the game is on, chaton pt2

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Quite a few of you asked for a part two, so I asked what @miraculousadrienete thought I should write it about, since they were the first to request for a second part.

So... here it is. Your request has been answered, my friends. Enjoy!!!

When a late night video game session turns into a sleepover, Chat Noir doesn't think much of it... until he realizes that his heart is beginning to beat faster for Marinette, and slower for Kagami.


Somehow, Chat Noir ended up resting his head against Marinette's shoulder as the two of them battled back and forth on the console. One session had turned into four, and Chat Noir was starting to fall asleep, but he knew Marinette was having fun, and as tired as he was, he owed this to her after all.

But as hard as he tried to stay awake, Marinette must've noticed he was falling asleep, especially when his sloppy moves started becoming sloppier, and his head kept catching himself every time he got too comfortable resting against her.

Marinette paused the game. He was grateful that she did, because he really didn't know how much longer he could last. "We can stop if you're ready to sleep, Chat Noir."

The superhero in black nuzzled further into the warmth of Marinette. As much as he desperately wanted to sleep, he didn't want to move either. "Is there a way that I could sleep here?" He asked tiredly, his eyes still closed.

"H-Here?" Marinette seemed surprised, her voice rising an octave higher. "You mean like a sleepover?"

He nodded mutely against her skin.

Marinette giggled softly, "Are you even allowed to have sleepovers with the opposite sex?"

"Are you?" He mumbled the retort against her skin.

He felt her shake her head. "Definitely not. My parents would literally kill me if they knew. But I guess I can let it slide just this once."

Chat Noir couldn't help but grin, and it only widened the moment he heard her laugh softly... because he was sure she could feel his smile against the base of her neck. Forcing himself to sit up, he watched as Marinette stood to her feet, taking her incredible warmth with her—which elicited a small whine from his throat—as she moved to climb up the ladder to her bed.

When she reached the top, peaked over the edge of the railing, smiled down at him, and then beckoned him to come join her, he felt his heart flutter uncontrollably in his chest.

Chat couldn't help but frown at the feeling. Had his heart always done that around Marinette?

Nonetheless, Chat Noir excitedly bounded up to join Marinette. He found her already tucked from her chest down underneath the duvet, her phone in her hand as she typed something out on it. Chat Noir hesitantly crawled over to lay by her side, and he felt relieved when she turned her head to meet his eyes and smiled, a silent invitation that he was welcomed.

Chat Noir couldn't help it—he smiled widely in return, and he probably looked silly doing so. Feeling happy and overall content, he leaned his head against her shoulder once again, finding comfort in the warmth of her neck like he'd done earlier. He breathed in deeply, taking in her scent, relishing in the way she smelled of pastries and honey.

As creepy at that sounded, Marinette smelled heavenly.

"Who are you texting?" He decided to ask when only silence ensued between them, beginning to feel a little irritated that all of her attention was currently on her phone, and none of it was on him.

Underneath him, he felt Marinette's shoulder shake and he pouted. She was silently laughing. "Don't tell me you're jealous, Chat Noir." She teased, gently reaching over to bop his nose.

He pulled back and wrinkled his nose. "Me? Jealous? That's not possible."

"Sure it isn't," Marinette giggled airily as she turned off her phone and turned her head slightly to look at him. "But if you must know, I was texting Adrien."

Chat almost flinched at the mention of his alter-ego's name. "A-Adrien?"

Marinette nodded, "I know it's late, but I just wanted him to know that I still want to play Mecha Strike with him, even if he did skip out on it," she grimaced at the thought ever-so-slightly, "Knowing him, he's probably feeling bad about it now after he probably remembered."

Chat Noir tightly pressed his lips together. That was unfortunately... extremely accurate. How did Marinette know his alter-ego so well?

You spent so much time together during the summer, don't you remember? His conscience taunted him, but Chat Noir shook that thought away. Yes, they did spend a lot of time together during the summer, and Adrien never got tired of spending time with Marinette.

He wondered if she felt the same.

"Do you like Adrien?" Chat Noir asked, and he hadn't meant his question to be so... blunt (especially when Marinette all of a sudden practically choked on her own saliva), but he just had to know.

When she recovered, Marinette looked over him with wide eyes. "That's... an oddly specific question to ask out of nowhere..."

He shrugged, "I'm just curious." Because he wanted to know if it was possible for his feelings to be returned.

What?! A part of his brain practically exclaimed, Since when did you have feelings for Marinette? I thought you were crushing on Kagami?!

Adrien racked his brain for a possible explanation. He was crushing on her... wasn't he? Well... he had been, until he had a chance to spend time with her at his house. That's when he realized that he wasn't even sure about Kagami, and Kagami wasn't interested in getting to know him better, was she? He'd been such a lovesick fool, falling all over her like a puppy does with his owner, when in truth, Kagami didn't seem to want from him what he wanted from her.

Did that mean he didn't like Kagami anymore?

When Chat Noir decided to come to Marinette's that night, he was over the moon about Kagami kissing him. But as the night went on, and he and Marinette continued to play Mecha Strike together, he realized that Kagami would probably never do the things with him that he liked to do with Marinette.

And besides her beautiful, outter appearance, Adrien knew nothing about Kagami except that she enjoyed fencing. He thought that by spending time with her at his house, he could get to know her better; learn more things about the girl he was so interested in. But all she seemed to be interested in was kissing him, and at the time, he thought that was the best thing in the world.

But in reality, that only meant that Kagami didn't really care about getting to know him, did she? She only wanted to get to know his lips.

That thought made his stomach feel uneasy.

Marinette suddenly cleared her throat, nibbling on her bottom lip. "Is it really that obvious?" She chuckled nervously, her gaze away from his reach.

For a second, Chat Noir tried to recall what'd he'd said. "Wait..." he titled his head slightly, and then it all of a sudden clicked. "You have feelings for Adrien? Like you like like him?"

For a few seconds, Chat Noir couldn't help but grin. Marinette liked him, as more than just a friend, and he was beginning to realize that he had the same feelings for her too.

But then his smile vanished the moment he looked back at Marinette, who wasn't looking at him, but was frowning at her hands. "It's silly, I know," she said as if she'd been defeated, "Adrien's way too out of my league."

Chat about bristled. Out of all the things he expected Marinette to say about him, he hadn't been expecting that.

Chat frowned at that. "Out of your league? Why would you think that?"

Marinette shrugged idly, her eyes still refusing to meet his. "Adrien... he's not perfect, but he comes pretty close to it. He's a model, a excellent pianist, a really good fencer, and his father is Paris' most famous fashion designer. And me? I'm just the girl who works at her parents bakery and designs silly little things, hoping to fulfill a stretch.

Chat Noir wrinkled his nose in disgust, and one of his ears involuntarily twitched on their own accord. The way Marinette talked about herself left a bitter taste in his mouth. Although Adrien had all of these things that made him who he was, that didn't make Marinette any less of an amazing person... just because she didn't have any hobbies that weighed her down on the shoulders. If anything, she was out of his league.

To him, Marinette was so amazing, and he couldn't understand why she couldn't see that for herself. She took great pride in her work, had passions that he could only dream of having, and had a heart that longed to help others.

He loved that about her.

"Marinette, you shouldn't think of yourself that way," Chat Noir frowned, trying desperately to catch her eyes with his own.... but she wouldn't let him. "I think you're awesome, and I bet Adrien does too... if you would give him a chance."

That seemed to get a reaction out of Marinette. She turned her head sharply and looked at him, eyes wide, as if for a mere second, she'd thought she heard him wrong. "Are you suggesting I tell Adrien how I feel about him?"

Chat Noir didn't understand why that idea sounded so absurd, so he simply nodded, "Yes?"

Marinette stared at him for what felt like an eternity, and he oh-so-badly wanted to squirm underneath her gaze.

But when she did speak, he felt his heart plummet into his stomach.

"Absolutely not."

Chat Noir lifted his head up from her shoulder, propping himself up on one elbow. "Why not?"

"There are so many reasons, Chat," Marinette said, her tone becoming more stern by the second. "You wouldn't understand."

Chat wanted so badly to simply tell her 'try me' or 'how would you know' , but he held his tongue, knowing that would only lead to an argument, and nothing accomplished. As much as he wanted Marinette to confess to his other half, trying to figure out why she wouldn't wasn't Chat Noir's business.

Instead, he sighed, feeling somewhat defeated, and leaned his head back against Marinette's shoulder.

Neither of them exchanged any words with each other that night.

Instead, Chat Noir remained wide awake until he heard Marinette's breathing even out; calm and steady, letting him know that she had fallen asleep.

And once he knew for sure she was, he vaulted out of her window and into the night.



Adrien hardly spared a glance at Nino the next morning as he was walking up the steps to Françoise Dupont. As much as he loved his best friend and enjoyed being around him, Adrien had too much on his mind to handle the enthusiasm Nino carried with him on an everyday basis.

As the distressed blonde passed by his best friend with a blank expression on his face, Nino confusingly followed him with his eyes, before he jogged up to catch up with the blonde. "Hey mec, what gives?"

Trudging through the halls to make it to homeroom as quickly as possible, Adrien didn't even bother to look back over his shoulder as he said gruffly, "Girl problems."

The entire school almost heard Nino's shoes screech across the floor. "WHAT?!"

"You heard me," Adrien said as he rounded the corner.

He could hear Nino's frantic footsteps coming behind him from a mile away, "Wait really? You're serious right now?" The brunette asked, sounding just a bit out of breath. Adrien didn't slow down. "You are having girl problems?"

"Yeah," Adrien nodded.

"But you're Adrien Agreste! You are not known to have girl problems."

"Well, consider this his lucky day... because he does have girl problems... right now."

"Adrien, stop talking in third person and consider this! You may think this girl is a problem, but really, she's just... waiting for her moment."

Adrien scoffed at that. "Waiting for her moment?"

"You'd be surprised how many girls actually like you in this school. The number is phenomenal."

"I don't care, Nino."

"Fine. So who's the girl?"

Adrien really didn't want to tell him that. "Does it matter?"

"It does if I know her," Nino said, "And besides, we're best buds, remember? You're supposed to share this kind of stuff with me."

"Actually, this stuff is non-shareable."

He could practically feel Nino's frown. "Ouch, you practically just kicked me in the balls just now."

Adrien rolled his eyes playfully, still walking forward. "Don't be so dramatic, Nino. You'll find out eventually, just not right now."

"When will eventually be?"

"Not anytime soon, that's for sure."

Nino pouted, "You're breaking the bro code right now, mec."

Adrien shook his head playfully, his blonde hair bouncing lightly with his every move. "You'll live."

But apparently he wouldn't. Adrien rounded the next corner, and before he even realized what was going on, he was slamming his body straight into someone else. Thankfully, Nino caught him under the armpits before he could fall on his tailbone, but the person he ran into wasn't as lucky.

And when he realized just who he'd ran in to, he wanted to bury himself further into the darkest pit in the planet.

He just almost ran over Kagami like a lawnmower.

Immediately, Adrien felt his cheeks flush in embarrassment and his brow dampen in sweat. "Oh no! I'm so sorry, Kagami! Are you all right?" He squatted down to help her up, his hand moving to caress her elbow as he helped her stand. As soon as she was standing on her feet again and brushing herself off, he was squatting down again to pick up her fallen books. "I-I didn't mean—"

"Hey, it's fine, Adrien," she said, her smiling looking extremely genuine. She smiled down at him as she watched him collect her books. "It was just an accident."

Adrien slowly stood to his feet after he had collected all of her books, hesitantly shifting them into her arms. "Yeah..."

With her books now tucked underneath her arm, Kagami tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear. "Thank you... for picking up my books for me."

Trying to muster a smile, Adrien wiped his sweaty palms on his pant legs. Why was he suddenly so nervous? "Yeah... no problem."

"Can I ask you something?" Without warning, Kagami took a step closer to him, and he couldn't help but look over her shoulder as he curiously watched the girls that she'd been talking with prior to him knocking her down giggle and hurry off to class. In the back of his mind, he wondered if Nino was still behind him. "Do you want to hang out again?"

Adrien almost flinched as she reached out to caress his arm. Unsure of what to do, he swallowed, "Oh...! Umm..."

"I texted you this morning," Kagami slowly said, her touch agonizing and her gaze on her movements. "I'm sure you saw it, didn't you? I mean... who am I kidding, of course you did. It says you read the message."

In that very moment, Adrien internally cursed himself. Was he that stupid that he really forget to turn that feature off on his phone?

"I can explain—"

"Don't," Kagami removed her hand from his arm, instead raising it to silence him. "I don't get you, Adrien. We had a thing going on, and I thought we could be something more."

Something more? For a second, Adrien's heart fluttered with hope... and then he internally scolded himself for being so stupid.

They had different definitions of something more.

He shook his head, trying to gather his thoughts. "Something more?" He found himself saying, despite the fact that both of them were currently in the middle of a crowded campus hallway... and people were probably watching. "We only hung out for one day, and we've already kissed... intensely."

Kagami shrugged, giving him an odd once over. "So? I thought we connected. Besides, you weren't complaining when it was happening. We would've done more if we weren't such great kids."

Adrien frowned at her. "Yeah? Well I guess the eyes can play tricks on you," he gave her a once over of his own, but his held a glare of disgust. He crossed his arms. "I don't know what I ever saw in you, Kagami. You're nothing like the girl I thought you were."

Kagami simply rolled her eyes at that. "It's just like you said, Adrien. The eyes can play tricks on you."

"Yeah, noted."

Kagami turned on her hot on her heel, not sparing a glance back at him, and a part of him was relieved. The other part of him was disappointed, knowing that he'd spent a significant amount of time crushing on a girl who wanted nothing more from him than a fling.

Adrien let out a huge breath, and then he smiled. It felt good to get that weight off of his shoulders.

"Woah mec," Nino suddenly said, and Adrien practically jumped. "What was all of that? Was that the 'girl' problem you were talking about? And since when did you and her kiss?"

Adrien spun around to face Nino. "Have you been there the whole time?"

"Are you kidding?" Nino laughed, "I wasn't about to miss any of that mess. Especially when Kagami got all touchy feel-y if you know what I'm saying."

Adrien groaned, "Please don't remind me."

"Sorry, but I couldn't miss any of that action. But in all seriousness though, I just have to ask... how was that kiss? Because rumor has it—"

"Nino," Adrien simply stared at his friend. "Do not ask for details."

"So uncool," Nino muttered, folding his arms across his chest. "You're breaking the bro code... again."

To that, Adrien genuinely laughed, leaning forward to pat Nino's shoulder. But as he did so, the corner of his eye caught onto a dash of familiar bluish-blackish hair, and by the time he was able to fully turn his head so that he could acquire some sort of recognition, Marinette's backpack was all he saw before she disappeared around the corner of the hall.

Immediately, Adrien turned to offer Nino a sheepish smile, who was watching him confusingly. "Uhhh... I gotta go."

"What?" Nino's eyes moved between his friend and the space where Adrien had been looking. "Where are you going?"

Adrien was already moving, his feet carrying him on their own accord. He looked over his shoulder to shoot Nino an apologetic smile, and when he turned back around, he could faintly here Nino calling after him, telling him he had a lot of explaining to do later, but Adrien didn't care.

All that mattered was that he needed to talk to Marinette.

He dashed around the same corner she had, frowning when he was only greeted with another crowd of rowdy students. With a grimace, he was about to turn back around, until he saw Marinette slither her way quietly into the most likely, empty library.

He grinned at the sight and moved to follow her.

Adrien pushed open the door, almost dead-like silence greeting him. A few of the students whispered with each other near the computers, some actually doing their schoolwork while others probably were skipping a class. Adrien paid them no mind as he hurriedly passed by them, heading for the back of the library.

Knowing Marinette, that is where she would most likely be.

And... he was right. As soon as he turned around the next corner, he found Marinette. She was sitting on the floor, leaning her back up against one of the bookshelves. Her knees were tucked up against her chest and her backpack was on the floor beside her.

When she noticed that she wasn't alone, she lifted her head from her knees and simply looked at him.

Adrien didn't say anything. He moved around to sit beside her, removing his bag from off of his shoulder. He set it down beside him and leaned his head back against the bookshelves (like she was doing), and closed his eyes.

Marinette was the one to break the silence between them. "What are you doing here?"

Adrien exhaled deeply though his nose. "I saw you come in here," he said as he turned his head to look at her. "I was hoping we could talk."

Marinette looked straight ahead, her eyes remaining fixated on the other bookshelf in front of them. "About what?"

Adrien tried not to nimble on his bottom lip. He was so nervous, and he couldn't understand why. "I wanted to apologize for skipping out on our plans yesterday, and then forgetting them completely. I never meant to do that to you, and I'm so sorry."

He watched as Marinette nodded slowly, her gaze still fixated in front of her. "It's okay. I'm not upset."

Adrien jerked his head back slightly, confused. She wasn't? "You're not?"

"Well, not about that," Marinette said, finally turning her head to look at him. He could have sworn her eyes searched his before she averted them again, but he couldn't be sure. "It's... complicated. You wouldn't understand."

Her words from last night echoed in his mind like a broken record. Little did she know Adrien understood more then he let on.

"Let's play a game," Adrien suggested, putting on a convincing smile. Marinette furrowed a confused brow at him. "It's called the truth game. It's an easier way to tell each other something we want the other person to know, without feeling like we'll be judged for it."

Marinette bit back a smile at his ridiculousness. "Did you seriously just make that game up?"

Instead of answering, Adrien smiled sheepishly. Yeah... so he did, so what? This way, it would be easier to tell her that he liked her and wanted to be more than just her friend.

Hopefully, Marinette would accept.

"Okay," Marinette said. She smiling smugly at him, determination written in her features. "I'll play your game. But you get to go first."

Adrien chuckled at that. "Fine. I'll go first. Hmmm," he rubbed his chin as if there was a beard there, and he could see Marinette shake her head at him. "My truth is... I have terrible girl problems."

Out of all the reactions he expected to get out of Marinette, he didn't expect her to snort. "You? Girl problems? That's... unexpected."

"Yeah it's a tragedy," Adrien gently nudged her shoulder. "Okay, it's you're turn."

Marinette offered him a gentle smile, though he could see evident pain behind that smile too. "My truth is... when I saw you and Kagami leave together, I felt... really hurt."

Adrien couldn't help but frown at that. He understood that pain. "My truth is... I felt like the worst friend ever for ditching you for someone who wasn't even worth it."

Marinette raised an confused brow at that, though her eyes held an apologetic glaze. "Things didn't work out between you and Kagami?"

"No," Adrien shook his head. "I cut all things off with her. It turns out she's not the person I thought she was."

Marinette hummed at that. "No offense, but... I could've told you that."

A genuine smile broke out on Adrien's lips, and he smiled.

Marinette smiled back, allowing the silence to follow for a minute, before she said, "My truth is... I've had a crush on someone for so long, but I'm too afraid to tell him."

Adrien's smile softened, "My truth is... I've had a crush on someone for the longest time too; someone who isn't Kagami; someone who I'm just now realizing is everything I want."

He watched as Marinette's cheeks flushed. "My truth is... I don't know if the guy I like really likes me back... for me."

Gently, Adrien reached for Marinette's hand, entwining their fingers together slowly, and to his surprise, Marinette didn't seem to mind. "My truth is... I think he does," Adrien searched her eyes carefully, adoration in his gaze. "My truth is... I like you, Marinette. I have for a while, if I'm being honest– which I am, since we're playing the truth game! But I was so blinded by lust... I guess you could call it that, that I couldn't see where my true feelings lied."

When he finished his declaration of love, Adrien held his breath as he watched her cautiously. Marinette didn't say a single word, simply staring down at their still conjoined hands.

For a single heartbeat, he wanted to tell her to just forget everything he had just said, already feeling extremely foolish for pouring out his heart to Marinette—a girl who had no obligations to return his feelings whatsoever.

And then, ever-so-slightly, he felt Marinette squeeze his hand. "Can we play a different game?" She asked, her voice suddenly sounding strained.

Adrien swallowed, his disappointment rapidly sinking in. Of course, he knew this would be a long shot, but he had hoped for a better outcome. "Uh... yeah... sure."

Marinette looked up from their hands and met his eyes once again, and Adrien was forced to meet her gaze, despite how much he wanted to look away.

And then, much more to his surprise, she smiled at him. "Do you want to play a game that's full of adventure? Where we get to step into a new part of our lives together?"

Confused, Adrien raised a brow at her. But he also smiled. Because despite his disappointment, Marinette made him feel happy. "Okay, I'll play."

"Great!" And then, suddenly, Marinette yanked him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him forward, his nose a literal inch away from touching hers. "Now you get to pick who'll you'll be in the game. You only have one option though."

Adrien swallowed nervously, his voice cracking as he asked, "I do?"

Marinette pulled him even closer, their noses barely touching and their breaths mingling as one. "Yes," she whispered, "Will you be my boyfriend for this adventure, Adrien?"

Adrien simply stared at her. For a second, he thought his eyes were about to burst from his sockets. He could feel her hot breath on his lips, making his mind go completely blank.

Marinette wanted to be his girlfriend?

Yes. Marinette wanted him to be her boyfriend.

With that clicking into place, Adrien chuckled and softly nuzzled his nose against hers, making Marinette giggle. "Bring it on, Mari."


Hey there! I hope you enjoyed the second part! Was it what you expected? Let me know!


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