the game is on, chaton pt1 🔞

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Requested by @popqueye

* 🔞 + for kissing, sexual implications *

Read at your own risk.

After making plans with Marinette and then discarding them to hang out with Kagami instead, Adrien realizes his mistake the moment he visits Marinette as Chat Noir and realizes...

He's been such a jerk.


"Is anyone sitting here?"

Adrien looked to his right, then to his left. In all honesty, he hadn't thought Kagami had been talking to him when she approached the one lunch table he always sat at, considering she never, ever talked to him. But there she was, standing right beside him, batting her eyelashes at him as she waited for an answer.

Just to make sure his eyes weren't playing tricks on him, Adrien turned to look behind himself before he faced her again. "You're... talking to me?"

"Who else would I be talking to?" She pointed down at the empty seat beside him again and giggled, "You don't mind me sitting here, do you?"

Adrien's eyes widened, "Oh no! Most definitely not!" He scrambled to move his extra textbooks out of the way, clearing the space for her. "By all means, sit."

Kagami giggled again, and he couldn't help but swallow heavily as she took a seat beside him. "Are you studying for something?" She asked softly, gesturing with a jerk of her head to the stack of books he'd brought with him to the cafeteria.

Sheepishly, Adrien smiled and reached up to rub the back of his neck. "Uhh... yeah! Something like that."

"School project?"

Adrien chuckled, "More like a personal project."

"Those are the best kind of projects," Kagami's smile was radiant, and Adrien almost toppled out of his seat simply because of it.

"Uh-huh," he nodded dumbly, all of a sudden too love-struck to remove his eyes off of her.

Kagami giggled, "If you want, I could lend a helping hand."

"You would do that?" Adrien asked, suddenly feeling extremely excited. She wanted to help him with a non-school related project?

Was this a dream come true?

Kagami nodded, "Sure. You seem like a really interesting guy, and call me crazy, but you interest me," Before the blonde could even get a word out, Kagami had already pulled out a piece of paper that had been lodged in one of his books and was writing something on it. When she handed it to him, Adrien realized she'd written down her number. "If you want, I'm free this afternoon after school."

Adrien gaped down at Kagami's digits written down right in front of him. He practically drooled over them actually, but for the sake of not embarrassing himself in front of his crush, held his composure. The Kagami Tsurugi had given him her number, something he'd only ever dreamed about getting.

"I'm Kagami, by the way," with a warm smile on her lips, she extended her hand out to him. "What's your name?"

To be honest, he didn't even think she knew he even existed.

Swallowing heavily, Adrien reached for her hand. When her hand fit warmly in his own, the blonde felt like he was on cloud nine. "I know... I mean... no! I didn't know that was your name! It's such a beautiful name!" And then he blushed profoundly, realizing just how stupid he probably sounded. "I-I'm Adrien..."

And now she wanted to hang out with him! This afternoon actually, and he was in no way about to tell her no.

Kagami giggled softly, "It's nice to officially meet you, Adrien."

But then, a thought crossed his mind, and disappointment settled. Adrien had almost forgotten about his plans that he'd made with Marinette after school today. The two of them were supposed to be spending the afternoon together, and Marinette was probably planning to demolish him in Mecha Strike 4, the ultimate strike.

But... to be fair, he also hung out with Marinette all the time, and he never got to spend time with his crush. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity, after all. Kagami actually wanted to spend time with him. Adrien couldn't possibly pass that up.

Adrien waved a metaphorical hand at that. He could hang out with Marinette after his 'date' with Kagami.

Eagerly, Adrien turned to connect his eyes with Kagami's, a cute, little grin spread across his lips. "Oh... and uh yeah... I'm totally free too!"


Chat Noir knew without a shadow of a doubt that there was a lovesick look on his face as he vaulted from roof to roof that night.

Kagami had gone home with him after school that afternoon—and not the kind of coming home that you're thinking of, but it sure came close to it. The two of them didn't even spare a glance at his project. Instead, Adrien Agreste spent the evening watching movies with the girl of his dreams and stuffing his face with popcorn. After they watched four films together, Adrien was completely dumbfounded when Kagami all of a sudden leaned forward to press her mouth to his.

The moment her lips brushed against his, Adrien leaned forward to deepen the kiss. Kagami wasted no time in reading his eagerness, moving from his side to instead straddle his lap. As soon as she placed her legs on either side of his own, Adrien's hands flew to her hips. As he tugged her closer, he could feel her lips part against the base of his neck as she licked him, enticing him further every time the warm muscle trailed a pattern along his skin. Adrien moaned, his hips bucking up into her involuntarily and unashamedly.

Kagami had giggled sloppily against his lips when he'd done that, and he felt a bit embarrassed for doing such a thing, until her hands came up to caress his hair, weaving her intoxicating fingers through his blonde locks.

But nothing went farther than that. He knew that his father would never trust him again if he found out, and Kagami was just as keen on not doing anything against her mother's will. So the teens parted with swollen lips, promising to see each other soon.

And now, Chat Noir was jumping from roof to roof feeling like the luckiest man alive.

In the middle of his chaotic soaring, the blonde superhero found himself perched on a rooftop across from the Dupain-Cheng bakery. Still drunken in love, he didn't even have time to register that he'd jumped onto Marinette's balcony until he was happily knocking on her window.

Chat Noir cursed at himself and pulled out his baton. What was he even doing knocking on her window at this time? It was way past midnight, and there was no way she could still be awake...

And yet, with his super cat hearing, he could hear shuffling as Marinette moved to open the window for him.

The window creaked (in need of some oil in the hinges, he noted) as Marinette slowly pushed it open. But when he got a good look at her face, his dopey grin vanished in an instant.

Marinette looked exhausted. The dark circles under her eyes made him wince, and the way her shoulders slouched made him shudder.

But what really caught his attention was the strong scent of tears that filled the air.

Marinette had been crying.

"Princess?" Chat hesitantly used the nickname only he got to use for her, and he watched as Marinette visibly deflated the moment he spoke.

As if to hide her defeated look, she offered him a pained smile that looked anything but convincing. "Hey Chat."

Again, Chat sniffed the air. "Have you been crying?" He asked her, his voice full of concern as he reached forward to gently caress her cheek.

Marinette leaned into his touch.

"Yeah," she nodded against his hand. "But it doesn't matter."

"Of course it matters!" He said, a little annoyed that she didn't seem to think so. "Someone clearly hurt you."

Marinette shrugged, "It's fine."

"It's definitely not fine—"

"Do you want to come in?" Marinette asked him, completely changing the topic, and he knew it was her way of getting him to shut up..... without actually having to tell him so.

Despite wanting to know what exactly had happened to his precious princess, Chat Noir nodded silently and followed her through the window as Marinette descended to her bed. By the time he'd closed the hatch behind him, Marinette had already climbed down the ladder to her bed and was sitting crisscrossed on her chaise, a blanket wrapped around her shoulders.

He jumped down from her bed and landed on all fours, looking up at her expectantly, ready to ask her what was wrong—or more like force her to tell him what was bothering her...

Until lights from the graphics on a screen caught his eye.

Chat Noir turned around to face the source of the light and almost gasped out loud, the moment he saw the Mecha Strike 4 characters moving on the title screen of the game.

The game... he was supposed to play the new game Marinette had gotten today with her.

He'd completely forgotten about his plans with Marinette!

"You can play if you want," he heard Marinette said softly from behind him. "I'm not really in the mood."

Gulping, he forced himself to turn back around and face Marinette. "You're not in the mood to play video games?" He tried to joke, hoping it would work. "Since when?"

But it didn't work. Marinette shrugged, not quite meeting his eye.

And that broke his heart.

"Marinette," Chat Noir crawled on all fours as he moved to kneel in front of her, propping his chin up on her knee. "What's wrong?"

Her eyes remained fixed in her lap, refusing to meet his own. "Nothing. I just... I guess I got my hopes up, or maybe I did something wrong, or... I guess I'm just boring... I'm not sure what to think."

"Boring?" Chat urgently shook his head against her knee. "You? Not a chance."

"Why don't you tell that to Adrien Agreste," Bitterly, Marinette spat out his alter-ego's name as if it left a bad taste in her mouth, and Chat couldn't help but flinch ever so slightly. "We made plans to hang out after school today and play the new Mecha Strike 4 game together, but then Alya, my best friend, taps me on the shoulder as we're walking out of school and points over at the road, and of course, I actually look because I'm that gullible, and I see Adrien get into his limo with Kagami Tsurugi. The Kagami Tsurugi."

Chat Noir swallowed, trying to keep himself composed. "Oh."

"They spent the whole day together," Ashamed, Marinette buried her face into her hands. "Adrien completely skipped out on our plans to hang out with her, and I feel so..."

She licked her lips, trying to find the right word that fit what she actually felt. But nothing seemed to match apparently when she reminded silent.

"Kagami is so much better than me in everything, so I get it," Marinette said instead, frowning as she then numbly added, "But it still hurts."

Chat Noir sat up on his haunches. "Marinette, that's not true! You're so amazing, and..." he suddenly paused, looking down at her hands fidgeting in her lap with a sad look in his eye, when he realized Marinette had every right to feel the way she felt, because he never once took the time to tell her how great of a friend she really was. For as long as he could remember, Marinette had been there for Adrien, always, and Adrien... well he hadn't always been there for her at all. "And... I'm sorry that you don't believe that."

Marinette slowly lifted her head to meet his eyes, offering him a sad smile. "You don't have to apologize for something that isn't your fault, minou."

Chat Noir lowered his eyes. If only she knew that all of this was his fault.

"Sorry, habit," Chat Noir mumbled sheepishly, "At least I can say it got a smile out of you, so I'd say mission accomplished."

To that, he earned a genuine giggle.

Chat Noir playfully nudged her knee. "How about you and I play a round of Mecha Strike 4? You know... so when Adrien comes around again, you'll be guaranteed to beat his ass."

Marinette laughed at that, shaking her head at him. "I'm always guaranteed to kick Adrien's ass in a round of Mecha Strike."

That brought a grin to Chat's lips. Yes, she really was and he wasn't about to deny it.

Teasingly, Chat Noir raised one of her controllers in the air, jiggling it with a mischievous grin on his face. "So.... wanna play?"

He watched as the corner of her lips twitched upward, and his heart fluttered uncontrollably in his chest as she put on her all famous game face. "Bring it on, Chat Noir."


I hope you enjoyed this! It was really fun to write (˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵)


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