The Pinoculus Potion

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A/N: Hello people! Thank you soooooooo much for 100+ reads! You guys are awesome! ❤🥰❤🥰

I had to give this one to all of you, my Physics exam went great (Ironical, right?) and I was in an even better mood when I learnt that this book has crossed a 100 reads. (It's a big thing for me!)

Here's something I've always wanted to write: Lila salt!!! (Can't believe that I wrote in Lila's POV)

Genre: Humour
Subgenre: Friendship/General
Word count: 2249 (excluding the A/Ns)
Rated: T (Read at your own risk)
Date: July 15, 2020
» Part 1 of 'The Girl Who Cried Wolf' series «

Warning: This one-shot is T rated only because of the use of some really 'beautiful' language and nothing else.


"But Master, this potion is really hard to make!" Wayzz exclaimed as he saw Master Fu buzzing around the apartment looking for a cauldron.

"We don't have a choice, Wayzz," he said without looking at his kwami, "We have to do something before things get out of hand." His eyes brightened as soon as he found the object he had been looking for.

Taking the cauldron in one hand and the Miraculous spellbook in another, Fu went inside the kitchen where the ingredients of the potion were already kept ready for use. "Wayzz," he called out, "Bring me the Jobberknoll feather from the topmost shelf."

The obedient green turtle-like kwami flew back with a delicate feather in no time.

After four hours of non-stop labour, Fu finally nailed the transparent potion. He wiped the bead of sweat from his forehead. He poured the liquid into a small glass bottle and handed it to his kwami. "You know what to do, Wayzz," he spoke earnestly, "It would be best if you make her drink it otherwise you can make her inhale this somehow." He instructed.

"Don't worry, Master," Wayzz said as he held the priceless bottle in his paws, "Your work will be done!" He tried to salute his holder in the most comical way while balancing the object before flying out of the window, towards his destination.


Lila Rossi was many things- she was shrewd, evil, manipulative, liar, cheater... the list could go on and on but, she wasn't a fool. She was clever at twisting the facts and make things work out in her favour. She used to spend hours planning her schemes and making sure that nothing contradicted her statements. Plotting Marinette's expulsion took weeks! She had to come up with a fool-proof plan to take down the goody-two-shoes. It had taken some clever moves, false accusations, fake sweet supporting words, a few tears and bam, she had the naïve kids (and teachers) eating out of her hands! Sure, some didn't believe that Marinette had gone rogue, but they didn't exactly figure out that she was lying.

The sausage-haired girl chuckled evilly to herself, she had already planted the seeds of doubt in her friends' minds. . . it would be just a matter of a few days before they all would be her loyal slaves- especially that Ladyblogger. It would do wonders for her reputation to have the creator of such a successful, nationwide famous, influential blog at her side (along with Gabriel Agreste).

The girl looked at her reflection in the mirror, I look goood~ She blew herself a kiss before winking and grinning widely. Today was going to be a great day! She could feel it. Grabbing her lunch from the fridge, she made her way out of the house, thinking of what obvious lies she could feed those brainless idiots of the akuma class with.

She didn't realise when she had reached the school campus or when she had entered the building and was soon walking into the locker room for she was busy scheming against the sweet French-Asian girl (that radiated diabetes) the entire time. Once inside, her gaze zeroed on the number of mindless servants (children!) in the room. They would be a great listener for her new fabricated story. "Alya! Nino!" She exclaimed in a sickeningly sweet voice as she walked up to the bespectacled couple excitedly. "You have no idea what happened to me yesterday!"

"What? Spill, girl." Alya looked eager. Even Nino looked interested.

Once she was sure that she had created enough suspense so that everyone in the room was listening, she finally said, "Prince Ali declared his love for me yesterday!" She faked to blush. Instead of gasping and begging (asking!) her for details, everyone stared at her with an odd and alarmed expression. She tried not to roll her eyes. Seriously, she just told her that the heir of the Achu kingdom asked her out and they had the audacity of not asking her for details!? Don't get her wrong, she loved getting attention (thank you very much), but she wasn't sure if she liked the one she was getting right then.

"Do, uh, do I ha- have something on my face?" She giggled nervously. She was even more annoyed when Nino took off his glasses, wiped the lenses with the edge of his t-shirt and put them back on before blinking owlishly at her.

"Uh, guys?" Okay, this was getting awkward. Why weren't they worshipping (congratulating!) her already? They were looking at her as if she'd grown a second head.

Alya was the first one to speak up. "Lila, y- yo - your nose just grew LONGER." She spoke bewilderedly. The surrounding kids nodded.

What?! What kind of fuckery (nonsense!) was this? Her nose grew longer? Even she wouldn't make up something like that! Who was she? Pinnochio? These ungrateful brats (children!) had a dysfunctional brain as well as eyes. "Wh- What?" She laughed it off, "You guys are seeing things, noses don't grow." She began telling her tales once again, "Anyway so, as I was saying earlier; Prince Ali asked me out and he is coming to Paris tomorrow by his private plane for our special date!" She squealed fake-excitedly as she gushed about her date. Man, she was a great actress! "But please don't tell anyone about this. We want to keep this a secret and don't want the media after us." She added quickly. She paused for a reaction but they were giving her the same expression as earlier. What. The. Fuck. Was. Wrong. With. Them?!

"Dudette," It was Nino this time, "Your nose literally grew longer than earlier. Twice."

This again? "I don-", the liar paused and her breath hitched as she looked at her nose. It has grown longer! How in the world was this possible? Does it really grow every time I lie? She started panicking. Could she possibly blame that good-for-nothing Dupain-Cheng for it and turn everyone against her or make everyone hate her? "N-n-Nooooo!" She said hurriedly, "It isn't growing!" Shoot, it grew longer at this statement.

"Lila," that annoyingly sweet-voiced Rose spoke with genuine concern, "Your nose really is growing." Gee, thanks for the news flash!

"It might be due to one of your diseases?" Max suggested. Really, four eyes? Really!?

"Maybe it's an akuma?" She offered as her last hope. And this time her nose didn't grow because she really didn't know what was happening.

"Alya, Nino, what's happening?" A familiar voice asked. "Oh my God, Lila! What the hell?!"

This time, the urge to roll her eyes was almost irresistible to the Italian. But she had to play her part smartly, she could still work things out in her favour.

"Oh look, Marinette!" Her clamour was as fake as her long eyelashes, "An Akuma hit me when I was probably asleep and now my nose grows every time I speak about my life and my achievements." Her fake tears washed off the thick layer of ridiculous make-up she was wearing. Her nose grew longer.

As expected, the noirette didn't show any signs of sympathy, but before the lying fox could blame her, Marinette asked her a really stupid question, "What's your name?"

"Huh?" The brunette asked rather angrily. "You know my name, we are classmates! It's Lila Rossi!" What games was this pathetic excuse of an animal (human!) playing now?

"I see," the girl nodded, her gaze was still calculative, "And how old are you?"

"What type of question is that? You know it, I'm sixteen!" She tried not to growl. Seriously, has she sold off her brain?

"And how exactly did you meet Jagged Stone?" Marinette asked.

If Lila wouldn't have been blinded by getting an opportunity to increase her fame, she would've noticed the smug expression on the noirette's face. Unfortunately, it wasn't her lucky day. "Well, it was an interesting day," the public nuisance (Lila!) began in a sweet voice faker than her branded clothes, "We became friends after I saved his pet kitten from being run over by an aeroplane on a runway."

"There you have it," the superheroine said as she crossed her arms over her chest, "Her nose grows longer every time she lies, like Pinocchio." She said in a matter-of-factly voice.

Oh shit! This was bad, really bad. In her state of panic, Lila came up with the only excuse she could come up with at that time, "I have a lying disorder!" She yelled spitefully, "It makes me say things I don't mean to!" And sure enough, her nose increased in length.

"Lying disease?" A robotic voice intervened that caused everyone in the room to look at its source and saw Markov hovering over Max, "I have checked every database and no such thing exists."

Ugh! Why was this flying rat (robot!) even here? Wasn't she having enough drama already? More fake tears spilt out of her olive-green eyes, "I - I am no- not lying." Her voice quivered with a finesse that she could've received an Oscar for her skills, if not for her growing nose.

"Dudette," Nino said in a disbelieving tone, "Your nose was shrinking back to its normal size when Nette asked you about your name and age or when you were answering truthfully." He gave her a look of disappointment, "I can't believe you lied to all of us." The hurt in his voice could've affected anyone but it wasn't something new for the lying fox (an insult to all the foxes in the world).

Alya looked as if she'd seen a ghost. The other kids paled considerably too as the realisation finally hit them like a bucket of cold water. "You lied to us?!" The blogger shrieked, "You- you bitch!"

Oh no! Lila could all but watch helplessly as her rule over her classmates crumbled down. This was all that brat's fault! Today was supposed to be her day! "You," the Italian pointed accusingly at the class representative, "You are going to regret this. I'm Lila Rossi! I don't lose. Ever." She seethed.

The French-Asian squawked loudly as a tanned arm wrapped around her waist and she was pulled flush against someone's chest.

"Don't even think about it," Adrien hissed at the olive-eyed girl. "You touch one strand of hair on Marinette's head and I'll make sure that you'll regret that you were even born." His voice was dangerously soft and venomous.

While Marinette was trying not to pass out and act normal despite her secret boyfriend's possessive and protective nature, Lila's anger increased by ten folds. When did Agreste arrive? He was supposed to be her boy toy! A trophy added to her fame, not Marinette's! He was supposed to be a spineless, pretty face and not threatening her of all people.

She knew that she was cornered, that she was exposed but that also meant that she had nothing to lose. For the first time in two years, she smiled her true evil-smile in front of everyone. "Yeah. So I lied," she spoke without the tiniest bit of regret or shame in her voice, "I only said what you wanted to hear. It isn't my fault that you are gullible enough to buy everything I told you."

A few gasps and sharp intakes of breaths were heard. The wicked girl would've continued if not for being interrupted by an angry voice.

"Lila Rossi!" Head snapped towards the direction of the voice. There, on the doorway, stood a furious Mme Rossi along with Mr. Damocles.

"Ma- Mamma?" Lila spluttered out fearfully.

"You lying brat!" Mme Rossi bellowed, "You told me that the school has been closed for three months due to akuma attacks when it had been open all this time and then I get to know that you have ailments of sorts from the concerned Principal. Care to explain, young lady?" The older woman looked even more frightening than any akuma that had ever existed.

"N-no, Mamma," the liar tried to explain, "I didn't lie."

Lo and behold, her nose grew longer! It was approximately four inches long.

Even the adults paused for a second but the anger enabled them to soon overcome their surprise. "No excuses this time Lila," Principal Damocles' voice was unbelievably calm yet as bitter as the girl's heart, "My office, now."

She had no option but to follow his commands.

The stunned students quickly started apologising to the young designer and she forgave them all.

Lila Rossi was expelled and was grounded until she gave up her lying habit and learnt to behave properly. (It's gonna be a loooooooooooong time!) Her upset mother decided to homeschool her and took away her phone and laptop. Gabriel Agreste decided not to help her at all since she was useless and exposed whereas, the brunette kept looking out for a dark purple butterfly for an even longer time. (Where's an akuma when you truly need one?)

Lila Rossi came to be known as 'The Girl Who Cried Wolf' at her lycée after that fateful day.


Meanwhile, a newly-appointed temporary janitor resigned from his job in the lycée.

"My job here is done." Master Fu said as he looked back at the school one last time before leaving.

"Indeed Master," Wayzz agreed, "The Pinoculus Potion sure did its work."

"And so did we." Fu smiled cheekily as the holder-kwami pair fist-bumped.

A/N: This is the most satisfying thing I've ever written!

Honestly, our fandom lacks a good Lila salt, most of them are so childish and hateful and bashful! Only a few of them are good. Mine wouldn't be like the childish ones, instead, they will make sense and will be satisfying in their own way.

Any suggestions??

That's all for today,
Take care!

Edit #1 on August 9, 2020

Paris07_49 made this after reading this one-shot today. Lmao, her nose. 🤣🤣
Good job hehe.

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