Chapter 3

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I run out of the school and start running towards the apartment of Master Fu, Tikki helping me with directions while Chloe is keeping up with me.

"Who is Master Fu?" Chloe asks.

"He is the person who gave me my miraculous. If he says something is wrong and used the ladyblog to tell me then it must be important. I don't know why he called you as well though." I say. She is still keeping up with me even though we have run for a while. Soon, we reach the building and we run up the stairs until we reach the room. I knock.

"My hair is ruined from all that running! This better be important. If not then I'm going to get my hair done and you are coming with me." Chloe says, trying to sort her hair. I groan.

"You both have arrived. Come in. We have much to talk about." Master Fu opens the door, letting us in before shutting an locking it.

"Master Fu, what's going on." Tikki asks, flying out of my bag. He walks over to the book Adrien had and opens it to a page on Hawkmoth.

"I have been reading this book when I read something. It talks about a big plan that is going to help him take over Paris." Both mine and Chloe's eyes widen at this new information.

"But Ladybug will save the day again!" Chloe exclaims. Master Fu shakes his head.

"Not by herself she isn't. Chloe. How would you like to own a miraculous?" He asks, pulling out the same box that I found in my desk when I first met Tikki.

"Me? A superhero?" She asks, shocked. "Why me? Everybody but Marionette hates me because of my selfishness and I'm always starting akuma's. I'm the worst choice you could have picked." Chloe says, looking down.

"Dear child, if you were really selfish then you would have left Marionette on that rooftop. You might have even blackmailed her or just told everybody her secret. You didn't though. You also made a promise that if you help her be more confident, she would help you become more nice. You are a perfect fit for this job." Master Fu hands her the box and she opens it, a bright yellow light blinding us for a split second before showing a bee hairpin with a giant bee sitting on top of it. A Kwami.

"Hello! Im Bebey, your new kwami partner!" The bee Kwami flies over to the pin and picks it up, placing it in Chloe's hair.

"Hi. Im Chloe." She introduces herself, just staring at the Kwami.

"So why are we here?" I ask, turning back to Master Fu.

"Ah yes! I have a mission for Ladybug and Queen Bee." At this, Chloe turns to Master Fu.

"A mission? What about Chat Noir?" I ask.

"Chat Noir cannot come. I need you to find an artefact that can only be collected by a miraculous holder. This place is in Egypt. It was created five thousand years ago to protect the only thing that can defeat Hawkmoth." Master Fu informs us, making us gasp.

"How are we going to get to Egypt?" I ask.

"My father has a private jet we can take but I don't know what to do after that." Chloe informs us.

"That is a good offer but I already have a way for you to get to the vault. You will unlock your second forms and get your wings." He says.

"Our second forms?" Chloe asks.

"Your second form is a form that is more powerful and has extra abilities such as your wings. It is hard to use though so we never use it unless it's necessary." Tikki informs us. I nod.

"So how do we do this?" I ask. Master Fu motions us both to a room with only mats on the ground and greenery all around the room like flowers.

"This is the training area. You will meditate until you have absorbed enough energy to unlock your second form." Master Fu hands us a set of clothes. A red with black lining and a yellow with black lining tracksuit bottoms and jacket. Yellow for Chloe and red for me. I must say that they are pretty stylish for training outfits.

"These outfits are now yours to keep. They will keep the heat or the cold away and are also waterproof. Use these when you are not using your miraculous. Now sit down." He says. Me and Chloe sit down after putting out outfits on, facing each other before closing our eyes. "Clear your mind and only open them once you have absorbed enough energy from the atmosphere to help you transform."

"Ok." We both say. I clear my mind, only thinking about what's around me. Everything is blank but the flowers and insects that are coming in from the window. I start to concentrate on them, slowly taking in the energy.

"Tikki! Spots on, second form!" I shout. Tikki is sucked into my earrings, making my suit appear on me but I also feel something come out of my back. It covers my whole body before flicking backwards, creating a force of air behind me. I then open my eyes and turn my neck around to see transparent butterfly wings that are red with black spots. I then look at my arms to see bracers covering them, a trigger in the palm of my left hand. I click it and a yoyo shoots out of it, wrapping around Master Fu's arm. I then retract it. Luckily, I have another yoyo for my right hand since I'm right handed and don't want the bracers trigger to make it harder for me to fight.

"You did well." Master Fu says, nodding at me. I smile. Suddenly, Chloe stands up.

"Bebey! Transform me, second form!" She shouts. A yellow light covers her, letting her transform into her suit. As soon as it goes, I notice her whole outfit. It's yellow and black with a bag just like mine around her waist. She also has wings that are similar to a bee's.

"Wow Chloe! Your first transformation and you did it with second form!" I exclaim, hugging her. She smiles.

"I am impressed. But since it's your first time transforming, it won't last long. You need to leave for Egypt now." He hands us both backpacks with food and tools we need for the trip. He then hands me a compass and a map.

"What about our family?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"There is no time. Hawkmoth is already on his way to get the artefact for himself. Now go and take it before he does." Me and Chloe look at each other before nodding and running out onto the balcony, flapping our wings. It takes a minute to get use to it but we get the hang of it and we start flying towards the direction of Egypt, so fast that nobody would be able to see us. Luckily, we both have ear pieces so we can talk to each other while we fly.

"Usually it would take nine hours to fly there but with the speed we are going at, it will take about two. It depends on how fast we go." I inform her, looking at the compass.

"Well I hope this trip is worth it. Do you know how much it costs to get hair as great as mine!" Chloe exclaims. I just laugh.

"How about after this, we go on a shopping trip and finish it off with a relaxing spa?" I say.

"You better keep that promise or I will personally tie you up with your own yoyo and drag you there myself!" She shouts. I laugh before smiling at her. She smiles back.

"Who would have thought we would have become friends?" I ask.

"Who would have ever thought I would fight crime alongside a person who I can call my best friend? Before all of this, I was alone. Sabrina would ignore me and I had no other friends. Daddy was too busy with work leaving me all alone. I didn't have anybody but myself." Chloe says before sighing. "How do you have such a loving family who is always there for you?"

"Well it's not easy. My family has to run the bakery and when they are in a break, I am either fighting crime or doing my homework because I didn't have time to do it before. Because of this, I am always late. It may not look like it but people actually make fun of me for that. I only had Alya who would help me talk to Adrien and give me support. Now that is over and I have you" I tell her.

"You always seem so happy with everything. You can easily make friends with a simple smile." She says. Suddenly, her wings disappear, making her fall. I quickly fly down and catch her, flying back up in the air.

"You know what they say. Those with a bigger smile have had more things happen in their past." I say before flying back in the direction of Egypt, Chloe now in my arms with the compass and map.

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