The Wolf's Mate Part 1!

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In the forest lyes a beautiful house cut off from the outside world with two people living in it together in which was a handsome man who works from home as a forest house designer while the other is a fashion designer who is the girlfriend and soon to be wife of the man who owns the house in the forest. The man name was Lucian WolfsBurg, he lived in the forest for many years just like his parents before they died of an accident so he lived on his own until he met this very special someone who was both beautiful and filled the mans heart with love as he did the same for her. That special someone was Marinette Dupain Cheng soon to be Marinette Dupain Cheng WolfsBurg. Lucian was outside his house enjoying a nice cup of chai in the morning.

Lucian: Sigh...nothing like a nice cup of chai to keep the energy flowing. It almost feels like yesterday I was just a simple guy alone in the forest with no one around until that one night I came upon someone who I saved and helped of which she filled my heart with such love and compassion. I said it before and I will say it again, I have never met anyone more amazing then Marinette.

What was that sweetie?(Female said from coming out of the house)

Lucian: Hehehe good morning, and it's nothing hon just talking to myself as usual.

Marinette: Good morning to you too sweetie, and you I can hear you right. I sharp hearing you know.

Lucian: And who is the one who gave you it.

Marinette: I know I know but its still feels like yesterday like I was just a normal girl enjoying life until everything changed when that liar showed up and ruined everything for me.

Lucian: I still remember the day you and I first met.

Marinette: How can I forget about that especially your other half of which I still can't get over not including my own.

Lucian: Well if it wasn't for me you would have died alone in the forest.

Marinette: I still thank you for what you did for me Van. I am happy that found someone who I can love for the rest of my life.

Lucian: So do I.

Marinette: Are we still on for tonight.

Lucian: Indeed there's going to be a full moon tonight.

Marinette: Great though I am still surprise that we can change whenever we want.

Lucian: You can't believe everything you see in the movies or books.

Marinette: True.

Lucian: How many years has it been since we met?

Marinette: Hmm..I think it was three years ago give or take.

Lucian: Oh yea it was three years thanks for the reminder.

Marinette: Anything for my alpha 💋.(Marinette saids and kisses Lucian on the lips)

Lucian: I still enjoy your kisses.

Marinette: You will get more than that tonight.

3 years ago:

Marinette was a normal girl with a normal life back in Paris with her beloved mother and father, Tom and Sabine Dupain Cheng. Marinette had everything she wanted good friends, loving parents, dreams of becoming fashion designer, top of her classes, likes to help others in need, developed a crush on a certain model who is the son of her favorite fashion designer. Life was good for Marinette even though she had her ups and downs and struggle a little but that didn't stop her from doing great things. That was before a new student came in and lets just say the new girl made Marinette's life a living hell.

Lila Rossi was her name, her name even means lie in it. She was a student from Italy who moved to Paris and transferred into Marinette's school where she told the students stories and tales about traveling around the world and meeting a lot of famous people of which were all lies but Marinette knew that her friends wouldn't believe them right, she was dead wrong they ate up all the lies thinking they were true even Marinette's best friend Alya believed them and didn't bother to fact check her sources because she wants to become a reporter. When Marinette tried to expose the lies well Lila fought back and framed Marinette for pushing her down the steps, stealing essay answers, stealing a necklace, fake text messages, and much more. All of Marinette's friends turn against her for someone they just met and Marinette couldn't believe that her friends she knew for years would take Lila's side and not hers.

The threats kept on going until came the bullying and the beatings from her classmates who attack Marinette thinking she did something bad to Lila in which she didn't but they didn't believe her and Adrien her once former crush just sat there and did nothing to help and just simply told Marinette to take the high road saying that Lila's lies are not hurting anyone. Marinette lost all interest in Adrien and called him a coward who he turns out to be for not having social skills since he was raised in a mansion for his whole life. Marinette suffered a lot of beatings and injuries caused by her classmates and the teacher Mrs.Bustier and Principal Damocles just don't do anything to help. She even got expelled twice in a row thanks to Lila and expelled the third time which was the finale after Lila said that Marinette was selling drugs to make money. Tom and Sabine never believed in Lila's lies because they know their own daughter from the back of their heads.

After Marinette was expelled for good, she decided to take online classes instead because she didn't have to deal with Lila and her sheep who don't share a single brain cell. The only friends she has left are Luka, Chloe, Nino who dumped Alya because of what she did to his childhood friend, Kagami, Juleka, and Alix. Marinette was pleased that she still had friends who stood by her but that all changed when something horrible has happened. Marinette was walking home in the night after shopping for some fabrics until she came upon her home on fire in which there were police and fire fighters everywhere as well as two victims covered in black bags. She burst into tears that her parents died in the fire but then found something that was a note and when she opened it her eyes widen in shock and horror.

Dear Mari-Trash,

If you are reading this that means your home is gone leaving you with nothing, I told you that I would take everything away from you and look what I did. I took away the two people who cared about you the most. The fire was made for you though but your parents would do just fine. Why don't you do us all a favor and just die like the worthless peasant you are.

Love, LR

Marinette broke down and discovered Lila was the one who killed her family. She lost everything now and all of her hard work for fashion designing was lost in the fire but not her money that she kept hidden from everyone. After the funeral where her true friends attended and closes relatives, Marinette moved in with Chloe who offered her place at the hotel since her old home got knocked down due to the fire. The only thing that survived in the fire was Marinette's picture book as well as her chest filled with the money she earned from the commissions. The picture book contained all the pictures of her and her family and it was the only thing she had left of them. She hated Lila, she hated her former classmates and teachers, she hated Adrien and his high road bull-shit that she wanted to make them all pay.

1 month later:

It's been a month since Marinette lost her parents which her former class thinks she deserves to be alone though some in the school felt bad for her and grew to hate the former classmates and the liar. Marinette was in her room at the hotel doing some commissions that want to buy her work and thanks to Jagged Stone he offered to replace what Marinette has lost and pay his respects to her family. She was working on a dress until she got a notification from her idiot principal, the one who expelled her from school who Marinette should have blocked but read the message saying that the class is going on a camping tree in the London forest and they want Marinette to help in which she said no to him but he said to her either she joins and helps or he will use force. Some principal that guy is.

Marinette packed up her things that she would need for the trip as well as some pepper spray in case those idiots try something. She met up with them by the train and they all glared at her but she shrugged them off and sat on the train waiting to arrive in London. After arriving they took a bus towards the camp grounds of where they will be spending the full week. They tried to set up their tents but had problems and didn't ask for Marinette's help because they didn't want it because they prefer Lila who saids she knows a lot about camping. Marinette decided to came away from the idiots so she can have peace and quiet.

When night came they tried to make a fire but failed but saw Marinette making a fire easily due to the fact Marinette knows about camping since she went camping with her grandmother years ago and knows how to survive in the wilderness. She always comes prepared for these situations. Bustier asked Marinette to make them a fire and she told her no because they don't want her help and since she is not her student she can't tell her what to do. Bustier knew that Marinette was right but tried again and asked to be an example and Marinette said no to that. Adrien tried and lets just say he didn't get the memo when a cricket went up his pants and he started dancing like a lunatic and trashed his friends campsite. They were able to get a fire going but it wasn't big enough for all of them. The food that they brought was junk food which would not last a day or night or even a week but Marinette didn't need to bring food because she caught fishes in a small pond as well as defected water so it would be safe to drink. After dinner she went to sleep peacefully in her tent and so did the others until they heard a howl coming from the forest in which the classmates got scared but Marinette just slept away.

Morning came and Marinette thought it would be a good idea to take a nice relaxing swim by the waterfall so she changed into her swimsuit and headed off into the forest where she spotted a nice looking waterfall and the surroundings were beautiful. She put down her change of clothes and her towel and got into the water that felt amazing.

Unknown to Marinette something above the waterfall was watching her in the shadows of the trees and bushes. It eyed Marinette not from hunger but interest. The creature eyed the girl for a short while until it left and headed back into the forest when Marinette thought she heard something but shrugged it off.

Marinette: Sigh...this is refreshing. I should have gone camping months ago. The water feels amazing on my skin and the surroundings are breathtaking. The good thing is that it's quiet and no one is here to bother me.


Marinette: Whose there?

Marinette looks around to heard where the snap came from until something came out in which was a dog that looked like a wolf but Marinette sees it was a wolf dog a very rare breed. It came out of the bushes and walked towards Marinette.

Marinette: Oh hello there.


The wolf dog went over and sniffed Marinette before licking her face which made the girl giggle that this random wolf dog came out of nowhere to greet her with kisses.

Marinette: Hehehe, aww aren't you the cutest wolf doggy I have ever seen. Whose a good boy, you are, yes you are.


Marinette: Whats a big fellow like you doing out here by yourself do you have an owner? You must have one because you have caller on. Hmm...Shadow, so that must be your name, I think it's a fitting name for a charming wolf dog like yourself.


After petting Shadow for a while and enjoying her morning swim, Marinette got out of the water and dressed and decided to head back to camp but Shadow decided to follow her back because he enjoyed her company. After she got back she looked to see Bustier and the other awake but had lines under their eyes due the howl they heard from last night.

Bustier: Marinette, where have you been?

Marinette: I was taking a morning swim by the waterfall. It is quite relaxing.

Bustier: You were suppose to wake everyone up.

Marinette: Uh no I wasn't that was Lila's job remember since she's your class president not me because I don't go to your school anymore.

Alya: Hey while you were swimming Lila was trying to keep the bears away from our camp site!

Lila: Yea they almost came out until I scared them off.

Marinette: There are no bears in London.

Kim: How would you know that?

Marinette: Unlike you guys I read. There hasn't been bears here since 7000 years ago. So either Lila scared a raccoon or a possum or maybe a squirrel.

Max: Uh actually she's right about that.

Ivan: Your agreeing with her?

Max: I took history class and bears haven't been seen in Britain over thousands of years most of them don't travel that fall up.

Lila: Oh my gosh I am so sorry everyone my lying deceased acted up again. Please forgive me.

Alya: Oh Lila don't feel bad about yourself, I mean if it was a bear outside I am sure you would be able to chase them off.

Marinette: More like they will make her their after noon snack.(Marinette saids in thought while rolling her eyes)

Nathaniel: Hey Marinette where did you get all that water from? We don't remember seeing you bringing water with us.

Marinette: I got this water from a fresh water stream.

Rose: Why didn't you tell us this?

Marinette: I thought you didn't want to talk to me ever again remember.(Marinette saids to Rose who shut her mouth knowing Marinette was right)

Bustier: Marinette can you take us to this stream because it would be appreciated for everyone to have some water since they drank all their stuff last night.

Marinette: Sigh...fine.

Marinette took them to the fresh water stream that she found and once there everyone was amazed of seeing water coming down the lain and decided to get a drink for themselves while Marinette makes a fire because drinking un-disaffect water could cause stomach aches, sickness, as well as diarrhea if not boiled over a fire.

Marinette: Let me get a fire going so I can....

Kim: Why do we need a fire because I can simply just drink this the way it is I mean look how clear the water looks.

Marinette: That maybe so but you need....

Alya: Don't listen to her Kim she doesn't know anything unlike Lila right bestie.

Lila: Yes of course, I say we drink up and get hydrated.

Everyone except Marinette: YEA!

Marinette: But if you drink the way it is, it could cause...

Adrien: Marinette what's the big deal it's just water.

Marinette: Did none of you read anything about the wilderness nor learn how to survive. You need to boil water in order to drink it. Because if you drink water from this stream if can cause a person to get sick.

Adrien: How can water get someone sick.

Marinette: Oh my god you are impossible. Water from the forest has chemicals and deceases caused by animals and tiny microscopic particles that could cause a person to get sick, as well as get stomach aches including massive diarrhea. Why else would I make a fire and boil my water because it kills bacteria and germs.

Adrien: I am sure it's nothing to worry about.

Marinette: And how would you know, you never been outside your home in years nor gone camping. Adrien you grew up in a mansion away from the outside world.

Adrien: Well if they think it is safe to drink then I am going for it.

Marinette: Fine you get sick don't come crying to me. Go ahead drink the water and listen to Lila's words because knows everything.

Adrien: When are you gonna drop this about Lila. Her lies are not hurting anyone.

Marinette: You say that knowing your right but this is reality Adrien, because you are wrong you always been wrong. You should have stayed home-schooled it's clearly you don't know anything.

Adrien grew mad and was about to slap Marinette in the face which she backed away until a black blur jumped at Adrien and it landed on top of him. Marinette looked to see it was Shadow on top of Adrien growling at him and showing his fangs.



Everyone back away even Bustier except Marinette who was being protected by Shadow and growling at Adrien with hate. Adrien was shacking in fear until the wolf dog got off him and the coward scrabbled towards his friends.


Alya: How is there a wolf here?!

Max: Technically there hasn't been any wolves in London since the 1500's they all thought to be exist.

Mylene: Well apparently this one is not.

Marc: It almost killed Adrien.

Lila: Are you all right Adrien?

Adrien: Yea I'm all right it surprised me out of nowhere.

Bustier: Everyone just remain calm, Marinette come away from it, you will be safe with us.

Marinette: I will take my chances here.

Bustier: Marinette get over now!


Bustier: EEP!

Rose: I'm scared right now...

Nathaniel: Your not the only one...

Shadow stopped growling at them and turned his attention towards Marinette who smiled at him and he went over to cuddle Marinette under her legs leaving everyone's jaw dropping to the ground that they are seeing a wolf cuddling Marinette and not attacking her nor trying to eat her. Marinette smiled and started to pet Shadow behind the ear that made him lay down and enjoy getting the pets he loves.

Kim: Ok tell me I am dreaming right now because I am seeing Marinette petting and giving a wolf a belly rub?

Max: Hang on a minute, I don't think that is a wolf.

Ivan: What are you talking about Max, of course that is wolf.

Max: Yes but only half wolf, see how it's acting towards Marinette.

Alya: So?

Max: It's a hybrid. They are a rare breed of dog and wolf. It's a wolf dog.

Everyone except Marinette: Wolf dog?

Max: Wolf dogs are quite well know around the world. They are a mixture of a domestic dog cross between a gray wolf, eastern wolf, red wolf or Ethiopian wolf. Some are cared for as pets and companions though there are some who get aggressive towards humans and will attack if threaten or their owner is threaten.

Kim: Well it acted more wolf then dog.

Max: That's because they wolf genes, all wolf dogs have them. They act like a dog and act like a wolf. It's their nature.

Alya: Marinette! Did you bring that monster with you to camp?!

Marinette: How dare you! He's not a monster he's adorable. Also did you or any of you see me bring a wolf dog with me on this trip. He found me when I was swimming by the waterfall. And he belongs to someone, he has caller on.

Nathaniel: Yea there is a caller on him. So must belong to someone.

Max: Could be a stray, lots of dogs get separated from their owners all the time.

Lila: Maybe we can call the pound and have it taken away.

Alya: Good idea Lila!

Adrien: There's no phone signal. We are out in the wilderness.

Bustier: Adrien is right and the bus wont be back until the end of the week.

Kim: Then what are we suppose to do? I don't want to stay in the forest with that wolf whatever it is near me.

Everyone except Marinette: Same.

Marinette: He will be staying with me and only me since he comes to like me more than all of you.

Alya: Make sense he's a monster and your a bigger one.

Marinette: The monsters around here are you people.(Marinette saids while glaring at everyone)


Max: It would be wise not to anger the wolf dog because wolf dogs bites are a lot more dangerous then wolves and they attend to attack if someone threatens them or the person close to them.

Kim(Whisper): So if we do anything to Marinette, what the wolf dog would attack?

Max(Whisper): Most likely since its grown attached to Marinette and if we did something to her, whose to say the wolf dog would kill us.

Everyone paled under knowing what would happen so they decided to avoid Marinette and her new companion all together. Marinette smiled that she wasn't going to be alone no more now that she has a furry companion who is very sweet and adorable and he's a wolf dog who defended her from the coward and the idiots. The camping trip continued on where they headed into the forest to see the beauty of nature and the landscapes. Marinette walked with Shadow since she felt protected with him around while the idiots were up at front. Marinette took out a camera and started taking pictures of the wilderness around her but for the idiots it was a different story.

Kim: Damn these bugs?! They keep on flying on me like I am a meal to them.

Alya: Did you bring the bug replete? Anyone?

Everyone: No/I think I forgot mine at home/I thought we wouldn't need it/I am such in idiot to forget to bring bug replete....

Marinette smirked that a good survivalist always brings bug replete in case of emergencies. She couldn't believe that her former classmates were this stupid to not know what to do while in the wilderness even Bustier was having a harm time keeping the bugs away from her. Soon they arrived a lake area where they though maybe it would be great idea to go swimming but for Marinette she didn't trust this lake because it look un-right. Besides she already went swimming so she decided to relax with Shadow.

Marinette: Shadow, let those idiots swim in that water because it does not seem right to swim in and who knows whats in it. Let's go look at the flowers nearby, I could use the time to check out the flowers and get some ideas for new designs.


While Marinette and Shadow head towards the flowers, everyone else got into their swimsuits and jumped into the lake which they were enjoying themselves so far until the moment came when they got out of the water a hour later and their bodies were covered with leaches.


Marinette: Wow, Shadow look at all these beautiful flowers. These could make an excellent dress idea. I got to sit down and think of some ideas. There are so many of them.


Marinette and Shadow were enjoying their peace and quiet but back with the others, after they all got the leaches off their bodies both Kim and Ivan accidentally tripped on a rock and landed on a pile shit that smelled so bad. They screamed and jumped back into the water but came back out with more leaches on them. Lila was shaking that she had so many leaches on her that Alya had to pull off her. Marinette came back after she finished and saw the faces of her former classmates and saw that they never want to go swimming in a lake ever again. The trip yet again continued on and soon they all took a lunch break in the middle of the forest but Marinette sat under a tree to avoid the sun as well as Shadow.

Mylene: It's getting kind of hot, does anyone have any sunscreen?

Alya: Kim saids he brought loads of it.

Kim: Yea here it is. Make sure to put some on your head because I know the feeling of getting sunburned on the head.

Everyone put on sunscreen but what they didn't know was it wasn't really sunscreen and the only one who has real sunscreen is Marinette who used hers before she rested and made sure to give Shadow some for his noise. The lotion that everyone else used was actually hair removal lotion and soon they will figure it out that Kim brought the wrong lotion. If Marinette knew about the lotion now she would laugh her ass off at seeing her ex-friends and the liar day weekend ruined. Soon night approached once more and everyone started to camp near the water fall that they saw. Marinette didn't want to sleep near them so she moved somewhere else and away from Lila. Shadow stuck by Marinette to keep her company and safe from the idiots. Before setting up her tent Marinette went to take a look at the view of the area on top of the waterfall while Shadow went to sleep until Marinette comes back.

Marinette: Wow, what a site this is. Even when there is a full moon out it makes the wilderness even more beautiful. I just wish my parents would be here to see this with me....I miss them so much.

Then you can join them Mari-Trash.(Lila saids while coming out of the woods with an evil smirk on her face)

Marinette: Lila!

Lila: What a perfect way to get rid of you for good but not before taking your medicine.(Lila saids whole holding a bat in her hand)

Marinette tried to get away but Lila found an opening and whacked Marinette in the gut that caused her to cough in pain then got whacked in the back followed by getting her face clawed by Lila's sharp nails. Then finally came the kicking, the punching, following but the stomping. Lila smirked at seeing her nemesis broken and bleeding and it was time to end her. Lila picked up Marinette and said her last words.

Lila: Say Hi to your precious mommy and daddy for me. Bye bye Marinette Dupain Cheng forever!

Lila threw Marinette off the water fall with her backpack and once Lila saw that Marinette was no where to be seen she smirked and decided to head back before she looked to see an angry and vicious Shadow looking at with a death glare. Shadow heard noises and went to see what was going on until he saw his new friend Marinette being thrown off the cliff by Lila.


Lila: Oh you want some of this as well hair ball well come and get some.


Lila ran and swung the bat at Shadow who caught it with his jaws and using his strength he toss the bat away out of Lila's hands and then he jumped her and bit her shoulder in which she screamed in utter pain.


Everyone: LILA!!!!

Shadow vanished into the trees and went to look for Marinette down below to see if he can sniff her out and check to see if she still alive. The other arrived and saw Lila on the ground injured and covering her neck due to the bite that Shadow took. She kind of deserved it after what she did to Marinette and her family.

Rose: She's bleeding?!!!

Alya: Oh my gosh she needs help!!!

Bustier: We are gonna have to head back and maybe we can get a signal out and call for help.

Ivan: Kim help me with her and try not to drop her.

Kim: On it.

The boys carried Lila while the others followed behind except for Adrien who looked around and saw someone was missing from the group.

Adrien: Where's Marinette? And where did her wolf dog go?(Adrien saids in thought)

Alya: Adrien come on we need to get Lila some help!

Adrien: Uh right of course!

They all left to attend the liar slash killer and down below the water fall and floating up stream was an unconscious and injured Marinette who was hanging onto her camp bag to keep her steady until she washed up on the bank of the stream. She started to gain conscious but barley because her eyes were blurry due to what happened after she fell or thrown off the cliff.

Marinette: Argh.....cough!..cough..cough.....argh...this hurts so much...

Marinette got up barley and took her bag with her but dragged it since she doesn't have the strength to carry it. She entered the dark forest but thanks to the full moon it gave her a light source to see for now. She was banged hard with the bat caused by Lila and was bleeding from the forehead as well as from the knees and arms. She found a stone to sit down and try to relax until she can find the will to move again or that someone would come to her aid. After a minute later she lost conscious and fell asleep but unknown to her something was watching her from the bushes who stared at her with glowing red eyes.

The creature moved out of the bushes and moved towards the unconscious Marinette who doesn't know what was in front of her. The creature looked to be a wolf but much bigger and standing on two legs with sharp claws and fangs. It knee down to Marinette and sniffed her seeing that the girl was asleep but injured. The wolf creature knew that Marinette will die of her injuries unless she gets help but there is no time until the wolf decided to do something that could not only save Marinette but also pass on something that could make her stronger. So the wolf bit down on Marinette shoulder not like like large bite but a bite that will pass on a gift to her. When done, the wolf cleaned up Marinette's injuries with its tongue and cuddle her so that she wont freeze to death. Now cuddled into a warm fur Marinette felt better until the wolf said something.

Wolf Creature: She will be my mate, and I will not let anything harm my mate. She is mine and I will protect her.

While sleeping a mark appeared on Marinette's arm showing a glowing wolf like paw print showing that the wolf creature mark the girl as his mate and protector. Soon Marinette will also received the gift and will learn how to use it. Back with the idiots, after they left the forest and called for help, the police and the ambulance arrived and took Lila away and questioned everyone about what happened out there.

Bustier: How is she officer?

Officer: Sigh..hard to say, she suffered a rune on the shoulder and its possible she might survive but she lost a lot of blood.

Alya: Is there anything they can do to help her?

Officer: The doctors will see what they can do for her but question is how did this happened?

Kim: We heard a scream coming from outside our tents and when we arrived we found Lila on the ground bleeding and covering her shoulder.

Officer: I see though do you know what caused the injury?

Rose: No we just heard a scream and found Lila on the ground.

Officer: When did you last seen her?

Rose: I think I saw her when she came out of her tent holding what looked like a wooden bat.

Officer: What was she doing with a wooden bat?

Kim: She was probably keeping away predators from our camp site.

Officer: Unliking because the only predator in London forest is the striped badger. They only feed on small mammals, birds, eggs, and worms as well as fruit and plants. Though the injury on your friend was way too big for a badger.


Officer: What?

Ivan: Yea it had to be it, it's the only big thing that could cause such an injury.

Officer: What are you talking about?

Bustier: During our camping trip we encountered what it looked like a wolf but after my student Max here told us what it really was in which it was a wolf dog.

Officer: I herd of wolf dogs, my nephew back in Canada has one. Very charming and protective breeds.

Alya: Charming? More like savages! It nearly tried to kill Adrien here and I know for a fact that it tried to kill Lila as well.

Officer: Well did it feel threaten, wolf dogs only attack humans if they feel threaten or that their owner feels threaten. Maybe your friend here tried to harm someone that was close to the wolf dog and it attacked him.

Adrien: I..I tried to slap Marinette and the next thing I know I got tackled to the ground a large wolf but it was a wolf dog who growled at me and showed its fangs.

Officer: And where is this Marinette, who is she?

Bustier: She is....or was one of my students back in our school until she was expelled permanently and we asked her to come with us on this trip.

Officer: If she was expelled from the school why did you bring her and where is she?

Bustier: She's right over.......where's Marinette?

Everyone even Adrien looked around and couldn't find nor see where Marinette was until the Officer got mad at the idiots seeing that they lost the girl in the forest.

Officer: You lost her in the forest!

Bustier: No no I would never leave someone in the forest never. Marinette should have been an example from the minute she started to become a bully.

Officer: What do you mean by that?

Alya: Marinette is a bully and bitch! She bullied Lila for years and now she's injured because of that beast she had with her!

Everyone: She's a slut/A nobody/A cruel human being/Loser/And if she's dead good riddance to her nobody will miss her especially that her parents are dead since they were killed in a fire.

Adrien: Officer I am sure Marinette can find her way back, since she knows the wilderness better than any of us.

Officer: You mean to tell me that you people don't know anything about camping in the wilderness or come prepared.

Bustier: We have Marinette doing all of that. She was the class president. Until Lila took over.

Officer: So you push all the work on the girl instead of doing the job yourself. It's a teachers responsibility to look after the students but no you threw your work on a girl who by the way I think is being framed by your fool of students here.

Bustier: How dare you! They are well behaved and good students.

Officer: I like to believe that ma'am I clearly don't. Speaking of which where is that bat that your friend had on her.

Max: Right here sir.(Max saids and hands the bat with blood on it)

Officer: Detective Carlos.

Detective Carlos: Yes sir.

Officer: Have this blood analyzed see who it belongs too.

Detective Carlos: Right away sir.

Officer: All of you stay here until I get back.

Hours later the blood came out as Marinette Dupain Cheng which the officer and detective found the girls file online and discovered that she was the daughter of Tom and Sabine Dupain Cheng bakers in Paris until they died in fire leaving Marinette alone before she moved in the hotel Chloe Bourgeois lives. They found files that she was bullied, threaten, beaten by her own classmates for years until she couldn't breath. Their principal forced her to come on the trip and the teacher didn't do anything to stop the violence. The officer grew angry and contacted the police in Paris to have the parents and the people at the school questioned because they just found out what happened to Marinette Dupain Cheng. They believe that Lila was the one who attacked Marinette with the bat and then the liar was attacked by the wolf dog for trying to defend Marinette.

Officer: All right I found everything I need to know.

Bustier: That's wonderful officer now you think you could...

Officer: You all under arrest for attempted murder, bullying, causing someone near death, endangerment, abandoned and further more if your student lives she will be questioned and if we find anything that could relate to what happened to the Dupain Cheng family she would be in deep shit trouble and will be sentence for life prison along with all of you.

Everyone: WHAT?!!!!

Officer: Officers take them, I get the feeling that your parents back home would want to have words with all of you. And if miss Dupain Cheng isn't found then you all will be found guilty for her death. Take them away and have them ship back to Paris for questioning. I want a search party to look for Miss Dupain Cheng if she is alive or not. Search the grounds and if you find anything contact me understood.

Officers: YES SIR!

The idiots were taken into police cars and cuffed and forced them into the cars but Kim and Ivan try to run but got themselves tased and shoved in the back of the car. Adrien looked ready to panic because if Lila's lies come out, he is absolutely doomed and if his father finds out about what he has done, he is in serious trouble. Unknown to them is that Marinette was indeed alive and being taken care of by her unknown savior who is a wolf creature but something else in which would have to wait until the sun rises.

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