dance with me pt1 🔞

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So this adrienette au has been on my mind for a while now. And I decided to make it a two-shot! I hope you enjoy it.

* 🔞 + for language, kissing, sexual implications. *

Read at your own risk.


Nino persuades his best friend to attend their senior prom, even though Adrien really doesn't want to go. The music is too loud, the food is disgusting... and the girl he wanted to go with already has a date.


From afar, Adrien could easily keep his eye focused on Marinette as she swayed happily in rhythm to the song being played. In the middle of the dance floor is where she was, latched onto her partner. He was smiling wildly and she was laughing angelically as they swayed back and forth with each other.

The "He" that Marinette was currently dancing with was none other than Nathaniel Kurtzberg—a ginger hot-headed quarterback on the high-school football team who was showered with whatever he desired. Nathaniel got everything he wanted—whether it was money or women or even popularity, his incredible reputation and looks never failed him. He had it all. And from every girl's perspective on their campus, that was a status Adrien Agreste could never live up to.

Adrien looked down into his clear cup of pinkish colored punch—a beverage he was too afraid to even try considering Chloé had made it... and she couldn't even cook. He let his fingers sway the liquid back and forth inside his cup. He tried to steer himself to think more positively, because he was at his senior prom and he was supposed to be having fun. 

But... it seemed that his personal feelings were restricting him from doing just that. Adrien's shoulders fell and he slouched forward, a loud huff of breath leaving his lips. He couldn't have fun. He couldn't enjoy himself. He couldn't even fake a smile. Because deep down inside, none of that mattered if he was alone at this stupid dance.

And unfortunately, Marinette just so happened to be one of those things on his list that he could never have.

The blonde could only watch painfully as Marinette and her partner swayed across the dance floor, almost lost in their own little world. He watched as Nathaniel's hands lowered from Marinette's waist and into her hips, gripping tightly and pulling her body flush against his. Marinette didn't seem to mind the close proximity either, and she gladly wound her arms around his neck, as if encouraging him to continue. She played with the small strands of hair at the back of his neck as they continued to sway, and she giggled when Nathaniel pressed his lips to the tip of her nose with a single peck.

Adrien forced himself to look away in that moment and willed himself to focus all of his attention on the untouched punch in his hand. It was so so sickening to watch... especially when he wanted to be the one to hold Marinette like that.

"Fuck the status quo, dude. You should've just asked her to the dance." At the blonde's side, he felt someone nudge his arm and he turned his head, realizing it had been from none other than his best friend, Nino Lahiffe. Nino too stood by Adrien's side next to the table of finger foods and punch. He had been standing there ever since Adrien had rooted his feet there, unwilling to move. The DJ also couldn't seem to avert his disgusted gaze away from the idolized couple.

Adrien sighed heavily and shook his head, returning his saddened gaze to Marinette and Nathaniel. "Even if I had asked, everyone knows Marinette Dupain-Cheng has a thing for Nathaniel Kurtzberg. They're like one of those clique 'meant for each other' power couples."

"I doubt they're a couple." Nino scoffed and rolled his eyes, not once averting his gaze from the swaying duo. Instead, he took a sip of his punch, regretting it almost instantly when the liquid left a fowl taste in his mouth. Wrinkling his nose, he lowered the cup from his lips and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "Have you ever seen them kiss in public?"

Adrien glanced at his friend from the corner of his eye and shook his head. "Well... uh... not exactly."

"And... my point has been made." Nino turned to flash his best friend a wide smile, and Adrien couldn't help the chuckle that escaped his lips when his best friend chucked his cup of punch off somewhere behind him—which most likely ended up in the floor in a splattered mess. "If they were really a couple, don't you think we'd be catching them showing each other their undying love for one another?" He turned back around to look at the swaying couple he was clearly talking about, narrowing his eyes in their direction. "I bet their whole relationship is nothing but an act."

Adrien's gaze followed his friend's. "You think?"

"Oh, I know." Nino said with a smirk on his lips, and he tapped his forehead thoughtfully to imply how truly smart he is—which actually gave Adrien a reason to laugh. A genuine laugh. A small smile found its way to Adrien's lips, but it was short lived when his gaze found Marinette again. This time, a slower song had started playing and the sight of Marinette now resting her head against Nathaniel's chest was a sight he wished he could have erased from his mind. He frowned deeply at the sight. If only it could be him who she was embracing. But then again, he couldn't really blame her for being attracted to Nathaniel Kurtzberg. What wasn't there to like? Anyone who knew the couple personally could tell you that they were just two young teenagers deeply in love.

Adrien sighed. Ever since he first enrolled into their high-school, he had always remembered a Nathaniel and a Marinette—not as separate people, but as two individuals who were always together. If they hadn't been a couple from the beginning, Adrien would have never guessed it. Rumors of them as more than just friends were always talked about, even before they had announced that they were official.

Of course Adrien had always noticed the little things before they announced such news. Like how they flirted with each other whenever they had the opportunity, or when he could always catch them together. They spent ever spare minute they had in the hallways together between classes, sat with each other at lunch, skipped the same days of school, and even purposely made sure each partnered project they did together. Adrien would watch them in class as well, his glare sharp on the back of the Nathaniel's head whenever he watched him rest his hand on Marinette's thigh. He would watch them from the back of the cafeteria as Marinette would sit in his lap, weaving her fingers though his hair while they popped tater tots into each other's mouths.

Adrien wiggled his nose in disgust at the thought. He hated that he almost seemed like a stalker, watching their every move. But he liked Marinette. He really did. And the fact that she didn't see that bothered him more than he liked to admit. He knew that Marinette deserved better, and he knew that he would want to treat her right if she were his.

Adrien just wished sometimes that she would see that. He wished she would realize that she deserved someone so much better than Nathaniel Kurtzberg.

The rumors about their relationship only grew, especially after the couple revealed they were officially dating. Soon, the idea of Marinette and Nathaniel as friends with benefits really pissed him off. He didn't know if it was true or not, but from what Adrien had gathered over the years of attending such a dreaded high school, was that Nathaniel did not have the best reputation when it came to the opposite sex. Adrien wasn't surprised much there. He could only imagine how Nathaniel treated Marinette. He hoped and prayed that she was being treated like a queen. Not like an item, a prize, or even as an award.

Despite how many times Adrien's forced himself to look away, he found his gaze returning to the couple when another romantic song began to play. His frown deepened the moment he saw Nathaniel's hips rut against Marinette's front, and she happily accepted him, regardless of the environment. The sight made him feel more disappointed than angry.

Ever since he had first laid his eyes on Marinette, Adrien knew that she had been one of a kind. That he liked her—no... loved her; adored her; found her to be the most amazing girl he'd ever laid eyes on. But she only saw him as just an ordinary student attending their school, probably someone who she couldn't even put a name on. Yet, he saw her as his everything.

Adrien was snapped out of his deep thoughts and back into reality when he felt a tap to his shoulder. "Hey dude, um... I didn't want to make you feel like a third wheeler tonight, but... but Alya wants to dance, and I—"

"It's okay, Nino." Adrien turned to face his best friend and offered him a gentle smile, resting a hand on Nino's shoulder. Behind him, Adrien can make out Alya's shy silhouette though the colorful strobe lights, offering him a somewhat guilty smile. He returned the smile, glad-fully and completely genuine. He was grateful for Nino's reluctance to leave his side, but he also knew that Alya deserved to enjoy the night with her boyfriend. And he was not going to be the one to take that away from her. "Go. Have fun with your date. I'll be fine."

Nino, caught in between his willingness to join his girlfriend and his hesitance to leave his best friend alone, furrowed his brows unsurely. "Are you sure?" He asked.

Adrien nodded. "Don't worry about me."

It wasn't exactly an answer to his question. Adrien wanted nothing more than to not be left alone at the condiment table. But... he wasn't one to crush a friend's evening either.

Nino nodded, though Adrien could still sense his hesitance. His best friend brought him in for a hug, and the blonde happily complied. Once they separated, Nino smiled widely and excused himself from his friend's side to join his date at the center of the dance floor. With a sad smile on his lips, Adrien watched as Nino took her hand into his. He pulled her into the crowd just as Adrien caught the sympathetic smile Alya offered him. She disappeared into the crowd of students before he could even return the look with one of his own.

Adrien's frown returned in an instant. He hated that look.

He didn't want his friends to feel bad for his loneliness. It wasn't their fault that he had come to this dance alone. Adrien Agreste had chosen to come, despite the pain of seeing the girl he loved with another guy. The last dance of his school year was somewhat important, and although he was without a date, he was glad he could say he didn't miss it.

He watched as Nino and Alya began to sway with the melody of the song. It was a slow song—one Adrien knew for a fact that was for all the couples out there—and he could tell from a distance that Nino seemed hesitant on where to put his hands. Adrien snickered at this, watching as Alya noticed his tension and guided his hands to her waist. Adrien's smile widened when he noticed the relived smile that tugged at Nino's lips.

Those two truly were the perfect couple.

Reaching for the table behind him, Adrien served himself another plastic cup of Chloé's disgusting punch. He was actually surprised to find that he hadn't seen her all evening. But then again, did Chloé ever attend such low standard dances? Adrien snickered as he thought about all the ridiculous comments Chloé would have made the moment she stepped foot into the gym. At least she had left a piece of herself behind for him to distract himself with. Although her punch was nowhere near appetizing, it was something to distract him for the rest of the night. A new song began to play—and even the percussion of the upbeat music only made it easier for him to drift off into his own little world.

"Hey!" With a sudden harsh tap to his shoulder, Adrien's eyes widened and he jolted upright, almost spilling his new poured drink all over his brand new suit. "Agreste, is it?"

Adrien almost lashed out at the stranger. It wasn't that hard for someone to notice he'd had his eyes closed. Why would someone purposely approach someone like that? Adrien took in a deep breath tried to calm down his racing heart. He turned to face the unknown person, ready to tell them that he preferred to be left alone, only for his eyes to widen the moment they connected with a pair of blue-bell eyes he recognized all too well.

He almost choked on Chloé's disgusting punch.

"Marinette?" Adrien couldn't help but blink, widely staring her down. There was no way Marinette Dupain-Cheng was here in front of him now, willing to start up a conversation with him. He didn't even expect her to remember who he really was. "What are you—? I mean, yeah that's me. But what are you doing here?"

"I came to get some punch." Marinette replied casually, more engrossed in the bowl of punch that sat on the table behind him than she was in him. Adrien grimaced slightly. Of course, she wasn't here to start up a conversation with him. She was only here for the punch.

Chloé's awful punch.

When he didn't respond, she lifted an eyebrow at him. "You're kind of standing right in the way."

"Oh... right." Feeling defeated, Adrien stepped to the side, watching pitifully from the corner of his eye as she moved forward to retrieve a cup. "Don't let me stand in your way, I guess." He murmured, unsure of what he should say now that he had the opportunity to talk to her. "Although, I wouldn't drink that if I were you."

She turned to eye him skeptically. "Why not?"

"It's Chloé's punch." Adrien stated matter-of-factly, finding himself smiling softly despite his embarrassment, disappointment and sadness. "Everyone knows it's only here because her father funds the event. She's not exactly an expert when it comes to making anything good in the kitchen."

Marinette shrugged and poured herself a cup of punch nonetheless, but Adrien didn't miss the small smile that tugged at the corner of her lips as she did so. He feels pride swell in chest knowing that he had been the one to make her smile for once. She turned to face him again, the fond smile on her lips having yet to fade away. "Thanks for the tip." She giggled, lifting the cup to her lips and taking a long sip. He visibly cringed as she seemed to be unaffected by the dastardly taste. "But I like taking risks."

He wasn't sure why, but her choice of words somewhat unsettled him. She liked taking risks. Well, who didn't to an extent? That simple phrase could have so many different meanings. Adrien tried his best to recuperate the smile, despite the uncomfortableness he suddenly felt in front of her. But as he watched her sip more of her punch, he found himself even becoming incredibly nervous. What else was he supposed to say after a comment like that? He decided to let the silence between them stretch as he took another sip of the dreadful punch. He let his eyes wander into the cup, watching as the liquid flowed to his lips.

It was then when he was looking away did she speak again. "Are you alone?"

His eyes shot up over the cup to meet hers once again, and he found her intrigued stare studying him closely. Adrien is almost too appalled to respond. Why was Marinette still even here, talking to him? Nathaniel was most likely still waiting for her to return out on the dance floor.

He swallowed down the liquid uncomfortably, and lowered his drink. "Alone? Why would you think that? No, of course not."

But Marinette was not one to be easily fooled. Setting her plastic cup down on the table to her left, she placed her right hand to her hip and raised an unconvinced brow. "Adrien Agreste, why did you come to your senior prom without a date?"

It was meant to be asked in a joking manner—he could tell from the way her eyes sparkled in amusement and from the way her lips spread to offer him a soft smile—but Adrien only frowned at the question. First of all, he hadn't expected Marinette to know him by his full name, so the aftershock of his name rolling of her tongue was still sinking in. And secondly, the only reason he was alone was because the girl he wanted to ask was uninterested.

And now, she was standing right in front of him.

His face somewhat fell. "The girl I wanted to ask... well, she already has a date tonight."

"Oh..." Marinette's arms dropped to her sides, and the look she decided to offer him in return similar to the one Alya had given him earlier that evening. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to—"

"It's okay." He insisted, but when she sent him a look of uncertainty in response, he added lightheartedly, "Really, it's fine. She seems really happy with the guy she's with tonight, so that's all that matters to me."

And that was the honest truth. Marinette did seem happy with Nathaniel. She always seemed happy with him, and although Adrien wished circumstances were different, seeing her smile was something that could brighten his day.

"Wow," Marinette praised after a moment of silence, tucking a small piece of her hair behind her ear. He could have sworn he saw her blush, but maybe he was just seeing things. "That's really thoughtful of you to say."

Adrien couldn't help the nervous grin that spread across his lips. Was Marinette... praising him? He could barely contain his excitement. "Thanks."

They fell into another beat of awkward silence—the only thing filling the void between the two of them being the sound of the music blasting from the speakers. Until, Marinette decoded to ask him, "If you don't mind me asking, who was the girl you were planning on asking?"

He almost choked on his punch... again. Adrien wasn't sure which one would be the death of him: Marinette or Chloe's horrific drink.

"Um... ha... well, it-it-it doesn't matter." Adrien swallowed uncomfortably, trying to casually shake off the topic at hand, but Marinette didn't buy his lie for a second.

"Come on, Adrien. It's not like I'm going to tell anyone." She giggled, taking yet another sip of that tasteless punch. He narrowed his eyes as she did so, wishing she would simply drop the topic entirely and leave him alone.

"It's no one." He grumbled.

"Lies." She bit back amusingly.

Adrien furrowed his brows and shook his head, suddenly feeling very uncomfortable in front of his crush. Why did it matter to her anyway? It wasn't like the answer would matter to her anyway—she didn't even like him in that way. Hell, she hardly said more than one word to him whenever they passed each other though the halls, which was hardly ever. He tried to take a step back away from her, ready to abandon the spot he vowed to stay in for the rest of the evening. As much as he adored Marinette, he wanted nothing more than to get away from her in that moment.

But Marinette was quick to step forward to keep the closeness they had consistent. Adrien felt almost trapped beneath her curious gaze. He couldn't help but grimace.

"It doesn't matter." He said a bit more seriously, hoping that she would take the hint and leave him alone.

However, Marinette didn't seem to mind his hints of wanting to drop the topic. She frowned slightly when she noticed his changed facial expression and pressed forward nonetheless. "Seriously, Agreste, what's the big deal? I swear, I won't tell a—"

"Look, it doesn't matter, alright?" He bit back sharply, hating the way his voice sounded. His words felt harsh and chilling as they left his lips, and he bit back a curse the moment he realized how harsh he had sounded. Marinette seemed stunned by the interruption, her big, blue eyes blinking up at him in shock, and he almost forced himself to apologize to her. But then he remembered why she was even there in the first place—that the only reason she stood there with him was because of Chloe's stupid punch. Besides, she had a date waiting for her. Adrien set his cup down on the table in an abrupt manner and some of the liquid spilled out of the cup, but in that moment, he could have cared less. His frown deepened as he folded his arms across his chest defensibly. "It doesn't matter because... because the girl that I wanted to ask is in love with the guy she's here with tonight, and I didn't want to ruin that for her. That would've been selfish of me. And that's not who I am."

Marinette fell silent to this, and Adrien scoffed at himself. He sighed, defeated. "And even if she wasn't in a relationship, I wouldn't have been brave enough to ask her if she wanted to come with me to the dance. Either way, I would be sulking in my regret."

Marinette didn't say anything right away. Instead, she averted her eyes from his and set her cup down on the table as well. When she finally did decide to look at him again, there was a guilt look in her eye—and he didn't understand why that would be, until she softly replied, "You're talking about me, aren't you? I saw you watching me with your friend earlier during one of the slow dances."

Her words struck his heart harder than he would have liked to admit—and Adrien almost let her realize that. But instead, he chose to bottle up whatever he was feeling. He couldn't help but grimace at her. How could she? She had known? This entire time... she had known about his feelings for her and yet, continued to dance inappropriately with Nathaniel? And the fact that she knew he was watching made it all the more embarrassing. It was almost as if she'd been taunting him the entire time, her actions basically insinuating that he could never have her or the relationship that she had with Nathaniel.

He felt like such an idiot.

Did she only come over to talk to him and make him feel like a complete and utter embarrassment?

Adrien frowned and met her eyes again with a hard glare. "Like I said, it doesn't matter anymore."

Marinette finally met his gaze, her eyes filled with hesitance. He could see the uncertainty in them, almost as if she had finally considered to take her leave, and he silently encouraged she do just that. Instead, she asked timidly, "Can we just... maybe talk about this?"

But what was there to talk about? She was clearly in a relationship with Nathaniel Kurtzberg—the one guy who could give her basically anything she wanted, and probably more than he could. At this point, he didn't have much confidence left in him to convince himself otherwise.

"You should get back to your date." Adrien suggested dryly. He took another step back from her, watching as the hopeful expression on her face fell. He felt a pang of guilt the moment he realized his words had hurt her. But then again, her words and actions had hurt him just as deeply... if not worse. "You don't want to keep Nathaniel waiting."

And with that, Adrien turned his back to hers and headed for the exit of the gym. He didn't even bother to look back, afraid that if he did, the hurtful expression on her face would convince him to stay. But even as he retreated, he felt no one trying to tug him back, no one trying to stand in his way, and no one calling out his name like a plea.

It shouldn't have shocked him as much as it did. She was Marinette Dupain-Cheng. She didn't run after people, they came running after her.

He shouldn't have expected this situation to be any different.


I really really like the way the first part of this came out. I hope you enjoyed it! Stay tuned for part two!


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