the smell of cheese forever remains pt2

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Sooo... some people wanted a part two, so I did my best to deliver. Enjoy!

Future post-reveal one-shot.

With Hawkmoth finally defeated, Adrien and Marinette must return their miraculouses back into the miracle box.

Twenty years later, Adrien (who is now a proud father), just wants to spend some quality time with his teenage daughter.

So when he walks into her bedroom unannounced one afternoon, Adrien doesn't expect to find his daughter blabbering for an excuse as to why Plagg is hovering mid-air in the middle of the room.


"You were what?!"

In the middle of the living room, Emma and her two brothers sat on the couch, their parents standing in front of them blocking the television... which was currently playing a program she didn't want to miss. Her kwami, Plagg, was hovering above Adrien's shoulder, smiling widely for some reason, and Louis and Hugo were gaping at the kwami with wide eyes.

However, Emma simply stared at her parents in shock... because for a second, she couldn't believe what she had just heard.

Her parents had been her and Mister Bug's predecessors?

That was... a little weird.

"Your mother and I were Ladybug and Chat Noir," Adrien repeated, his grin so wide she thought his smile might break his lips. "Y'know, the two superheroes who—"

"Single handedly defeated Hawkmoth. Yes, dad. I know." Emma said, a sort of irritated expression on her face... and in her tone of voice too, she realized, when her mother sent her a warning look that basically said 'watch your tone.' But she couldn't help it. Her father was hogging her kwami.

Hugo was practically on the edge of his seat, jiggling his legs as if he were eager to get his hands on her kwami... which wasn't going to happen. Not on her watch.

Louis, however, seemed to be debating on whether he should allow his excited, and true, emotions surface, or simply pretend he didn't care for the sake of looking cool.

Emma rolled her eyes at him.

"Plagg was my kwami way back when," Adrien said as he nuzzled the little guy, and Plagg definitely didn't seem opposed to having the spot underneath his chin scratched. "When it was time for us to give our miraculouses back to Master Fu, it was really hard for your mother and I to say goodbye to our kwamis."

"So, if you both had a cute pet, where's mama's?" Hugo asked innocently.

"Pet?" Plagg sounded as offended as ever, and Emma honestly wasn't that surprised. "I'm not a pet!"

Hugo giggled, "A talking pet!"

"Adrien," Plagg turned to look at her father, and when she saw the two of them exchange an all-too-knowing look, it left a somewhat bitter taste in her mouth for some reason. "Your kid is calling me a pet!"

Adrien chuckled, "I know. It's kind of funny."

"Funny?! Your kid is severely misinformed, Adrien. You should be correcting him!"

Laughing, Adrien shook his head and turned to look at his youngest son, who was watching the exchange with bright, curious eyes. "Hugo, Plagg wasn't my pet. He was my companion. He was my best friend."

"Is," Plagg corrected with a wide grin. "He is still your best friend."

"Right," Adrien chuckled, "He's still my best friend."

Despite the beautiful reunion between her father and kwami, Emma couldn't help the scowl that found a way to her lips. She didn't like the way those words settled. Not one bit. Plagg was meant to be her best friend now, wasn't he? After all, she was the new holder of the black cat miraculous.

"Hey Emma..." the young girl turned her gaze to her mother, who was looking at her with a cautious expression– as if she didn't feel right asking, but had to know anyways. "Do you know where Tikki is? She was my kwami, and she should be your partner's now."

"Oh." Emma looked between her parents blankly. "Well, you're right. She's with my partner, Mister Bug."

Emma was for sure she saw something along the lines of amusement glisten in Marinette's eyes. She exchanged a look with Adrien, who seemed to already be smirking at her... as if he somehow knew what she was thinking.

Emma squinted her eyes at them both. "What? What's so funny?"

"Oh... nothing," Marinette giggled, her eyes leaving Adrien's so that she could look back at her daughter. "I was just thinking about this one time when your father and I still didn't know each other's identities. We lost our miraculouses and ended up switching for a day to defeat a villain."

"Oh! I remember that!" Plagg laughed as he turned to look at Adrien. "That was a pretty interesting day. You really sucked at being Ladybug."

"I did not!" Adrien jutted out his lower lip. "But it was definitely harder. After that day, I respected Ladybug so much more when I realized why she couldn't do her job as carefree as I could."

"And I also learned to respect Chat Noir a lot more too," Marinette said with a fond smile on her lips. "It wasn't exactly a walk in the park doing his job."

"Did you always have to keep your identities a secret?" Louis suddenly asked. Emma was honestly surprised that he was even making an input into the conversation.

Adrien shook his head. "For the longest time we did. But then we fell in love. So we revealed ourselves."

"Were you even allowed to reveal yourselves?"

Marinette giggled, "Technically, we weren't supposed to. But some heroes do. Our predecessors did."

"So," Emma leaned her elbows on her knees, leaning a bit forward. "Are you saying Mister Bug and I should reveal our identities to each other?"

Adrien shrugged, his smile still very prominent. "If you want to, Kiddo. All I know is that once I found out Ladybug was Marinette, defeating villains and dealing with superhero stuff became easier for us."

Emma's eyes glanced unsurely over to her father's shoulder, only to find Plagg was already looking at her with a soft, knowing smile. Emma tried to hide the obvious blush that fanned her cheeks. Even though she'd just met Mister Bug only a few days ago, she had to admit that there was... something between them.

Even if it was only one-sided.


"I really hope you're kidding."

"I'm sorry," Emma—or well, Ladynoire—watched anxiously as her partner, Mister Bug, paced back and forth on top of the roof he'd chosen to stop on when she'd told him that she needed to talk to him. "But it's true. My dad caught me with Plagg."

"Well," her partner chuckled bitterly, "So much for keeping your identity a secret. I'm sure your kwami is thrilled."

"Cut the sarcasm, Bug. It's not even as bad as you think."

"It's not?" He passed by her again as he continued to pace the rooftop. "Are you saying you have good news?"

"Not necessarily 'good' but not bad either," Emma admitted, "The truth is, it turns out my dad was Chat Noir."

Mister Bug abruptly halted, turning on his heel to stare at his partner with wide eyes. "Chat Noir? The Chat Noir?"

Hesitantly, Emma nodded.

Mister Bug seemed to visibly relax. A wide smile spread across his lips. "Darn, that's too cool. I've always been a fan of Chat Noir."

Emma raised a single brow. "You have?"

"Are you kidding?" Her partner laughed, "When we had the history lesson about the heroes back in grade school, I was obsessed. I always thought Chat Noir was the coolest. You're lucky he's your dad. I'd give anything to meet him."

Hmm... anything? Emma was willing to accept that challenge.

Smirking, she said, "Anything?"

But Mister Bug recognized that tone of voice. He'd only just met her a day ago, and already he could tell when she was plotting something. "Alright... what do you got up your sleeve?" He asked her, eyeing her skeptically.

"Well... there is a way for you to meet my dad," Emma said, her smirk never wavering. "But... we would have to reveal our identities."

As quickly as his smile had come, it faded in a matter of seconds. Mister Bug frowned and shook his head, stubbornly folding his arms across his chest. "No."

"No?" Emma crossed her arms as well, frowning, "Why not?"

Mister Bug didn't even blink as he said, "You can reveal your identity to anyone you want, Cat. At this point, it doesn't really matter now that Chat Noir knows who you are. But I don't want to reveal mine."

"Not even if you just told me?" She found herself asking him. Though they hadn't known each other for that long, she hoped that somewhere deep down, the boy underneath the mask had some trust in her.

Mister Bug's expression seemed to slightly soften, but not enough for his guarded expression to fall entirely. "It's not... that. Ugh," he reached up to grab at his dark hair. "I just... I don't want to put anyone in danger. You and I both know that revealing our identities is extremely dangerous."

"It's doesn't have to be!" Emma said, "My dad said that after he and my mom revealed their identities to each other, things were so much easier."

Mister Bug's eyes went wide. "Your mom was Ladybug?!"

"That's not the point! But yes. My mom was Ladybug—"

"Both of your parents were our predecessors?! And you just found all of this out... all because you weren't careful enough to keep your kwami hidden?"

Emma rolled her eyes. "Even if I had done things differently, my dad isn't an idiot. He would've probably found out anyways, since he had to do it once himself."

Mister Bug grumbled something under his breath, but it sounded incoherent to her. He hugged and kept his arms folded, simply frowning as he stared at her... but not quite at her. It seemed as if he was looking straight through her, lost in his thoughts on what to do.

And then he sighed. He looked up to catch her eyes again, and in them, she found a sense of uncertainty; a sense of fear; a sense of vulnerability.

"I don't want to keep secrets," he admitted softly, "I want us to be like how your parents were: an unstoppable duo who conquered the world together. I want us to be like that."

Emma's facial expression softened. "So what's stopping you?"

"Honestly?" He chuckled nervously, "I liked the idea of hiding behind a mask. My civilian self is a joke."

Emma frowned, "Don't say that—"

"It's true," he cut her off, reciprocating her frown. "As my civilian self, I might as well be invisible. Not many people like me, and I don't exactly have a wide variety of friends..."

And suddenly, she watched as his face fell, and his shoulders along with it. "I... don't even have a family."

Emma's grimace was very prominent. Vaguely, she had heard about what had happened to her partner's parents, only because he had briefly explained it to her.

On the day of Hawkmoth's defeat, Ladybug and Chat Noir had to fight a lot of reincarnated villains. One in particular they called The Bubblier.

Mister Bug had explained that The Bubblier wanted to take away all the parents so that kids could be free to do whatever they wanted. As a newborn, he didn't really remember them, nor did he remember the day The Bubblier took his parents away from him.

And when the battle was over, and the victory was made, they never returned when Ladybug's lucky charm swept over the city for one last time.

Mister Bug hung his head and let out a shaky breath. "I don't blame Ladybug and Chat Noir for what happened. Your parents did everything they could to keep this city safe."

Despite only knowing her partner for a few days, Emma couldn't help the tears that slipped down her pale cheeks. "How can you not blame them? They're meant to protect, and they couldn't even protect your parents."

In an instant, Mister Bug whipped his head up to look at her. "How can you talk about your parents like that?" He glared at her. "They're legends."

"Legends who failed." Emma retorted stubbornly, though she didn't necessarily believe that herself. Her parents hadn't failed, but they had disappointed many people who believed in them.

"That's not fair," If Mister Bug looked angry before, it was nothing compared to what he looked like now. "You forget that superheroes are human too. They make mistakes. That doesn't make them failures."

Emma rolled her eyes. This wasn't the conversation she wanted to have with her partner. The only reason she had even called this meeting was because she wanted to reveal their identities to each other, not because she wanted to talk about what she thought about her parents.

And as far as what she thought about her parents... maybe she was just... frustrated that they hadn't told her sooner about their secret lives as superheroes.

Before she could even open up her mouth, the ground underneath their feet began to rumble, causing both heroes to shift from one leg to the other as they tried to keep their balance.

Mister Bug's eyes widened, and he whipped his head around to look out into the distance... the Eiffel Tower.

The moment he did so, the ground suddenly stopped shaking.

"What was that?" Emma breathed out shakily, "An earthquake?"

Her partner wore an extremely serious expression as he kept his eyes focused on the distance. "Not an earthquake caused by natural causes."

Emma gulped nervously, "A villain?"

She watched as he swallowed, his Adam Apple bobbing slowly, and he licked his lips. "Yeah, I think so."

Involuntary, Emma took a step back across the roof. Her partner was still standing at the edge. "But I-I'm not ready for this," she said shakily, "We haven't even h-had a-a chance to practice—"

Mister Bug snorted, "Practice? On what? A squirrel? This isn't something you can prepare for. And trust me... I am the king of preparing for things."

But Emma was terrified. Maybe she thought she was ready for this. Maybe she thought she could handle whatever this responsibility was. But who was she kidding? She didn't know how to fight. Neither of them did.

How were they supposed to defeat a supervillain?

"Bug, I really can't do this," Emma nervously rung her hands together and hung her head, looking down at her feet which were covered in black leather. "I don't... I can't... I really have absolutely no idea what I'm doing!"

The ground seemed to rumble underneath them again, this time making everything have an echo of destruction. Mister Bug slowly turned around to face her. When green met brown from across the rooftop, she saw that his lips were pulled into a grimace at the corner of his mouth, but even when he looked at her like that, she knew it wasn't directed at her.

"Yes you can," he said seriously, "You can't say you can't do something that you've never tried."

"Be realistic," she shot back. "Neither of us know how to fight. How are we even supposed to do this?"

"We have powers! Have a little bit of faith in our kwamis."

"Powers can only get us so far!"

In the blink of an eye, Mister Bug had moved towards her. He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, causing her to blink up at him owlishly.

When she was this up close to him, it was hard not to focus on his beautiful brown eyes.

"Together, we can do this," he extended his other hand in between them, a silent invitation for her to take it. "But only if you believe it."

She glanced down at his open hand before her eyes traveled back to his eyes.

And then she took his hand. "Okay."


Greetings again fellow readers. I hope you enjoyed reading! While I was writing this, a funny yet cute little scenario of how Mister Bug meets Adrien and Marinette popped into my mind, a long with another scenario of how Emma and Mister Bug would reveal their identities to each other, and also reveal who Mister Bug is exactly.

(And yes, all of these ideas were running through my mind at like 3 in the morning after I finished binging the Dragon Prince for like the third time.)

Anywho, if enough people actually want a third part, I'll write it. But if it's not requested, I probably won't. It's up to you fellow readers :)


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