Lady Wifi

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"My name's Noah, just your everyday, average teenage boy, living a normal life in Paris.  But there's a secret that nobody knows. To most people, I'm just an ordinary student at College Francoise with a passion for photography. But when something bad happens, I become Snow Wolf, the Wolf-themed Superhero."

Theme Song:

Miraculous! Simply the best!

Up to the test when things go wrong!

Miraculous! The luckiest!

The power of love, always so strong!



It's been a few weeks since the events of the Copycat incident, and Noah has been adjusting well to his role as Paris' newest hero. Aside from the few absences and being late to class, he's managed to stay on top of his schoolwork and normal life. His parents were just happy to know that he was busy outside, still in the dark about his heroic activities.

As Snow Wolf, he would go on patrols with either Ladybug, Cat Noir, or both when they were available as they went around safeguarding the city. Noah would usually try to wait until after school to go out on his patrols.

Today was one of those days, as he sat at his seat while Miss Bustier was instructing the class. In front of him, Alya doing something else with her time. She pulled out a small book with newspaper clips of Ladybug, Snow Wolf, and Cat Noir.

"I'm very pleased with how you all did on your last assignment. Some of you have really stepped up, and I do appreciate it. Now it's time to move on to our next assignment..."

Plucking out a photo of Ladybug, Alya cut out the face with a pair of scissors, paying no heed to the lesson. Hoping to compare the cutout to one of her female classmates and estimate which one of them was the heroine, she started with Rose. Lamentably, she turned out to not be a match. She then tried Juleka and Sabrina, neither of who were a fit.

Finally, she moved on to Chloé, who noticed what she was doing as she pointed in front of her. Alya looked to see Miss Bustier staring at her as she promptly put the cutout picture away, realizing the entire class was watching her. Miss Bustier let this slide as her attention on was the empty seat next to the red brunette.

"Is Marinette still in the girls' room?" Bustier asked.

"Uh... I don't know, miss." Alya replied, confused herself.

Noah looked at her bag, quietly hoping the bluenette was alright. The bell rang as she said this and everyone stood from their seats and gathered their things.

"Tonight, I want you all to read chapter three of the breathtaking 'France, the First Thousand Years'. Then, answer this simple questionnaire." Miss Bustier said as she passed out some worksheets for the students to take home.

As Noah began to leave, he thought for a moment that he was being watched, and turned to see the only person behind him and Ivan was a fairly short boy with bright vermilion hair. However, he hid his face behind his books. The blue-haired boy shrugged his shoulders and smiled as he exited the classroom to go somewhere covert and prepare to go out on patrol. He passed by Miss Bustier and received his homework as he left, trying to not get distracted staring at Adrien's backside.

"See to it that Marinette receives her homework." Bustier requested, giving the homework to Alya to deliver to her friend. She nods in response as she walks out, taking Marinette's bag with her.


Once Alya was out of the classroom, she tried calling her friend, questioning where the girl was. The call was instead sent straight to voicemail to her chagrin.

"It's Marinette, leave a message. Beep! Hehe." The recording said.

She went and searched the girls' bathroom to see if the bluenette was still there.

"Marinette?" She called out while scanning the room. Upon seeing that her friend wasn't present inside, she closed the door and went elsewhere.


Alya looked around the courtyard and spotted Juleka and Rose. She then decided to ask if they have seen the blue-haired lady and marched over to them.

"Uhh, have you guys seen Marinette anywhere?" Alya asked the two girls just as they shook their heads to answer her question.

She sighed to herself before going off to check the locker room, believing that to be the last place Marinette would be if classes were over.

When she entered, she spotted Chloé opening up her locker, checking to avoid any prying eyes. As she hid, something caught her interest. Chloé took out a Ladybug-themed costume and yo-yo and stuffed them into her handbag. Her eyes widened when she saw this and she let out a gasp in surprise at the possible idea.

"...Chloé's Ladybug?" Alya whispered in disbelief as she stealthy followed the blonde, like a fox, out of the school. Once she saw her enter her limousine, Alya pulled out her phone to call the bluenette girl, only to be sent to voicemail once more.

"Hey, Marinette. Ring me ASAP. We gotta talk." She said, hanging up as she saw Nino walking past her.

"Nino, wait!" She yelled, grabbing his wrist. As she stopped him in his tracks, he turned to face her.


"Come with me, I need your help!" The brunette expressed as she dragged him somewhere as he tried to react.


Alya took Nino over to a nearby bench and they both sat down as she took out her phone to try calling Marinette's number again.

"So━" Nino started before Alya shushed him as the phone went to voicemail, much to her nuisance as she sighed.

"Ughh. I hate when she goes AWOL." Alya spoke. "Noah's normally busy after school but she's totally  not calling me back! Where is that girl?!"

"Seriously. My man Adrien's the exact same way. But I guess you gotta be sly when Mr. Control Freak is your daddy-o." Nino said, understanding Alya's inability to contact her friend. Her phone then rang as she received a new notification related to the News. Checking the news online, it showed that Paris' three heroes once again saved the city.

"Once again, Ladybug, Snow Wolf, and Cat Noir have saved Paris from the clutches of a menacing villain."

Alya watches as Snow Wolf and Cat Noir were comforting one of the victims in the background, making sure they were alright while Ladybug waved nervously as the spotlight was all on her. Alya peered her eyes as she recognizes a familiar polka-dotted yo-yo in Ladybug's hand and makes the connection.

"Hey!" She shouted while picking up Marinette's bag off the ground and taking out her tablet. "I think I've just sniffed out who the real Ladybug is!"

Nino observed as she took out a sticky note and wrote down something on it. He was perplexed as to what Alya meant till she whispers it in his ear.


Nino at her in confusion, thinking it was some kind of joke that Chloé, the most egotistical person in existence, was the Ladybug. He burst into laughter as Alya glared at him.

"Chloé? Seriously? She's too self-absorbed to think of anyone but herself, much less save the world. You are cray-cray, lady!" Nino replied.

"I am so not! You'll see!" Alya said, dragging him by the wrist as she was determined to find proof.


Meanwhile, after saving Paris from yet another akumatized villain, Ladybug, Snow Wolf, and Cat Noir were running across the rooftops before going their separate ways.

"See ya, Ladybug! Bye, kitty!" Snow declared as he swung to the left while Cat Noir dropped down to the right and ducked somewhere safe.

Ladybug continued moving and hopping over ceilings until she zipped across and jumped past another building until landing behind a billboard and detransforming back into Marinette. She poked her head out, making sure she wasn't seen by anyone. After confirming that the coast was clear, the bluenette walked out and started heading home.

"Time flies fast when you're saving the world. Day's already over!" Tikki noted as she peeked out of her owner's purse.

"Tell me about it. I missed an entire half day of school AND half day of seeing Adrien!" Marinette pouted.

"Whoever's behind all of this sure is keeping us on our toes!" Tikki said as Marinette giggled at her words.

"You don't have any toes!" She replied as they approached the patisserie. The bell chimed when entered, informing her parents that she was home. The girl stretched her arms as she walked over to her mother by the cash register.

"Alya brought your school bag home for you, Marinette," Sabine informs her daughter, handing Marinette her bag after Alya dropped it off.

"Hey, mom..."

"You seem so forgetful these days." Her mom stated. "Maybe you just need some fresh air and extra exercise for that growing brain of yours!"

"Good idea, mom. I'll start tomorrow." Marinette thanked tiredly and hugged her mother as she kissed her on the cheek while she headed upstairs to her room.


Finally getting to her room, the bluenette sat in her spin chair and begin taking out the items from her bag as she felt fatigued.

"Ladybug saved Paris from destruction once again, but who's gonna save Marinette from her homework?" Marinette asked Tikki as she sees the sticky note on her tablet and reads what it says.

"What's this? 'Call me. I know who the real Ladybug is?!'" Marinette uttered as her eyes widened.

"No way! You think she knows?" Tikki wondered, also concerned.

"I doubt it. Alya's always jumping to conclusions before she has her facts straight." Marinette reassured her.

"But just in case..."

"No worries Tikki. I got it covered." She said, pulling out her cellphone. Marinette tries to call Alya but realizes there was no signal.

"Dang. No signal."

She goes to the balcony to see if there is any signal but sees a workman there operating on the cell tower.

"Sorry, miss. Cell tower maintenance. The whole neighborhood's down. No signal for the next hour!" The man explained.

"Come on, Marinette. Try again later. Let's head down and finish your homework." Tikki proposed once the man went back to work. Marinette sighs and heads back down halfheartedly, retiring to finish her studies.


Noah's POV

After making it back home, Weiss and I immediately went up to my room after I greeted my parents. Once we were inside, I sat at my workstation, resting my legs.

"Another day of saving Paris," I stated. "We're on a roll."

"Still, we can't let our guard down," Weiss replied.

"Mhm. Especially with all the akumatized people as of late."

"Hawky's getting serious."

With him seemingly going all out to obtain the Ladybug and Cat Miraculouses, there's no doubt he'll do whatever it takes to get his hands on them.

"But anyway..." I started, before turning on my computer. "Time to check out my Adrien and Cat Noir photo cache!"

"Noah..." Weiss said, looking at me with concern.

"... After I do my homework of course! Hehe!" I grinned.


The next day, at Collège Françoise Dupont, Alya and Nino watched from afar as Chloé came to school in her limousine, accompanied by Sabrina while she carried her bag. Some of the students, such as Aurore and Mireille, watched as she judged their outfits.

"Hey there! Hi! You look totally fab! Uh, no, not you. Hey, it's still a month from Halloween, you know?" She remarked, passing by the two.

"You need to have your head examined. If she's a superhero, then I'm the Wizard of Oz." Nino said with a sarcastic tone.

"I'm telling you, she's Ladybug!" Alya exclaimed.

"Who's Ladybug...?" A male voice spoke from behind them.

They turned around to see Noah, who had just arrived when he spotted them.

"H-Hey, guys. What's going on?" The boy asked.

"Yo, dude!" Nino greeted. "Check this, Alya thinks Chloe is Ladybug!"

Noah raised an eyebrow when he heard this, wondering what to make of it.

"Um, Alya... I don't wanna burst your bubble, but that seems... kinda unlikely."

"Why?!" She said insistently.

"Well, for one, Ladybug has blue hair... and Chloé's a blonde, isn't she?" Noah asserted quietly.

"Exactly what I was thinking, bro!"

"Maybe she wears a wig!" Alya alleged. "Either way, I'm sure she's Ladybug!"

"Can you prove it?" Nino asked the brunette. Instead of giving a response, she grabbed him by his collar and began dragging him with her, Noah following behind them.


At the intervening hour, Marinette had just woken up after a long night of homework-doing and yawned as Tikki also woke from her slumber.

"Uh... what time is it?" Tikki asked, still drowsy.

"Uhh, school starts in... AN HOUR AGO?!" The blue-haired girl shrieked as she examined the time on her tablet. With that, she was fully alert.


Noah's POV

As Chloé was going to her locker, Alya, Nino and I watched from afar while she was opening it. I wasn't exactly clear on everything, but supposedly, Alya had a plan to "unmask" Ladybug's true identity as Chloé, which Nino was still skeptical of, given her... demanding nature.

"So um, remind me, what's the plan again?" I asked her.

"It's simple, you and Nino go distract Chloé while I take photos of evidence that proves she's Ladybug!" Alya explained.

"Are you sure this will work? Chloé doesn't seem very... fond, of me." I replied, nervously scratching my head.

"...Plus, I'm pretty sure she's way more into my alter ego."

"He's right, don't you think this is a bit much?" Nino asked as he agreed with me. "I mean, aside from me, I highly doubt she'll want to have a long chat with Noah."

Alya thought this for a moment as she checked on Chloé again to make sure she was still by the lockers. She seemed to be putting up the last of her things into the compartment.

"It'll be fine, now come on!" The brunette girl said before pushing both of us over to where the blonde was. I'm not sure how, but she's remarkably strong-willed today, way more than usual.

I practically almost stumbled into a nearby locker as Nino and I approached Chloé, catching my footing, just in time. Unfortunately, Nino wasn't so lucky himself, as he crashed into the locker in front of me, getting Chloé's attention in the process.

"Ooh, that's gotta hurt."

Focusing on the matter at hand, I did my best to pump myself up as Nino spoke first.

"Oh, uhhh... Ladybug! Look over there!" He pointed to the right.

"Ugh." I groaned while touching my forehead.

Chloé glanced at where he was pointing, only to see nothing there.

"Uhh, what kind of lame joke is this?" She asked him.

"H-hi Chloé!" I spoke suddenly, walking out from behind Nino. She glared upon seeing my presence.

"You too, Clermont?" Chloé inquired, looking annoyed. I was more or less thankful she referred to me by my surname.

"U-Um, yup! I was just really... amazed by your outfit today!"

"Well, of course you are." Chloé confidently stated as she flipped her hair. "You boys could use some fashion advice, I mean, those glasses of yours? Please."

"I think I look pretty okay... everyone likes geek chic."

As I was somewhat contemplating my wardrobe choices, Nino decided to take the lead once more in the distraction.

"So uhh, well... Hey, did you see Ladybug yesterday? Isn't she amazing? I wonder who she really is." Nino said, moving a bit too close into Chloé's personal space.

"Uhh... up too late DJ-ing, Nino? Obviously, you didn't get your beauty sleep."

As Chloé was addressing Nino, I noticed Alya to the side of her, using the window of opportunity to take a photo of her opened locker. I mentally exhaled a breath of relief as this whole little operation was over. Until...

"Uh... Chloé! Alya's looking in your locker!"

Sabrina saw this and decided to call her out. Everyone present turned to face her.

"So close... oh, so close"

"Uhh... that's a lie! I so was not!" Alya denied it, hiding the phone behind her back. Kim, however, managed to snatch it with ease and held it above her.

"Hey! Give it back!" Alya shouts as he chuckled, mockingly. Chloé cleared her throat and signaled Kim to give her the device.

He hands the phone to Chloé as she turns on the screen, tapping it a few times before settling on something and revealed the photo of her locker on Alya's phone.

"Who's the little liar now?" She counters with a snobby smirk.

"Crud..." I muttered, knowing just how bad this situation was, especially for Alya.


Inside Mr. Damocles' office, Nino and I, due to being "bystanders" to the disagreement, were standing near Alya as she sat in a chair on one side of his desk while Chloé was on the other side, also sitting down as Sabrina and Kim waited at her side.

Principal Damocles was a rather stout man with amber-colored eyes, large, bushy black eyebrows, and a gray goatee and mustache. I was honestly impressed by how long it must've taken to grow that much hair, but right now, that wasn't what was important. All in all, he looked like any normal high school principal.

"She's guilty of invasion of privacy! I have proof!" Chloé declared, pointing at Alya.

Mr. Damocles stared at the picture on Alya's phone, attempting to make sense of the circumstances that led up to this. As a fellow photo taker, I didn't understand it fully either.

"I mean sure, she took a photo of her locker without her consent, but that's hardly a crime, much less an invasion of privacy. Especially if it happened to be open, right?"

"What?! Seriously! All I did was take a measly photo!" Alya exclaims.

"I'm sorry, Chloé. But there's no school policy on an invasion of privacy." Mr. Damocles told the blonde.

"Then... then breaking and entering!" Chloé aimed as she and her associates frowned at Alya, Nino glaring back at them.

"I didn't break into her locker! It was open!"

"S-she's telling the truth, sir," I added. "It was completely left opened."

Alya nodded enthusiastically as I backed her up, while Chloe gave me a piercing stare. I did my best to ignore it and kept my eyes on Principal Damocles.

"And nothing was stolen?" He asked.

"Only my very soul! My locker is my secret garden! He who enters uninvited burglarizes my inner being and steals my life force!" Chloé recited theatrically, weeping into Kim's chest as he and Sabrina turned their eyes towards Alya with severe intent.

"I-Is she serious...?"

"Right... An hour of detention for you, Alya." Mr. Damocles said. Alya, Nino, and I stared in disbelief at what he stated.

"Are my ears failing me? Did I hear you're giving one miserable hour of detention to a... a heinous criminal?" Chloé repeated before snapping her fingers. "Sabrina!"

Sabrina stepped forward, carrying a clipboard, and read it out loud.

"The school rules clearly state that any student guilty of theft should be suspended for one full week."

"What?!" Nino and I both shouted.

I couldn't believe that that's what she had in mind for just a mere misunderstanding!

"Yes, but she's hardly stole anything━" He started to say as Chloé cut him off.

"I'm not sure that my father would share your point of view." She warns, drawing out her phone as she prepared to call him.

"B-But that's blackmailing!"

It was hard to accept that she was outright pressuring our principal into suspending a student by using her father's name.

"Uhhh, well, now, Chloé, let's not bother your father, I mean, the honorable Mayor with a minor locker situation..."

Not content with his response, she promptly pressed the call button and held the phone to her ear as it started calling Mayor Bourgeois.

"Ehhh... what I mean is, you're suspended for a week, Alya." He said as he cleared his throat, causing the three of us to look on in shock while Chloé smugly smirk in amusement.

"Are you serious, man?!" Nino questioned angrily.

"That is so unfair! I am so gonna protest this on the school blog!" Alya retorted, standing up. I nodded agreeably until I saw Chloé hold her phone right back out, Mr. Damocles seeing this too, sighed in defeat.

"The school blog is hereby suspended as well." He formally expressed.

Alya's fists balled up in anger as she glared at Chloé in disapproval. Storming out of the principal's office, I tried to follow her but Nino put his hand on my shoulder to stop me.

"Best to leave her alone for now, Noah."

"Yeah..." I responded, before glancing over at Chloé, unhappy with her actions. "That was really unfair of you, Chloé."

"Oh please, like I care." She retorted. "You losers all stick together, don't you?"

Stating that, she walked out as Sabrina and Kim followed her. I much less didn't care about her words, but it still bothered me about how she abused her father's reputation as Mayor.

"Dang it, Chloé... how did you get like this?"

Weiss subtly peeked out of my bag and examined my expression, hearing everything just now. All I could think about now though was Alya and whenever she'll be alright.


In Hawk Moth's Lair...

"Ahhh... School life. Such a science experiment. A petri dish of cultivating secrets, lies, and betrayal, the thriving vivarium for my evil akumas." Hawk Moth described as he held out his hand for a white butterfly.

As the creature landed in his palm, he covered it with his other hand, corrupting it with negative energy.

"Fly away, my little akuma, and evilize her!" He commands as it flew out of his hands and through the circular window to search for its mark.


Meanwhile, Marinette ran as fast as she could while approaching the school's front entrance.

"I'm late, I'm late, I'm so, so late!" The bluenette muttered repeatedly.

She ran through the school's yard and up the stairs towards class while Alya ran down the stairs and out of the building. Once she made it outside, she continued to run until she made it to the place where she and Nino talked previously. She slid as her back was against the wall and fell to her knees in tears. Wanting to talk to her best friend, Alya took out her phone and tried calling Marinette, only to be sent to voicemail yet again. She hid her face between her knees as negative emotions started to build. Preying on her vulnerable state, an akuma fluttered its wings and phrased inside her phone, evilizing it. Alya lifted her head, Hawk Moth's butterfly emblem on her face when she did.

"Lady Wifi, I heard through the grapevine that you're seeking to unmask Ladybug... I'd like to help you if you agree to help me too." Hawk Moth offered.

"I'll expose the lies of anyone who covers up the truth! Sign me up!" Alya spoke as dark energy wrapped around her body, transmuting her into a terrifying villainess.


Noah's POV

With no other choice but to go to class, I was currently sitting in my seat next to Ivan when Marinette quietly entered the classroom. I waved to her as she spotted me, and she glanced at Miss Bustier, who was writing on the chalkboard and rushes over to her assigned place. As she came and sat, she took notice that the seat next to her was vacant and leaned over to me. She tried to whisper to avoid getting caught by the teacher.

"Where is she?" Marinette asked, referring to Alya.

"She's... been suspended," I carefully answered.

"WHAT?!" She loudly shouts, capturing the entire class's attention as whispers grew. That also caught the teacher's notice, as Miss Bustier turned to address her for the disturbance.

"Marinette, if you're going to come late, would you please do it discreetly?" Miss Bustier requested with a scolding temper.

"Sorry..." Marinette withdrew back into her seat apologetically. She then bent and whispered to me.

"What happened to her?"

"Uh... well, that's..." I hesitated as I wasn't sure how to explain the situation to her until Nino replied in my stead.

"The short story? Accused of breaking into Chloé's locker. I mean, 'Ladybug's' locker..." Nino told.


That yell was actually a bit surprising to me. At least with how powerful it was.

"I think my ears are still ringing..."

"That's it, Marinette! Go to the principal's office!" Bustier said, gesturing at the door. Marinette sighs and grabs her bag as she leaves. I couldn't help but feel partly liable. I mean, she just found out that her friend was suspended and that supposedly, Chloé was "Ladybug."

"After what she did, I don't believe so. Ladybug would never do something like that."

As I thought about this, I noticed Adrien talking to Nino following what he heard from our conversation.

"What are you talking about?" Adrien asked Nino.

"Exactly what I said, bro. Alya says Chloé is Ladybug! She is crazy!"

Adrien turns to look at Chloé, who winks when he looks at her. It was kinda cringy watching her do that, and kind of made my skin crawl. Thankfully Adrien didn't seem exactly pleased by the gesture, which was a bit of a relief, on top of everything else. Just as I was settling down, he asked Nino something that almost made my heart race.

"So... who do you think is Snow Wolf?" He muttered.


"Where's this coming from?" Nino asked.

"Just curious if you had any ideas," Adrien replied.

"I'm not sure, but whoever he is, he must be one pretty cool dude!" Nino exclaims while Adrien seemed rather red for some reason.

"Yeah..." He muttered, turning back to face his schoolwork.



The bluenette arrives at the principal office and knocks on the door.

"Mr. Damocles?" She asked, receiving no response. She opens the door and goes in on her own.

"Sir?" Marinette enters and looks in surprise as she did, seeing Mr. Damocles frozen as a pink stop icon was in front of him on his chest.


As she approached the desk, the computer screen lights up, revealing a familiar face.


Noah's POV

While we were working on our tablets, the classroom projector abruptly came on as a video started to play.

"I'm Lady Wifi, revealer of the truth! For our first exposé, your principal would like to share a little tidbit with you."

Everyone looked at the screen as a young woman calling herself Lady Wifi appeared, standing next to Principal Damocles in his office. She had on a violet butterfly-shaped mask and a black suit with white at the ends and black stripes. On her chest was a large rose-colored Wi-Fi symbol.

"Another villain?!"

"So, Mr. Damocles, is it true you wrongly suspended a student named Alya today?" Lady Wifi asked him.

"Uh... yes, it is." He admits, ashamed.

"So, you were biased? Unfair? Totally unjust?!" She insists.

"Yes, I was," Damocles answers again, looking down in guilt.

Taking a closer look at the video, something stood out to me.

"Wait a minute..."


As Marinette observed the video on the computer, she notices the cellphone Lady Wifi was holding and the ladybug charm on it. It then hit her as she recognized the supervillain's identity.

"Oh, no! Alya!" The bluenette gasped as she opened her bag to let her Kwami out. "Tikki, time to transform!"

"You're going to have to fight your best friend!" Tikki says.

"Nope! I'm gonna have to save my best friend!"

Determined to save Alya, Marinette prepared to transform.


Transformation Sequence

"Tikki, spots on! Yeah!"

Marinette touches her left earring, changing it into its miraculous form as Tikki flies inside of it. She waves both her hands together over her face, making her red polka-dot mask appear and bug-like bows holding her twin-tails as she then extends her arms, with a bright pink light changing her clothes into her costume as her yo-yo appears on her left hip. With herself fully transformed, she finishes it off with a spin and her leg up as she poses.


Noah's POV

"For my next scoop, I'll be taking you to meet the girl who's been hiding behind the Ladybug mask!" Lady Wifi said before she puts a pink stop icon on Mr. Damocles, freezing him.

"Stay connected!" The projector screen showing the video shuts off.

Everyone in the class began whispering amongst themselves and Miss Bustier then started to give out directions to us.

"Everyone, for your own safety, go directly home right now! And don't forget to read chapters four and five!" She adds as the students started to run out after grabbing their things.

I glanced at my bag and nodded to Weiss, who was inside.

"If my suspicions' correct, I know who that akumatized person is."

I rushed out of the classroom and headed for the locker room to transform. Once the coast was clear, Weiss came out from my bag to my side.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" I spoke.

"That Alya was akumatized thanks to that witch and is now gonna target her, thinking she's Ladybug?" Weiss outlines.

"Y-You didn't need to say it like that but yeah, we better move!"

"Chloé's... mean, but even she doesn't deserve whatever Alya has in store."


Transformation Sequence

"Weiss, fangs out!"

Weiss flies into the bracelet wristband, changing it out of camouflage mode and into its miraculous form. Noah waves his hand over his face, creating his white and gray-toned mask. He then raises both of his arms as two bright light encircles him, making his gloves appear on his hands follow by his costume, with the overcoat as he then touches the top of his hair, making two wolf-like ears pop out as his hair changes to a slightly darker shade of dual-blue ombre while gaining white highlights at the tips and sides.

He then does a high jump into the air and rolls as his tail appears, finishing off with his whip attached to the right side of his waist. Now fully transformed, Snow Wolf then swings his whip once as he poses.


After most of the students had left the school, Adrien seized the chance to head into the boys' bathroom and transform in private. Plagg flew from within his shirt.

"If Chloé is Ladybug like Alya said, then Lady Wifi's gonna head straight for her house!" Adrien assumes.

"And it also means you might've had a crush on Chloé before Snow came into the picture!" Plagg laughed, his partner grunting in response at his joke.


Transformation Sequence

"Plagg, claws out!"

Plagg flies into the ring as it turns black, changing to its miraculous form. Adrien raises his hand with his ring up as it glows with a green light, a cat paw symbol appearing as he waves his finger over his face, creating his mask. He then touches the top of his hair, making his cat ear accessories appear, and then extends both arms out as a bright light creates his costume, and his tail belt pops out. Fully transformed, he claws at the air as he then finishes it with a pose.


Leaping into action, Cat Noir ran across the rooftops of Paris as the sun started to settle. He narrowed his eyes as he was perched across the street from the Le Grand Paris hotel where Chloé lived. He takes out his staff and pulls up the screen mode. Using the camera to zoom in, he spots Chloé through one of the windows, dressed as Ladybug, swinging around her fake yo-yo.

"What? This can't be!" He said to himself, unaware of a couple of heroes sneaking up on him.

"Tsk tsk, such a sneaky little kitty." Snow Wolf teased, alarming the catboy.


Noah's POV

After meeting up with the real Ladybug, we sought out the Le Grand Paris hotel, which was most likely where Lady Wifi, who was actually an akumatized Alya, would strike next. When we got there, Cat Noir was already there, spying on the place. He didn't seem to notice our presence, so I thought it'd be fun to sneak up on him.

"I'm amazed Ladybug went along with it."

"Spying on people now, Cat?" Ladybug chimed in.

"Oh, Snow, Ladybug, it's just you guys." He replied before recognizing Ladybug, gawking at his staff. "But━"

"Sweet naive kitty, do you really think that Chloé Bourgeois, of all people, is the real Ladybug?" I asked him while raising a brow teasingly. The kitty looked away bashfully.

"Wait, no comeback?"

"Precisely, Snow." Ladybug said, pulling out her yo-yo and looking at the view. I took out my whip as well and peeked at what Chloé was up to. We couldn't hold back our giggling seeing blondie try to use her yo-yo, only to end up caught in it as she fell over.

"Yeah, course not," Cat said in agreement.

"And besides, who would believe that she's the original Ladybug? She's obviously just a die-hard fan." Ladybug stated.

"Like... a copycat?" I added, smirking at the Cat while recalling Copycat.

"R-Right." He replied.

"Good one." She smiles at my one-liner.


Meanwhile, in Chloé's room, the blonde was trying to disentangle herself from her mess when her cell phone buzzed from her bag. She got up and started hopping to where the bag was on the stand, still caught in the strings. Once she made it there, Chloé picked up the phone and pressed the button to answer.

"Hello?" She asked but no one was answering. "Hm?"

The phone starts to emit a bright pink glow, causing her to panic and throw it across the room as it fell on the floor. Her phone lit up brighter as she was blinded by the light emanating from it. Coming out from it was Lady Wifi, who smirked at the blonde-haired girl.

"Well, hello there, Ladybug!" She said as she pulled out her phone. Chloé tried to run away, but Lady Wifi swipe a pink pause icon at her, stopping Chloé while she was running.


Noah's POV

"We got Wifi!" Ladybug announced before jumping off while Cat and I did as well, making our way for the hotel.

"Time to save Alya!"


Lady Wifi swipes a camera icon above them in the air, focusing it on her and Chloé. She marched over to the girl as she remained frozen, placing an arm on her left shoulder.

" Well, well... So, my hunch was correctamundo."

She swiped on the camera sign on her phone as they filmed live over the city of Paris, making sure no one missed a thing.

"Everyone thinks the girl beneath the Ladybug costume is a little angel. Think again, people! The real Ladybug is... Chloé Bourgeois, everyone!"

Lady Wifi removed the mask on Chloé, revealing Ladybug's "true identity."


Noah's POV

Just as we overheard Lady Wifi broadcast live to everyone in Paris of Chloé being the ladybug-themed heroine, the three of us kicked the door in as we came through, ready for a fight. Lady Wifi sees the bluenette and glances between her and the blonde-haired girl before concentrating her gaze on Ladybug.

"Who are you?" She asks.


Ladybug, Cat, and I dropped our fighting pose and looked at each other in confusion.

"Uhhh..." Ladybug was utterly speechless and mildly quiet while Cat Noir was flexing his totally-not-appealing-in-any-way biceps, winking seductively.

"Your biceps aren't that impressive, Cat." I snorted, trying to understand how I could tolerate this dorky Casanova.

"Now please stop that!"

"But I thought you were Ladybug!" Lady Wifi said as she looked towards Chloé, still frozen.

"Looks like you were wrong about that one," I vocalized.

"Sorry to bust your news story. Next time, double-check your facts." Cat comments, annoying the villainess.

"You'll be sorry." She scoffed before using her cellphone to delete the pink icons, releasing Chloé and turning off the broadcast. Moving once again, Chloé resumed running away till she tripped and fell against the sofa.

"Alya?" Ladybug called out, possibly trying to appeal to the akumatized lady. I thought I sensed some kind of familiarity between them based on her tone, but I'm probably overthinking it.

"Alya's been disconnected. I'm Lady Wifi. News flash! Ladybug, let's find out who you really are!"

Lady Wifi began swiping her phone repeatedly at Ladybug, each icon possessing the pause button. She managed to dodge with ease.

"Miss Alya, please stop this!" I exclaimed.

"I told you I'm not Alya-- I'm Lady Wifi!" She shouts while swiping several icons at me as I avoided being hit.

"Follow me!" Ladybug directed as we ran for the door, leaping off the walls. Lady Wifi attempted to shoot more pause icons at us while we evaded her attacks. I was doing my best to keep up as the three of us moved through the corridor and ducked into the stairwells and went down from there.

"So, what's the plan?" Cat asks while we raced.

"She gets her powers from her phone, so let's lead her to the basement, where there is no service!" She explained to us.

"No service, no power." Cat replied.

"Nice idea, Ladybug!" I praised. "We go deep enough; she'll be totally powerless!"

Me and Cat Noir rushed down and past Ladybug as she stared up to make sure Lady Wifi was still following us. She dodged another one of her symbols as the female villain continued to chase after us.

"We've gotta go lower!" Ladybug said as a taunting laugh could be heard upwards.

"I got you now, Ladybug!"


As Lady Wifi prepares to shoot at the trio again, she finally notices both her phone's Wifi and cellular signals dropping rapidly and growls, discerning their plan in luring her down enough so she'd be weakened without a signal.


Noah's POV

The three of us waited at the bottom for her to arrive, our weapons were drawn as we prepared to face Lady Wifi.

"Get ready, boys." Ladybug said, her eyes narrowed and directed above.

"I'm ready to go!" I stated, tightly gripping my whip.

"So, what do you do when you're not Snow Wolf?" Cat suddenly asked me. The timing of the question almost made me drop my whip before I caught it in time. Ladybug laughed a bit when she saw my response, but tried to stifle it and remain serious. I looked at him with a blank expression.

"NOW is when you think it's best to ask?!"

Considering it's been at least a month or two since I joined the team, I was kinda hoping he'd never try to insist on the details of my private life. I mean, Ladybug didn't seem too interested at least.

"K-Kitty, we're a bit busy right now. I don't think this is the time for personal matters."

As Cat Noir was about to reply, we heard the sounds of footsteps and a door shutting somewhere a few floors up from our position.

"Did you two hear that?" I asked them.

"She's gone back into the hotel!" Ladybug informs us before we quickly ran back upstairs. As we did, I saw that there were pink lock icons on all the doors.

"She locked all the doors!" Cat pointed.

"Not all of them! Let's keep moving!" I expressed as we continued running up each staircase.

"Hey, you realize we might actually know each other in normal life." Cat insists.

"I doubt we would," I told him, hoping he'll buy it. Ladybug seemed amused by our banter, although the feeling wasn't mutual.

"Besides, I don't think we'd run in the same circles if you're just as 'kittenish' as your normal self."

After we ran through another flight of stairs, we eventually found a door left unlocked. Considering that, it was undeniable this had to be intentional.

"She's left this one open," Cat says.

"Get ready for an ambush!" Ladybug said. We all took a step back from the door and adjusted ourselves as we were about to go in.

"On 3, everyone!" I bid.




The three of us charged at it and busted through the door as I lead and kicked it in, our weapons out and ready. Instead, there was no one inside as the dining hall was silent.

"This is strange..." I muttered.

"Yeah, so much for the ambush," said Cat in bewilderment as we exchanged looks.

"Let's look around," I suggested, proceeding ahead with the others not far behind me.

"Where is she hiding?" Ladybug inquires to know as she inspected the room. It was then that we noticed that each table had a phone on top of it, all screens face-up.

"And what's up with all these phones?" She asked, curious as to the purpose.

"And where is everyone?"

That's when a pink light came out from one of the phones, and Lady Wifi surfaced. She laughed menacingly she started firing more pause icons, causing us to avoid the signs as she shot them.

"Okay, this is getting out of control!" I cried, dodging several more of her icons.

"How now, brown cow? I thought it was you she was after!" Cat ridiculed as he used one of the tables nearby to block her attack, shielding himself.

"Don't taunt her, kitty!" I replied.

Lady Wifi fires another pause icon at Cat, sending him flying into the wall as the table broke. He fell to the ground as one of the phones fell also.

"Cat Noir!" I called out to the Cat.

Seeing her ready another pause icon, I thrust my whip out and wrapped it around the same wrist holding her phone, stopping Lady Wifi in her tracks.

"Sorry, but that kitty prefers running around!" I stated.

Ladybug throws her yo-yo and covered the female villain's other arm. Binding her in place, I smiled triumphantly, believing we had her until she mysteriously dissolved into thin air. I faltered a bit before recovering my foothold. She then reappeared, only to disappear once more, shifting from one phone after another above.

"Ha! You can't get me!!"

As she continued taunting us, I swiftly observed the situation and saw how she was teleporting so easily between the devices.

"Of course!"

I rushed over to one of the tables and smashed the phone with my whip. The bluenette caught on and started doing the same with her yo-yo.

"Let's get cracking!" Ladybug remarks as Cat Noir hit several with his baton while I used my whip to smash a few more. As we were dispatching the last of them, Lady Wifi grew desperate and runs into the kitchen.

Ladybug took chase after her and stood at the entrance to confront her. Lady Wifi fired another attack at the heroine and just as she dodged it with ease, the door locked from our side, trapping Ladybug inside with no backup.

"She must've used a lock sign or something!"

Cat Noir and I rushed the door and tried to force it open but to no avail.

"Dang it! It won't open!" I groaned.

"Hold on in there, Ladybug!" Cat shouts through the door.

"Is there any other way around?!"

Hearing my urgent expressions, Cat brought out his staff and pulled up its screen, which showed outlines of the building's structure. I leaned over his shoulder as he zooms in and the blueprint displays a service elevator not too far.

"Of course! They need to be able to transport goods somehow!"

"There it is. Let's go, Milord," says Cat as we ran off to where the elevator was located.


Back in the kitchen, Ladybug was wielding a soup pot but stumbled a bit when the icon crashed into it. She throws the pot at Lady Wifi, distracting her momentarily, and lunges at the villain from the sink, only missing as she vanishes again. The bluenette lands on the other side of the kitchen's walls but is stunned when Lady Wifi reemerges and swipes two lock icons at the blue-haired heroine, ensnaring her against the wall.

Ladybug struggled to free herself but it was futile as Lady Wifi approached her, swiping her phone as a camera icon appears over the two, faced towards them as it transmitted live across Paris. Ladybug looked with concern, troubled about the reveal of her true identity.

"Who is Ladybug? Is she a superhero or a super-weirdo? How can we trust the girl when we have no idea who she really is?"

She went up to Ladybug and grabbed her chin, forcing her to acknowledge the camera and audience.

"We have the right to know!" Lady Wifi stated as she tried to remove Ladybug's mask, before growing frustrated as it wasn't coming off.

"Why doesn't it come off?!" She blurted while Ladybug sneers at her.

"Uhhh... because it's magic?"

Just as she says that the service elevator makes a distinctive ringing noise as Snow Wolf and Cat Noir opened the chute and surfaces through.

"Room service!" Snow cries. "Hope you don't mind if we let ourselves in!"

"You're out of minutes, Lady Wifi!" Cat joined as he prepared his staff.

"Oh, how romantic. Tomcat and his little pet pup have come to save Miss Luck bug." Lady Wifi teases the two boys. Ladybug and Cat Noir weren't as offended by the nasty names as Snow was, who furrowed his eyes on being called someone's "pet pup", much less Cat's.

"W-Who are you calling pet pup?! I am not his little pup!" Snow strongly protests, pointing to him and Cat. The blonde catboy smugly grins and winks at him.

"We'll come back to that later."

"No, we won't!" Snow retorts back.

Ladybug amusingly observes Snow and Cat's shenanigans until Lady Wifi starts swiping more icons at them, forcing them to put their talk on hold and dodge out of the way. Lady Wifi swipes another icon at Cat Noir, knocking him into the freezer room as the icon locked the door.

"Cat!" Snow exclaims before ducking another one of Lady Wifi's icons and hiding behind the table for cover.


As Cat Noir fell onto the floor, his ring slid off from the shock of the impact, undoing his transformation in the process and changing him back to normal. Plagg slips out of the ring, quivering from the chilly atmosphere.

"Oh! My ring!"  says Adrien as he glances at his ring finger. He got down on his hands and knees and begin to seek out his Miraculous.

"Ooh... so chilly in here." Plagg shivers.

"Where is it? I could use a little help!" Adrien calls out to his Kwami.


Noah's POV

While I continued to hide behind the table, I couldn't help but stare at the freezer's barred door, worried about Cat Noir.

"We need to do something her and fast! Or else the kitty will freeze to death!"

"Well, well... what am I gonna do with the three of you?" Lady Wifi said, her eyes focused on Ladybug.

"She doesn't notice me... if I can just get my hands on her phone..."


From his dark lair, Hawk Moth gave out an order to Lady Wifi.

"Get her to use her Lucky Charm! It'll force her to switch back, and her identity will be revealed, and her Miraculous will be mine."


Noah's POV

Using this chance, I took out my whip and prepared to pounce on the female villain from behind.

"On 3. 1... 2..."

"If you two don't get him outta there fast, your crush will soon be slush." Lady Wifi tells us in a cackling manner.


"...3!" I shouted as I arose from the table and bounce from the counter at her. She removes the locks from Ladybug's hands and moves out of the way of my surprise strike, causing me to land in front of Ladybug instead as I managed to catch myself. Ladybug dropped and fell beside me as we both faced Lady Wifi.

"Good luck with your cat popsicle! I have other news to cover!" She then virtually disappears, leaving us perplexed as to her motives.



Outside the Le Grand Paris, the mayor along with a couple of police cars are there and have the hotel surrounded as Officer Roger is also on the scene. The two men see Chloé run out of the building and embraces her father. Her phone starts vibrating and she promptly checks it. All three are alarmed when a pink light erupts on the device, Lady Wifi arising from it before standing on the roof.

"What's up, peeps! Listen everyone! I present you with the award-winning news story you've all been waiting for!"


Noah's POV

I tried clawing at the door with my claws, only to not leave so much as a dent. Ladybug kicks it several times in a row but it still wasn't budging.

"Nothing's working!" I exclaimed, shifting my hand through my hair.

"Calm down, Snow!" Ladybug tells me. But with everything now, it was hard keeping my cool.

"We need to get him out of there!" I cried.

"And we will!" Ladybug comforted. I chose to believe in her and took a deep breath to calm myself and pressed against the door.

"Just hang on a bit longer, Cat Noir! We'll get you out in no time!"

"T-Take your time!" Cat said.

"He sounds like he's freezing... we need to hurry."


"Don't blink, 'cause Ladybug's about to drop the bomb on her real identity!" Lady Wifi declares.


Noah's POV

"Go for it, Ladybug!" I insist as she prepared to activate her special power.

"Lucky Charm!" Ladybug tosses the yo-yo into the air and bright energy shines out from the yo-yo and spirals outward, before conjuring up a metal meal box. We stared at the object, uncertain what to do with it.

"This better be some lucky box..." Ladybug noted.

"Yeah..." I added.

Ladybug looked around the kitchen and back at the box, specifically the non-microwavable warning, then at the freezer door and the microwave to the side of me on the counter.

"Wait... oh!"

"Of course, the microwave!" We both said at the same time before each smiling triumphantly.

"Snow, get the microwave!"

"Got it!" I did as she requests and unplugged the microwave out from the wall, placing it on a small metal cart as Ladybug opened it and place the box inside. We then wheeled the cart against the padlock icon on the door with the microwave facing towards it. Ladybug plugs the cord back in while I turn it on and kick it against the lock.

"Fire in a hole!"


Adrien eventually finds his ring and holds it toward the light.



Noah's POV

The microwave's radiation slowly began deteriorating the lock symbol.

"Come on, micro-thingies, jam this signal..." Ladybug muttered while I was holding in my anxiety.

"Please work, please work!"

We ducked under the cart and cover our heads with our hands vigilantly as the microwave exploded from being overwhelmed. I got up first and quickly stirred the wagon out of my way before practically ripping open the door.

"Kitty!" I cried. The door opened and shows Cat Noir shivering like crazy as he falls out of the chamber. I catch him in time and gently laid him down on the ground on my lap while Ladybug sat close by.

"Cat Noir, are you're okay?!" I asked while holding his head.

"Y-Yeah... I'll be alright..." Cat replied, still trembling. Ladybug's earring then beeped, indicating that she only had five minutes left on her transformation.

"Your earrings!" I pointed as she covered them.

"You used your Lucky Charm... there's not much time left," Cat told.


That was when it all hit me.

"This was her plan all along! Force Ladybug to use her power and reveal her true identity!" I explained as Cat regained his energy and stood up.

"Then we need to get out of here!" Cat stated. "Can we open the kitchen door?"

"We can't, microwave's busted," Ladybug answers, gesturing towards the damaged appliance.

She then glimpses up at the camera icon on the ceiling, displaying that Lady Wifi was still broadcasting everything. Suddenly she grins and motions Cat and me to lean in and starts whispering "her plan" to us. Once we understood what our task was, we nodded in agreement.

"Got it," Cat replies.

"Let's get to it," I smiled mischievously.


Lady Wifi narrows her brows as Cat Noir giggles while putting a pan over the camera icon, blocking her screen.

"What is she up to?" She questions as Hawk Moth speaks to her through the butterfly emblem.

"Don't let my Miraculous get away!" He directs at her.

"Right!" She responded.


Noah's POV

Ladybug's strategy to take down Lady Wifi and save Alya involved me and Cat Noir going up to the roof and disabling the signal so that she couldn't use her abilities.

"We'll go and jam the wi-fi antenna," Cat says, getting on the service elevator first.

"Be done in no time!" I affirmed as I perched next to the kitty in the chute.

"Good luck!" She said and then pressed the button, sealing the elevator door.

By the time it began going up, we were both secured and in place when Cat Noir started to speak.

"So, I couldn't help but notice you were worried about me," remarked Cat. Despite the dim light in here, I didn't have to see his face to know he was grinning like a cute fool.

"I wasn't bothered too much, kitty. After all, cats do have like nine lives," I teased back.

"And I wouldn't want to live a single one without you in it, Milord."

"How does he come up with these?!"


Going back into the building towards the roof, the elevator opened to reveal Lady Wifi herself she headed for the top floor. The boys crawled out of the service elevator only to be greeted by her as she saw them and began to swipe at the two.

"Whoa!" Snow shouts as he avoided one of her pause icons. They continually dodge her attacks until both make it through the door leading into the stairwells, heading for the top level. The rubble from one of her blasts reaches the kitchen through the elevator, causing Ladybug to block her eyes as she worries about her teammates.


Noah's POV

The two of us reached the top platform of the hotel and spot the wi-fi antenna nearby.

"You know what to do, Cat," I spoke.

"Right! Here you are! Cataclysm!"

Cat Noir charged his hand with destructive energy but just as he was about to use his Cataclysm, purple electricity started to fluctuate when Lady Wifi digitally surfaced and stood on top of the antenna.

"Nice idea, kitty cat, doggy mutt, but I'm not gonna let you two cut me off so easily!"

"Okay, the name-calling is starting to tick me off!"

She swipes her phone and fires another one of her icons at Cat as he propelled off the antenna.


Ladybug's earrings began beeping once again as she was down to two spots left.

"Hurry, guys..." She pleads.


Noah's POV

Lady Wifi was still projecting icons at us while I attempt to knock her down with my whip. She avoids the cord and focuses on me. While I kept her busy, Cat Noir uses his staff to attack and throws it at Lady Wifi. She dodges but it splits into two, circling her. Shooting at the sticks, I turn to Cat and give him the go-ahead.

"Now, Cat Noir!"

Just as she caught on, it was already too late because Cat had used his cataclysm to destroy the antenna.


The antenna corroded under his touch and crumpled to the ground along with a depleted Lady Wifi.

"You're officially offline!" I kidded.


The pink camera and lock symbols fade away, providing Ladybug the chance to escape and rejoin her comrades on the rooftop.


Noah's POV

Lady Wifi looks at her phone, finally realizing her situation as by now, her cellular and wi-fi signals should've been disabled by now.

"Lost the signal!" She regards.

"Gimme that phone!" Cat Noir hops off the terrace and lands next to me as we strive to seize her phone. Lady Wifi dodges us and tries to keep the phone away from us. She kicks Cat in the stomach, sending him back, and shoves me with her shoulder, knocking me on the ground.


Cat Noir sees this and runs at her, only to be grabbed from behind and was now being held on the ground, one hand holding him down as she let out an evil cackle.

"Not on my watch!"

"Stop!" I activate my special superpower, infusing my hand with temporal energy touched her back, suspending her in time. Cat Noir squirms out from beneath and regains his posture as I walked towards them, peering at her frozen form.

"Ain't so fun when you're the one paused, isn't it?" I taunted.

"Only room for one time-freezing master here, madam."

Out of nowhere, a yo-yo comes out and wrapped around Lady Wifi's extended wrist that was holding the phone. We looked to see that it originated from Ladybug, who pulls the yo-yo's string and forces the phone out of her hand and into the air as she catches and throws it against the pavement, smashing the phone as a black butterfly flew from the destroyed object. The akuma begins fluttering into the sky.

"No more evildoing for you, little akuma. Time to de-evilize!"

Ladybug twirls the yo-yo and intercepts the akuma while encasing it within her magical tool.

"Gotcha!" She releases it, now purified into a normal butterfly.

"Bye-bye, little butterfly." She said before throwing the Lucky Charm box into the air.

"Miraculous Ladybug!"

It explodes into an explosion of pink energy that transforms into a massive swarm of ladybugs, flying around the area and fixes all the damage done since Lady Wifi's arrival while the supervillain changed back to Alya.

"What?" She asks.

Glad that everything was over, I smiled as Ladybug, Cat Noir, and I did our team fist-bump.

"Pound it!"

"Ladybug! Wow! Snow Wolf! And Cat Noir! Can I get a quick interview? Just let me grab my phone!" Alya said in excitement, turning to grab his restored phone. Unfortunately, we didn't have time to indulge our dear fangirl as our miraculouses started beeping.

"Crud!" I muttered.

"Uhh... gotta go. You guys don't have much time left." Cat said to the two of us.

"Let's go!" We all raced through the door, making our departure.

"Sorry, Alya, hope you understand."


Finding her phone intact, the brunette turned and saw that the trio wasn't anywhere in sight.

"Oh, no! Where did they go?"


Noah's POV

The three of us exit the stairwells and found ourselves in the hotel lobby.

"See you next time, boys!" Ladybug said her goodbyes and rushed out through the front exit.

"Okay kitty, this is where we split!" I stated. Just as I was about to go inside a nearby closet, Cat Noir caught me by the wrist, stopping me.


"Stay! I won't tell anyone who you are. Cat's honor." Cat told me as both our miraculous beeped rapidly. I couldn't help but notice the sincerity in his eyes, contemplating my options.

"Our identities must indeed be kept secrets, but if it's just between us... no, I don't think I'm ready yet. I can't even be around Adrien without turning into mush. No way I could be how I am as Snow Wolf if he knows the real me."

Having my answer, I took both of his hands within mine.

"Cat Noir... I'm sorry, I wish I could but we can't reveal our identities, not even to each other. But... maybe one day we can."

As I told Cat this, I could see the slight disappointment plain on his face and quickly kissed him on the cheek to comfort him. He looked surprised when I did that, as was I.

"Patience... my dear kitty," I reassured.

Looking less rejected, Cat Noir smiled and nodded happily as I wave to him before shutting the door behind me.


Cat Noir observes as his precious puppy closes the door after heading inside. He looked at the doorknob in a state of inner struggle. He desperately wanted to know who was the boy under the mask but remembers Snow's earnest words and resolved to wait until that day came, and quietly left the hotel.


Noah's POV

"Fangs in."

After I detransformed, a giant breath of relief escaped my throat as Weiss joined me.

"That was close," Weiss said.

"Phew, yeah... you can say that again," I replied.

"Still, that was quite a bold move there, Noah. I mean, 'my dear kitty?'" Weiss looked at me with a teasing expression.

"Ugh, Weeeiss!!"

"Seriously, what was I thinking?! That's the second time I've kissed him! On the CHEEK!! Why do I keep doing this to myself?!"

Following a while of my private panicking, I calm down and peeked out of the supply closet. No one was there so I walked out of the closet, thinking about the chain of events today.


Having left the building, Adrien stops and stares back at the hotel with a sense of wistfulness. Plagg flew from his shirt and appeared beside the blonde.

"That was the chance to find out who the love of your life really is! What were you thinking?" Plagg asks him.

"That's the thing, Plagg. I wasn't thinking. I was following my heart." Adrien breathed while lost in thought, thinking of Snow Wolf.


In Hawk Moth's Lair...

"Your mask will fall one day, Ladybug. You and your fellow heroes will have no choice then but to hand over your precious Miraculouses!" Hawk Moth proclaims as the window to his lair closes, encasing the room in darkness once again.


Noah's POV

The next day, I stopped over by the park for a little R&R and picture-taking time, after yesterday's madness. I was sitting on one of the benches, thinking about some stuff. Alya didn't seem to remember much of her time while akumatized, which I was happy about. Her suspension was lifted following what occurred, and so was the prohibition on the school blog. It also seemed that Marinette and Alya were talking again, with Marinette being busier as of late but at least making time for her close friends.

"All's well that ends well."

Just as I took another photo of the carousel, I spotted a familiar face nearby, sitting over by the trees.

"Oh?" I stood from the bench and adjust my glasses. Upon stepping closer, I noticed them to be one of my peers in Miss Bustier's class.

"I should go say hello. It'd be a good way to practice."

Approaching them, I soften my expression to try and look friendly. I noticed the same bright hair from before as they continued sketching in their notebook, not seeing me yet.

"Hi there! Hope I'm not bothering you." I greeted.

"Ah!" They let out a quiet shriek and abruptly cover their notebook. Glancing up at me, I waved and tried to be a bit more considerate.

"Sorry if I alarmed you. I was just curious about what you were up to so I thought I come and see." I explained.

"Y-You were?" They asked back.

"Mhm. I don't think we formally met but I'm Noah, a classmate of yours. What's your name?"

"My name... it's... Nathaniel."

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