Lipstick And Smudges

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A/N: Hey guys, I'm back! ❤❤

This is my first attempt at writing a crack-fic (and one-shots) so, please bear with me.

Let me know what you liked and what you didn't and how I can improve.

Genre: Humour
Subgenre: Friendship/Romance
Rated: K+
Word count: 1029 (excluding A/Ns)
Date: July 4, 2020


When Adrien first arrived late to the class, Alya didn't raise an eyebrow. Sure, it was surprising that the obedient sunshine child was late considering he loved school (sometimes she even wondered if he was a real person), but since the younger Agreste had such a busy schedule that him being unpunctual didn't concern any of her classmates.

Smelling something fishy about Marinette's tardiness would be insane! Alya knew her best friend. The noirette was always late for everything, whether it was their group hangouts, kitty section meetings or any other occasions. She was a scatterbrain mess who was constantly struggling to be at the right place at the right time. Yet, Alya couldn't bring herself to dislike her habit. Despite being bad at time management, Marinette performed her duties as a class president well. Alya knew that she had random brainstorms for fashion ideas in the middle of the night, so her late arrivals to the school were very usual.

Fourteen years old Alya would have definitely suspected something when both Marinette and Adrien arrived together to the class— thirty minutes late and panting, but seventeen years old Alya did not assume things. (A habit she had so gracefully gotten rid of after being suspended for assuming that Chole could be Ladybug and 'breaking' into her locker! What in the world was she even thinking?) Upon being asked, the duo had stuttered out an answer very nervously, "Ak- Akuma attack!"

The bespeckled girl understood. After all, being a reporter (and a citizen of Paris) she knew that Hawkmoth's attacks were being very relentless as of late. There had been five attacks already this week and it was Tuesday! She, too, was devoted to her blog and keeping people updated so she had been late to her classes a few times due to recording Akuma attacks. She didn't try to interrogate further. Not even when Nino pointed out that their respective best friends' regular 'disappearances' were becoming very frequent. 

"Are you sure they're not secretly dating or something?" He asked with a very calculative gaze that didn't suit him.

Alya brushed off his worries, "Oh, please! If Marinette was 'secretly' dating Adrien then she wouldn't have been able to keep it from moi!"

Her boyfriend shrugged and forgot all about it. So did she.

Unbeknownst to the couple, their best friends had accidentally revealed their secret identities to each other and had been pleasantly surprised about it. ("The cat's out of the bag now, M'lady!")

It was only when Marinette arrived late to the class on the next Monday looking very out of breath with dishevelled hair, slightly swollen lips and pinked cheeks did she finally started suspecting. 

"I overslept again, Alya," was the excuse she had spluttered, "I washed up and did my hair in just seven minutes."

She's lying. The voice in her head warned. The noirette maintained a very suspiciously odd behaviour for the rest of the day and Alya wondered if she had finally confessed to Adrien after pining for him for three years. The blonde was stealing 'secretive' glances at her best friend with a lovestruck look on his face for the rest of the day. Something is up! But she decided to not to open her mouth until she had confirmed her suspicions.

She didn't need to do anything though, for the next day when Marinette arrived an hour late to school— just in time for Mme. Mendeleiev's class (the second class on Marinette's time table), she was a blushing mess. Her red lipstick was entirely smudged and faded. This caused to raise a couple of eyebrows (including Alya's and Nino's). Her shirt was entirely wrinkled.

"What were you up to, girl?" She asked rather worriedly. 

"No - Noth- Nothing!" Marinette claimed in three attempts. 

"Really? 'Cause I think that yo-" Alya was interrupted by a loud bellow.

"I'm not late!" Adrien stood at the doorway, his hands were on his knees as he bent forward, catching his breath. (He totally wasn't late!)

Their classmates' breath hitched when he finally looked up to face them. Alya could feel Marinette tense up beside her. Ooooh! This is so good! 

"What?" Adrien demanded, squirming under his friends' blatant stares, "Do I have something on my face?" He asked, reaching for his cheeks and forehead hesitantly. 

Fifteen seconds.

It took the class 15 seconds to comprehend the situation and burst out laughing. Alix and Kim were exchanging money, Rose was fangirling, Juleka was smiling cheekily. Sabrina was busy fanning a very dramatic Chloe who had draped an arm over her head, "Adrikins, how could you?!" Her feigned affronted gasp followed. The other boys were busy congratulating Adrien. "I knew you had it in you, dude!" Nino patted the blonde's back and grinned. 

Marinette was busy trying to bury herself in her seat. Alya chuckled at Adrien's confused and scared look. She looked between the pair and decided to have no mercy. Unlocking her phone, she clicked on the camera and switched it to the front camera mode. She walked over to the model and handed him her phone, "Here ya go, sunshine."

Oh, how she wished she could've captured the look on Adrien's face as soon as he saw his own face! The look was gone as soon as it came. He sighed and his shoulders slumped, "I guess the cat's really out of the bag now?" He weakly offered.

"Not so fast, blondie," Alya grinned from ear to ear, "You and Marinette need to explain everything. Now." 

"Hem-hem." Heads turned to face Mme. Mendeliev. "Class, please return to your seats." She ordered in a monotonous voice. 

Adrien looked at his girlfriend's best friend and mouthed a 'later' while everyone settled down on their respective seats. 

As they were taking out their books, Alya handed the blonde in front of her a wipe and chuckled evilly at his predicament and Marinette's groan.

There, on Adrien's neck, was a mark— a mark of someone's *(nudge, nudge Marinette)* lipstick and a slightly faded red smear on the corner of his lips. 

The entire class celebrated when they found the new couple furiously making out behind the school during the lunch break.

A/N: So... How was it? Did you like it? Let me know. There'll be a lot more to come. There'll be fluffy ones, angsty ones, extra mushy ones, happy ones and many mooooooree!

Remember when the titles used to be based off lyrics? Good times...

Alternative title: Bury A Friend

I just wanted to write something, but I've been really busy with my exams approaching and all so... let's see how often I can update.

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