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A/N: Hey loves!

Now, this would've been out yesterday if I didn't accidentally delete this part from Google Docs while editing it.

I was so heartbroken and upset! I am still so frustrated, but all's well that ends well...

Genre: Romance
Subgenre: Humour (kinda)
Rated: T (Read at your own risk)
Word count: 1963 (excluding the A/Ns)
Date: July 10, 2020

Warning: This one-shot is not appropriate for all reading audience and is T rated. It also might have a little suggestive theme (just a little bit), so please do not read what you're not supposed to.


It started out with something very innocent. Marinette had started wearing tops with low necklines and V-necks, Adrien noticed. It didn't concern anyone though. Maybe she was just trying her hand at a more mature fashion style for herself. After all, they were in college, they were practically adults.

Yet Adrien couldn't help but notice her every single movement. Ever since their not-so-accidental reveal two months ago, he had been more and more attracted to her mannerisms. He had always been in love with her spotted alter-ego and finding out the girl behind the mask was someone he was so close to had absolutely wrecked him. He had thought that she neither liked Chat Noir nor Adrien in a romantic way, so he didn't have a chance with her at all. But she had surprised him. When has she ever failed at surprising me? Never, that was the answer.

After their reveal, she had confessed her feelings for both of his personas. He had been elated when he had found out that she had been in love with him for more than four years, but alas! His happiness was short-lived when he learnt that they couldn't be a couple. With Hawkmoth's constant attacks, it wasn't ideal for the superhero duo to date.

"It's just too risky," she had said, "I love you, kitty, but Paris comes first and things might be complicated if Ladybug and Chat Noir started dating."

He had always respected her decisions, so there wasn't any question about whether he was going to do whatever she asked for right then. He had agreed, but his dejected mood had been given away by his feline ears that had pressed themselves against his blonde locks. The ever so sweet heroine had understood her chaton's mood and had tried to cheer him up.

"I promise you're the only one for me," her soft smile melted him, "It's just that I don't want Hawkmoth or Mayura to gain any advantage over us. I swear after we defeat them, we can officially start dating. Just no relationship right now." She pecked his lips comfortingly.

The kiss was soothing, but it wasn't enough for his poor heart. And yet he didn't pester her about the topic anymore. Outside the mask, Adrien and Marinette became practically inseparable. Their bond strengthened by ten folds and up to the degree where she could walk around him wearing nothing but a bathrobe. They both trusted each other with their lives. Yet by every single day, the blonde found his heart aching for the noirette more and more.

As much as he appreciated what he had with his superhero partner, he wanted to take her out on dates, to hold her hand, to kiss her, he wanted to be the reason she smiled for. He wanted to be with her.

The way Alya and Nino would always be extra gross during lunch and fed each other rubbed salt on his wounds. He had never been so annoyed with his best friend before, for his relationship reminded him, taunted him of what he couldn't have. He wanted to have that with Marinette!

And then three weeks ago, the outfit change happened. When she started wearing tops with a low neckline, Adrien tried his best not to pay any attention to the fact. It shouldn't have bothered him. Then she started wearing more form-fitting jeans and that had certainly grabbed his attention (after all, Marinette had really nice legs for a small person). It wasn't really difficult though. What really was difficult was to ignore her sudden shift of style. She started wearing darker make-up. Then she started wearing high-waisted, mid-thigh skirts that (successfully) showed off those legs. Next to come were the crop-tops that showed off her navel and toned stomach. The thoughts that came to the blonde's mind after that were not so innocent.

He tried to stop himself. He really did but failed miserably. He didn't want to think of any woman in a scandalous way. He was a gentleman, and he was taught to respect a woman's boundary yet Marinette was the only one who could have this kind of effect on him. He was putty in her hands- hopelessly in love with her. His princess was a cruel seductress!

Plagg had laughed at his pitiable condition, "It's good to see you finally act like a teenage boy, kid." The complete assh-(censored!) of a kwami further added to his humiliation. Adrien groaned. Marinette had adopted a new style of walking as well. And the torment wasn't just during college hours, it was really hard to control himself as she sashayed around in a skin-tight spandex suit (that left nothing to the imagination) during patrols. He raked his hands through his hair, trying to find out a solution. Except that there wasn't any solution. He was so screwed!

Things did end up changing- for the worst. The next day, Adrien went to college early in order to finish his remaining research for an assignment in the library. Therefore, it was no wonder that he was the first one to arrive at the class. He decided to cover up for the lost sleep and dozed off with his head laying down on the desk of his seat. He woke up to the sweet voice of his lady.

"Adrien, would you please help me with yesterday's assignment?"

He should've realised that she was up to no good by how innocent she sounded right then. Unfortunately, his sleepy state wasn't able to comprehend it. "What about yesterday's home-", as soon as he turned around to face his lady love, his mind became alert of the catastrophe. For the first time in his four and a half years of knowing the heroine, his eyes didn't meet hers immediately. Instead, he looked at Marinette's apparel and his breath caught in his lungs. She was wearing a pure black, off-shoulder, full-sleeved, V-neck crop top. He couldn't see her entire getup but using his fashion sense, he gathered that she must have been wearing a blue, high-waisted, ripped jeans. Her attire was just appropriate enough to get past the dress code rules of their college.

His eyes wandered all over the exposed milky skin of her (delicious looking) neck and traced the contours of the black top that hid away a territory he could only ever dream of. He was so mesmerised by her! Did he like the outfit? Duh! Did he like the way his body reacted? Hell no! He gulped painfully. . . as blood travelled down to the nether regions of his body.

Calmdowncalmdowncalmdowncalmdown! He chanted over and over again like a mantra. After getting a hold over himself, he realised that her (pretty) lips that were moving earlier had stopped and her lovely eyes held a question as Marinette had probably paused to hear his answer. He shook himself out of his world of fantasy and flushed in embarrassment. Don't think like this, he chided himself, no relationship is what we both have agreed to.

"Sorry," he smiled apologetically, "What was that?" He rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.

The bug's eyes narrowed in suspicion and the kitten could have sworn that he saw a smug (almost triumphant) look flash her (beautiful) face. Before she could say anything, their professor arrived and started off with the lecture.

The entire day was absolutely torturing for Adrien as Marinette continue on with her adorable act and occasionally dropped a pick-up line when they were together with Alya and Nino.

(I will report you to the police for stealing my heart!)

(Wait a second. I need to breathe. Being with you takes my breath away.)

(You are hotter than a sunburn!)

(I think I'm lost. Can you give me the directions to your heart?)

(Your lips are meant to be kissed, let's not waste them.)

Their best friends were very amused at Adrien's predicament and exchanged knowing looks and sniggers. Great, he was now reduced to a laughing stock!

"Dude, you okay?" The DJ asked the model once the girls were out of an earshot.

The deadpan look Adrien gave him spoke for itself. He had to deal with Marinette's forwardness the whole day and on the top of that, he had to act as if it didn't faze him at all! He was not okay, he was screwed! Alya teased him too and it was getting too much for him to handle.

When his limit was finally crossed, he could not control himself despite all the efforts. Grabbing Marinette's hand (when he was sure that their respective best friends weren't around), he led her to the closest broom closet and caged her body between his arms after locking the door. There was no way to hide anymore.

"We need to talk." He stated in a matter-of-fact voice, sounding more agitated than he really was.

The look she gave him of equal part surprise and equal part excitement was so irresistible! It took him every fibre of his being to not to kiss her senseless right then and there. "About what?" She asked nonchalantly.

"Seriously?" Adrien gave her an incredulous expression, "Are we going to pretend that you weren't pushing my buttons out there?" He inhaled sharply and spoke very slowly and quietly as if he was dealing with something very fragile and was afraid to break it, "I thought you didn't want a relationship right now?" He was soon to address the elephant in the room.

Marinette cupped his cheeks and smiled slyly, "Maybe I changed my mind, " she brushed his bangs away from his eyes, "You are an irresistibly handsome boy." She admitted and pulled his face closer to hers by grabbing his collar and slammed their lips together and let her kiss convey the unspoken words.

The kitten's eyes widened for a brief second before shutting close as he pulled her closer to himself so that there wasn't even a millimetre of air between them. He reciprocated the kiss with much fervour. Marinette's one hand rested on his nape while the other delved into his shoulder, visibly creasing the fabric of his shirt. Adrien's one hand shifted from her waist to the small of her back while the other tangled itself in his princess' long, dark tresses. Years of pent up emotions and desire helped them to overcome their lack of experience and the model pinned the designer against the wall.

The kiss was raw and clumsy but full of passion and love. The needy kitty tilted his head to kiss the bug more deeply. He nipped at her bottom lip which caused her to gasp in astonishment and Adrien was successfully able to enter his tongue into her mouth and devoured her taste. He tasted like mint while she tasted like cinnamon and sugar- leaving them both hungry for more.

Adrien directed his lips towards the junction between her neck and shoulder and started pressing open-mouth kisses to the surface. His hot breath that fanned her skin sent pleasant shivers down Marinette's spine. His teeth grazed the delicate circle at the base of her neck before he bit it and enjoyed the taste of her sweaty flesh. They would worry about the hickeys later. . . Right now, at that moment, his princess' moans were quite enjoyable.

Every kiss, every touch, every feeling felt so good and it filled their bodies with adrenaline and want. In the spur of the moment, Adrien lifted her up by her hips and pushed her up against the wall so that they were on the same eye-level. The sudden movement gave Marinette enough time to glance quickly at her wristwatch. "Hurry up," she laced her fingers behind his head, "We only have an hour." She informed.

Well, it was just going to be the shortest one hour Adrien had ever lived through.


A/N: Sooooo? Was it good?

They both are between 18 to 19 years of age in this one-shot.

Note that this is my first attempt at writing a complete one-shot that's supposed to be spicy so, if there is anything I can use to improve then please let me know. I know that there are a lot more details I could've added, but for the sake of my sanity, I decided to stop here.

Alternative Title: Can't Keep My Hands To Myself

I don't usually write stuff like this, but there's something about flirty Marinette and flustered Adrien that I can't help but love.

That's all for today...

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