A Spider meets a Bug from another universe Part 8

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(Artwork done by me-95nicholasnm and the character Marinette by Thomas Astruc) 👆🏻

After the battle between the heroes and the new Akuma Amok, Ladybug and her new partner also love life Katipo were heading back home to have talk to their friends about where Jake and Sugu came from and how they got here is Ladybug's universe. Also dealing with the fact that Marinette's old crush Adrien Agreste aka former hero of Paris Cat Noir turned on her and became violent and wanted to kill her new partner without giving an introduction or explanation of who he is. Another thing is that Natalie, Gabriel's assistant decided to leave his side and try to go find Ladybug and tell her about his plans about trying to get the miraculous with causing massive chaos and destruction. So it was now 4:50 pm and the couple are now back at home and ready to start their talk with their friends when they arrive, but before that happens a certain blue hair girl wants to spend time with her new man while Tiki and her new sister Sugu go spend some time together. 

Ladybug: SPOTS OFF!(Ladybug de-transforms)

Katipo: WEBS DOWN!(Katipo de-transforms)

Jake Hala: Man!, what a rough day that was don't you agree blueberry.

Marinette: Yea you have no idea.(Marinette still looking sadden over what happen with Adrien)

Jake Hala: Hey I am really sorry about Adrien, I still don't understand why he went this crazy over a rejection from you as Ladybug. The guy just needed to move on with his life and keep moving forward otherwise he would be broken all over again in which he has. 

Plagg: I am still sorry for the way he was acting, I think it was from the power of the ring that made him do these things or maybe he did it himself.(Plagg said to both Marinette and Jake who believe that this was not Plagg's fault)

Tiki: Don't blame yourself Plagg besides you couldn't stop him yourself.(Tiki went to hug her friend)

Sugu: She's right Plagg, my sister knows what she is talking about. 

Plagg: Wait sister? Sugar cube when do you have a sister and who are you, I never seen you in the miraculous box before.(Plagg saids to Sugu)

Tiki: Oh right!, Plagg I want you to meet Sugu the kwami of the wise with the spider miraculous and this here is her holder as well as lover Jake Hala. Also get this their from another universe so thats why you don't recognize either of them.(Tiki introduces Plagg to Sugu and Jake)

Plagg: SAY WHATT?! other kwami's from other worlds! totally mind blown.(Plagg saids in shock while the other giggled)

Sugu: Its a pleasure to meet you too cheese cat.(Sugu saids to Plagg who liked the nickname)

Plagg: Pleasure to meet you too Sugu and by the way Marinette you got any cheese I am starving.

Marinette: Yes I do, Sugu would you turn into human form and show him the way. I want to talk to Jake for a while and Tiki can you go with them as well. 

Tiki and Sugu: Sure thing! lets go Plagg(said in union)

Plagg: Lead the way Sugar cube and shape shift kwami!

After the three of them left Marinette's room, Jake and her new girlfriend were finally alone together before their friends get here to ask them their questions. 

Jake Hala: So what is that you wan..........(Before he time tosay something, Marinette ran to him and jump on him rapping her legs around his waste and started kissing him passionately in which Jake kiss back)

Marinette: Kiss💋 ........I love you.......kiss💋 ......so much Jake.(Marinette saids while still making out with her new lover)

Jake Hala: I love you too Marinette.(Jake saids while still kissing her as well)

Both of them went to the bed and started to make out more until they need air to breath after kissing for more than five hours. 

Marinette: Wow....you really....are....a great kisser Jake....I mean really great.(Marinette saids while trying to catch her breath)

Jake Hala: Your not so bad yourself blueberry, not bad at all.(Jake saids with a smile and made Marinette blush)

Marinette: Hehehehehe! why thank you my spider and also thank you for protecting me from Adrien, it was the most bravest thing you ever done for me. 💋(Marinette said to Jake and gave him a quick peck on the lips)

Jake Hala: I'll do anything for the girl I love, I mean girls since I both have you and Sugu. 

Marinette: Yea thats right just the two of together with our man.(Marinette smiles at Jake with her beautiful gaze)

Jake Hala: Yea, well we might as well get ready for your friends arrival soon; what do you wanna do in the mean time. 

Marinette: For now I just want you to cuddle me my love.(Marinette moves closer to Jake to show how much she loves him and Jake holds her close to show he will protect her with his life)

Jake Hala: Whatever my little bug wishes.(Jake saids cuddling Marinette)

Jake Hala: Hey hows about we listen to some music in the mean time while we wait for your friends. 

Marinette: Yea sounds go to me, any songs that would make this romantic?

Jake Hala: Oh I do know this one song, its called Your'll Be In My Heart by Phil Collins. 

Marinette: You mean the guy from Genesis.(Marinette saids to her boyfriend in which he nods)

Jake Hala: Yup thats the guy. 

Marinette: Alright lets hear it sweetie. 

Jake Hala: Very well my darling Ladybug.(Jake saids to Marinette who begins to play the song from his phone)



Come stop your crying
It will be alright
Just take my hand
Hold it tight
I will protect you
From all around you
I will be here
Don't you cryFor one so small
You seem so strong
My arms will hold you
Keep you safe and warm
This bond between us
Can't be broken
I will be here don't you cry'Cause you'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever moreYou'll be in my heart
No matter what they say
You'll be here in my heart

(Song by Phil Collins)

After the song was finished, Marinette felt her heart with happiness and love knowing that Jake will always be in her heart and always there to save her as well as help to save Paris from Hawk Moth and his Akuma's. By the end of the song it was time to get up from the bed and greet Marinettes friends who still want to talk to them about everything that was happening a couple weeks ago. 

Jake Hala: Well we might as well get up and get ready for your friends arrival. 

Marinettel: Yea your right, why don't you go freshen up in the bathroom while I'll go get them and bring them up. 

Jake Hala: Yea sure thing blueberry 💋(Jake said and gave her a kiss on the cheek)

After Jake went to into the bathroom, Marinette went down to get her friends from down stairs along with Tiki, Plagg, and Sugu who are in the kitchen right now eating. 

Marinette: Alright time to get my friends and as well as Sugu, Tiki, and Plagg.(Marinette saids to herself)

When Marinette went down stairs, she saw her friends waiting for her and told them to follow her to her room where they can talk. 

Marinette friends: Hey Marinette!

Marinette: Hey girls follow me upstairs please and we will fill you in on whats been going on. 

Alix: Awesome I am so excited to hear about Jake and Sugu's universe!

Rose: I wonder how many heroes are in their world?

Juleka: I want to know what Sugu's kwami form looks like. 

Mylene: I want to ask them if they would like to go on a double date with me and Ivan. 

Alya: My mind is being blown away by everything that is going on!! I am too excited to hear about their universe and the heroes who defend there. 

Marinette: Ok girls, but one at a time though you don't want to over do it.(Marintte saids to her friends which they nod in agreement)

Alya: So girl, where is that handsome man of yours.(Alya saids with a smirk while Marinette blushes at what she said)

Marintte: Oh he's is the bathroom freshening up so we can get the confirmation over with. 

Alix: Oh my gosh is he taking a shower right now!!(Alix saids while blushing and thinking of what Jake would look like)

Rose: Hehehehehe, Alix you and your crazy imagination he's probably just washing his face and hands after all he and Marinette did fought a new villain and a crazy cat. 

Mylene/Juleka/Alya: Agreed!(Still they want to know what Jakes looks like as well)

Marinette: Hey no talking about my boyfriend like that.(Marinette pointing her finger at her friends warning them not to think of anything naughty)

Everyone: Sorry!

When they reached the bedroom, both Tiki and Sugu were in the room waiting for them while Jake was still in the bathroom freshening up. Sugu was still her human form while feeding Tiki a cookie and Plagg normal cheese which he didn't care at all. 

Sugu: Hello girls glad you made it!

Everyone expect Marinette: Hey Sugu!(When they said hello they looked at the little red kwami who was eating a cookie while the cat one was eating cheese)

Alya: Hi tiki and Plagg its nice to see you again!

Tiki and Plagg: Hello Alya and hey girls!

Mylene/Juleka/Alix/Rose: Aww their soo cute!!

Alya: Hey Sugu can we see what your kwami form looks like while we wait for Jake please!!

Alix/Rose/Mylene/Juleka/: Pretty Please with all the strawberries on top!!

Sugu: Hahahahaha! ok ok, I'll change back right now. Flash!(Sugu changes back into hero Kwami form)

(Artwork done by me-95nicholasnm)

Sugu: So what do girls think of my kwami form?(Sugu saids to the girls who looked at her with adorable faces)

Alix/Rose/Alya/Mylene/Juleka: OH MY GOSH YOUR ADORABLE!!!

Sugu: Why thank you for your sweet words my friends.(Sugu saids in cute way)

Everyone: AWWWWWWW! 

When everyone was about to say something else, Jake comes in without a shirt again with a towel around his neck and asking Sugu where his spare shirt was. While the all the girls looked at Jakes muscular body and abs that made all of them blush really red including Marinette but Sugu on the other hand already seen what her man looked like. 

Jake Hala: Hey Sugu have you seen my spare shirt anywhere....oh hey girls did nice seeing you again.(Jake saids to the girls who looked ready to either have a nosebleed or faint)

Jake Hala: Ah girls? is something wrong?(Jake saids while Marinette trying to hold her nose was pointing her finger to Jake telling him to cover his chest)

Marinette: Jaaa......ke, sh....irt......p..p...please n....n..n...now!(Marinette struggling to speak while still looking at Jakes muscular body)

Jake Hala: Huh?(Jake then looks down and realize what she means again) Oh!! dang it sorry I should knocked first before entering sorry girls very sorry!!(with that Jakes runs out the trap door and goes find a shirt to put while leaving all the girls still blushing and leaving Rose fainting from the site she has seen)

Alix: OOOOHHH WOOOOOOW! that was the most amazing figure I have ever seen in my life(Alix saids while trying to control herself)

Juleka: ROSE ROSE! speak to me!(Juleka trying to wake up her girlfriend from the shock she had seen)

Mylene: I know I have boyfriend but that was quite the show!!(Mylene trying to take deep breaths to relax herself)

Alya: Marinette and Sugu you two are lucky lucky lucky girls to have such an attractive man in your lives!!(Alya still in shocked of what she seen in front of her)

Marinette: I......I.....I.....I...I...I...oh my(Marinette faints as well and couldn't fight it anymore)

Sugu: Why thank you Alya and looks like both Marinette and Rose are down for the count.(Sugu saids while giggling at the site she just witness)

Plagg: Hahahahaha!!! that was quite the performance there huh sugar cube.

Tiki: Hehehehehe! indeed this is the first time I seen Marinette faint like that. 

Sugu: Alright girls, I'll give you couple of minutes to relax yourselves after seeing my boyfriends hunky body. 

Alix: Actually make it ten minutes I need to relax myself and help Marinette and Rose wake up. 

Everyone else: Agreed!!

After ten minutes of calming down, everyone was relaxed and Rose as well as Marinette have woken up from their faints and Jake came back in with his shirt on this time. 

Jake Hala: Hey Sorry girls I didn't mean to do the same thing twice in a row.(Jake saids while scratching the back of his head showing how sorry he felt after the girls seen his muscular body)

Alya: Hey were cool now just make sure to do it while were not around ok!!

Alix: Actually I wouldn't mind seeing you like that again.(Alix said while getting glares at both Sugu and Marinette)

Sugu and Marinette: ALIX!! 

Alix: Hehehehehe!, sorry forget what I said.(Alix said while scared)

Alya: Anyway can you two tell us about your universe because theres so much we want to know and the heroes who live there. 

Everyone including Plagg except Marinette and Tiki: YEA!!

Sugu: Ok ok you win, we will tell you everything about our world and the heroes as well. 

Jake Hala: But be warn that some things might shock you the most because it did with both Tiki and Marinette over here.(Jake saids while pointing at both Tiki and Marinette)

Everyone expect for Marinette and Tiki: Got Ya!!

Jake and Sugu began to tell everyone about their world, and their friends who are also miraculous holders who know their identities because all received their miraculous together, but the problem was that they didn't have guardians for the miraculous in their world or any other miraculous; there was only three miraculous that existed in their world which shocked both the girls including Plagg and ask them what happend to the others, which they say that their were no others just only three miraculous to ever existed on their earth. Jake explains to them that he and his friends Lucia Thompson and Ryan Jason came across their miraculous in a dark cave which was very old and very ancient; he also tells them that their were three different jewels of miraculous and kwami's, there was Sugu the kwami of the spider miraculous which are the two bracelets that Jake has own his wist, Snowflake the kwami of the polar bear miraculous which is a silver ring with a blue gem stone, and lastly there was Swan the kwami of the dinosaur miraculous which is also a bracelet that has a dino stone carving. When the girls including Plagg heard about the three kwami's names they were amazed that they never heard of a spider, polar bear, or even a dinosaur miraculous before which gave them big huge smiles and wished they could meet them in person. Jake then told them their hero names as well which they would love to hear about, Jake went by the name Katipo, Ryan went by the name Tyranno, and Lucia went by the name Blizzard Bear. Sugu explains to them their powers, Katipo's power is to create webs that come out of his miraculous, and has super human strength and to able to climb walls and alert if theres danger lurking. She also tells them that Jakes special power is Venom Punch which can knock out their target for more six hours which Alya seen it in person and finds it very interesting along Marinette who saw it as well. Sugu tells them that Blizzard Bear's power is Polar Slash which she can create ice blades to cut anything in half and as for Tyranno, his power is Dino Stump which he can grow into the size of an actual T-rex and unleash a power foot stump that can crumble anything or anyone who comes near him. The girls were absolutely stunned and amazed by these two and their powers that Jake showed them an image of him in his suit with his team mates in their hero suits.

When the introductions were finished and they got a good look at Jakes friends in their super suits, Alya was completely blown away about how awesome they looked together and stunned that neither Ladybug or any other the miraculous exist in their world as well as no super villains. 

Alya: Wow...just...wow....I am so blown away about all of this, I mean you two and your friends are the only heroes in your world and there are no super villains or other miraculous heroes and you can through a portal that brought you here and have no way to get back. 

Alix: Yea dudes that is some story you guys told us and its shocking that you gonna have a hard time finding a way home. 

Rose/Juleka/Mylene: Yea!!

Jake Hala: It's ok girls and thanks by the way, and besides I think my friends are probably finding a way to reopen the portal by know, surely they knew about it and could find a way to make it reappear again.(When Jake said that it still hurt Marinette knowing that if he does leave he and her would never see each other again or be together)

Rose: But they do find a way to open the portal again, what will happen with you and Marinette. 

Jake Hala: I am not sure yet, I will still think of something but in the mean time I will stay by her side and help her defeat Hawk Moth and bring peace and order back to the world.(Marinette looked very happy again that Jake is still staying with her and will help her was well)

Alya: Well if you do leave why not let Marinette go with you to your world that way she wont be upset.(Alya saids shocking both Marinette and Jake and Sugu would love to have Marinette in her world)

Marinette: But Alya what about you and my friends I can not just leave you all. 

Alix: Marinette you've been our friend for years and we want you to be happy, even if you go to another universe we will support you every step of the way am I right girls.

Rose: Absolutely you deserve to be with the one you love. 

Mylene: Yea and you can back out the chance to explore a new world it would the adventure of a life time. 

Juleka: Be with the one you love. 

Rose: You have our blessing Marinette, and we know that Jake will keep you safe as well as his friends. 

Alya: No matter how far away you are, you will always be my best friend here or in another universe.(Alya saids to her best friend who goes over to her and the girls with tears and hugs them all with tears coming out)

Marinette: I love you guys soo much!!!(Marinette cries while hugging all her friends)

Girls: We love you too Marinette!!(Jake, Sugu, Tiki, and Plagg see this and looked very happy knowing that Marinette has such great friends who love her dearly)

Marinette: WAIT!! how am I gonna tell my parents and grand parents about this.(Marinette looking scared of what would happened if she told her parents)

Jake Hala: Hey we tell them after we defeat Hawk Moth and save Paris.(Jake puts a hand on Marinette shoulder showing that he will be there for her every step in the way)

Marinette: You will help me do this to Jake and you too Sugu.

Sugu: Of course we will Marinette!, we both love you and we both love your family all the same. 

Jake Hala: And if they want to come with us as well they can, it will be their decision though and yours as well. 

Marinette: Thank you Jake, thats the reason why I fell in love with you as well. 💋(Marinette kisses Jake on the lips while the girls squeal in joy) 

Alya: Ok now that we have that settled, why not tell us how you fell in love with Jake as well since we already know how Sugu and Jake became a thing. 

Everyone: Yea tell us!!

Marinette: OK OK OK!, I'll tell you guys how I fell in love with this handsome guy here.(Jake blushes of what she said)

Sugu: OOOO! I'll make some popcorn because this would be good and then after words lets all watch a movie together. 

Everyone: OK!!


Meanwhile back Katipo's universe: 

Blizzard Bear: Did you figure out where Katipo taken to yet Tyranno?(Blizzard bear asked her team mate)

Tyranno: I am getting close to the source right now, but still need some time figuring out where he was taken and I hope he and Sugu are ok and safe. 

Blizzard Bear: Hey this is Jake and Sugu were talking about they can handle anything that comes their way.(Blizzard Bear saids knowing their leader is alright)

Tyranno: Well whatever universe he got sucked into hopefully the heroes of that world would help him settle in and look after him. 

Blizzard Bear: I have to agree as well and also...(Before Blizzard said anything else there was a signal beep that looked like it belong to their friends)

Tyranno: Hey it looks like we found them and their location of where they were transported!

Blizzard Bear: Show it on the screen I want to see what universe they were sent to!!

Tyranno: Alright, they were transported to universe ninety five, and it saids that this universe has heroes that have........(Tyranno stops at what he gonna say and looked shocked of what that universe has)

Blizzard Bear: Ryan what is it whats wrong, what did you find out about the heroes on that universe.(She asked putting a hand on her team mate)

Tyranno: Lucia this would not only shock me but also you as well. 

Blizzard Bear: What is it?

Tyranno: It saids that this universe heroes use miraculous of all different kinds and the two main heroes who protect the city of Paris are Ladybug and Cat Noir who are facing a super villain named Hawk Moth who uses a miraculous for evil to control innocent people negative emotions to turn them into super villains. Here i'll pull up an image of them and this Hawk Moth guy. 

When Tyranno pulled up the images, Blizzard Bear looked shocked at the super villain and amazed at the heroes who lived in that universe. 

Blizzard Bear: So these are heroes and villain of this universe, I have to say the heroes have style and their villain looks bizarre. 

Tyranno: Well it looks like we found out where our friends are and if they are helping these heroes defeating this Hawk Moth guy alone then thats where we are going now. I created three devices that allows us to travel to other worlds in case we ever got separated. 

Blizzard Bear: Good thinking Ryan!, lets just hope that Jake and Sugu are ok and to give them and their new friends a helping hand. I been itching for a goof butt kicking right about now. 

Tyranno: Same here, but lets just find our friends and see where their staying at. That way we can thank who ever took them in. What I can it was probably that Ladybug hero who must of found him and took him in. 

Blizzard Bear: I agree with you, we find her we find our friends. 

Tyanno: Then lets get going, opening the portal now!!(Tyranno said by pushing the button on his device opening the same portal that brought Jake and Sugu to Ladybug's universe. 

Blizzard Bear and Tyranno: Hand on our friends were on our way!!(Both said in union)

Back in Ladybug's Universe: 

Natalie, Gabriel Agrestes ex assistant who fled from him after he has taken things took seriously and would stop at nothing to get the miraculous of the ladybug earring and the cat ring. 

Natalie: This looks like a good place to stay, I hope Gabriel doesn't find out about this place. But for now I have lay low and change my appearance so that I can find Ladybug and her new partner and warned them about Shadow Moth's plan. 

Chapter 9 coming soon!

Katipo/Jake Hala, Sugu, Blizzard Bear, Tyranno-95nicholasnm

Miraculous-Thomas Astruc 

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