Chapter 5: The Shadow is feared in the eyes of the enemy!

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After Juleka explained to everyone about went down with the three men who ganged up on her as well as Shadow Knight who came out of no where and saved her, all of her friends were relived that their friend was safe but the question was what was Shadow Knight doing in the neighborhood in which Juleka told that maybe he only showed himself to take down criminals in which Juleka was almost violated by three of them and maybe that is why he showed himself because whatever there is a crime he will appear. While Marinette on the other hand thought that Shadow Knight only comes out at night but I guess there are also crimes in the evening as well so she had to shrug off the idea and focus on her friend who was still a little shaky from what happened.

Marinette: And what happened after he saved you Juleka?

Juleka: After Shadow Knight saved him, he asked me to call the police and have the three men who attack me be taken away why also having one of the officers drive me here to meet up with you guys but I made him a promise that I will tell anyone of his appearance not even the police because he wants to remain hidden until further notice.

Luka: Whatever the case in sis, I am happy that you are alright and thats all that matters now.(Luka saids and hugs his sister in which she hugged back)

Alix: We should have been there for you Juleka were so sorry this happened to you.

Adrienne: Now you guys see why these criminals are a problem in which they will do awful things to those who encounter them.

Marinette: Adrienne we get what you are saying but...

Adrienne: I know Hawk Moth is our main goal I get it, but don't you think what could of happened to Jules if she was violated by those men think about what her mother and father would see if they saw her in completely different state if Shadow Knight haven't been there to save her.

Luka: I agree I cannot bare to see what would happened to my sister if she was humiliated and harassed by those men who attacked her.

Marinette: Sigh....I guess you two have a point but we have to focus on dealing with Hawk Moth and his Akuma's because if we just let that slide more and more people will fall under his control and get Akumatized.

Chloe: Mari-Bear we understand but think about your friend for now and those close to you, imagined if one of us was harassed or better yet killed by the criminals running around Paris would you just avoid that if it happens.

Kagami: I wont because if someone messes with my friends I will spring into action and deal with the situation.

Nino: I agree with dudette on that one, I don't want to loose those closes to me and the way I saw these criminals online and on the news I have to say their bad news and have to be brought to justice.

Zoe: Hey guys I think I might have a solution that is if you guys want to try it or not.

Marinette: What is it Zoe?

Zoe: Well what if we split up into teams in which some of us can go after the Akuma's while some of us help those in need against criminals and Marinette if you need one of us to help you in battle then some of us can switch places in which one team takes on the Akuma's while the other takes on the criminals harming innocent lives and if the Akuma's become a problem and you need someone else to help you beat them they you can call one us to help and send a different to help the other team deal with the criminals. That is if you want to try it or not?

Alix: Thats actually not a bad idea and since there is eight of us we can split into four different teams it's brilliant.

Nino: I like that idea nice one dudette!(Nino saids in which Luka and his sister along with Kagami, Zoe, Adrienne, and Chloe nod in agreement)

Marinette: Hmmm....a team of four one takes on the Akuma's while the other helps the civilians who are being threaten by criminals running around the streets. Well I guess we could give it try and if the Akuma's get tough and we need someone else to take them we could message one of our teammates to come and help and the other can go help the other team deal with the criminals sounds very creative I like it.

Zoe: Then it's settled for the first team I had in mind it could be Ladybug, Kitty Noir, Fire Fox, and Bunnix while the second team could be me, Purple Tiger, Carapace, and Viperion.

Nino: And we can simply message each other to come to different missions one for Akuma's and one to deal with the criminals sounds good but were not gonna kill that criminals right?

Juleka: No I think I prefer to have them locked up in prison because the men that attacked me were not armed by still looked dangerous in which Shadow Knight didn't bother to kill them because he probably only kills those who are armed with weapons and committed high treason.

Nino: Yea do you have point there, take them into custody sounds a whole lot better besides, I don't probably want to see what this Shadow Knight dude does to criminals.

Chloe: As much as I want to talk about Akuma's and criminals let's change the subject shale we because my head is starting to hurt.(Chloe saids in which made everyone giggle)

Marinette: Well alright then how did the photoshoot go with Y/N?(Marinette saids in which caused Zoe, Adrienne and Chloe to blush while thinking about what happened with Y/N in which they still remember it)

Chloe: Oh my gosh you guys wouldn't believe what we saw back at the hotel!

Nino: What did you saw dudette?

Chloe: We saw a god, a god that came from heaven.....(Chloe saids while in love as well as blushing)

Adrienne: Oh I cannot forget what I saw in which made my feline instincts kick in.(Adrienne saids in thought while thinking of the handsome man)

Zoe: From the moment he came out of the pool all wet it made my heart thump like crazy and that look he was giving us was so amazing....

Nino: Ok seriously girls what are you getting at?

Chloe: We're talking about Y/N and his amazingly ripped body!!(Chloe saids on which got the attention of Marinette, Juleka, and Alix)

Marinette/Juleka/Alix: WHAT!

Adrienne: We even have a picture of him and he still looks amazing even in the photo!(Adrienne saids and takes out her phone and pulls up the picture of Y/N coming out of the pool)

Soon Chloe and Zoe pulled out the same photo and looked at with such amazement in which Marinette along with Alix and Juleka scotch over to look at the photo and once they did it made their eyes widen like dinner plates and caused them to blush crimson red while their hearts were thumping like the millions.

Alix: HE'S AN EIGHT PACK?!!!!!(Alix saids while blushing at the image she is looking at)

Juleka: Oh handsome....(Juleka saids then faints in which Luka caught her)

Marinette: OH MY KWAMI HE IS SO HOT!!!!!!!THOSE MUSCLES, THAT PERFECT FIGURE, THOSE ROCK HARD ABS, OH MY GOSH HE IS A GOD!!!!!❤️(Marinette saids in thought while blushing and drooling at the image on Y/N coming out of the pool in which the boys moved over to look at the image as well)

Nino: Whoah the dude is so muscular, I guess he likes to work out.

Luka: No wonder Juleka fainted.(Luka saids in thought)

Kagami: I see that he trains himself to get into shape quite impressive, I wonder if he's good at fighting.

Alix: Whoah those are some amazing looking abs....

Marinette: You think you can send me this image....(Marinette whispers to Chloe in which she giggled at her friends request and sent her the image in which made Marinette very happy)

Then after looking at the image for so long in which the girls were having thoughts of having Y/N to themselves and want to spend time with him then all of sudden they were snapped out of their thoughts when there heard Y/N coming towards them.

Y/N: I got your message, here I am sorry for the wait I had to take short cut.

Zoe/Marinette/Chloe/Adrienne/Alix/Juleka: HIII Y/N!(All saids with smiles as well as blushes on their faces)

Y/N: Hello, Nino, Luka, Kagami.(Y/N saids in which the boys waved as well as Kagami while the girls were smiling and blushing at their future man)

Nino: Hey dude how did the photoshoots turn out?

Y/N: It went alright, took the shots and I will be paid by tomorrow.(Y/N saids and sits down with everyone in which the girls decided to sit next to him in which he didn't mind)

Marinette: suits did you...try on...while with Audrey?

Y/N: Sorry Bluebell cannot say to anyone about what I did until the La Mode magazine comes out soon.(Y/N saids in which made some of the girls pout for not knowing)

Marinette: Well alright then but hey I brought some bake goods from my families bakery would you like to try them Y/N.

Y/N: What do you have?

Marinette: Why macaroons of course freshly baked, you guys want some as well.

Nino: Oh you know how to make a guy like me happy dudette!(Nino saids and takes a macaroon in which the others did the same)

Zoe: Go on Y/N try one they're really good.(Zoe saids while eating a macaroon)

Y/N took a macaroon which was lemon flavored and took a bike in which he found the bake good very delicious in which caused him to blush a little in which caught the attention of Marinette, Zoe, Chloe, Alix, and Juleka.

Marinette/Zoe/Chloe/Alix/Adrienne/Juleka: Oh my gosh he looks so cute when he blushes.(All said in thought)

Y/N: It delicious thank you...

Marinette: You're quite welcome.

Luka: Say hows about we have a little bit of music to enjoy this day together as friends.(Luka saids and takes out his guitar to play some music)

Kagmami: Thats a great idea Luka, I do think music is a perfect way to relax our minds.

Nino: Sure I am down for some music how about you girls.

Adrienne: Sure I wouldn't mind.

Chloe: Me neither.

Zoe: Sure you wouldn't mind some music would you Y/N.

Y/N: Music is something I do like to listen to, sure go right ahead.

Luka: Very well hope you all like it I spent months working on this theme.(Luka saids and begins to play his music on his guitar while the others listen in amusement)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Luka playing his music on his guitar)

Everyone who was sitting down were enjoying the music very much even Y/N who found the sound of the guitar very pleasant to his ears and he wasn't the only one Hollow was also listening to the music from the guitar inside her masters jacket pocket in which sounded like a lullaby and it made the kwami fall asleep. The music was so pleasant it brought smiles to everyones faces in which Luka saw and was happy that his friends and Y/N really like his music so much. Then after a while now the music came to an end in which everyone even Y/N clapped for Luka's performance.

Y/N: Very pleasant music Luka, it soothed my ears.

Luka: Thank you Y/N and thank you all for listening to my music it brings joy to my heart.

Alix: Well you are the son of Jagged Stone after all and music does run in your veins.

Juleka: Well done brother very lovely.

Nino: I'll say dude that was some great music right there, maybe next time guys if we get the chance hows about I play some DJ music if we ever think about having a party.

Chloe: Oooo..I love parties!

Zoe: Doesn't anyone sis.

Adrienne: Y/N if we ever think about having a party would you like to come.(Adrienne saids in which everyone looked towards Y/N for answer)

Y/N: I will think about it little kitty.(Y/N saids while petting Adriena in which she blushes then all of sudden she started to purr)

Adrienne: Purr......

Y/N: Didn't know you could purr?

Adrienne: Oh my gosh did I just do that?!!!

Y/N: Purr........pretty much like that.(Y/N purrs in which caused Adriena to blush red as well as her heart to skip a beat in which Marinette, Juleka, Alix, Chloe, and Zoe heard as well)

Marinette/Alix/Chloe/Juleka/Zoe: HE CAN PURR?!!!!(All said in thought while they heard the purr coming from Y/N)

Y/N: I am going to get myself a drink at one of those stands want anything?

Marinette: You will buy us drinks really.

Y/N: Well if your thirsty or not are you?

Kagami: I am fine Y/N thank you.

Luka: I am good as well my friend.

Nino: Same here dude.

Y/N: You girls want anything?

Marinette: Well I am kind of thirsty, I will take a strawberry smoothie.

Chloe: I will have the mango.

Zoe: Lemon please.

Juleka: Grape would sound good to me.

Alix: Cotton Candy with whip cream.

Adrienne: I will have the mint chocolate chip.

Y/N: Very well be back in couple of minutes.(Y/N saids and leaves to get drinks for the girls)

Chloe: That is so sweet of him to get us something to drink.

Zoe: What a gentleman.

Alix: A very hot and ripped gentleman.(Alix saids in thought while blushing at Y/N walking to get the drinks)

Juleka: Sigh....that boy....(Juleka saids in a whisper while looking at Y/N)

Marinette: Thats a man right there....

Tiki: Hehehe thinking about having him to yourself Marinette.

Marinette: Shhh! Tiki don't let anyone hear you say that.

Tiki: Just asking thats all..

Adrienne: Sigh....I am in love....(Adrienne saids in thought)

With Y/N while he was walking and trying to find a stand or a truck that sells smoothies all of sudden a voice came from his side in which was the one person he didn't want to see or listen to in which was the lying vixen herself, Lila Rossi who was wearing a stupid grin on her face and spotted Y/N in front of her.

Lila: Oh my gosh Y/N splendid to see you here!


Lila: I guess this must of been destiny that we bump into each other and about what happened the other day I forgive you in which I would like to offer you something in return.

Y/N: What would that be?

Lila: How would you like to model with me for Gabriel Agreste in which you have the looks and style to model for him and together we would be great together.

Y/N: No thanks...(Y/N saids then walks away)

Lila: Thats great! I would just wait what?(Lila saids then looks at Y/N walking away from her)

Lila looked confused at first then started to run after Y/N to get his attention in which she ran in front of him to ask what he said.

Lila: Did you just say no?

Y/N: Yea thats right in which I don't really like Gabriel Agreste or his work and besides I am already modeling for somebody else.

Lila: You're modeling for someone else who?

Y/N: Miss Audrey Bourgeois in which her designs are more to my liking far more better than Mr.Agreste.

Lila: Well thats nice and all but I think you should totally model for Gabriel Agreste.

Y/N: Model for a man who never shows his face to the public and a man who disown his own child yea I don't think so and besides he's a stupid bastard who doesn't care anything but himself.

Lila: Ok this isn't working at all and how could he say that to Gabriel Agreste? I have to try something else to make him believe me and ditch Mari-Trash and her looser friends.(Lila saids in thought)

Y/N: If you're are done interrupting my day with your stupid words, I will be on my way.

Lila: Well maybe we can hangout together just you and me.

Y/N: Hangout with a girl who lies under her lips, a girl who lies to others to get what she wants, a girl who bullies others and turn people against them and lie to their faces, a girl who doesn't know the meaning of the word personal space, a girl who is really getting on my nerves for trying to think I will be on your side and betray those who actually see me as a friend; well hate to brake it to you miss Rossi but I do not fall for someone who lies and gets people hurt in which makes me sick. You also have awful fashion sense as well as ridiculous hair that smells like a rotten corps.(Y/N saids with a glare in which causes Lila to back up a little and couldn't believe the words that came out of the Y/N's mouth)

Lila: you not with me huh.

Y/N: I was never with someone like you in which you're pretty pathetic if you ask me.

Lila: Fine then, but as of today we're at war in which I will take everyone you know away just like I did with Mari-trash in which you will be all alone.(Lila saids with smirk but then turned pale while looking at the glare Y/N was giving her)

Y/N: Do I look like I care, I been alone for years and you think your stupid band of idiots can stop me, I took down the big boy and bitched slapped you in the face in which I will do it again.(Y/N saids in which Lila was now in shock that he will do the same thing he did to her the other day)

Lila: You think I am scared of you?

Y/N: Pretty much after all you are worthless little worm and pretty stupid for someone working for Mr.Agreste as well as lying to many people that you made up and lied to makes me wonder what would happen if they knew about what you said about them.

Lila: Well you better be afraid because I have a secret.

Y/N: And what is that?

Lila: I am actually a superhero just like Ladybug in which I can simply tell a lie saying that you attacked a heroin and they can have you arrested.

Y/N: Yea right you a super hero give me a break.

Lila: Its true and I am actually wearing the miraculous of the fox that allows me to transform into my super hero form.(Lila saids and holds out her necklace)

Y/N looked at the necklace for a second and then snatched it from Lila's neck in which caused the girl to flinch of what just happened.


Y/N: Deigned by Gabriel Agreste, you really are pathetic in which I saw hundreds of these things in a gift shop and they all look the same and have the same graving behind them. In which your still lying under your lips you stupid bitch.(Y/N saids in which Lila was paling that he figured out that the necklace is a fake)

Lila: Ok fine I lied so what I just tell others what they want to hear.

Y/N: In which can get you into a whole mess of trouble just imagined all the celebrities you lied about, all those people you lied to and promised them carries in the future, all that fame and fortune going down the drain and leaving you with nothing in which you are nothing Lila Rossi.

Lila: WHY YOU SON OF.....GULP!(Lila saids then was about to Slap Y/N until he grabs her by the throat and slams up towards a tree in which he was giving her a death glare)

Y/N: Try that again and you wont live to see another day and cross my path again and I will make sure to dispose of you so that no one can find your corps.(Y/N saids with venom in his voice in which making Lila pale as a ghost)

Y/N then let go of Lila and began to walk away from her while she just sat on the ground looking at the man who was not looking at her in which made Lila so angry and furious in which caused her emotions to go up and caught the attention of a certain super villain in his lair.

Hawk moth: Such angry, such frustration seems like my vixen is need of her powers once again what perfect prey for my Akuma!(Hawk Moth saids and a butterfly flies into his hand and then turns it into an Akuma)

Hawk Moth: Fly away my little Akuma and Evilize her!

The butterfly flies out of the lair and headed towards the negative emotion that was coming from Lila who was still sitting in the park with anger in her eyes until she saw the Akuma flying towards her in which earned a smirk on her face.

Lila: Come here my little Akuma.(Lila saids with an evil smirk and grabbed the Akuma and put it inside her necklace in which Hawk Moth spoke)

Hawk Moth: Hello once again Volpina I see that you are need of your powers once again.

Lila: Yes indeed Hawk Moth and I know the deal get the miraculous of Ladybug and Kitty Noir but first I want to get some revenge on someone who made me very mad.

Hawk Moth: Thats my little vixen as you wish, your powers have now returned to you!

After Hawk Moth finished his speech, Lila was covered in blackness and then was wearing a bright orange suit with ears and a flute in which she became the super villain known as Volpina.

Back with Y/N after his chat with the Rossi he finally came across a smoothie stand that was selling different flavors of drinks as well as ice cream in which he decided to wait in line like everyone else to get what he needs for the girls.

Hollow: What do you thinking of getting Y/N?

Y/N: Hmm..I know what the girls want so I might as well get the raspberry with whip cream.

Hollow: Oh that one sounds good, mind sharing it with me.

Y/N: the way do you get the feeling that we are being watched?

Hollow: Like that the fact there is a girl dressed like bright orange fox carrying a flute in her hands and looking down at you with a evil smirk.

Y/N: Let me guess its the stupid liar again and she got Akumatized into Volpina.

Hollow: Yup that is correct.(Hollow saids in which Y/N looked towards the building that Volpina was on and was looking straight at him)

Y/N: Even as a super villain she still looks stupid.

Hollow: What you wanna do?

Y/N: Shall we let Shadow Knight deal with her then after words destroy the Akuma.

Hollow: Yea I would like that very much and it could show Hawk Moth that if tries to find us well he is in a rude awaken of what he is going to face.(Hollow saids with smirk)

Y/N decided to leave the smoothie stand and walk away with Volpina following him in which Y/N was quicker and more creative to avoid her in which he started to move from alleyway to alleyway in which started to confused Volpina that it was driving her nuts to find one single person.

Voplina: Argh!!!...How did I loose him?!!!(Volpina saids in anger until Hawk Moth spoke to her)

Hawk Moth: Volpina don't waste your time finding that person you were following all over the place focus now on getting Ladybug and Kitty Noir's miraculous!

Voplina: Sigh...I will come back looking for you soon after I find Ladybug and Kitty Noir.(Volpina saids then goes to run off to find Ladybug and her partner until a darker voice was heard)

You think you can beat them but your wrong...

Volpina: Huh? What....who said that whose there?(Volpina saids while looking behind her and in front of her while trying to figure out who the voice was in which wasn't Hawk Moth)


Voplina heard the noise coming from somewhere and kept her guard up while trying to find out where the sound came from until she heard the voice again.

I know what you seek and I know who sent you in which I know your listening Hawk Moth.

Hawk Moth: Hmm....strange who ever the owner of that voice is it knows me but how though? And why all of sudden am I feeling a very powerful and strong aura and yet it feels unknown to me?(Hawk Moth saids in thought while in his lair)

Volpina: Enough games show yourself!!

Very well as you wish..KYOOH!...KYOOH!

Then soon out of the darkness came something walking towards Volpina in which she kept her guard up but they all sudden the air around her became cold in which she looked towards the front of her and saw something that brought shivers down her spine while looking at a dark figure wearing a black mask and cape that was making breathing sounds and looked like meant business.

(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Volpinaa: What...what is that.......(Volpina saids while looking frighten at the dark figure in front of her and she wasn't the only one looking because Hawk Moth who is his lair saw the figure approach his Akuma and was looking at the being in question)

Hawk Moth: How bizarre I never seen a being like this before yet its giving off a lot of power and I can feel something very familiar but I can't place it just who is this dark being?

Shadow Knight: So you are the one known as Volpina.

Volpinaa: know me?

Shadow Knight: Indeed in which I most displeased and ashamed that Hawk Moth would send out a pathetic Akuma like you to do his bidding.

Volpina: Oh please Hawk Moth has chosen the perfect person to help him get the miraculous in which he is very pleased of my work.

Shadow Knight: Then he is a fool to think that you could please him but you are just like the rest of his pathetic little game in which he doesn't care about you all he cares about is power and causing harm to the innocents.

Hawk Moth: Volpina don't listen to this being find Ladybug and Kitty Noir and bring me their miraculous!

Shadow Knight: So you can fail like you always do Hawk Moth, I think your not so powerful that I realize.

Hawk Moth: What!...How could he hear me?

Shadow Knight: You really think you can hide forever Hawk Moth think again and the reason how I can hear you is none of your business but only mine.

Volpina: Well as much as I want to continue talking I have to find Ladybug and her pet cat so....bye...GULP!!!!!(Volpina saids then stops as her whole body began to froze and started to choke in which Hawk Moth felt it)

Shadow Knight: Do you really think I will let you go so soon.(Shadow Knight saids and raises his hand in which Volpina started to float into the air in which Hawk Moth was looking while in his lair in complete shock)

Hawk Moth: How is he doing this?

Shadow Knight: Wouldn't like to know Hawk Moth and now watch your creation suffer.

Volpina: GULP!...........GULP!(Volpina beings choking in which Hawk Moth was feeling the pain coming from his Akuma)

Hawk Moth: What is this power........

Shadow Knight: Allow me to show you what my power is.(Shadow Knight said then stops choking Volpina while she is still in the air)

Volpina: Cough!...cough...cough....please more....

Shadow Knight: Sorry but I am not finish with you yet, and I hope your watching Hawk Moth because this will happened to you as well if you come across me.

Then all of sudden glowing was coming from the finger tips of Shadow Knight in which started to scare Volpina while Hawk Moth was listening and watching about what is going to happened in which lightening came straight out of Shadow Knights fingers and blasted Volpina with it that she was in so much pain and it was starting to hurt her.

(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)


Hawk Moth: IMPOSSIBLE?!!!!

Shadow Knight: Now you will watch your Akuma suffer the pain and guilt.


Shadow Knight: Oh I have just begun.(Shadow Knight said then stop the lightening that injured Volpina and then all of sudden while still in his hold he slammed her into the solid wall so hard that Volpina never felt so much pain in her life)


Shadow Knight: As you wish.(Shadow Knight said then slammed on the ground so hard that she became unconscious)


Shadow Knight: Let this be a warning to you Hawk Moth if you try to get in my way and threaten anymore innocent lives with your Akuma's well you wont live to see another day because when the time comes you will face your destiny and I will be waiting and I will destroy you and take back what doesn't belong to you and I will free Nooroo and Duusuu from your control then end your life along with your partner Mayura.(Shadow Knight saids to Hawk Moth in which the super villain was feeling the pressure under him and feels the growing power from Shadow Knight in which what he is true and he will not live to see another day and question how he knows about Nooroo and Duusuu)

Hawk Moth: He knows about Nooroo and Duusuu how can that be?

Shadow Knight: I just do and now watch your Akuma be slain.(Shadow Knight saids and takes out his red blade and then broke the necklace around Volpina who was unconscious and latter the Akuma came flying out then killed by Shadow Knight in which the Akuma died and shocked Hawk Moth to his core)

Hawk Moth looked in complete utter shock and horror that someone else knows about him as well as Nooroo and Duusuu in which he is confused of who the being that took down Volpina was and why does he have so much power than him in which didn't make any sense at all and the way he took down Volpina so mercifully was beyond anything he has ever seen then once the Akuma was killed he felt like a part of his power was gone. Then soon his window to his lair closed leaving him in darkness while thinking about that dark armored figure.

Hawk Moth: I don't know who this armored figure is but I might need to keep an eye on him because what he did to my Akuma was something beyond anything I ever encountered and yet why for some reason does that aura feel familiar.(Hawk Moth saids in his liar alone while thinking to himself)

Back with Shadow Knight after he killed the Akuma as well as showed his power to Hawk Moth, he knew one day he would have to face him and help save his Kwami's two friends who are being used as slaves to do the villains bidding.

Shadow Knight: Now that is taken care of time to dispose the liar and I know exactly where to put her.(Shadow Knight saids to himself then looks at the unconscious Lila Rossi in which he used his power to lift her up into the air and walked into the alleyways)

After walking around the alleyways, Shadow Knight found a very disgusting dumpster filled with nasty things inside of it and decided to put Lila inside of it and close the lid of the dumpster shut so that no one can see her inside or him in which he walked away into the shadows and found a place to transform back into his civilian form.

Shadow Knight: Lower The Shadows.....(Shadow Knight said and transform back into his civilian form Y/N Sky)

Hollow: Looks like Hawk Moth got the message don't you think.

Y/N: Yea and don't worry I will get your two friends back Hollow I promise.

Hollow: Thanks Y/N and nice job on Lila really creative and the lightening pretty cool, her screams were pleasant to my enjoyment.

Y/N: Yes indeed come on let's head back and get those smoothies.

Hollow: Oh goodie!

Y/N arrived back at the stand and bought the smoothies for himself as well as the girls then headed back towards them in which they were waiting patiently for their friend to return in which they saw him carrying the drinks.

Marinette: Y/N your back!

Y/N: Yea sorry the line was quite long and I had to wait a while, but here are your drinks.(Y/N saids and hands the girls their smoothies)

Zoe and Chloe: Thank you Y/N!

Adrienne: Mmmm...thank you so much.

Alix: Oh this looks so good!

Juleka: Thank you.....

Y/N: Your welcome..(Y/N saids and sits down with the others to have a nice relaxing day without anyone bothering them or him while also drinking his raspberry smoothie in which Hollow took a snip without no one knowing and found it quite delicious and so did Y/N)

Back with Lila who was starting to wake up then all of sudden started to smell something really bad in which she woke up and then open up a lid and saw where she was in which was a smelly disgusting dumpster that smelled so bad she began to scream.


With Y/N and his friends who were enjoying their day all of sudden Nino was hearing something that sounded like a high pitch scream.

Nino: Did you guys hear something?

Adrienne: Sorry I am too busy drinking my smoothie.

Marinette: not really how about you guys?(Marinette saids while drinking her smoothie)

Zoe/Chloe/Alix/Luka/Juleka/Kagami: Hmm..nope.(They all said and went back to what they were doing)

Marinette: Y/N?

Y/N: Did you say something?

Marinette: Um never mind, must be your imagination Nino.

Nino: Yea you could be right.

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