act of kindness

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Requested by cari_the_queen

I am so so sorry for the long wait. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing it!


Outlaw, Adrien Agreste, decides to live out his life under the mysterious pen name 'Chat Noir' to conceal his identity. However, letting his guard down for merely a second can attract unwanted attention and when he finds himself trapped in a sticky situation, he believes he'll be hauled off to jail for good.... until a simple townswoman decides to help him escape. He is immediately drawn to her kindness—an act of gratitude many people have never shown him. Grateful for her help, he decides he ought to repay her.

Not with a thank you, oh no. Of course not.

No, he simply kidnaps her instead.


There were times when Chat Noir wished he was not-so different. Where he could roam the streets of city freely and be looked upon as an average citizen, or someone whom the people of his world could admire. There were times when Chat Noir despised who he had become and longed to change what other people saw him as, and there were other times when he would enjoy the terror and mystery he brought upon the people of the city. Other times, he envied what others had— like a family that he could call his own, a significant other to love and to hold, or even the wealth that some people possessed.

And then there were times like these, when he really, really wished he could turn back time and redo everything he's ever done.

He was surrounded by the townspeople before he could even anticipate the attack. He couldn't blame them however—he was known for his criminal record, after all. Because of his many countless crimes, Chat Noir had a bounty placed on his head many years ago. Dead or alive the sheriffs had told the people. It didn't matter, because they planned to kill him the moment they caught him. Adrien, however, had always been cautious whenever he planned to venture out into the city of Paris, mindful that the people there were far from his friends. He had always stuck to the outskirts of the city. But sometimes, he liked to see what he was missing out on.

Adrien was always vigilant whenever he interreacted with anyone—he always kept his head held high in case a threat was to come his way. And he always, always made sure to never let his guard down.

Except in this one, particular instance.

Adrien allowed his concentration to slip the moment he snuck into town one evening and spotted the annual festival parade in the square. Because he was basically an outcast, Adrien never really got to enjoy the festivities of the Parisian people. He sometimes found himself longing to participate in their traditions. Every year, he would come into town to specifically watch the parade, and he often liked to remain in the shadows while he watched the floats pass through the streets.

When he had finished his run for supplies and food around the marketplace, he decided to sit back in the concealed darkness and simply enjoy the passing parade.

But his plans were foiled the moment a townsperson noticed him. And it didn't take long for him to alert his friends.

Before Chat Noir knew it, he was being chased down the alleyway he'd been hiding in and out into the crowded streets of Paris. He and I other choice but to run out into the open and into the parade itself. All the floats halted as everyone watched him pass, many abandoning their festivities to chase after him. Word of his presence spread faster than the blink of an eye, because soon, he was being hunted hundreds of townspeople who were desperate for his head and the ransom that sat above it. Chat Noir bounded through the streets as fast as he could, looking for anything that could give him the advantage once again. He took one giant leap of faith and prayed that cats truly had nine lives as he leaped into an open street of moving automobiles.

Because of his speed and stealth, Adrien had convinced himself that he'd lost them through the moving traffic. But his arrogance led him to cockiness, and because of this, Adrien had been completely unaware of the anticipated attempt to capture him when it'd been too late.

Now, there he stood, crouched on all fours in the corner of an alleyway as ten hefty men surrounded him him with pitchforks held in their grasps. All possible escape ways were blocked. Chat Noir had been completely fooled into their trap, and with no visible escape, he would now pay the price for letting his guard down.

But before the pitchforks could reach his head, the sound of gun shot shook the air. The men turned to look behind them, and Chat Noir looked over their shoulders just in time to see a woman at the entrance of the alleyway. In her hands, she held a rifle. Her expression was clouded and unreadable, but her brows were furrowed and her eyes were narrowed. She said nothing as she began to make her way down the alleyway, and neither of them the men tried to stop her as she neared them.

Chat Noir could do nothing but watch in awe as she finally reached them, and the men parted to let her through. As she drew nearer to him, he found himself crouching on all fours again in a defensive manner, unsure of what she was about to do to him.

But when she did reach him, she simply kneeled in front of him and smiled somewhat sadly. Adrien wasn't sure what her sorrow could have been about, but he didn't dare ask about it. Instead, he lowered his head. If he was to be killed here and now today, he figured it would be better to die at the hands of such a beautiful maiden.

But the woman didn't strike him like he anticipated. Instead, he felt her fingers run through his hair.

Adrien eyes widened and he flinched, but he didn't dare lift his head. He couldn't even remember the last time he'd ever felt physical contact from another person before. He'd been living alone and in isolation for so long, that her touch made him feel warm and accepted and... normal. He didn't even know who this woman was, and yet, he found himself leaning into her touch—into her warmth—seeking for more. He even let out an involuntary purr when she began to scratch her fingernails against his scalp delicately.

Usually, something like that would have embarrassed him. But he was too far off in heaven right now to really care.

"What are you doing?" One of the men from behind grumbled. "Do you not realize what kind of a man he is?"

The women didn't remove her hand from his head as she turned to look over her shoulder. "Oh, I know what kind of a man he is. But I also know what kind of men you all are. You aren't any better than him when it comes to your deeds."

"What are you trying saying woman?" Another one of the men growled.

This time, the woman removed her hand from his head and stood to her feet, which allowed him to finally lift his head to look at her. But her back was already faced towards him, and Adrien couldn't help the whine that escaped his lips the moment the contact between them was lost. He felt almost pathetic for wanting her so close to him again. He felt naïve. The woman, on the other hand, turned to look back at him for only a second when she heard his whine, and she smiled—a genuine heart filled smile. "I'm saying you have no right to condemn him." She said to the men as she turned back to look at them all. "Leave him be, will you? He hasn't done anything to you."

"But he has to this city!" Another man stepped forward, and Chat Noir watched from the corner of his eye as the woman tightened her hold on the rifle in her arms. "He is a criminal who has stolen from us too many times to count! And he has killed more than anyone we have ever seen! He deserves to be hanged for his crimes!"

Chat Noir's ears fell to that. Yes, he had killed many—some who deserved the penalty of death, and some who were innocent. He wasn't proud of all the blood he had on his hands. But the only reason he had killed was because they killed first. They killed his family. All he did was return the favor.

The woman shrugged, as if the man's words meant nothing to her. Instead she cocked her gun. "I tried to be polite, but I suppose that way won't work. Now I'm not asking you. I'm telling you. Leave him be."

At the reminder of the rifle that was clearly in her grasp, all the men stepped backwards in fear... except for one. He was wearing an amused expression and a sinister grin on his lips. "Or what?" He challenged. "You'll shoot me?"

Well, Chat Noir thought as the woman lifted the gun to aim at the man's leg, That can be arranged apparently.

"Unless you would like your leg to be blown clean off, I suggest you take my word and leave him be." She said.

This time the man didn't argue and simply stepped back with the rest, lifting his hands above his head in a sense of surrender. But the woman didn't dare lower her gun until the men disappeared around the corner of the alleyway. Once they were gone, she lowered her gun and turned to him again, offering him a gentle smile. "You are free to go now. Hurry quickly before they decide to come back."

But Chat Noir was too stricken with awe to move. Instead he remained crouched on all fours, eyeing her warily. No one had ever treated him like this. Ever.

The woman seemed to notice his hesitance and crouched down in front of him again. When she offered her hand to his head once again, he happily nuzzled himself against her palm. The woman let out an airy laugh as she watched him. "Don't worry. I don't plan to get you caught by the police. What good with that do? I came here to help you. My name is Marinette."

He found himself drawing closer to her the more he felt her warmth. For the first time that night, he looked up into her eyes—her eyes that were the prettiest shade of blue he had ever seen. And her name. Her name was just as beautiful. He also noticed her hair, which was black and loose at her shoulders. And the freckles that danced along the bridge of her nose. And her hands. God her hands....

"Y-Your eyes," he stuttered out when he realized he'd been staring at them for quite some time. "they're so beautiful."

The woman—Marinette was her name?—blinked a few times before she let out an airy laugh. But he also could of sworn he saw her cheeks dust in a shade of pink. "Why thank you."

"What can I ever do to repay you?"

Marinette simply shook her head to that and smiled. "Nothing of course. This was simply just my daily act of kindness."

Kindness. He thought as he stared into her eyes. No one had ever shown him that before. He could thank her a million times over and it still wouldn't compare to the kindness she had shown him.

Adrien wasn't sure what was running through his mind when he finally decided to stand to his feet and offer her his gloved hand. She took it though, without a single hint of hesitance, and he pulled her up to her feet with ease. But... Adrien refused to let her go.

He wanted to see this woman again.

He wanted to get to know this Marinette.

He wanted her in his life.

Ever since he had lost his family, he had wanted nothing but to be alone. But now, he felt completely conflicted. He wanted nothing more than to ask her if she would come with him.

Instead, he asked her. "Will you let me repay you?"

This time, he noticed the small frown that etched her lips and the hesitance that clouded her expression. When he noticed this, he let go of her hand and averted his eyes. What he saw this time in her expression had been a hint of fear—fear of him—and he couldn't entirely blame her. He had taken innocent lives after all.

She shook her head. "I don't think that will be necessary."

He didn't really believe it to be necessary either. But this was the first time in his lifetime that he was having trouble walking away from something... or rather, someone. He wanted to repay her. Hell, he wanted to show her the same kindness she had shown him.

If he could figure out how to do that, that is.

But... if she wouldn't let him repay her, perhaps he would have to take matters into his own hands.

In one swift motion, Chat Noir swooped Marinette from under her feet and into his arms, holding her in a bridal style position. The rifle that had been tucked underneath her arm at the time clattered to the stone floor, and she clung to his arm, despite the evident fear that clouded her expression the moment she realized what he was doing.

She even tried to escape his grip by trying to wriggle free, but he was too strong for that. "What are you doing?! Put me down!"

He chuckled, and in one swift motion, he leaped up from the dark alleyway and into the air. Marinette screamed and tucked her head into his chest, and Adrien couldn't help but smile at the sight.

When he landed on a nearby roof, he could see the ongoing parade and the floats that had continued to move down the streets now that he was nowhere to be found. However, the parade was no longer something he longed to participate in. He had something else to look forward to now.

He had Marinette, after all... even if he had taken her. That seemed better than a silly parade.

"I'm simply repaying your kindness." He told her with a wide grin as he looked down at the shaking figure in his arms.

Marinette's head shot out from his chest to shoot him a hard glare. "Kidnapping someone is far from kind!"

He couldn't help but laugh, even though Marinette looked far from amused. She tucked her head back into his chest and screamed, the moment he leaped into the air again from one roof to another.

Sure, kidnapping someone wasn't exactly kind.

But no one ever knew Chat Noir to be someone who was kind.


This was actually really fun to write. I can just picture the horrified look on Marinette's face as Chat Noir carries her away against her will. Honestly, if someone made fan-art for this I would die from happiness lol.


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