Chapter 4: Modeling for Audrey Bourgeois!

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It was a Sunday weekend in the city of love in which Y/N Sky aka Shadow Knight is walking towards the the hotel to meet up with Audrey Bourgeois to take some shots for the new La Mode magazines in which not only it will impress the people of Paris but also Audrey as well so that she can outshine her rival Gabriel Agreste for she has a much better model that what he has in which Y/N will also get paid for working with Audrey since it was agreed to him yesterday in the park when he bumped into her along with Zoe. Zoe became very fond of Y/N ever since they hung out together in which she was started to have mixed feelings about him but she decided to shrug it off to the side because she still wants to spend more time with Y/N before anything could start.

Hollow: Yawn!.......Y/n why did we wake up so early in the morning?(Hollow saids while feeling tired)

(Y/N): Sigh....I told you before Hollow we needed to wake up early so we can do these photoshoots with Miss Bourgeois didn't you listen.

Hollow: Nah...I wasn't paying attention I just slept through the whole thing.

(Y/N): always.

Hollow: After this can we get something to eat because we didn't have breakfast.

(Y/N): The photoshoots don't start at least an hour so I guess we could stop over the bakery and get something to eat.

Hollow: Oh I love the food there let's go now!

Y/N along with his kwami decided to get something to eat first before they do the photoshoots in which they headed to the bakery where Marinette lives so that Y/N and Hollow can eat before they start the shoots but nothing too much just something to eat for breakfast since they kind of skipped it after they both woke up early in the morning.

RING!(Bakery Bell ringing)

Sabine: Hello welcome!

(Y/N): Hello Mrs.Dupain Cheng.

Sabine: Y/N! why hello there what brings you to our lovely home.

(Y/N): Just here to get some breakfast, woke up early because I have an apartment with Miss Bourgeois in an hour.

Sabine: Oh I see are you doing something for her.

(Y/N): I was hired to be her new model since she couldn't find the right person for the job in which she chose me to be in the new La Mode magazine coming out soon.

Sabine: Oh that is amazing Y/N are you gonna get paid for this task.

(Y/N): I am Mrs.Dupain Cheng.

Sabine: Please you call me Sabine Y/N there is no need to be so formal.

(Y/N): Very well now I would like the breakfast please.

Sabine: Why of course what can I get for you.

(Y/N): I'll take a croissant along with a muffin as well as some ice tea.

Sabine: Coming right up, you mind waiting here while I tell my husband what you want.

(Y/N): Alright..

Soon Sabine went into the back where her husband Tom is making some bake goods for the customers who plan to come in soon while Y/N waits by the counter to get his stuff so he can be on his way until he heard a familiar voice in which was Marinette.

Marinette: Bye mama, bye Papa! I am going go out!

Marinette tells her parents in which they nod in agreement and told her to be careful and once she was heading towards the exist of her home she stopped when she saw Y/N waiting by the counter in which caught the girls attention.

Marinette: YY......Y/N....what...what brings you here! Yea thats what I was going to say!(Marinette saids while blushing at the handsome man in front of her in which Y/N caught Marinette's attention)

(Y/N): Hmm?....Oh hey Marinette just waiting for my food so I can eat and be on my way for my business with Miss Bourgeois.

Marinette: Miss Bourgeois? As in Audrey Bourgeois what business do you have with her?

(Y/N): I am her new model of course in which she hired me to become her model for the upcoming La Mode magazine that will be out soon in which I am getting paid for.(Y/N saids to Marinette in which shocked the girl that the boy in front of her is going to be a model for Audrey)

Marinette: Your going to model for Audrey that is so amazing Y/N!!!

(Y/N): Thanks...

Marinette: What made you want to model for her in the first place?

(Y/N): Actually she came to me instead in which she along with Zoe were looking for the perfect person to model for company but so far none were her interest until she spotted me in the park yesterday in which she offered me a job as her personal model cause of my looks and style and I took it so that I can get paid but also make Agreste brand look like crap.

Marinette: You don't like Gabriel Agreste?

(Y/N): No..I don't his designs are nothing compared to Audrey's and not only that he never leaves his home always spend his days in that mansion of his and not socialize with others. Also I don't like how he disowned his own child in which I think Gabriel is nothing more than an asshole and cold heartless man who doesn't care about others.

Marinette: Oh.......I...I see....

(Y/N): You admired him didn't you.

Marinette: One time I did...but ever since he disowned Adriena and kicked her out of the house, I no longer see him as my favorite fashion designer in which I decided that I want to design for Audrey Bourgeois instead.

(Y/N): You made a good choice Bluebell.(Y/N saids in which made Marinette's heart skip a beat and blush for the nickname he gave her)

Marinette: Um.....Blue....Bluebell....

(Y/N): Blue eyes, Bluish black hair kind of obvious don't you think.

Marinette: Oh hehehe I guess that does makes sense.

(Y/N): Yea...

Marinette: Oh I heard you said Zoe is that correct she is Chloe's sister have you two already met?

(Y/N): Once or twice, we met at the book store looking at novels in which we exchanged numbers and hung out yesterday in which we got ice cream as well as check out some other book stores because I like to read novels.

Marinette: Oh that is good to know, say um.....would well wanna hangout as well...I mean when you are free that is if you want to....

(Y/N): Saturday at ten I will pick you up.

Marinette: REALLY!!!!.....Um I mean that would be great I will see you then but for now I have to meet up with Alix and Nino were planing to go to the zoo together.

(Y/N): Alright I will let you go..see you around Bluebell.(Y/N saids and pets Marinette on the head in which caused her face to turn pink and made her heart thump fast)

Marinette: Oh my gosh!.....his touch is so soft and he's petting me!!!!(Marinette saids in thought with excitement)

Then after a while now Sabine came back with Y/N's food and drink and looked to see her daughter being petted by Y/N in which she smiled at seeing her daughter near such a very handsome man.

Sabine: I'm Y/N and here is your croissant, muffin as well as your ice tea.

(Y/N): Thank you Sabine..keep the change.(Y/N saids and hands Sabine the payment)

Sabine: Thank you, so Marinette what were you two talking about.

Marinette: hehehe, well we were just talking about....

(Y/N): She wanted to know that I was working with Audrey Bourgeois or not in which I am.

Sabine: Oh alright then, be careful sweetie and call me when you and with your friends.

Marinette: I will mama, and Y/N good luck with Audrey see you later!(Marinette saids then leave the bakery to meet her friends)

(Y/N): I might as well get going as well it was splendid seeing you again Sabine.

Sabine: You too Y/N and you are more welcome to come back.

(Y/N): Thank you tell your husband I said hello.(Y/N saids to Sabine in which she smiles and nods in agreement then soon Y/N leaves the bakery)

Once outside Y/N found a bench and sat down to eat his croissant while Hollow eats the muffin in which both of them found the food to be good as well as the ice tea in which made them realize that the bakery was probably the best place to get breakfast in which they would think about getting their food there if they ever wake up early in the morning to do something important. Then after they were done with the food and drink, Y/N walked towards the hotel where Audrey is waiting for him along with Zoe and some photographers to take the pictures.

(Y/N): What do you know made it on time.

Hollow: What do you think they going to have you do?

(Y/N): Basically what models do in photoshoots. Take pictures, try on clothes, do poses that sort of thing.

Hollow: Well if that is case I can tell how the ladies are going to react when they see you on the cover on in the magazine of La Mode.

(Y/N): I pretty much don't care where they put me, I really don't.

Hollow: If you say so Y/N..

Y/N then walked into the hotel itself in which he spotted a man working at the front desk in which Y/N went towards him to ask that he has arrived to meet with Audrey Bourgeois for the modeling photoshoots.

(Y/N): Excuse me...

Employee: Yes hello and welcome to La Grande Paris what can I do for you sir.

(Y/N): I am here for the photoshoots for Audrey Bourgeois.

Employee: Name please.

(Y/N): Y/N Sky..

Employee: Ah here we are Mr.Sky your on time as well. If you would please follow me I will take you to Miss Audrey Bourgeois herself.(The employee saids in which Y/N nods and follows to meet with Audrey)

Meanwhile in the hotel room in which Audrey Bourgeois is waiting along side her daughters Chloe and Zoe as well as her adopted daughter Adrienne formerly the daughter of Gabriel Agreste until he kicked her out and was taken in by Audrey.

Zoe: Yes thank you so much I will let her know.(Zoe saids while on the phone with one of the employees)

Adrienne: Whats going on Zoe?

Zoe: I just got word that he has arrived and is heading up right now mother.

Audrey: Fabulous! once he arrives in we can begin the shoots.

Chloe: What's going on mother?

Audrey: Yesterday myself as well as your sister Zoe dear were looking for a someone who would model for my company and star in the newest attention of La Mode but sadly I couldn't find the right person for the job until I spotted a very handsome and respectful gentlemen who has the looks as well as the style to model my designs and of course he will be well paid for his job of course.

Adrienne: Really thats great!

Chloe: I just hope that who ever this person is, would be better than the models that Gabriel has.

Audrey: Oh trust me my dear daughter this one is by far more better than those who work for Gabriel or even more so.

Knock! Knock!(Door knocking in which the ladies heard)

Audrey: Oh that must be him now, Zoe dearly would you mind.

Zoe: Of course mother!(Zoe saids with excitement and went towards the door to open it)

Employee: Hello Miss Lee, I precent Mr.Sky.(The employee said in which Y/N step forward to see Zoe again in which brought a smile on the girls face)

Zoe: Thank you I will take it from here.(Zoe saids to the employee in which he left and both Y/N and Zoe were now looking at each other)

(Y/N): Hello Z...

Zoe: Hi....Y/N...please come in...mother is waiting for you inside.

(Y/N): Ok....

Zoe invited Y/N into the room in which Audrey smiled while Adrienne and Chloe stood in shock and were blushing at who just walked into the door.

Audrey: Mr.Sky welcome, welcome your just in time for the photoshoots for my company.

(Y/N): Miss Bourgeois.(Y/N saids and bows in respect to the fashion designer)

Adrienne and Chloe: Y/N?!!!

(Y/N): Bumble Bee, Kitty pleasant to see you both again.(Y/N saids in which caused the two girls to blush and made their hearts skip a beat)

Audrey: Oh I see you know my other two daughters as well.

(Y/N): We have the same classes together and go to the same school.

Audrey: I see, well then shale we get started on the shots in which I would like to ask of you to try on my latest designs in which I will believe that they will make the cover of La Mode.

(Y/N): As you wish Miss Bourgeois.

Audrey: Marvelous I will tell my personal photographers to get ready.(Audrey saids and went outside where the pool to tell the photographers to get ready while leaving Y/N with the girls inside)

Adrienne: Y/N I didn't know you were modeling for my adopted mother?

Chloe: When did this happened?

Zoe: Yesterday of course while me and mother were out looking for a model for the company in which Y/n here was the perfect choice.

(Y/N): That is correct Z..(Y/N saids to Zoe in which she too blushes while Adrienne and Chloe looked kind of jealous)

Adrienne: You two know each other already?

(Y/N): We met in the book store she was having trouble finding a novel that she likes to read in which I helped her out and we started to exchange numbers as well as hangout in which she treated me to ice cream and check out some other book stores.(Y/N saids in which both Adrienne and Chloe looked towards Zoe who was smiling and blushing for what a great time she had with Y/N in which they wanted to do the same thing with him)

Adrienne and Chloe: I want to the hangout with him next.(Both said in thought)

(Y/N): What kind of shots will I be doing?

Zoe: Oh the basic stuff, trying on the new outfits, doing some poses, here and there you know basically like what ever model does.

(Y/N): I see...

Then soon Audrey came back with a smile in which meant that everything outside is all set up and ready to get started.

Audrey: Alright I just spoke with my personal photographers and they are ready for you Mr.Sky.

(Y/N): Very well I will get ready.

Audrey: Excellent we have changing room right next to the pool so that you change into the outfits that I designed.

(Y/N): Alright I will go then.

Y/N went out along with Audrey and the girls to get started on the photoshoots in which was on top of the hotel where the pool is in which showed a great view of Paris.

Chloe: What do you think Y/N?

(Y/N): Not bad and it does have quite the view.

Audrey: Mr.Sky this is personal photographer and he will be taking the shots of you in my designs.

Photographer: Hello Y/N Sky I look forward to taking your pictures of you in the outfits that my boss have created.

(Y/N): Thank you sir..

The photographer explained to Y/N the details of he has to do in which Y/N nods in agreement of what it is to be a model for Audrey Bourgeois and when the photographer finished explaining everything to Y/N and getting the camera's set up all of sudden one of the lenses fell off the camera and landed inside the pool.

Photographer: Forgive me Miss Bourgeois I will have someone fetch the clear lenses so that we can get the shots ready.

(Y/N): Sigh...don't worry about it I will get them myself beside I was feeling a little hot anyway.(Y/N saids in which made Zoe, Chloe and Adrienne snap their heads straight at Y/N in which they see him taking off his jacket revealing his muscular arms in which caused the girls to blush then looked to see Y/N jump into the pool itself and grab the clear lenses)

Y/N found the lenses on the bottom of the pool and brought them up to the surface to hand them to the photographer in which he took them and cleaned them off while Y/N got himself out of the pool in which the girls looked and saw Y/N all wet as well as revealing his well toned body and eight pack that made them all blush at the site they were seeing.

Chloe/Zoe/Adrienne: KYAAAAAAHHH OH MY GOSH HE IS SOO HOT!!!!!!!!❤️ , AND HE HAS AN EIGHT PACK!!!!!(All said in thought as well as blushing madly red)

Photographer: Wait hold that pose Mr.Sky!(Photographer saids and takes out the camera and starts to take pictures of Y/N while he is still went and holding his pose)

(Y/N): Okay?

Y/N stood there for at least a couple minutes in which the photographer was taking shots of Y/N who came out of the pool and he wasn't the only one taking pictures the girls took out their phones and put the camera on silent so that they can remember what Y/N looks like while all wet.

Zoe: Wow....such a beautiful figure.....(Zoe saids in a whisper while blushing at Y/N well toned body)

Chloe: That pose, those muscles, that look he is giving us is making me feel all heated up...(Chloe was trying her hardest not to stare too much)

Adrienne: I didn't know he had an eight pack....I feel like my feline existence are kicking in.....(Adrienne inner Noir was showing)

Zoe/Chloe/Adrienne: I WANT A MAN LIKE HIM!!!!!!!(All said in thought while thinking about having someone like Y/N in their lives)

Soon the photographer finished the shots in which Y/N dried himself off and headed into the changing room to try on the outfits that Audrey informed him about while the girls were waiting and looking at the pictures that they took of the man or god they just richness.

Audrey: Girls I would have to ask you three to leave because I want this to be a private shoot in which I don't want you to see my latest designs after the La Mode magazine comes out.

Chloe: Do we have to mother?

Audrey: Yes I am sorry but I want this to be a surprise but don't worry I will make sure you three get the first copy of the magazine before anyone else does.

Adrienne: Alright mother, you two wanna go hangout with Marinette I heard that she is with Nino and Alix by the park area.

Zoe: Sure why not and besides I think it would be best to give Y/N some privacy when he is doing the shots I mean we don't want to distract him while he is doing this for mother.

Chloe: Awwww.....but I want to see what he looks like in her outfits.

Adrienne: Hehehe come on Chloe let's let them be for now.(Adrienne saids and took his sisters hand and left together)

Zoe: Mother when Y/N is done can you let him known that we left to hangout with our friends at the park.

Audrey: Of course dearly now run along with your sisters before they leave you behind.(Audrey saids in which Zoe smiles and leaves the room to catch up with the girls)

Soon after the girls have left the room leaving Audrey along with her personal photographer as well as Y/N who was in the changing room and putting on the first outfit that was hung up in which was a black and white suit with a tie in which he looked very dashing in it and it impressed Audrey.

(Y/N): The suit is nod bad Miss Bourgeois..

Audrey: I'll say you look absolutely dashing in it, and as for your clothes you had on I will have my employee wash and dry them out for you while we are doing the shots.

(Y/N): Thank you so where do you want me?

Photographer: For this outfit I want you to stand by this white board with the red rectangle and once you get into formation I want you to give me that feeling that you mean business with someone.

Y/N walked towards the white board like his was asked to do in which he did what the photographer just instructed and started to do a pose that meant a person who means serious business in which Audrey was starting to love it as well as the photographer in which started to take many shots of the scene.

Photographer: Yes!, there it is show me that feeling of being a serious business man. Beautiful absolutely beautiful, keep on holding that pose Mr.Sky you're doing marvelous!!(Photographer saids to Y/N and was moving around taking shots of Y/N in his poses)

(Y/N): Is this how models always do these sort of things?(Y/N saids in thought while doing his poses for the photographer)

After a while now the photographer asked Y/N to stop and change into a different outfit in which he did and went back to change and came back out wearing what looked like bad boy clothing in which could impress the ladies in which the photographer asked Y/N to sit by the ledge of the hotel and do some bad boy poses that could get peoples attention.

Photographer: Perfect Mr.Sky, don't you look bad in that outfit. That's it show me the bad boy look let everyone know who is bad around here!!(Photographer saids and takes shots of Y/N while doing bad boy poses)

Audrey: I can't wait to see the look on Agreste's face when he see's this as well the model I chose for my company.(Audrey saids while checking out Y/N in which he is doing incredible in the outfits that Audrey designed)

Y/N finished his bad boy poses that took a least an hour of getting such amazing shots then headed back into the changing room and put on the next outfit which was a black jacket and pants but with no shirt in which could attract many women in Paris to see the handsome man in the new La Mode magazine.

(Y/N): Why doesn't this one have a shirt?

Audrey: Oh that one is for the summer specials in which I want to see what it would look like for the summer and you Mr.Sky look stunning in that outfit.

(Y/N): Thank you madam..

Photographer: Alright Mr.Sky I would like you to go by the window and have you hand almost touching you mouth while looking straight at camera in which this one will be a black and white shot.

(Y/N): Very well sir...

Y/N did his pose by the window and the photographer took the shots in which he looked to see Y/N who didn't move or did anything and was just holding his pose in which impressed that photographer because a lot of models have a hard time keeping the pose they want but for Y/N he was doing just fine.

After that shots were done Y/N changed again into a different outfit that looked like something of royalty in which was black suit and tie with silver chains running around the front of the jacket.

Audrey: Oh now that is more like it! Mr.Sky this is where things get more interesting.

(Y/N): I see...

Photographer: Alright for this outfit and for the last one we will be taking them in the bar area downstairs if you would and Miss Bourgeoisie follow me so that we can get started taking the last shots.(Photographer saids in which Y/N while in the suit and carrying the last outfit in his hands follow the photographer along with Audrey to take the remaining shots for the La Mode magazine)

(Minus Ladybug and Lady Wifi in the room)

(Y/N): Where do want me now?

Photographer: Over by the bar in which I want you to lean back on the edge of the table and give me that feeling that looking like someone from a royal family while mining his own business and not caring the people around him.

Y/N did what he was told in which he did a pose that could make people want to be near him and ask questions while Audrey was sitting and admiring her new model with such interest and proud of designs that she created to be worn by Y/N.

After words Y/N finished his shots then went to put on the last outfit in which was like a waiters outfit but was completely different from any waiters outfit since it was designed by Audrey Bourgeois and soon when he came out of a room to change, Audrey was thrilled and amazed that her design looked absolutely stunning on Y/N in which he liked it as well as the dark colors looked great on him.

Audrey: Ok Mr.Sky this would be our last shot in which you look like a true gentlemen who is about to give out the guest to their tables.

(Y/N): Thank you madam Bourgeois...

Photographer: Alright Mr.Sky show us the feeling of being a proper gentleman and show us what a true waiter can do!!(Photographer saids while holding the camera in which Y/N did his poses and the photographers was clicking the button on his camera in which he was getting such amazing shots of Y/N in the waiters outfit)

Soon after the shots were finished and Y/N done posing for the photographer, an employee came up with Y/N's clothes that were washed and dried in which he thank the employee for what he did and went back into the room to change back into his normal clothes again.

Photographer: Madam Bourgeois the shots were excellent I think your designs would be on the next La Mode magazine with your new model trying them on.

Audrey: Splendid! I cannot wait to see what the magazine is like with my designs that will outshine Gabriel's.

(Y/N): Is there is anything else you need me for Madam.

Audrey: No that would be all for now Mr.Sky in which you did absolutely marvelous and the outfits beautiful, I will send the money to your place when the new La Mode magazine comes out.

(Y/N): Very well madam..

Audrey: Oh my daughter Zoe told me she along with Adriena and Chloe were heading to the park with their other friends to spend some time together and they wanted to let you know that.

(Y/N): Thank you for the reminder.

Audrey: I knew you would be the perfect person to model for my company and I look forward to seeing you again Mr.Sky.

(Y/N): You as well Miss Bourgeois.

Photographer: Shale we get these pictures ready for the La Mode magazine.

Audrey: Yes absolutely, goodbye for now Mr.Sky and I will call or email you when we can schedule another photoshoot.

(Y/N): Yes madam I will wait until I hear back from you.

With that said Audrey and personal photographer left leaving Y/N with the employee.

Employee: Would you like an escort out of the hotel Mr.Sky.

(Y/N): Sure...

The Employee showed Y/N the way out of the hotel and was kind enough to hold the door open for him in which Y/N thanked the man and gave him a tip in which the employee was most pleased to receive from Y/N. Once outside again Y/N began to stretch out his arms and legs as did Hollow who was hiding in her masters jacket pocket so she couldn't be seen.

Hollow: Finally some air, so how did the photoshoots go?

(Y/N): They went alright..

Hollow: Thats good to know though you did got the girls attention when you came out of the pool and the way I saw their faces turned red makes me think that they want someone like you.

(Y/N): Yea I will make sure not do something that again.

Hollow: Hehehe....

(Y/N): Come on everyone is at the park right now like Audrey said.

Hollow: Alright lead the way master.

(Y/N): Enough with the master stuff I hate being called that.

Hollow: I know, I know I was just messing you Y/N besides I like your real name better.

Y/N began to walk towards the park like Audrey told him where his classmates were going until all of sudden he stopped near an alleyway and heard which sounded like a girl who was in trouble and was getting picked on by dangerous criminals in which Y/N went into the alleyway and looked around the corner and saw that there were three dangerous people and a girl in front of them that looked scared in which Y/N looked closer at the girl in which was one his classmates which was Juleka and it looked like she is trouble.

Juleka: Please.....don't hurt me....I give you whatever you want......

Criminal: Oh is that right well then what do you think boys.

Criminal 2: She does have a good figure and look how shy she is hehehe I bet I can make her scream.(The criminal saids in which was scaring Juleka to core)

Juleka: No please I will give you all the money I have!

Criminal 3: I don't you get it shy lips we don't want your money, We will just take you instead.

Juleka: HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE HEL........MPH!!!!!(Juleka screams in terror then the crimminals cover her mouth an pin towards the wall in which Y/N looked pissed and disgusted)

Hollow: Looks like Shadow Knight is needed don't you think Y/N?

Y/N: Hollow Rase the Shadows.......(Y/N saids and transforms)

Back with Juleka she was still pinned to the wall by the criminals in which looks like they were going to do something horrible to the girl in which one of them reached out to touch her while she looked on the verge of screaming as well as crying until something happens to one of the criminals in which one them began to choke

Criminal: GULP!!!!.......

Criminal 2: Hey man whats going on are you alright?

Criminal: GULP!!!!........

Criminal 3: Whoah hey man whats the matter!(The criminal saids in panic and lets go of Juleka until her and the men heard a breathing sound from the alleyway)


Criminal 2: Dude did you hear that?

Criminal 3: Yea man I heard it as well what is it?

Criminal: GULP!!!!!

Criminal 3: Hey man somethings up and I don't like it....

Then all of sudden their friend was lifted into the air in which spooked both the two other criminals as well as Juleka who was watching from the ground and then saw the criminal being thrown back and force into the walls then landed on the ground unconscious in which caused the two criminals to freak out.

Criminal 2: WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!!!



The criminals heard the noise again in which they looked towards the alleyway and saw something moving towards them in which they as well as Juleka looked to see a figure wearing dark armor as well carrying a weapon on the belt itself and it was giving the chills down the criminals spines while Juleka was staring at the figure in awe and question in which the figure she was looking at wearing the black armor and cape was Shadow Knight.

Shadow Knight: You will wise to surrender and leave the girl be.

Criminal 3: Hey you better back off man!!!!(The criminal saids and then the second grabs Juleka and forced her up and held a knife in his hand)

Criminal 2: I will kill her man!!! You hear me I will!!!!!......GULP!!!!!(The criminal didn't finished speaking as Shadow Knight raised his hand in the air and used his power to grab the criminal by throat and lifter him up into the air)

Shadow Knight: I find your lack of faith disturbing.

Then soon Shadow Knight used his power to slam the second criminal to the ground making him go unconscious just like his other friend while the other one was shaking in fear.

Criminal 3: don't want...any trouble......(Criminal saids as Shadow Knight moves towards him then did the same thing to the other criminals lifted the third person up into the air and slamming him into the wall hard)

Juleka looked to see all criminal who ganged up on her were down on the ground and unconscious thanks to this dark armored figure in front of her in which Shadow Knight looked down towards the Juleka in which she still looked frighten at the figure in front of her until Shadow Knight spoke to her.

Shadow Knight: They didn't hurt you did they.

Juleka: No.......I'm....I'm fine....

Shadow Knight: Good, why are you doing out here alone and not with people you know its dangerous walking around the streets by yourself.

Juleka: I....I was going to meet up with my friends at the park until kept following me and......😢sniff...oh my gosh they were going to do something awful to me!!!!

Shadow Knight: I see, word of advice never walk alone and have your friends meet you where you live so that you wont end like this again.

Juleka: 😢sniff...I...I will do that.....who...who are you....?

Shadow Knight: I am The Shadow Knight.(Shadow Knight saids in which Juleka started to remember something that her friends told her about a person named Shadow Knight who takes down criminals in Paris and is also a miraculous holder of unknown origin)

Juleka: This is...the Shadow Knight...that Marinette and Adrienne told us about....(Juleka saids in thought while looking at Shadow Knight from head to toe)

Shadow Knight: It would be wise if you call the police and inform them about these criminals, and don't worry they are just knocked out cold so I will not kill them in front of someone like you.

Juleka: Why though?

Shadow Knight: Because no one so pure and shy as well as gentle would not want to see these beings killed in front of those hazel eyes of yours.

Juleka: I...guess...not...

Shadow Knight: Good, inform the police and have them take you to your friends and do not mention me to them or the police I like to keep my appearance a secret.

Juleka: I...I can do that for you and thank you for saving my life.

Shadow Knight: Go I will keep these three in check and make sure they don't wake up or escape but as soon as the police come I will be gone.

Juleka: Alright...I will never forget what you did for me Shadow Knight.(Juleka saids and gives the armored warrior a small hug in which caught Shadow Knight off guard but decided to let it slide and pet the girls head)

Shadow Knight: Your welcome.....

Soon Juleka called the police in which they arrived on the scene and she told them that she was about to be used by the three criminals in the alleyway who were still knocked out cold and they were taken into police custody. Juleka also asked the police if they could drop her off at the park where her friends were in which they were kind enough to do so while on top of the building Shadow Knight was watching Juleka leave with the police while the others took the criminal away and decided to leave and turn back into his civilian form.

Hollow: That was very nice of you to step in and save that girls life Y/N.

(Y/N): She's my classmates, Hollow and I couldn't bare to watch her get violated by those bastards.

Hollow: In which you did the right thing and took them down but I understand killing them in front the girl would only bring tears as well as shivers down her spine in which she will never be the same.

(Y/N): No one deserves to see what I can do not even my own classmates in school.

Y/N then shrugged off what he said with Hollow and the two of them continued on to heads towards the park together while also thinking about what happened to Juleka in the alleyway. Speaking of Juleka after Shadow Knight aka Y/N saved her from those criminals and are not being taken to jail she was in the police car with the officer who offered to take her to the park to meet her friends while she was thinking about the black armored figure that saved her life.

Juleka: So that was Shadow Knight....he was quite something and everything that Marinette told us was true about him...but I was glad he didn't kill those three criminals in front of me which could give me nightmares but the way he was petting my head was so soft and gentle maybe under the dark armor is a person who has a heart and just doing what he needs to to keep our city safe from dangerous people like those criminals that try to do horrible things to me. I just don't understand why we don't do that in Paris, sure we take down Akuma's caused by Hawk Moth but what about the rest of the city in which there are criminals running around and hurting innocent lives in which I was one of them. Maybe I can ask Shadow Knight that I can help join him and stop criminals but I won't kill them just take them into custody.(Juleka saids in thought while looking out the car window in which she spotted the park where her friends were and the cop stopped the car right in front of the place)

Police Officer: Alright miss here is your stop, take care and be careful next time.

Juleka: I will officer thank you.

Police Officer: Anytime have a nice day with your friends.(The cops saids then leaves Juleka at the park)

Juleka: Thank you Shadow Knight whatever you might be, I will never forget what you did for me.

Juleka walked into the park and saw her friends together having what looks like a picnic in which they spotted her coming towards them in which they all smiled and waved their friend to come over and sit with them.

Marinette: Hey Juleka glad you could make it!

Juleka: Yea......(Juleka saids while looking down in which got everyones attention)

Nino: You alright dudette?

Alix: Yea you look a little pale what happened?

Juleka: I saw him.......

Adrienne: What do you mean Jules?

Juleka: I saw Shadow the alleyway when I was.....

Marinette: What happened...did he do anything to you!

Juleka: No...he saved me when I was almost violated by three criminals...who ganged up on me while I was trying to get to the park.(Juleka saids in which made everyone shocked and horrified of what they just heard)

Marinette: Juleka tell us everything that happened.

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