Chapter 9 | Thor

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-Third Person-

       After taking Loki to the Quinjet with Iron Man-- or pretty known as Tony Stark, joining with Natasha, Marinette who's now de-transformed with Tikki hovering beside her with glaring at Loki, and Steve who stood beside Tony. . . Both watching straight at Loki as if he would something in a minute. Everyone was quiet. Not a single one was talking.

        Loki on the other, set his gaze at Tikki who's eating cookies while glaring back at him, resulting in a deadly staring contest. No doubt that he knows the Kwami of Creation. He was safely tucked on a chair with red and black spots colored handcuffs on his wrist. Marinette used her Lucky Charm on him to ensure his escape. After all, Tikki did say that the power of the Miraculous is stronger than any other since it's magical and magic can do anything. Unlike People with superpowers who have limited ability.


        A clasp of loud thunder made Marinette jump a bit in surprise after letting herself drown in deep thought. Tony and Steve, on the other hand seem to ignore it as if it was a small sound of a ringing bell. Natasha who sat in front of the Quinjet, piloting their ride, stared at the window and watches the night sky warily.


        Another thunder appear from the sky, coming out of nowhere. Marinette stare at the window warily with furrowed eyebrows. Loki stared at the thunder cautiously, not really fond of it. Meanwhile, Fury called Natasha through her headset.

        "Said anything?" Fury asked.

        "Not a word." She said with a firm line.

        Fury sigh. "Just get him here. We're low on time." After that, Natasha disconnect the call.

        "I don't like it." Steve suddenly said after breaking eye contact with Loki and gave Tony a look. Marinette and Tikki gave each other a look before nodding their heads in agreement.

        "What?" Tony asked, raising an eyebrow in amusement. "Rock of Ages giving up so easily?"

        "I don't remember it being ever that easy." Steve immediately replied, averting his gaze at Loki before turning back. "This guy packs a wallop."

        "Steve has a point." Marinette interject with a nod. "A guy like him wouldn't just give himself up. It's like he's planning something and we're putting ourselves in a trap." She glared at Loki who gave her an amuse look.

        I like this girl. Loki thought, amused with a sly smirk. She's smart.

        "You may be right." Tony clicked his tongue as he nods his head at Marinette. "Still, you are pretty spry, for an older fellow." Tony scoff, turning to face Steve. "What's your thing? Pilates?"

        Steve gave a perplexed look. "What?"

        Marinette narrowed her eyes at Tony while crossing her arms. Something about his attitude made Marinette's blood boil in annoyance. She can see his huge ego a mile away which made her groan in annoyance. Tony's much worse than Chat Noir, that's for sure.

        "It's like calisthenics. You might have missed a couple things, you know, doing time as a Capsicle." Tony stated which made Marinette roll her eyes with a scoff. She didn't clearly expect Tony Stark to be this egoistic.

        Steve glared at Tony, finally meeting his ego match. "Fury didn't tell me he was calling you in."

        "Yeah, there's a lot of things Fury doesn't tell you." Tony immediately replied.

        "And he does to you?" Marinette muttered with an eye roll as she took a seat just near Loki but with still great distance. Fortunately, Tony didn't heard her.

        "All along, you had the Kwami of Creation in your hands." It sounded like a statement than a question when Loki gave Marinette a quick glance.

        Before Marinette could reply, Tikki hovered in front of Loki. "I was hiding away from people like you." The words were blurted out rather sharply than what Marinette would've thought.

        Loki shook his head in amusement with a smirk on his face. "Tikki. Or should I say Goddess Crescere."

        Tikki's face burned in annoyance. "It's Tikki. We're on Earth." She huffed.

        "Of course." Loki laughed, almost sounding like he's mocking the Goddess Kwami.

        But Tikki was having none of that. "Where did you find the Tesseract?" She asked in the most possible angry way.

        Loki chuckled deeply. "You think I found it?" Tikki and Marinette just glared at him. "No, it was given to me."

        "Who?" But Loki only gave them an amuse look. Tikki then starts to fume.

        "Tell me now or else you'll feel the wrath of a goddess!"

        "Calm down, Tikki." Marinette scoop Tikki in her hands and took her away from Loki who didn't even flinch at Tikki.

        A bolt of lightning and thunder went straight from the dark clouds and almost hitting the Quinjet which causes it to shake violently. Marinette gave a surprise yelp at this, making her grabbing a seatbelt and wrapped it around her. Steve and Tony on the other hand, almost lose their balance if not about being alert and immediately stood back on their ground. Loki, who sat still glance at the lightning in almost uncomfortable way.

        "Where's this coming from?" Natasha glared at the clouds through the window. Thunder and lightning continues to rumble while Steve caught Loki staring at the window in front intently.

        "What's the matter? Scared now of a little lightning?" Steve teased which made Loki look at him in disbelief.

        "I'm not overly fond of what follows." Loki stated which made Tony and Steve looking perplexed while Tikki's eyes widened in realization.

        "Oh, no!"

        As if on cue, another lightning almost hit the Quinjet but Natasha immediately maneuvered away to avoid being hit. Just then, something-- or more like someone jumped on top of the Quinjet which made Tony and Steve almost losing their balance as the ship shook more violently before looking above with wary look before gazing back at Loki.

        Marinette immediately stood up while Steve was quick to put on his helmet and grab his shield and Tony grab his Iron Man helmet on the side table before putting it on once again, preparing for what may follows.

        "What are you doing?" Steve shouted when Tony opened the ramp which results to a man wearing what looked like a silver amor and a red cape. He has this wild fiery blonde hair and holds a hammer on his hand.

        Tony was about to attack when the man use his hammer and punch Tony's chest which made him fly while Marinette stood, almost dumbstruck. The man swiftly grab Loki by the throat and flew away with him.

        By then, Tikki starts to panic. "Marinette! Transform now!" She shouted.

        Marinette was immediately brought back to reality by her kwami's voice. "Okay. Tikki, spots on!"

        Bright pink light surrounds the Quinjet as Marinette's transformation sequence starts. When it finished, Ladybug now stood where Marinette was before. Natasha, Tony and Steve was left gawking at the magical transformation before Loki being suddenly kidnapped entered their minds.

        "Now there's that guy!" Tony stated as he stood up.

        Natasha glance back from her position in front as she controls the Quinjet. "Another Asgardian?" She exclaimed.

        "You think it's friendly?" Steve asked, seemingly out of breath as he stood up from picking his shield.

        "Hardly." Ladybug replied. "If he frees Loki it's either he's an ally or he kills him. The Tesseract will be lost. We still need it."

        Tony nods his head. "Let's go." He turns and gets ready to jumped off the jet to chase after the man.

        "Stark! We need a plan of attack!" Steve shouted in attempt to stop Tony doing senseless things.

        Tony glance back at Steve and Ladybug. "I have a plan. Attack!" He jumped off the jet and chase after the man who kidnapped Loki. Ladybug rolled her eyes.

        Steve immediately grabs a parachute to follow. "I'd sit this one out, Cap." Natasha said giving Steve a side glance.

        "I don't think I can." Steve retorted.

        "I'd like to follow but my suit doesn't have wings." Ladybug chimed in with a frown. Just then a faint voice whispered in her ears which made her confuse.

        Just then, as if on instinct, Ladybug grab her yo-yo that hung around her waist and sliced it on the center. Her yo-yo turned half as the other half of her yo-yo emits a bright light which made Marinette cover her eyes. A few seconds later, a bright blue and pink pair of wings appear. Her eyes widened in shock and surprise. It was attached to the half of her yo-yo and as if on instinct once again, she put the yo-yo on her back. The wings flutter a bit which made Marinette fly a few inches from the air.

        "Well now you have wings." Steve smiled as he secured the belts that attaches to the parachute he wears.

        "These guys come from legends," Natasha chimed in, referring to Steve's earlier retort. "They're basically gods."

        "Yeah, and Tikki is basically a goddess herself." Ladybug scoff with an eye roll. She looked down and saw her yo-yo-- now surprisingly whole, wrapped around her waist. Her eyes widened in shock.

        "There's only one God, ma'am." Steve replied, as he secured another patch of belt around his torso. "And I'm pretty sure He doesn't dress like that."

        Once ready, Steve gave Ladybug a nod. "Let's go."

• • •

         Everyone had gathered into the briefing room, including Thor himself who stood far from the others. Steve who sat on the far side of the table with Marinette as Ladybug nearby since she haven't use Lucky Charm, watched the monitor being played with Loki inside his 'prison' through the glass table until it turned off. Thor, who didn't even look, just listen and stands there, torn apart.

        They all just sit there in stunned silent. The fight that occurred earlier ago still replayed in their mind except for Ladybug who sat there while playing with her yo-yo's newest ability to turn into a staff and give her wings. Finally--

        "He really grows on you, doesn't he?" Banner, who stood behind Ladybug, asked.

        "Loki's gonna drag this out." Steve said as he gave Thor a look. "So, Thor, what's his play?"

        "He has an army called the Chitauri. They're not of Asgard or any world known." He stated with his deep voice before facing everyone, while they listened carefully, including Maria who stood behind Thor. "He means to lead them against your people. They will win him the Earth. In return, I suspect, for the Tesseract."

        "Which he will not get." Ladybug immediately chimed in with a glare. "The Tesseract isn't supposed to be a weapon."

        Thor nodded his head towards her in agreement.

        "An army? From outer space?" Steve asked seriously with slight alarm.

        "So he's building another portal." Banner concluded. "That's what he needs Erik Selvig for."

        "Erik Selvig? Who's he?" Ladybug asked, perplexed.

        "He's an astrophysicist." Banner replied.

        "He's a friend." Thor insisted. Selvig, working for Loki seems out of character to him.

        "He has him under some kind of spell, along with one of ours." Natasha informed, avoiding a look from Thor.

        "I wanna know why Loki let us take him. He's not leading an army from here." Steve chimed in, giving Natasha and Ladybug a quick glance.

        "I don't think we should be focusing on Loki." Banner advised. "That guy's brain is a bag full of cats, you could smell crazy on him."

        "Have care how you speak. Loki is beyond reason," Thor glared at Banner before it softened. "But he is of Asgard, and he's my brother."

        "He killed eighty people in two days." Ladybug stated, remembering the information from Natasha earlier.

        "He's adopted."

        "Well, that explains almost everything." Ladybug grumbled with a sigh.

        "I think it's about the mechanic." Banner chimed in. "Iridium, what did they need the iridium for?"

        "It's a stabilizing agent." A voice said. Everyone turn towards the door to see Tony Stark and Agent Coulson entering the briefing room.

        "And he's back." Ladybug mumbled while Natasha, Banner and Steve gave her a look of amusement.

        "I'll fly you there. Keep the love alive." Tony whispers to Coulson, who nodded his head before Tony turn his attention back at the others. "Means the portal won't collapse on itself. Like it did on SHIELD." He explained, referring to the Iridium.

        Tony match his way in front as he gave Thor a light pat on his bicep. "No hard feelings, point break. You had a mean swing." He stood at the center of the control panel before facing everyone. "Also, it means the portal can open as wide, and stays open as long, as Loki wants."

        Maria rolled her eyes when Tony steps into the control panel where Fury always stands.

        "Uh, raise the mid-mast, ship the top sails." Every agents stopped and gave Tony a look. "That man is playing galaga!" Tony shouts while pointing his finger towards an agent who played galaga.

        "Thought we wouldn't notice. But we did." Tony muttered as he covers his eye for no reason. Ladybug raised an eyebrow in confusion.

        "Why is he talking nonsense now?" Ladybug asked. Steve shrugged his shoulders.

        "How does Fury do this?" Tony asked while looking around the control panel.

        "He turns." Maria replied, arms crossed.

        "Well, that sounds exhausting. The rest of the raw material, Agent Barton can get his hands on pretty easily. Only major components he still needs is a power source. A high energy density, something to kick start the cube." Tony continues to look around the monitor before putting a button-sized hacking implant under Fury's desk without anyone noticing it.

        "When did you became an expert in thermonuclear astrophysics?" Maria asked.

        "Last night." Tony replied which made Maria give him a narrow look. "The pocket, Selvig's notes, the Extraction Theory papers, am I the only one who did the reading?" He asked.

        "Does Loki need any particular kind of power source?" Steve chimed in.

        "Well, he's got to heat the cube to a hundred and twenty million Kelvin just to break through the Coulomb barrier. But that's still not enough. The Blue Kwami created the Tesseract to be powerful and unbreakable to prevent everyone from finding out what's the original source inside that cube. At least that's what Tikki said." Ladybug replied, giving Steve, Banner and Tony a look.

        Meanwhile, Thor's head perked up towards Ladybug when she mentioned the word kwami. Tony on the other hand, gave Ladybug a look.

        "You know something." Tony accused. "And what is this about Kwamis?"

        "A Kwami is either a god or goddess and is formed as tiny creatures. Just like what you saw at Quinjet." Ladybug explained to which Tony reacted by giving her a look of surprise.

        "Oh, that was a Kwami." Tony hummed in realization. "Thought it was just a random flying rat-bug." Both Ladybug and Thor took that as an offense.

        "Have care of who you speak of. A Kwami has a higher position than you to call such name." Thor seethed with a hard glare towards Tony who raised his hands in mock surrender while Ladybug stare at the Asgardian in surprise.

        "You know what Kwamis are." It was rather sounded like a statement than a question when Ladybug said it.

        "Haven't seen any but they hold such history on Asgard." Thor replied.

        "Wait, back to what you said." Banner chimed in. "You said that a Blue Kawai-- Kuwa-- Kwami created the Tesseract to be powerful and unbreakable to prevent someone from seeing what's inside, why? There's something inside the cube, isn't it? That's why Loki is using it to open a portal from space."

        Ladybug sigh. "I'm not in the place to say it, but yes. And only Tikki knows it." But then she turned her attention at Thor. "Unless, Thor also knows it through their history."

        Thor shrugged his shoulders. "But I was said that if there is something inside, it is to be kept hidden. No one must know. Even I didn't know, but I respect Tikki's decision." Ladybug stated with a small white lie to which Thor caught.

        He promised to talk to this girl and if possible that the Kwami she's speaking of is with her, he would like to have a word with her.

        "But, Marinette-- Ladybug, whatever is right about the cube. Unless, Selvig has figured out how to stabilize the quantum tunneling effect." Tony chimed in as Ladybug glared at him.

        "Well, if he could do that he could achieve Heavy Ion Fusion at any reactor in the planet." Banner concluded, shrugging his shoulders.

        "Finally, someone who speaks English." Tony exclaimed before marching in front of Banner.

        Ladybug rolled her eyes with an amuse smile.

        "Is that what just happened?" Steve asked. Tony gave Banner a hand shake. A glimmer in their eyes shines as the mutual respect for each other shows.

        "It's nice to meet you, Dr. Banner." Tony said. "Your work on anti-electron collisions is unparalleled. And I'm a huge fan of how you lose control and turn into an enormous green rage monster."

        Banner looks down in shame and embarrassment while Ladybug stared at Tony and Banner in confusion before turning her gaze at Natasha, who shook her head and shrugged.

        "Thanks." Banner replied meekly.

        Just then, Nick Fury suddenly walks in. "Dr. Banner is only here to track he cube." He insisted before looking at Tony. "I was hoping you might join him."

        "Let's start with that stick of his." Steve chimed in. "It may be magical, but it works an awful a lot like a HYDRA weapon."

        "HYDRA?" Ladybug asked, whispering at Natasha.

        "An organization that fought against SHIELD." Natasha briefly replied to which Ladybug nodded in understanding.

        "I don't know about that, but it is powered by the cube." Nick stated firmly. "And I'd like to know how Loki used it to turn two of the sharpest men I know into his personal flying monkey."

        "Monkey?" Thor asked, confused. "I do not understand."

        "I do!" Steve exclaimed, proud of himself. "I understand that reference." Tony rolled his eyes.

        "Shall we play, doctor?"

        "Let's play some." Banner nodded his head and led Tony back to the lab while the others disperse and return back to work.

        "And I believe, we have something to talk about." Ladybug stood up and turn her gaze at Thor.

        "Spots off."

        Pink bright light appeared from her feet until it reaches her head. Tikki soon appeared floating in the air before landing softly in the table. Thor watched with mouth slight agape upon seeing the most fore-told Goddess of the universe being feed off with cookies.

        "Let's talk somewhere private."

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