the smell of cheese forever remains pt4 🔞

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Part 4? Yessir. Possible future book centered around Emma and Callum? Maybe. Call me possibly inspired.

* 🔞 + for language, kissing *

Read at your own risk.

Future post-reveal one-shot.

With Hawkmoth finally defeated, Adrien and Marinette must return their miraculouses back into the miracle box.

Twenty years later, Adrien (who is now a proud father), just wants to spend some quality time with his teenage daughter.

So when he walks into her bedroom unannounced one afternoon, Adrien doesn't expect to find his daughter blabbering for an excuse as to why Plagg is hovering mid-air in the middle of the room.


"Have a seat, Callum."

Emma could tell Callum was nervous, especially when he fixed the collar of his shirt and swallowed, hesitantly taking a seat on the family couch. It had taken a lot of pleading and convincing to get him here. But now that he was here, she was starting to think that maybe this hadn't been her brightest idea.

Her father had his arms folded and his eyes narrowed, as if he was scrutinizing her partner. Her mother was seated on the opposite couch with an equalized emotionless expression.

If she didn't know any better, she would say this was an interrogation.

"So..." Adrien said smoothly, "You said your name was Callum... Weavus? Is that right?"

Callum nodded, "Y-Yes Monsieur."

"What kind of a last name is Weavus, Weavus?"

"Dad!" Emma practically growled, shaking her head at her father who simply offered her a teasing grin, as if he thought this whole thing was nothing but one big joke.

Despite her warning, her father ignored her, and even smiled as he said, "What school do you go to, Weavus?"

She gritted her teeth. She really didn't like the way Callum's last name rolled of off her father's tongue.

"Françoise Dupont High-School, Monsieur." Callum said as politely as he could.

"What grade?"

"I'm a senior, Monsieur."

Adrien hummed, seemingly satisfied with the boy's answers so far. "And how old are you, Weavus?"

"Almost twenty, Monsieur."

"Twenty?" Adrien suddenly looked confused. "But as I recall, you haven't even graduated yet."

"I failed a grade back in grade school," Callum explained patiently, "And so I was held back. By the time I turn twenty, I will be a high-school graduate."

"I see," Adrien hummed– though the look in her father's eye implied that he didn't quite believe that. "So... what do you plan to do after you graduate?"

Callum didn't even have to think about that answer, apparently. "Mechanics, Monsieur."

"Mechanics?" Adrien seemed surprised, and... well... pleased. "Any particular reason why?"

She watched as Callum grimaced, probably in the middle of ruminating through a memory that didn't welcome the happiest thoughts. Emma frowned. She didn't like all the questions that her father was asking, especially when one of those questions seemed to strike a nerve.

But Callum seemed to recollect himself rather quickly. After grimacing, he forced himself to smile. "My father... he... I was told that he was a mechanic, and I want to do something that will allow me to follow in his footsteps."

"That's wonderful, Callum," this time, Marinette had something to say. But her words were kind, loving, and had a soft, gentler tone than her father's. "I'm sure your father would be proud to have his son follow in his footsteps."

Callum smiled, genuinely smiled, and beamed under Marinette's praise. Emma couldn't help the wide smile that pulled at her lips either.

Her mother was way better at all of this than her father was.

"Thank you, Madame Agreste."

"Oh no, none of that," her mother laughed and waved a hand dismissively, "That makes me sound so old."

Callum's smile didn't waver. "If you insist..." he paused, amusingly adding, "...Madame Marinette."

Emma burst out laughing, and she watched as her mother pursed her lips and pouted, slouching her shoulders forward.

Marinette let out a whine that sounded like a dying piglet. "Madame makes me sound so old."

Everyone in the room chuckled softly, including Adrien, which Emma was a bit surprised about. She couldn't tell if her father liked Callum or not. But she was hoping he did. Scratch that—she really hoped that he did. Because if Callum actually returned her feelings (like she hoped he would), then she needed her father to be on board with her being more than just friends with him.

But who was she kidding? She didn't even know if Callum liked her like that. They weren't exactly 'close' as far as their relationship went.

"Would you like to see Tikki, Mme Marinette?" Callum offered, his voice gentle and caring. He had decided on switching from saying Madame to saying its abbreviation, she realized, and that made her smile.

She watched with a fond smile on her lips as her mother's eyes lit up. "Oh... yes please!"

Callum's smile widened. He tilted his head down and opened his vest, and all of their gazes turned to the movement in his pocket as soon as a little, red being poked her head out to take in her surroundings.

As soon as she saw her previous owner, Tikki's eyes watered. "Marinette..."

Marinette's hands flew to her mouth, containing a sob. "Tikki..."

Tikki flew out of Callum's pocket in a matter of seconds and clashed into her previous owner's cheek. The two now reunited cried together in unison. Now openly crying, Marinette reached up to cradle the kwami in her palms, pressing her lips gently against Tikki's head. The kwami nuzzled into Marinette's hands further, as if she didn't ever want to leave that spot again.

Emma frowned slightly. She wasn't sure why, but the idea of her parents getting so close to their kwami's again left an unsettling feeling in her stomach.

Master Fu had made it blatantly clear that no one else was supposed to know about their identities... including their own parents. Were her parents simply an exception because they'd been miraculous holders before?

She looked over at Callum, to see if he held any sort of distress while watching the interaction between his kwami and her mother, but instead, all she found was a wide smile on his lips.

He looked genuinely happy to see them reunited, and although she was too (in a sense), it still didn't erase how unsettled she felt.

She moved her gaze around the room and away from Callum, until her eyes accidentally landed on her father.

Her eyes widened slightly when she met his piercing, green eyes. He had already been looking at her, she realized. And the look he had to offer her looked anything from approving.

It didn't take a genius to know that he'd seen the way she looked at the reunion, and she was pretty sure she was going to hear it from him the moment she walked Callum out the door.


"Do you think this is inappropriate? Y'know.. b-being up in your—"

"No," Emma said, barely sparing him a glance over her shoulder as she shut the door. "My parents did it when they were teenagers."

She remembered the story her mother had told her when they were teenagers. Her father had gone up to her mother's bedroom to play video games. Marinette swore that they hadn't been anything more than just friends then, but that didn't matter.

They were alone together, in a bedroom...

And they played video games.

Why did this have to be any different?

Callum, however, didn't seem to share her sense of logic. "Which means they know some of the things teenagers do when they're alone in rooms—"

"What exactly are you implying?" Emma turned around to face him, a single brow raised as she folded her arms across her chest. She watched as Callum hesitantly took a seat on the edge of her bed, a bit uneasily, might she add.

Callum smiled sheepishly, "That your parents might think I'm that type of guy."

"And what type of guy is that?" Emma asked she approached him.

"The kind that fucks around."

Emma sat down on her bed beside him, frowning slightly, "I think you're being dramatic."

Callum's face twisted into an emotion she couldn't quite read. "You think?" He asked unsurely.

"Are you kidding?" Emma scoffed lightly, "My parents seem to adore you. Literally. My mom even made cookies, specifically for you. That says a lot."

She watched as the corner of Callum's lips twitched upward, recreating her own smile. "Yeah," he hummed, and from the way he was currently smiling, seemingly reminiscing on how good those cookies actually tasted. "I gotta say those were probably the best cookies I've ever had."

Emma giggled, "Yeah. I gotta agree with you on that."

"If I could have cookies like that whenever I wanted..." Callum licked his lips. "I'd probably be the happiest person alive."

"I could always bring some for you... y'know... during lunch?" She suggested shyly, involuntary biting down on her lower lip. She watched with an amused smile on her lips as he whipped his head around to look at her, his eyes widened in shock, as if he couldn't believe she'd actually proposed that.

And then he broke out into a grin. "You bake?"

"That's a rhetorical question, right?" Emma raised a challenging brow at him, purposely wiggling it which caused him to chuckle. "Of course I can! My mom is the master of baking after all."

"That's true," Callum chuckled, and then his expression sobered. "You seriously wouldn't mind bringing me cookies to school? Are you sure?"

Emma shrugged, her smile still very prominent. "Well... I wouldn't do it for anyone. You're the only exception."

She watched as a genuine, fond smile broke out on his lips. She returned that smile with one of her own. Emma found that she really really liked it whenever Callum smiled. He had a beautiful smile that no one else's could compare to, in her opinion.

He was caring and sweet, funny and charming, yet he was sensitive and kind, and was more reserved and less cocky. She liked that about him. She liked everything about him really.

She really really hoped he felt the same way.

But how long was she going to keep hoping? How long was she going to wait until she saw a sign that he felt the same way? She wasn't oblivious to how long it took her parents to get together. It took her father forever to actually recognize her mother in that way, and who knows how long it took her mother to woman up and confess.

Emma wasn't going to sit around and wait. Callum was here now, and all she had to do was tell him.

So she did. "I like you, Callum."

Callum's smile instantly dropped. But instead of being annoyed, he just looked extremely confused.


"I like you," Emma said again. She wasn't about to back down or extract herself from a situation that could be extremely embarrassing on her end. There was no such thing as a rewind button with these sort of things. "I've actually liked you ever since you said we'd be a fighting-duo-superhero mastermind."

Thankfully, that memory seemed to make Callum laugh. It was the most important memory that they had with each other, after all. He had said that to her on the first day they'd met, and it was the first thing he'd ever said while dressed in a ladybug-themed, red and black, polka-dotted costume.

"I remember that," he chucked fondly, "Still can't figure out why I had to say something so dorky."

"I thought it was cute." Emma said honestly.

She watched as Callum's cheeks flushed bright pink. He was blushing. "Although you weren't wrong," she smiled smugly, "We do make a pretty good team."

"Yeah," he said softly, a small smile twitching at his lips. "We really do."

Another beat of heavy silence filled the air, and this time, Emma felt extremely nervous. She had just told her partner that she liked him, and he hadn't even given her an answer on whether or not he felt the same.

Or, more specifically, he hadn't even acknowledged that she'd just spilled out her feelings to him and confessed.

She wasn't sure how to feel about that.

But thankfully, before she could say anything remotely stupid, she felt his hand grasp hers– which was balled into a fist into her lap– and he squeezed her fist softly, his smooth fingers encasing her fist into a bundle of warmth.

Callum cleared his throat. "You know..." he began hesitantly, "I've liked you since that day too."

Emma's whipped her head up to look at him so hard, she could have sworn her neck might've just broke then. "Wait really?"

He nodded, still not meeting her gaze. "Yeah," but she noticed the small smile that played out on his lips. "I just... I thought it would be weird telling you I liked you as more than just a friend if neither of us knew each other well."

Emma found herself smiling as she pictured Callum having a crush on her. He didn't make it obvious, obviously, and apparently, neither did she. But she felt relieved to know that her feelings weren't one-sided.

She slowly unclenched her fist, allowing Callum's fingers to slowly slip in between hers. His fingers wove with hers, their hands fitting together like a perfect puzzle piece. It felt right.

"I know what you mean," she admitted softly, "The truth is... I didn't tell you for the same reason. I thought it was too soon. But after meeting my parents, I found myself wanting to bring you back here more often as just my friend and partner and crime."

She watched as Callum's cheeks heated up once again, and she giggled when he tried to hide his face.

Using her other hand, she placed it gently against his cheek, forcing him to look back at her. "Don't hide," she said softly as she brushed a few of his dark, brown bangs out of his eyes. When he met her eyes again, she offered him a gentle smile. "I like it when you blush. It's cute."

Callum pouted, letting out an agonizing groan when she giggled, "Cute can be an offensive word, y'know."

"How so?" She found herself asking as she scooted herself closer to him.

He welcomed her much-needed, closer embrace by wrapping a shy arm around her waist. "Because maybe I'd rather be called 'hot' or 'handsome', y'know? Cute just drowns out the ego." He smirked and wiggled an eyebrow.

Emma burst out into a fit of giggles. "Oh my god you are sooo dramatic!"

His eyebrows came together in feigned frustration. "Am not." He pouted.

"Are to," she cooed, bopping his nose. She watched as he wrinkled it, and the sight made her smile. "Super super dramatic."

He shook his head. "No way."

"Yes way. Legend says you even won all the beauty pageants, because you were such a drama queen!"

Callum groaned out loud, whereas she couldn't help but giggle at her own pun. She had to say, she really did get that from her dad.

"Okay, okay, that was a good one," Callum admitted, though she knew he absolutely hated it when she made puns. "But I'm not a drama queen."

With a wide smile on her lips, Emma leaned her head against his shoulder and hummed, "No, you're right. You're my drama queen."

Callum chuckled softly, and she could feel him playing with her fingers as he said, "I guess I am."

Almost instantly, Emma lifted her head from his shoulder, her eyes finding his in a matter of seconds. Her eyes searched his for what felt like an eternity until she decided to throw all caution to the wind and leaned in, pressing her lips softly against his.

Callum reacted instantly, his head quickly slanting so that he could follow her lead. His lips were soft, oh so soft, and she felt like she was on cloud nine when he innocently brushed his lips with hers and caressed the juncture of her hip with his equally soft fingers so gently. It made her get lost in him. His scent alone was intoxicating. The way his other hand found its way to her jaw, and then her hair, weaving his fingers along her scalp like he was memorizing a map, made her shudder with excitement and wonder. When they finally parted for air, his lips only wandered as they found her neck. He began to pepper gentle kisses up from the base of her neck, and she couldn't help but lean her head back to allow him more access.

Their wonderful moment, however, was ruined the moment a flash of light caught her eye.

She and Callum pulled apart so fast, Emma could have sworn it was faster than the speed of lightening. Her lips were swollen, and his were probably too, but she was too in shock to dwell over how magical their moment had felt. When she whipped her head to the side to see where the flash of light had come from, she realized her door was open—when had it opened? She never even heard it, and her mother was standing under the doorframe with a camera in hand, and her father was standing there too, with his mouth agape.

Tikki and Plagg too were also hovering above their previous master's shoulders, both smiling all-too-knowingly for her own liking.

"Maman!" Emma gasped in complete and utter horror. "What are you doing?!"

"Capturing the moment, obviously," Marinette snickered, waving her phone (which currently held probably the most embarrassing photo of Emma's lifetime in it), in a teasing manner. "Someone had to capture your first kiss."

Emma blushed violently. "That wasn't my first kiss!"

"What?!" Adrien bellowed.

"Well, maybe we can just pretend that it was for the sake of the scrapbook—"

"You are not putting that photo in a scrapbook."

"Oh why not? It'd be so cute—"

"Maman, please. Don't."

"Emma," She turned to look at her father, who was eyeing her with a not-so-friendly look in his eye. "It looks like we need to have a chat. About more than one thing apparently."

Emma groaned and buried her face into her hands. If she was embarrassed, she could only imagine how Callum was feeling.

And it didn't even help either when she heard Plagg snicker. She also didn't miss his unmistakably smug voice as he said, "Don't forget that Camembert isn't just my fuel food, Adrien. It can be a boy repellent too."

She heard her father hum in agreement, which only made her want to bury herself into a dark hole.

Emma wanted nothing more than to strangle Plagg.

Stinky cheese was the only food he liked? Well then she would make sure to shove plenty of Camembert up his tiny, little ass.


Finally got the 4th part out whoop whoop! This looks like the end of Emma and Callum's adventure, or perhaps one day they'll get their own book...

Who knows.


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