Chapter 8 | Loki

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-Third Person-

        After the whole surprises outside the Helicarrier, Natasha urge the other three to enter the bridge. Steve, Banner and Marinette obliges and made their walk through the glorious, gleaming bridge before Steve position in front of the science console. Marinette,  obviously, the situation being still new to her, stared at the entire room with wide eyes. Right in front of them stood a huge glass window that views the clear sky and the ocean below. There were tables and computers everywhere where agents of all men and women, including agent Hill, walks around the place in a hurry while others sat in front of their computers and having an individual conversation-- or that's what Marinette thought, through their earpiece.

        Right at the center of the room stood a man who was slowly making his way towards the recruits, but will remained nameless to Marinette. He wore an all black outfit topped with a black leather coat. He's bald, has dark skin and has an eye patch on his left eyes. He has this a bit dark aura around him that could make Marinette cower in fear. And his eyes were like staring straight through her soul which could make her shiver. The man was known as Nick Fury, the director of SHIELD's agency. Not that Marinette would've known anyway, he still hasn't met the man.

        "Everyone." Fury called.

        Suddenly, Steve pulled out a ten bucks out of his pocket and gave it to Fury which confused Marinette as she gave both gentlemen a skeptical look.

        Fury took the money before walking towards Banner and extends his hand. The said man reluctantly shook hands with him before Fury shook hands with Marinette. "Doctor, Ladybug, thank you for coming." Fury nodded his head.

        He must be the boss. Marinette thought.

        "Its a pleasure." Marinette paused for a second before raising an eyebrow. "But, you know you can call me 'Marinette' right?"

        Fury nodded his head in respond.

        "Thank you for asking nicely." Banner gave a small smile. "So, uh. . . How long am I staying?" He asked nicely to which Marinette quickly reacted.

        Marinette clapped her hand in agreement towards Banner. "Yes, great question. How long are we staying here?" She raised an eyebrow at Fury who remain emotionless while staring back at her.

        "Cause you know, my mother just got finish with her Brain Tumor surgery, and I want to be there when she wakes up." Marinette added after noticing that others were staring at her, blushing in embarrassment. Natasha patted her shoulder with a small smile.

        "Once we get our hands on the Tesseract. You're in the clear."

        "Where are you with that?" Banner asked curiously as Fury turn his head at agent Coulson who stood below the railing and starts to explain while Natasha bends down on a near computer and narrowed her eyes on an image of a man-- Clint Barton plastered in the screen. Marinette gave the computer a glance before looking back at agent Coulson and Banner.

        "We're sweeping wirelessly accessible cameras on the planet. Cellphones, laptops, if it's connected to a satellite. It's eyes and ears for us." That explanation made Marinette look down at her phone in surprise and wonder.

        "That's still not gonna find them in time." Natasha stated with a firm line.

        That statement made Marinette look at Natasha before her gaze lingered down the computer with Barton's image on screen. In this time around, she wonder to herself how the hell did she end up in here. Everything happened so fast, she couldn't help but think that maybe Flash took her on a fast ride. She sigh out of sadness. If only Chat Noir was there beside her right now, she would feel at ease with everything.

        "You have to narrow the field." Banner replied to Coulson's earlier explanation. "How many spectrometers do you have to access to?"

        Fury crosses his arms. "How many are there?"

        "Call all the labs you know, tell them to put the spectrometers on the roof and calibrate them for gamma rays." Banner replied immediately as he took off his coat. "I'll rough out a tracking algorithm based on cluster recognition. At least we could rule out a few places. Do you have somewhere for me to work?" He asked.

        Fury averted his gaze at Natasha who stood up. "Agent Romanoff, would you show Dr. Banner to his laboratory, please?" Natasha was quick to oblige and nodded her head and walks off, leading Banner down the hall into his work place.

        "You're gonna love it, Doc." Natasha smirked. "We got all the toys."

        Once they were gone, Marinette's gaze trailed off towards them before looking back at Steve with a confuse look plastered all over her face.

        "Did you get what they said?" She asked, pointing a finger at Natasha and Banner. Steve shook his head in amusement.

        "So Ladybug. . ." Fury trailed off as he called her name which made Marinette to turn her attention at him.


        "It questions me the thing about your magic." He starts, staring straight at her while Steve stood below with Coulson. "It is rare that you have the ability to fix things as they were before. A power that only occur when you do it."

        Marinette, noticing the sound of his voice, rolled her eyes at him with a knowingly smirk. "You want explanation."

        "Right on point." Fury nods his head. Marinette gave him a perplexed look before looking back at Maria who's attention is currently at her computer. She could've swore, Maria wouldn't leave a tiny detail about her.

        "Maria haven't told you?" She asked. Fury's glare went straight at Maria, who soon notice it and turn her head at them. She gave them a sheepish look. 

        "I believe you forgot something-- a small details perhaps, about Marinette here." Fury stated with a firm line to which Maria immediately replied by dropping her earpiece and glance at her boss.

        "It slipped my mind." She said without a beat. Fury rolled his eyes in respond.

        Marinette raised an eyebrow at her before her gaze turn back down at her small purse hang around her shoulder. Steve and Fury notice it and raise an eyebrow.

        "Now that you brought that up, there's someone who wants to talk to you." Once Marinette opened her purse, she saw Tikki nodding her head before floating up, revealing herself at everyone.

        At that moment, everyone went silent. All eyes were now at Tikki who smiled bashfully at them before she gave Fury a look as she floats near him but still remain with a great distant. His eyes were wide, staring at Tikki in disbelief while Steve and Coulson had the look of pure shock. Well, it's not everyday you see a rat-bug creature floating right in front of you with big eyes and a cute smile.

        "Gentlemen, meet my kwami. Tikki." Tikki waved her small paw. Steve gave a small awkward wave but still made Tikki beamed.

        "Hi." Steve said.

        "Hi, I'm Tikki, Ladybug's kwami. I'm the Goddess of Creation and I help Marinette become Ladybug. Its such a pleasure to meet you all." Tikki giggled at their shocked face.

        Steve recoiled back his hand and put it behind his back with a look of disbelief. "It talks." Coulson nodded his head.

        "She's the one who told me to join SHIELD." Marinette starts to explain. Tikki hovered beside Marinette as her holder continue to explain. "And everything connects. Tikki explained something to me about the Tesseract that was stolen from you. And it's something you have to hear."

        Tikki immediately chimed in after Marinette gave her kwami a nod. "Your agent told Marinette and I about the Tesseract and who stole it. Long before the universe was created, there were seven Kwamis-- I, included. We created powerful stones. And one of it is the Tesseract, and it belongs to us Kwamis. We must get the Tesseract back and if we can't, and a man like Loki has it. . . Chaos will be inevitable." Tikki explained solemnly with half a lie. She regrets ever creating those stones with her fellow Gods and Goddesses. A mistake that is clearly hard to fix.

        Fury hummed in deep thought. He didn't expect something like this, a much bigger problem to rise almost immediately. They still haven't gotten the Tesseract back and now a creature who's called a Kwami stated about the Tesseract. One of the powerful. Fury would be lying if he would say that he doesn't blame Tikki, because he does. But blaming her isn't much of a thought for Tikki, she knew that they did a mistake. As much as Fury wants to blame the creature right in front of him, all he can do now is to get the Tesseract back at all cost, away from Loki's hands.

        Marinette gave everyone a look. She knew Tikki explained half of the truth which made her nervous. She hoped her kwami's explanation convinced Fury and Steve. Marinette saw Fury contemplating about something while Steve and Coulson stared at each other before looking back at Tikki, doing it almost in sync.

        "We'll get the Tesseract back." Fury finally said. To which both Marinette and Tikki sigh in relief. Fury nodded his head at Marinette and Tikki before walking back into his position in the science console.

        "Agent Coulson, could you please bring Marinette to her own rooms, please?" Coulson was quick to oblige the order and lead Marinette down the same hall Banner and Natasha went.

        "I'll call you both when we can finally locate Loki." Fury called out before Marinette can leave. She nodded her head and quickly followed Coulson with Tikki hovered above her head.

• • •

        Time went by and night immediately reach the Helicarrier. Marinette slept the whole day after Natasha came to accompany her for a minute before leaving. When Marinette entered her assigned room, her eyes immediately landed on her suitcase that a soldier took from her earlier when she exited the chopper. Her room was plain grey with a simple single bed set with a pillow and a blanket.

        On the side was another metal door that leads to a bathroom with a small closet on the side. Whether it was simple, Mari still thanked Coulson and left her in her room alone with Tikki. Their conversation starts about the Tesseract until it leads off to Marinette learning and practicing her powers once again. Then it's suddenly leads back to Adrien and Chat Noir, who unknown to her, was currently fighting off an akuma alone back at Paris. 

        She'd be lying if she said she's not flooding herself with worry. It's been one year when she left and Ladybug disappeared. According to Tikki, she still haven't feel the presence of other Kwamis except for Chat Noir's kwami who's still in tact and sometimes do faint communications with Tikki.

        Marinette couldn't blame Master Fu for not giving the other Miraculous to either Alya or Nino because she's the one who gave them their Miraculouses in exchange of help. But Marinette had hope that Wayzz would still remember or recognize Nino in a way, if ever Chat needs help, Carapace would be there. At least somehow, she knows Chat would be still safe.

        "Worrying about Chat Noir again?" Tikki's voice lingered through the quiet room. Marinette's head perked up in surprise before calming down.

        Marinette shrugged wearily. "I can't help it. It been one year and you did said that until now you still haven't felt any presence of other kwami. And I'm here at New York and if I'm here at New York that means Chat's been fighting off akumas on his own without Ladybug and will probably be dealing with the press about my disappearance." She sigh as she sat up from laying in her bed and leaned against the head board.

        "That is true. I was expecting Master Fu would at least give one Miraculous to help him." Tikki chirped with her invisible eyebrow furrowing down in thought.

        "Me too." Marinette nodded her head. "It would at least put me at ease."

        Tikki flew towards Marinette and landed on her holder's shoulder. "Don't worry, Marinette. I'm sure Master Fu will do something about it."

        "I hope he will." Marinette gave a small sad smile.

        After a few short conversation, someone from outside knocked on the metal before it suddenly slid open revealing Natasha with a serious look plastered all over her features. Tikki stared at the agent while Marinette raised an eyebrow as she threw over the blanket that covered half her body and slowly stood up from her bed while Natasha enter her room. Her eyes trailed off towards Tikki in shock and surprise before calming down and stared back at Marinette who gave her a confused look.

        Natasha cleared her throat. "Suit up. They found Loki." She stated which made Marinette and Tikki looking at each other.


        "Stuttgart, Germany. 28 Konigstrasse." The agent replied plainly to which Marinette and Tikki nodded their heads. "He's not exactly hiding."

        "Alright. Give me a minute." Marinette nodded her head at Natasha who did the same as a respond.

        "Meet me with Steve at the hangar. A Quinjet will be waiting for you." With that said, Natasha left Marinette in her room as the door closed. Marinette and Tikki gave each other a knowingly look before Marinette smirked.

        "Just say the words, Marinette." Tikki giggled to which Marinette smiled.

        "Tikki, Spots on! Ha!"

• • •

        They arrive at Stuttgart museum in Germany using the Quinjet with just a minute to spare and just in time too. Ladybug stood on the roof the museum, out of everyone's sight and stated out the view in front of her only to see people below kneeling down in front of a man wearing different clothes including an armor made out of gold and forest green cape hung around his shoulder. And for the final touches, the man wore a horned helmet above his head and completed it with a golden scepter with the Tesseract inside.

        She and Natasha-- who's been driving the Quinjet with a male pilot and is hiding near Ladybug's station gave each other a look through the window when they around and noticed three other duplicate of the man that stood in front.

        That must be Loki. Ladybug thought with furrowed eyebrows.

        Steve, now wearing his revised version of his Captain America suit and his old but still shiny shield, stood at a random building near the museum, waiting for his cue to jump in. Ladybug gasped when an old man stood up from the crowd of people whom continued to kneel. She couldn't quite hear what they said until Loki points out his staff at the man who remain standing but clearly fearing for his death. The scepter starts to glow bright blue. This alarmed Ladybug when Loki shoots out the energy beam only for a blur of red and blue to appear and shield the man.

        She sigh in relief to see Steve already there. He arrived just in time and blocks the attack with his shield, protecting the man and sending Loki knocked down on the ground. Ladybug smiled victoriously at Loki even though the man couldn't see it.

        "Ladybug, that's your cue." Natasha said through the earpiece to which Ladybug nodded in response. She jumped and safely landed on ground before hiding herself behind the pillars near the entrance of the museum.

        "You know," Steve started as he slowly walks near Loki but still remain with a great distance. "The last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing."

        "The soldier." Loki sneered as he stand up and chuckled deeply. "A man out of time."

        "I'm not the one who's out of time." Steve quipped. From above him, the Quinjet appeared then a set of machine guns starts to point at Loki.

        Like a greased lightning, Loki sends a blast of blue at the Quinjet only for Natasha to maneuver just in time to avoid the blast. Steve took the chance to throw his shield at Loki who was distracted for a while. He ran towards Loki after his shield returns to him and gave the Loki a punch to which surprised him before he points his scepter at Steve who blocked it by using his shield. Loki flings him again and this time, Steve didn't have a time to block it which sends him to flying and roll on the ground.

        Steve glared at Loki before throwing his shield once again only for Loki to swat it away as if it was nothing. Steve stood up and gave Loki a hand-to-hand combat using all the moves he knows in boxing. Unfortunately for Steve, he gets knocked down by Loki who stood over him and points the tip of the scepter on his helmet.

        "Kneel!" Loki said, seemingly out of breath.

        "I don't think so!" A feminine voice said. Not a second, a string of an unbreakable yo-yo wrapped itself around Loki's waist which sends him flying and lands heavily on the ground.

        Once Loki regained his composure, he looked up and saw Marinette wearing a red and black spotted skin tight spandex suit. No doubt, it's Ladybug. A yo-yo in hand as her weapon and a smirk plastered all over her face.

        "Ladybug." Loki sneered.

        "The one and only." Ladybug smirked. Loki stand up before pointing his scepter at her and release a blast. Ladybug didn't have time to escape and so, she was left with no choice but to use her new powers.

        "Ladybug!" Steve shouted, but he was left dumbfounded when Loki's blast turns into bubbles before it could reach Ladybug.

        "You may have the Tesseract but I can control the Reality stone." Ladybug shouted with her eyebrows furrowing with determination.

        "Impossible!" While Loki was left staring, Steve use this opportunity and sends a kick towards Loki.

        This brought him back to reality and uses his scepter against Steve only to fail when Ladybug stood in front and uses her yo-yo to deflect the attack, much to both gentlemen's disbelief. Well, Ladybug couldn't really blame them, they didn't know until now that a yo-yo could be used as a weapon.

        Steve attacks Loki once again only to be flipped away like a rag doll. Luckily, Ladybug was always alert and use her powers to create a cushion to soften Steve's landing much to the super soldier's relief. Loki grunted.

        "The guy's all over the place." Natasha said through Ladybug and Steve's earpiece.

        Ladybug looked around only to see the female agent was right. She tried to help them ran way from Loki and Steve while they fight but the people are too many to handle and Steve was about to be defeated by Loki if she hadn't appear just in time.

        "Agent Romanoff, did you miss me?" A voice said through the earpiece and Natasha's headset and was followed by a loud music that overdrive the Quinjet's speakers.

        Ladybug, Steve and Loki looks up at the dark night sky just in time go see Tony Stark inside the Iron Man suit flying towards them and gave Loki a blast right back on the ground. Iron Man touches down. He stands up and pulls out every piece of weaponry the suit has.

        "Make your move, Reindeer Games." Iron Man said. Loki looks up at him warily before put his hands up in surrender. His armor then starts to materialize away. "Good move."

        Both Ladybug and Steve approach Iron Man as Ladybug gave Steve his shield. "Mr. Stark." Both greeted.

        "Captain. Ladybug."

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