once Katipo was finished talking, everyone around him including Ladybug were beyond shocked and angry at their former friend and ex hero. Also that Marientte's friends were now pissed that Adrien rejected their friend for a superhero which was completely stupid.

Alya: Adrien rejected my best friend for Ladybug that is just horrible!!(Alya saids with anger)

Alix: He is both bad, dangerous, selfish, a liar, and worst than Chloe or Hawk Moth!!

Rose: I never want to be with a someone who would reject our Marinette!

Juleka and Mylene: I agree!!

Ladybug: Alya you recored everything didn't you?(Ladybug saids to Alya who nods in agreement)

Ladybug: Good, call the police and show them everything!(Ladybug said while still cuddling Plagg in her arms)

Alya: You got it Ladybug.(Alya begins to call the police and tell them everything)

Katipo: Good thinking, I will tie him up to make sure he doesn't run away.(Katipo webs up Adrien to make sure he doesn't escape)

A few hours later the police arrived at the scene and started to ask the two heroes what happened and they show them the proof of what Cat Noir aka Adrien Agreste has been doing. That was until Adrien started to wake up and sees his friends along with the police and the two heroes side by side with glares while Plagg was on Katipo's shoulder who also mad about him and using him for his personal reasons. 


Police Officer: Adrien Agreste aka Cat Noir former hero of Paris and son of Gabriel Agreste, you are under arrest for the crime you committed against Paris as well as Ladybug and for trying to kill a hero while trying to protect the lives of a super villain.(The police officer saids to Adrien who looked shocked and angry at both Ladybug and Katipo for telling them for he did to them)

Adrien: You don't understand!!, Ladybug and I are made for each other!! Ladybug tell them tell them that you and I are partners. 

Ladybug: You are no longer my partner and I will never be with a psycho path like you, and took make sure you never pick up another miraculous again; I used the ancient words and making you to never use any miraculous ever again.(Ladybug saids to Adrien and then turns away from him and not looking him in the face)

Katipo: I was gonna introduce myself to you and we could become friends and fight Hawk Moth together but I guess I was wrong. Also you try to hurt Ladybug which she is now scared of.(Katipo saids with a glare and Adrien is looking at him with more hatred)

Adrien: Y-Y-YOU I'LL KILL YOU!!!(Adrien gets up and takes a gun out of the police officers side and prepares to kill Katipo but what he doesn't realize that Katipo is bullet proof)

BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG!, Adrien fires four shocks at Katipo and it didn't do anything to him while Ladybug screams out of horror. 


Adrien: Hahahahahaha! now whose gonna be Ladybug's partner not you!(Adrien laughs out with craziness but stop when he sees Katipo still standing and now holes in his body)

Katipo: Really? you really think that a gun would do anything to me, I'm completely bullet proof.(Katipo saids to Adrien which he was shocked to see as well as Ladybug and her friends as well as the police officers)


Police Officer: Alright thats it!!, Adrien Agreste you are going to prison for a long time!!(The police officer takes away the weapon and puts the cuffs on him and then shoved him into the police truck)

When the police leave the area, Ladybug looks on the verge on crying but her new lover Katipo converts her to make sure she will be alright while friends looked at the two heroes with respect and sadness of what just happened but they realize something else if Adrien was Cat Noir then that means Marinette must be Ladybug so Alya went up to them and asked Ladybug if this was true. 

Alya: Hey Ladybug can I ask you something(Alya saids while turning her phone off)

Ladybug: Sure Alya what is it?(Ladybug saids still looking sad)

Alya took a deep breath

Alya: Marinette is that really you under the mask and don't lie about please.(Alya saids to Ladybug who looks shocked and scared)

Ladybug: I-I-I.........(Ladybug trying not to look scared)

Alya: Please tell us, we won't tell anyone we promise. Right girls!

All the girls: YESS!(They all said and looked towards Ladybug)

Ladybug took a big huge breath and then lets it out

Ladybug: Yes, it is me Alya, and I am sorry I never told any of you. I just wanted to keep you all safe because if Hawk Moth found out about who I was then if could come after the ones I cared about and try to hurt them.(Ladybug saids with frustration and tears)

Alya: Did you know who she was as well(Alya looks towards Katipo)

Katipo: Yes, I did and we both reveled ourselves to each other and got to know each other better as well. 

Alix: Wait a minute, Jake is that you(Alix saids to Katipo who nods and everyone looked even more shocked)

Katipo: Yes its me girls

Rose: But where have you been all this time in Paris if Marinette needed you!

Mylene and Juleka: Yea!

Katipo: Thats another thing you girls should know about me and as well as Sugu.(Katipo saids to the girls except Ladybug who already knows about him and Sugu)

Alix: Wait why is your girlfriend part in this?

Katipo: Because both me and Sugu are not from this Paris(Katipo saids to the girls who looked confused)

Alya: What do you mean you two are not from this Paris?

Katipo: I mean is that Sugu is my Kwami who is spider and she can take on human form, and I been with her for five years, also we come from another universe where there is only three miraculous holders that are my team mates, and the miraculous heroes you have in this universe do not exist where I come from.(Katipo saids to the girls who look belong and unbelievably shocked that Jake come from another universe and his kwami can turned into a human)

Rose: Marinette did you know about this?

Ladybug: Yes, I did when I was just at home doing my own thing a strange portal came out of nowhere and what dropped out of it was Katipo and he expanded everything to me about him and his world. 

Katipo: I know you girls might be angry and upset that we never told you we just wanted to keep keep you safe. 

Alya: Well were a little upset that Marinette didn't tell us sooner(Alya looks at Ladybug who dropped her head down in shame)

Ladybug: So you are not mad?

Alix: Why would we be mad at you(Alix saids to Ladybug and Katipo who looked confused)

Rose: Yea we all love you Marinette and you can always talk to us about anything!!

Mylene: You don't have hide anything from us, and if this something that must stay a secret then we will keep a secret just between the seven of us.

Juleka: Just promise us that you will take care of yourself, we don't want to see our friend hurt.

Alya: Your my best friend Marinette and nothing is gonna changes that.(Alya saids to Ladybug who looks up at her friends with tears of happiness)

Ladybug: Alya, girls thank you!(Ladybug hugs all her friends while Jake and Plagg looked at them smiling)

Alya: And as for you Jake, I CAN'T BELIVE BOTH YOU AND SUGU ARE MY NEW FRIENDS AS WELL AS HEORES FROM ANOTHER UNIVERSE!!!(Alya saids with excitement and joy) 

Alix: You gotta tell us everything about your world!

Rose: Yea I want to know about the other two miraculous heroes in your Paris!

Mylene and Juleka: ME TOO!!

Ladybug: Hey girls stop asking my boyfriend so many questions!(Ladybug laughs at them while they look at her in shock then towards Katipo)

Everyone: B-B-BOYFRIEND!

Katipo: Hahahahaha!, I found out that she was in love with me after we met and after spending time together.(Katipo saids while holding Ladybug's hand which Ladybug blushes red)

Rose: Wait does Sugu know about this?

Katipo: Of course she does and she doesn't mind sharing as long as its Marinette and nobody else.(Katipo saids to the girls while Alix pouts)

Alix: Your always the lucky one Marinette but I am happy for you.(Alix gives Marinette a thumbs up)

Alya: Girl!, you better tell us everything and I mean everything!!

Ladybug: Of course I will I promise(Ladybug saids to them then kisses Katipo on the cheek)

Katipo: Same goes for me and Sugu as well. 

Beep! Beep!

Ladybug: Looks like I'm about to transform back. 

Katipo: Is that that how you transform back, really?

Ladybug: Yea, wait doesn't your miraculous have a timer as well?

Katipo: No, I can stay in this form as much as I want to even if I used my special power.

Everyone: WOAH!

Ladybug: Ok that is something you forgot to tell me(Ladybug pouts)

Katipo: Sorry blueberry must of slipped my mind. 

Ladybug: Yea whatever, anyway you girls can come over my place tonight and we fill you in on how I met my spider here. 

Girls: We will be there!

Ladybug and Katipo: Bug and Spider out!

After they left, Marinettes friends decided to head home and get ready to meet them again at the bakery. 


Meanwhile back in Shadow Moth Lair:

Shadow Moth: Ladybug and Katipo one day soon I will get what I want and you two will perish under my feet!(Shadow Moth saids with Anger)

Shadow Moth: Dark Wings fall(Shadow Moth de-transforms back into Gabriel Agreste)

Gabriel Agreste can out of his lair and went to check on his son to see if he came home, but what he saw was his assistant Natalie looking at him with shocked and sadden look on her face along with horror. Gabriel was confused at first but then ask her what was wrong and where was his son.

Gabriel: Natalie what is wrong where is my son?

Natalie: Sir, Adrien h-h-he's in prison!!(Natalie saids to her boss who looked terrified and shocked)

Gabriel: WHATTTT?!, how did this happened to my son tell me!

Natalie: Sir your son was Cat Noir and he went rogue and try to kill the heroes then Ladybug took his miraculous away then fired a gun at his classmates trying to kill the new hero, and then the police say he will be in prison for a long time.(Natalie saids nervously and trying to hold back her tears of what Adrien has done)

Gabriel fell to the floor and looked completely shattered of what his son has become and how his wife will feel if she saw both them of what they turned into.

Gabriel: My son, Adrien has become this and I was fighting him the entire and trying to hurt him but then he became someone else.(Gabriel whispers to himself while a tear fell down from his face)

Natalie: Sir I think is about time we stop all of this, we can not continue like this.(Natalie saids to her boss but then gets slapped in the face by him)(Slapped)

Gabriel: NO!, I will continue what I am planning and no one will stop me from doing so even if I have to give up my anything then so be it.(Gabriel saids in anger then leaves without a word)

Natalie covers her face with her hand to where Gabriel slapped her and begins to cry what he and his son have become. 

Natalie: I warn Ladybug and her new partner about what he is going to do and could lead to chaos. 

Natalie gets up from the floor and rushes to her room and packs everything she has without Gabriel knowing then leaves the mansion before it gets dark. 

Chapter 8 coming soon!

Katipo/Jake Hala, Sugu-95nicholasnm

Miraculous-Thomas Astruc  

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