Chapter 2

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Marinette POV:

That night Marinette couldn’t sleep. She tossed and turned, as her thoughts drifted to Chat Noir and his girlfriend. She had never thought Chat Noir would move on from her. All those times he'd said he loved her and now he was flirting with someone else. 

She no longer owned his heart and that meant she had truly lost him. Chat Noir had moved on so fast, how could he go from confessing his love to her, to being so distant and cold?

Had he ever really loved her? Or was it all just a joke to him? Would she ever get to hear him call her bugaboo again? Were the days of his shameless flirting over? Would she ever be his lady again? The questions drifted around her brain, haunting her.

It wasn't that she had feelings for Chat Noir, she just didn't know what it would be like without him by her side, supporting her and being her friend. Marienette had a sinking feeling in her chest that after today, nothing between them would ever be the same. 

Marinette rolled over groggily. I need to sleep, she thought. But once again her thoughts drifted to her faithful partner.

Their strong friendship had been shattered and she didn’t know how she was supposed to battle akumas if Chat Noir wasn't making jokes to lighten the mood.

She glanced at Tikki, who was curled on her pillow fast asleep. Marinette groaned, she could really do for some of Tikki's wisdom right now. 

Tossing and turning, the jet-black haired girl continued her restless mental debate about Chat Noir until she drifted into an uneasy sleep. 


Beep! beep! beep!

Marinette's alarm clock blared and the exhausted girl lazily reached over and turned it off groaning in annoyance. 

"Just a few more hours!”  she complained loudly.

"Marinette look at the time!" Tikki exclaimed.

Marinette lazily raised her head, her messy black hair falling into her bluebell eyes.

“Marinette sweetie, hurry up you're going to be late for school!” her mother yelled from the bakery.

The tired girl glanced at her phone. "SCHOOL STARTS IN TEN MINUTES!!! OH NO!!!” 

The sleepy girl quickly scrambled to get dressed and hastily shoved her hair in two messy pigtails as she ran downstairs, grabbing a croissant and racing out the door.

"Sweetie aren't you forgetting something?" Her mother asked Marinette kindly.

"Oh no, my bag!" Marinette yelled as she ran back to her bedroom, grasped  her school bag and sprinted back out the door.


Adrien's POV:

Adrien slid into his seat, as beside him Nino put his hand out for a fist bump and greeted Adrien. “What's up dude?” “Nothing much Nino…” Adrien said, still feeling a pang of guilt and sadness from his painful conversation with Ladybug last night. 

He couldn’t stop his feelings for her…god a part of him still loved her, a part of him would probably always love her, but how could he love her when he had a girlfriend. 

Speaking of his girlfriend, Kagami entered the classroom with what could be considered a bright smile on her face as she pranced over to Adrien’s spot. 

"Hey Adrien" said Kagami, "would you like to sit with me."

"Oh I'm sitting with Nino…" Adrien began, but Nino interrupted him.

"No dude it's chill I'll sit beside Alya and  Marinette can sit in the empty seat beside Lila, that way you can sit with your GF!” his best friend said enthusiastically. 

“Oh okay thanks Nino” Adrien replied as Kagami grasped his arm and pulled him up beside her. 

Alya glared at Kagami as she clung onto Adrien’s arm. Nino, observing Alya's mood told her to chill. To which Alya responded by whacking him with her textbook.

"Marinette's not going to be happy about the new seating arrangement." Alya remarked to Adrien. 

"She'll be fine" Kagami said, rolling her eyes.

Alya felt her temper rising, I don’t know how to be a good friend yet my ass. 

“How would you know, you're not Marienette.” “Whatever Alya” Kagami replied, “Don’t be over dramatic it's just a seat, Marinette will get over it.” 

Alya looked at Adrien hoping that he would say something, anything, stick up for Mari. Be there for her like she always was for him. 

Kagami gave Adrien a pointed look, demanding him not to defend her. 

That's what boyfriend's do right? Adrien thought. Stick up for their girlfriends?

"Err… Alya. Please don't talk to my girlfriend like that. It's rude" Adrien said, shooting her with his best please don't kill me face.

Alya was not having any of this conversation, and Adrien could see her temper rising quickly, she was going to explode. 

"ADREIN AGRESTE YOU ARE GOING TO GET IT SO BAD" Alya screamed at him. "YOU KNOW WHAT I'M GOING TO DO? I'M GOING TO…" Alya then proceeded to make a very violent gesture 

"AND THEN I'M GOING TO…" Alya made another gesture.


Just then the shrill sound of the bell rang throughout the classroom, signalling the start of class and cutting off Alya's screaming rant. 

Kagami rolled her eyes muttering about Alya’s ferocious behaviour under her breath as she led him away from the seething Alya. 

Adrien glanced back to Nino and Ayla while Kagami was quickly guiding him away. 

He felt his stomach drop in fear and confusion as he saw Nino trying to calm Alya down. What had Ayla meant? What had he done? 

"Babe calm down" said Nino. To which Alya looked as though she was going murder him with her stare. Instead, she took her things and left class. Surprisingly, no one tried to stop her.

Kagami and Adrien took their new seats, as the teacher then began to teach the lesson until Marinette bolted in the classroom, panting.

"I'm here!" she yelled, running to sit down until she realized that there had been a change in the seating plan.

"Marinette if you are going to arrive late please don't make a scene" The teacher cried.

"I'm so sorry miss" Marinette said before realizing she still had nowhere to sit. "Err… where do I sit?" Marinette tentatively asked.

"You sit at the very back beside Lila" said Kagami, offering her what seemed to be a pleasant smile.

"BESIDE LILA!?!" Marinette practically screamed.

"Yes, Marinette, beside Lila. If you have a problem with that I'm sure the principal will be thrilled to hear about it." The teacher said calmly.

Marinette scowled and stomped to the back of the class where she grudgingly sat beside Lila.

Adrien observed all this before turning his attention back to Kagami, who happened to be talking about fencing. 

"Adrien are you listening to me?” Kagami said, her smile going back to a neutral expression. 

"Yeah, what did you say again Kagami?" Adrien asked. Great, Adrien thought. It was his first relationship and he was already failing at being a boyfriend.

"I asked if you would like to practice fencing with me after school." said his girlfriend.

“Umm...yeah sure Kagami that sounds like fun.” Adrien said, forcing a cheerful smile. 

“Great!” Kagami exclaimed, kissing him on the cheek. 

The teacher continued the lesson and Adrien's mind couldn't help but wander back to the conversation he'd had with Alya earlier that day. 

What did Alya mean about him breaking her best friend's heart? Her best friend was Marinette, so did that mean he had broken Marinette's heart? He couldn't think of how he could have hurt Marinette, let alone break her heart.

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