My prince of Wakanda!

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Lila and her sheep were at the park where they were having a get together. Lila was telling the idiots a story about how she went to Wakanda and met the queen of Wakanda herself. Everyone at it all up even Adrien who still thinks that her lies aren't hurting anyone. Lila went on telling how she help Shuri save Wakanda as well as asked to become the next black panther in the future.

Alya: Oh my gosh girl that is so amazing!!! My bestie becoming the next black panther is truly incredible.

Max: But I thought only a bloodline can become the next black panther. Like T'chaka he was the first black panther then came his son T'Challa but after his passing Shuri became the new panther.

Lila: Well I have to let you all in a little secret that has been kept for years and I couldn't tell you all.

Kim: What is it Lila?

Lila: You promise to keep this a secret.

Alya: Of course girl!

Lila: Truth is everyone I am distant relative of Shuri and T'Challa. I was sent away to keep myself safe from the dangers of those who oppose a threat to Wakanda.

Everyone: NO WAY!!!

Mylene: Lila that is incredible!

Ivan: We promise to keep this a secret.

Lila: Aww thanks guys.

Max: Something doesn't seem to add up?(Max saids in thought while thinking about what Lila said)

When Lila was about to say something else all of sudden she stopped and saw her nemeses Marinette Dupain Cheng all dressed up and looked nice. She smirked at seeing her victim because after she got her expelled from school and was hated by her sheep, Lila thought that she will never see Marinette again until now. She plans to make her life miserable yet again.

Alya: Lila what are you....oh look its Mari-Trash. What the hell is she doing here?(Ayla saids as everyone looks to see Marinette walking by wearing a beautiful red dress)

Adrien: She looks amazing.(Adrien saids in thought)

Ivan: What do you think she's doing here?

Kim: Probably to give everyone her attention. What a bitch.

Alya: I agree, say hows about we follow her and see what she is up too. After words we can give her another piece of her mind for hurting Lila.

Everyone: YEA!

They all got up and began to follow Marinette who was going into a nice fancy restaurant that even the sheep nor Lila could not afford to get reservations for. They saw Marinette through the window and looked to see her walking towards a person of which the girls blushed at seeing the most handsome and charming man they ever laid eyes on. He was tall, beautiful dark skin, nice hair style, wearing a black suit with purplish tie.

(Minus the electric)

Ivan: Who do you think that is suppose to be?

Kim: Beeps me though he looks famous. He dresses like celebrity would but I never seen him before?

Max: He looks familiar, I probably should do some research first.(Max saids in thought then takes out his phone to look up the guys face and name)

Alya: Bet you Mari-Trash is being paid to sleep with that guy. What a slut.

Lila: Ooh he's hot I bet I can tell him some lies and sure enough he will leave Marinette and be with someone like me. I bet he is also rich.(Lila saids in thought with an evil smirk)

Adrien was getting jealous of seeing Marinette talking with this stranger and was thinking she doesn't know him. He tried to tell her about not exposing Lila because her lies are not hurting anyone but she decided to avoid him and never speak to him since he became a coward and lousy friend. He looked to see the guy giving Marinette something that looked like a ring of some sort and placed it around Marinette's neck.

Alya: What was that the guy gave her?

Max: I believe it was a ring. Though I never seen a ring like that before? Must be custom made.

Kim: Say hows about we go in there and ruin Marinette's day with that boy toy hers.

Adrien: Thats not a good idea.

Max: He's right this is a fancy public restaurant. If we go and barge into the place security will most likely throw us out or simply call the police.

Kim: Uhhh...good point.

They continue to watch until they saw both Marinette and the one guy kiss each other on the lips that broke Adrien's heart because he was told that Marinette had a crush on him thanks to Alya telling him that but now the model was filled anger and jealousy. Lila was fulled with anger of what she was seeing while the others jaw dropped to the ground. The next thing they saw was them having a romantic lunch and telling stories but thanks to the glass they couldn't hear anything except mouths moving. When Marinette and her date finished they headed out of the restaurant to walk around the city of love. Lila and sheep followed them everywhere until they stopped where the Eiffel tower was. They spotted the two watching people dancing until Marinette and her date to be part of the fun so they asked to put on the music and began to dance.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Lila's sheep jaws dropped yet again at seeing their former friends dance moves and didn't know she could move like that. Adrien blushed at seeing Marinette dance so beautifully but got angry when he saw Marinette dancing with that one guy. She was his princess and nobody else but after the high road advice and not helping dealing with Lila and her lies well Marinette lost all interest with Adrien.

Ivan: I didn't know Marinette could dance like that?

Mylene: Where did she learn those moves?

Alya: I hate to say it but that impressive dancing.

Everyone except Lila: Mhm.

Adrien had enough and decided to walk up to Marinette and grab her by the arm and force her to look at him.

Adrien: What the heck are doing Marinette?

Marinette: Adrien what the hell is wrong with you let go of me.

Adrien: Not until you stop what you doing with this stranger here. For all I know who could be someone who wants too use you for sex and money. I though I told you so many times about taking the high road and now look at you. Look if you just apologized to Li....

SLAP!(Marinette slaps Adrien hard in the face)

Marinette: HOW DARE YOU!!! I can't believe you would say something like that and how dare you say such horrible words. You have no idea who this man I am standing next to and for the record I will not apologize to LieLa because I didn't do anything to her. You and those who I used to call friends are just fucking assholes who would believe in anything that Lila saids. And another thing I know that Alya told you that I had a crush on you but here's news flash for you Agreste I used to have a crush used to meaning not anymore because I fell in love with this man right here. We've been dating for three years and I kept it secret from you fools and the only ones who know are my parents and my true friends.

Adrien: WHAT?!!!

Kim: Wait that guy is Marinette's boyfriend? How did she score a guy like that?

Lila: She probably paid him to act like her boyfriend, I bet you the guy is poor and doesn't have a family and just pretends to be fam.....

SLAP!(Marinette's boyfriend slaps Lila hard in the face)

Male: I will not have anyone say such awful things to my beautiful princess. She is kind and compassionate while you are vile and filled with hatred. Your soul is dark and your heart is like empty black hole. You and your friends are toxic and I know about what you all have done to Marinette in the past and let me tell you. You touch her or do anything to her then you will have to go through me and them.

Alya: Them? Whose them and how dare you slap my bestie?!

He means us.(A female voice saids from behind Lila and her sheep in which they looked behind them and saw a group of female warriors with spears pointing that them)

Female Warriors: HAAAAA!!!!(All yelled and pointe their weapons at the idiots)

Max: No way...(Max saids in shock and in awe)

Kim: Uh who are these women and why are they armed?

Lila: Oh look more sluts, I bet they all sleep with this guy and save Mari-Trash for last.

Female Warrior: BE SILENT YOU WRESTED FOOL! You do not know who you are dealing with nor do not know who you are insulting.

Alya: Oh and who would that be you amazon bitch.

PUNCH!(Female Warrior punches Alya's lights out knocking her out cold)

Max: Now I see it!!! Oh my gosh I am so sorry sir and as well as you fellow warrior I did not see.(Max saids while bowing to Marinette's boyfriend and the warriors)

Kim: Max what are you talking about?

Mylene: Yea who are these guys?

Max: Guys these are the Milaje warriors. Female warriors from the kingdom of Wakanda! I read about them on the news.

Ivan: Wait these girls are from Wakanda?!

Kim: Oh shit.....

Max: And the man standing next Marinette, I know him. I seen him on the news a couple years ago when Queen Shuri was giving out her speech about helping the outside world.

Lila: Oh please you really think this guy is famous he doesn't look all the good.

Adrien: Marinette who is he? Also I don't think he is good for you, you should be with someone like me. I am the only who gets to call you princess.

Marinette: No you don't and I will never be with a spineless shit bag like you. Also if you must know he is the son of Queen Shuri and next line for the throne of Wakanda.

Everyone even Lila: WHAT?!!!!

Male: My name is Prince T'Chatu son of Queen Shuri. Grandson of Former King T'Chaka and Queen Ramonda as well as nephew of Former King T'Challa of Wakanda. I am the next heir to the throne and Marinette will soon be my queen since my family has taken a liking to her as well as her fashion designs for vibranium. She designed all the most remarkable dresses for my mother and she even designed her very own wedding dress.

Mylene: Wait Lila I thought you said you were a decedent of Shuri and T'Challa?

Lila: I uh....

Female Warrior: You dare speak lies about our queen and our former king! You have no honor in you and your words are an insult to our home.

Max: I knew something wasn't right about what she said. If she was a decadent of the two then where is the mark of Wakanda.

Lila: Mark what mark?

T'Chatu: All of my people of Wakanda have the mark to know if they are from our country or not.

T'Chatu shows them his mark under his lips that showed his name in Wakanda language in which Lila started to pale that she doesn't have that meaning her lies are crumbling as she speaks.

Lila: Wait Marinette doesn't have one then how could she get into your home?!

Marinette: Are you sure about that then whats this?(Marinette saids and shows them her mark under her right arm)

Mylene: When did you get that?

Marinette: Fours years ago after you all dumped me for Lila and had me kicked out but didn't know I graduated early I received an invite to Wakanda Industries where I became Wakanda's top vibranium fashion designer. I moved there after I finished school and my parents excepted me even my true friends who stood by me. I lived in Wakanda for three years and there I met the love of my life, he and I got along famously as well as Shuri. The people were so kind to me that they started to see me as like leader even T'Chatu mother agreed. One day when she steps down as queen and T'Chatu takes the thrown, I will help him make Wakanda a more better paradise then before.

Adrien: Thats why I haven't seen her in so long.(Adrien saids in thought)

Marinette: Oh and Lila no offense but someone else is already the black panther after Queen stepped down.

Kim: Who would that be?

T'Chatu: That would be me.(T'Chatu saids and changes into his black panther suit)

Lila: Gulp.....

Mylene: Lila you lied to us....

Max: She did and many other things....I am going home to rethink my life. Marinette I am sorry for everything and I also apologize to you too prince T'Chatu.

Marinette: I can forgive you Max since you weren't the one who beat me nor threaten me. Though do rethink your life it will help you.

Max: I will.

Marinette: Oh and did I forget to mentioned that Adrien knew Lila was a liar and decided to keep his mouth shut.

Everyone except Lila: YOU KNEW!!!

Adrien: Her lies are not hurting anyone?!

T'Chatu: They hurt my beloved and they hurt others. No wonder my mother declined your fathers offer about joining our companies together. Because his son is neglectful as well as a coward. You watched as my princess got beaten up and kicked around while you just sat and did nothing.

Adrien: I did it to prevent from Lila from getting Akumatized?! I told Marinette to take the high road to avoid that from happening.

Marinette: She gets akumatized a lot Adrien and speaking of which you guys may wanna listen to and watch this because this was recorded at the school fours years ago before I left.

Video Recording: Hawk Moth this is Lila, I know you want the miraculous and I can help you all I ask is if you give my powers back and with them I can destroy Ladybug once and for all.

Lila's former sheep gasped in shock and horror that Lila was working with Hawk Moth to destroy Ladybug that got both T'Chatu and his warriors pissed. Marinette told her boyfriend about her being Ladybug and with his help they both defeated Hawk Moth and took his miraculous, that was two years ago and no body knew about it.

T'Chatu: Take her. I think the police would want to see what this girl has done here.

Female Warrior: As you wish our prince.


Female Warrior: Ooh see how they treat guest of the country such bad manners. I think the authorities would want to see this recording and finding out that a liar such as yourself is working with a dangerous criminal.

Adrien: Marinette you need to stop this now!

Marinette: It's her own fault Adrien deal with it.

Adrien: CLAWS OUT!!!

Adrien transforms in front of everyone into Cat Noir that left everyone except Marinette and T'Chatu in shock. Adrien now Cat Noir grabbed Marinette and ran off with T'Chatu chasing after them. He told his warriors to keep the former friends in line while taking Lila to the police while he goes after Cat Noir and saves Marinette. Cat Noir took Marinette to Eiffel tower and held her close while she was trying break free.

Marinette: LET GO OF ME ADRIEN?!!!

Cat Noir: No you belong to me princess and I will not allow anyone to claim what is mine!!

Marinette: YOUR MAD?!!! Just like your father after we discovered he was Hawk Moth.

Cat Noir: What?!!!

Marinette: Yea your father is Hawk Moth and was defeated two years ago.

Cat Noir: NO YOUR LYING!!!

Marinette: It is the truth because I was the one who stopped him!! Tiki Spots On!

Cat Noir: You were Ladybug this whole time. M'lady was my lady!

Ladybug: I am not your lady I am not your anything! You were suppose to be my partner in crime not some flirt who always gets on my nerves and thinks that we were made for each other. Hate to break the news to you I don't love you I never have. Master Fu made a mistake of choosing you as the holder of the miraculous of destruction.

Cat Noir: We are meant to be together even I have to force you to be with me!!!

Ladybug: You really have changed. No wonder I stopped talking to you all those years ago.

Cat Noir in anger charges at Ladybug with his staff but was grabbed by Ladybug who caught it and kicked her former partner away then used her yoyo to wrapped him up and swing him into the metal of the Eiffel tower. Cat Noir got back up and attack again and tried to claw Ladybug but kept on missing when he was later uppercutted by Ladybug.

Ladybug: Just give up Adrien and turn in your miraculous because you are unworthy of it.


Cat Noir charged yet again at Ladybug but with Cataclysm and was almost near Ladybug until the former cat hero was kicked to the side by Black Panther and Cat Noir ended up destroying a food cart instead. He got up and saw his attacker and he was standing in front of Ladybug.

Black Panther: You dare try to kill my beloved now you shall face the strength and power of the Black Panther. You are unworthy.

Cat Noir: SHE'S MINE!!!!

Black Panther charged at Cat Noir and started beat the crap out of Cat Noir who wasn't putting up much of a good fight. T'Chatu was trained by the best and greatest warriors of Wakanda. His strength outmatches Cat Noir by a hundred. Cat Noir was able to strike Black Panther but what he did was a mistake because thanks to the vibranium of the suit, the attacks absorb the energy with in the suit and deflects it right back at the enemy.

Black Panther: Big mistake you made. And you call yourself a hero. You are no hero just a coward who hides behind a mask and takes what doesn't belong to him and thinks everything is a fairy tale.

Black Panther grabs Cat Noir and holds him down and snatches the ring off his finger changing him back into Adrien Agreste. Adrien gasped in shock that his miraculous was taken from him and was about to do something until Ladybug wrapped him up.

Ladybug: Disgraceful.

Adrien: Give me back my ring! Give to me and be with me. You and I are meant for each other, we can become the most powerful hero couple in the world.

Ladybug: I already have someone and he's far more better than you and he's not a coward. I am sorry I have to do this to you Adrien but you leave with me no choice. As guardian of the miraculous I hear by strip you of the miraculous of destruction and you will have no memory of me nor being a miraculous holder and you will forever not be allowed to wear anything miraculous that exist.

Adrien was engulfed in green magic and soon fell unconscious with no memory and no ring. The ring was returned to Ladybug who puts it back into her yoyo along with the other miraculous. Ladybug took Adrien back home and left with Black Panther. Lila was taken into the police and was sent off to prison for working with Hawk Moth and Alya as well who helped aided Lila in the threats except for the Hawk Moth thing. The sheep were given lawsuits from Shuri and T'Chatu for the insult of their family and lost their dream jobs except for Max who was offered a job at Wakanda's technological investment which he nearly fainted when he got the news. Adrien was sent to live with his aunt and cousin and all his friends in Paris decided to never speak to him again. Marinette and T'Chatu returned to Wakanda to continue on with their lives in peace while also being the countries protectors since a past Ladybug fought side by side with a past Black Panther making Marinette and T'Chatu protectors of Wakanda.

5 years later:

T'Chatu took the throne and became King of Wakanda with it he gain a queen aka Marinette who took up the mantle with some help from Shuri who was proud of her son becoming the next King and Marinette as his queen. Later the two got married where all the people celebrated their future king and queen. T'Chatu gave Marinette a ring made of Vibranium with a sapphire and when he proposed she said yes with tears in her eyes. Couple months later Marinette gave birth to a young boy heir to the throne. He looked like his father but with his mothers eyes. Later they had a baby girl who looked so much her mother which T'Chatu found cute.

They names the boy T'Chaka after Shuri's father. T'Chaka will grow into a fine young man with the guidance of his mother and father. Soon in the future he will become the next king and the next Black Panther. The girl's name was M'Kala who was a bundle of happiness and spirit who will later become the next Ladybug holder after her mother. And so Marinette and T'Chatu as well as their two children lived a happy life in Wakanda and look forward to their futures.


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