the smell of cheese forever remains pt3

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Hi again! A lot of you guys really wanted a part three, so here it is! *extends a silver platter and lifts the lid* fresh off the press.

Future post-reveal one-shot.

With Hawkmoth finally defeated, Adrien and Marinette must return their miraculouses back into the miracle box.

Twenty years later, Adrien (who is now a proud father), just wants to spend some quality time with his teenage daughter.

So when he walks into her bedroom unannounced one afternoon, Adrien doesn't expect to find his daughter blabbering for an excuse as to why Plagg is hovering mid-air in the middle of the room.


As soon as Mister Bug unraveled his yo-yo and threw it across the city, it's string pulling him a long with it, everything for Emma that followed suit was played out in an immense blur.

She hardly remembered extending her baton and leaping after him. She hardly remembered almost stumbling over her own two, clumsy feet as she joined him on another rooftop, only to see their target out in the distance.

The villain, who was out in the streets turning everyone who crossed his path into stone statues, called himself The Rock Collector. It wasn't that hard to figure out why.

"He likes rocks," Mister Bug had told her briefly, "Apparently, someone stole from his collection."

Emma grimaced, pulling out her baton and opening up the camera Plagg had mentioned about. As she zoomed in to get a better look at the villain, she realized two things.

One: the villain was someone she recognized.

Two: this person was in her class.

"Great." Emma groaned.

"What?" Mister Bug turned his head to look at her. "What is it?"

"I know him." Emma said, fighting another groan that was threatening to escape her lips. "That guy... I... he's... someone who goes to my school."

"Ah," Mister Bug pulled out his yo-yo again and spun it. "Well, let's get him back to normal again, yeah?"

It turned out Mister Bug had one fantastic plan. Somewhere in that brain of his, he had devised a perfectly well thought out plan in a matter of a few minutes, and when he told it to her, Emma felt a little bit more confident about being a hero.

She jumped off of the roof and onto the ground first, extending her baton out so that she could sweep the Rock Collector from underneath his feet. Distracted, he easily fell back and landed hard, though considering he was molded into a stone creature, she figured it didn't hurt him that much.

The villain turned to face her and growled, extending a stone fist out to her. "You're not going to take my rocks from me! My collection is worth fortunes and you can't have it!"

From his fist, a bolder suddenly formed and he punched it forward. Emma's eyes blew wide and she quickly dove to her right to dodge it, the large rock almost grazing her left arm.

She fell on her arms and quickly looked up, just in time to dodge another rock being thrown her way.

"I don't want your collection!" Quickly she dodged another flying bolder. She then wrinkled her nose at him, placing her hands on her hips. "That's nerdy stuff."

The villain growled, "It's science!"

Determined, Emma huffed out a humorous breath through her nose and rolled her eyes, widening her stance as she prepared for his next move. "That doesn't make it any less nerdy."

The Rock Collector roared in anger and extended his arm out again. But before he could shoot any more rocks out of it, Emma jumped up and Mister Bug slid underneath her, wrapping his lucky charm around the villain's arm.

As soon as she saw exactly what his lucky charm was, she couldn't help but giggle.

It was a red and black, polka-dotted balloon.

The moment he heard her giggle, she watched as her partner's lips pulled into a slight frown, and she couldn't help but snort at the sight. He was adorable when he did that. But despite his strange lucky charm, it did it's purpose. In a matter of seconds, the villain realized too late that his rock wouldn't go very far from his stone fingers.

And when stone collided with stone.... well... it didn't feel very nice.

With the villain distracted, Mister Bug snatched the akumatized item—which happened to be a glowing, emerald stone embedded into the villain's chest, she realized—and smashed it onto the pavement.

As soon as the black butterfly emerged from the pieces, Mister Bug snatched it into his yo-yo.

With a fond smile on her lips, Emma watched as her partner cleansed the akuma and set it free, his own smile warm and caring as he watched the insect fly back up into the sky.

By the time she made it to his side again, he was already facing her and sporting the widest smile.

Emma opened her mouth, ready to thank him for believing in her so much... to the point that he was even able to convince her to believe in herself. But before she could say anything, she felt him wrap his arms around her and pull her into a hug, and she couldn't help but gasp when he buried his face into the crook of her neck.

"See?" He laughed breathlessly, his warm breath tickling her neck. "I told you we could do this."

Unbeknownst to him, Emma's cheeks flushed a light shade of pink, and she smiled, returning his hug.

"Yeah," she whispered against his shoulder, amazed by it herself. "Yeah we sure did."

But their hug didn't last long when their miraculouses both beeped at the same time, an much obliged warning that their transformations would soon fall. Much to her disappointment, her partner quickly pulled away from their hug and took a step back from her, but the look in his eye only proved the uncertainty he felt, and that he was absolutely terrified.

"I-I can't." Mister Bug extended his hands out to her, as if that would keep her away from him, and shook his head. She stopped mid-step when she realized he didn't want her any closer, and the only reason she actually listened was because she didn't want to push him away.

"Why?" She asked him softly.

He licked his lips– a habit she realized he'd probably formed whenever he was nervous. "I'm afraid that when you see who I-I really am, you might be disappointed."

Somehow, those words hurt more than she cared to admit. Her heart dropped into the pit of her stomach. Did he really think that little of her? "Why would I be disappointed?"

"I-I don't know!" He waved his hands around frantically. "Well, maybe there's just a lot of reasons. I already said that I'm a joke as my civilian self."

"Oh just shut up with that already."

She watched as Mister Bug jerked back suddenly and blinked, as if he couldn't believe she'd just said that. "What?"

"I said shut up," she said again, eyes narrowing slightly, "You kept on telling me that I needed to believe in myself, but you keep making fun of yourself. How is that fair?"

Her partner frowned slightly and seemingly wrapped his arms around himself. "That's different." He said cautiously.

She scoffed, "How is it different?"

"Because as superheroes, we have no choice but to be confident! People look up to us!"

"This isn't about confidence. This is about valuing yourself!" Emma shot back. "For me, I was just unsure if I could be who I was meant to be as a hero, but you? You keep degrading yourself as if it's normal."

"Maybe it is normal for me," Mister Bug grumbled, not quite looking at her in the eyes anymore.

"Then make a new normal," Emma said seriously, "I won't have my partner say negative things about himself. I don't want to hear it anymore!"

The silence that followed out between them was anything but light. Mister Bug swallowed, his Adam Apple bobbing slow and heavy. He turned his face away from her, his jawline on perfect display for her eyes. But she tried not stare at it. After all, now was not the time to be ogling. She needed to get it through his head that no matter who he was, she would still like him the same.

"I'll go first," She said it so softly that she almost thought her own voice was inaudible. But he heard it, and as soon as he did, he quickly looked up to catch her eyes again. Her gaze didn't fall from his. "If it makes you feel any better, I'll go first."

He still looked unsure, but for some reason he still asked, "Are you sure?"

Determined, Emma nodded, "Yes."

"You're one-hundred percent sure?"

Again, she nodded, "Yes."


"Yes, I am."

"With absolutely no doubts in your mind?"

"...absolutely none."

Mister Bug suddenly squinted an eye at her, as if he was scrutinizing her. "You hesitated on that response."

Emma pulled her lips into the corner of her mouth, trying to hold back a scoff. "What? No I didn't."

"You did."

"No I didn't! I was just... thinking of the right response."

"I think you did—"

"Look it doesn't matter! Because I'm going to reveal myself to you whether you reveal yourself to me or not, so just... shut up."

Her partner, suddenly looking timid, pressed his lips together and nodded, finally keeping his mouth shut... which she internally thanked him for. Exhaling a deep breath through her nose, Emma closed her eyes and listened closely as her miraculous continued to beep faster, warning her that her time was about to end. But she stood still and waited. She even squeezed her eyes tighter when the familiar green glow of her kwami's release indicated that her time was up.

There was nothing but silence after her transformation fell. It was so silent that the tiny crickets sounded like they were singing through megaphones. Trying to keep it together, Emma kept her eyes squeezed shut and swallowed.

What was he thinking right now, staring silently at her? Did he recognize her? If he did, she wouldn't be surprised.

Considering who her father was, everyone knew who she was.

"You're... you're Emma Agreste."

Annnnnnnd there it was. Involuntarily, her shoulders slouched. Emma wasn't sure what she'd been expecting, but perhaps she'd been hoping that maybe, just for once, someone wouldn't recognize her.

"And your parents... they're... they're—"

"Adrien Agreste and Marinette Dupain-Cheng-Agreste. Yes, yes they are." She said in a monotone voice, still choosing to keep her eyes closed.

"That's..." she actually heard him swallow, as if he was stalling just so that he could carefully calculate his next words. "...insane."

The way he sounded... everything he was saying seemed like he was greatly disappointed. Emma wasn't sure why, but it didn't surprise her much.

She was the daughter of the most famous man in Paris. Her father was a business man, a model, a professional pianist, and was running a company he'd inherited from the wealthy man he once called his father... after Gabriel Agreste had fallen. And her mother? Her mother was not only the best designer in all of Paris, but she was also empowering, an outstanding business woman herself, and an icon every girl looked up to.

Her parents were perfect for each other in every way possible. They were made for each other.

In everyone's eyes, they were perfect.

"A bit overwhelming, huh?" She decided to break the silence, knowing he surely wouldn't. "Was Emma Agreste anything you expected?"

"I don't know what I was expecting," he replied almost immediately.

"So... you're not disappointed?"

"What? No!" He exclaimed, "I'm not disappointed. I guess I'm just surprised that it was you."

Emma frowned slightly, her forehead crinkling, "From the way you're saying that, it almost sounds as if you know me more than just Emma Agreste."

"Uhh yeah about that," Mister Bug chuckled nervously, "I sort of... know you in real life."

"You do?" Emma raised a confused brow. She tried to think about anyone who had dark brown hair and soft brown eyes that she knew, but no one specific came to mind. "Like personally?"

"Ehhh..." he sounded hesitant, and even though she still had her eyes closed, she could picture him waving his hand in a 'kind of but not quite' motion. "Not really. You don't know me."

"Oh! Well... thank goodness," Emma sighed out in relief, and then blanched the moment she realized how bad that actually sounded. "I mean... shoot! I don't mean it like that! I just... I was afraid that I might've forgotten about you, which is something I don't usually do, so I was afraid we actually knew each other, and I actually forgot—"

His laugh cut her off. "It's okay! I get it. You don't need to worry. I'm not upset or anything."

Again, Emma sighed in relief. "Well... that's relieving," she then laughed softly, glad that the tension had evaporated between them. "So... let me guess... you know me from school, right? We're in the same class?"

She realized a second too late that that was the wrong thing to say the moment she heard her partner suck in a sharp breath.

Somehow, even with her eyes still closed, she could tell he was severely uncomfortable when he cleared his throat awkwardly, "Umm... yeah. We actually are."

Shoot. "I... oh wait... then I should know you then? But gosh there's so many kids in our grade, I—"

"You probably don't know who I am," Mister Bug said, if not regrettably, "And that's okay. It doesn't make me upset or anything. It's just... you have your friend group, and I sort of have mine."

Emma rolled her eyes underneath her closed lids. "I don't have what you would call a 'friend group', I just have friends... just like everyone else. And just in case you were wondering, yes, I still want to be your friend outside of the masks."

Even with her eyes closed, she could sense that he seemed to perk up. "Really?"

"Of course!" She said as if it were obvious. "You don't really think that low of me, do you?"

"No I don't," he said, his voice genuine and sincere. She even swore she heard a smile in his voice. "I'm just glad we got that cleared up."

"So..." Emma couldn't help the smile that pulled at her lips. "Does this mean I can open my eyes now?"

Her smile widened when he chuckled, "No, not yet." She wanted to shake her head and laugh, or maybe even open her eyes anyway just to tease him. But she decided against it. Instead she held her smile, even as she felt his fingers (still covered by his suit) brush against her elbow, not really holding her, but more like caressing her. When she opened her mouth to ask him what he was doing, she was cut off the moment he said, "Tikki! Spots off!"

A flash of red light flashed in front of her, and she squeezed her eyes tighter when the light seemed to be blinding even behind closed eyes.

And then, instead of spandex against her skin, she felt his warm touch on her elbow.

A second later, she heard a soft, high-pitched, little voice. "Why are we de-transforming on top of a roof?"

Before either of them could say anything, she heard her kwami, Plagg, say, "Don't worry about them, Suagr Cube. I'll explain everything."

"Sugar Cube?" Mister Bug questioned, even as she heard the kwami's quietly zip away. "I wasn't aware they had nicknames for each other."

Emma couldn't help but giggle. "I think it's Plagg's unique way of showing affection."

"That's... cute."

The way he hesitated made Emma frown. Even though they had discussed that nothing regarding their friendship would chance between them, she could tell that he was still nervous, hesitant, and probably still unsure.

With her eyes still closed, she blindly reached out for him. He wasn't very far away from her, she realized, when her fingers innocently found his chest, which was covered by an actual shirt and not superhero spandex. She couldn't help but smile at the thought that they were so close to finally fully knowing each other.

Her hand slowly moved higher, and he let her, seemingly not minding her touch as she tried to get a better idea of just who exactly was standing in front of her without opening her eyes. When Emma's hand found his face, she moved to rest her open palm against his cheek, and couldn't help the shudder that coursed through her spine when he actually leaned into her touch.

For a second, she thought she was dreaming. This was probably the most intimate thing they'd ever done.

He broke the silence with a shuddering laugh, "Is it weird that we've only been superhero partners for two days, and I feel like I've got a bigger and deeper connection with you?"

Emma couldn't help the choked laugh that escaped her lips. So it wasn't just her who felt it.

She shook her head. "No. I can assure you I definitely feel it too."

"Oh... really?" He asked, his voice sounding a bit hopeful. "I was afraid it was just me."

She simply shook her head and just smiled at him. She was so happy... and not just because of what they were about to do, but because Mister Bug had just admitted that he felt something more between them. Whatever that meant to him was for him to decide, but it still made her heart flutter knowing that her connection with him wasn't entirely one-sided.

"So.." she broke the silence again with a grin on her lips. "Does this mean I can open my eyes now?"

She expected him to still be reluctant. But much to her surprise, her partner chuckled softly, even if their was a tint of nervousness behind it. "Yeah," he said as if he were breathless. "Go ahead."

As soon as he gave her the okay, Emma's eyes shot open. The first thing she noticed was his dark, brown hair, which looked... neater and less shaggy out of costume. Her eyes moved down his chest, taking in his clothes, his skin, and pretty much every little detail about him. And then her eyes shot back up to his face, where she realized he had faded freckles that danced across the bridge of his nose. And then she met his eyes. His eyes which were a soft brown, watching her closely, with amusement, fondness, and a bit of nervousness in them.

Her eyes didn't leave his as she said, "You're handsome."

And she meant that. She really did.

She watched as his eyes widened in surprise, as if that wasn't what he was expecting her to say.

Her smile remained prominently wide. "And don't you dare try to deny it," she poked his chest playfully, "Because I do really mean it."

He offered her a soft smile. "Thanks, Emma."

She grinned, "I mean, don't get me wrong, I always thought you were handsome. But now that I'm getting a front row seat to see all of you—"

"Alright, I get it!" He said as an attempt to shut her up, and it worked, because she couldn't stop laughing the moment she saw his cheeks flush.

She giggled and shook her head, allowing her bangs to fall into her eyes. Without even waiting for his permission, she simply stepped forward and threw her arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug.

She felt her stomach flutter when his arms came around her waist to hug her back.

"I'm so glad you decided to reveal yourself to me, Mister." She whispered against his ear as she nuzzled further into his embrace.

She felt him chuckle softly against the base of her neck before he whispered in response, "Callum. My name is Callum Weavus."


Yes, before you say anything, I did base Mister Bug's name off of Prince Callum from the Dragon Prince. The name suits him in my opinion.

And since were on the topic of TDP, if you haven't watched The Dragon Prince, what are you waiting for? It's on Netflix!

(And it's really good. We be hyped for season 4.)

Also... if you're maybe wondering what happened to the part where Mister Bug was supposed to reveal himself to Emma's parents, it was just too much that I wanted to write about it, and this part was already longer than I expected.

So part 4? Maybe? Who knows.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!


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