Chapter 2

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"Miss Dupain-Cheng, it is time to wake up." I hear a male voice say, knocking on the door. I groan before getting out of the comfy bed and going into the bathroom, taking a shower and using the towel I brought with me. I get dressed in my clothes before leaving my room to see Chloe with a hair dryer and curling wand.

"I thought you wouldn't do your hair so I'm going to do it for you. Sit." She says. I slowly walk over to the chair and sit down. She instantly goes to do my hair.

"Is this really necessary? I'm going to have my hood up anyway!" I complain.

"I'm still giving you makeup after this anyway. Just in case you have to take your hood down." She tells me. I just sigh.

"Fine! But only this once since I'm wearing a hood!" I exclaim. She squeals before finishing my hair, straightening and curling the ends of it. She then proceeds to put some light make-up on my face.

"Done!" She cheers, pushing me in front of the mirror.

"This is me? Wow..." I ask, amazed. I don't usually wear makeup or curl my hair. I'm usually in the same outfit with the same hair style. I put on the purse bag that Tikki flies over to me. It's black and blends in with the hoodie.

"Here, eat this." Chloe hands me a plate with a sandwich and a water bottle. I quickly eat it without ruining my makeup before putting my hood on, fixing the cat ears so they aren't crooked with the help of Chloe.

"If we want to get to school early then we should leave now." I inform her, looking at the time on my phone. Chloe looks at my phone with disgust before taking my cheap phone out of my hands and placing a box there instead. A box to the latest phone. "I can't take this. It's too much!" I say, trying to give her the box back. She takes it before taking the red and black phone out of it, handing it to me.

"I brought it for Ladybug so we could always keep in contact so now it's yours!" She places it back in my hand. "It has my phone number in it already. Now let's go. I will tell you how to use it in the limo." Chloe says before dragging me to the elevator, pressing the ground button. I press random buttons on my phone that brings up the camera.

"Hey Chloe, can we take a picture?" I ask. She takes the phone out of my hand, switching the camera before putting it high in the air so the picture can get both of our faces. I take it from her grip and she wraps her arms around my neck, smiling. I also smile and take the picture.

"Send me that picture!" She says before walking out of the elevator and outside towards the limousine. I follow her and we both get in, the limo driving towards the school. She also helps me put my parents phone numbers into my phone since I know those by heart. I will have to get the class's numbers again. Soon, we get to the school.

"The school is just opening. Nobody is here yet." I say, getting out. We both wait outside since they aren't letting students in just yet. This is when I remember something. "I forgot cookies!" I gasp.

"Wait here. I think there should be some in the limo." Chloe says before walking back to the limo that is made to stay until Chloe enters the school. Suddenly, somebody taps me on the shoulder, making me jump. I turn to see Adrien, Alya and Nino.

"See guys. I told you it's her!" Adrien says, them all moving to block the limo from my sight.

"Marionette, I-" Alya starts to talk but I glare at her, making her shut up.

"Don't you start apologising! You humiliated me in front of everybody at the park, slapped me across the face, called me a weakling and you expect a sorry will make it all okay?" I yell at her, making her flinch.

"Adrien watch out, Chloe is running up to us." Nino says, making us all turn to see Chloe running towards us. Adrien braces for the impact but she just shoves him out of the way, jumping on me instead.

"Do we have a problem here?" She asks them, not letting go of me as she glares at them. They all look at us with wide eyes but they can't see my reaction since my hood is covering my face. I don't want them to see my tears. Chloe notices though.

"Marionette? What are you doing with Chloe?" Alya asks.

"What? Is it wrong for me to hang out with my best friend?" Chloe asks, making them look at me with wide eyes.

"Is this true Marionette?" Adrien asks.

"It is true. After Alya said all of that stuff to me, Chloe came and comforted me. We became best friends overnight at our sleepover." I explain.

"Oh Mari! Here are your cookies. I knew it was a good idea to bring them." Chloe smiles at me, opening the little purse bag where Tikki is and placing the packet in there before anybody can see her.

"Thanks Chlo." I reply, smiling back at her. She takes her arms off of me and grabs my hand, dragging me into the school and to the bathroom. She takes my hood off and wipes away my tears.

"Good thing I used waterproof. Now let's go to class." She says before leading me towards the classroom. Nobody is here yet so we both sit down at Chloe's desk. I sat where Sabrina use to sit before taking my phone out. Soon, everybody starts to come in and I ask them for their phone number. The only phone numbers I don't have now is Nino, Sabrina, Alya and Adrien. I even have Lila's number!

"I'm tired!" I groan, placing my forehead against the desk so nobody can see my face. Chloe is on her phone, texting.

"We should have went to sleep a bit earlier." I hear her say. I groan. I hear the door to the classroom open but I don't raise my head, letting Chloe deal with whoever it is.

"Marionette, that's Sabrina's seat." I hear Alya say. I just ignore her.

"Now it's Mari's. Now leave!" Chloe exclaims, venom in her voice.

"No! She is my best friend and I need to apologise to her!" Alya exclaims. I raise my head to see Alya and Sabrina standing in front of us.

"You have no right to call me that Alya. An apology doesn't make me forget everything that happened." I calmly say. Suddenly, another slap comes to my cheek, making everybody in the classroom gasp. At that moment, the teacher walks in with Adrien and Nino.

"Alya, what is the meaning of this?" Madam Bustier asks, walking up to us as the guys sit down.

"Alya had no reason to slap my best friend! I want her suspended! Expelled!" Chloe exclaims.

"It's alright Chloe. That's going too far." I try to calm Chloe.

"Alya, Marionette and Chloe, go to the principals office. Now!" We all walk out of the classroom and go to the principals office in silence. Every time Alya tried to speak, Chloe would glare at her. I knock on the door before walking in. Mr Damacoles looks up from his desk to see us.

"Can I help you?" He asks. Chloe drags me to the chair before pulling my hood down, showing my curled hair and face with makeup. It also shows my cheek that has a mark on it.

"Alya slapped my best friend for no reason. I want her suspended!" Chloe exclaims, pointing at Alya. Alya sits down next to me while Chloe stands in between us.

"Is this true Alya?" Mr Damacoles turns towards Alya who nods.

"But I apologised!" She exclaims.

"No you apologised for slapping me yesterday. When I didn't accept it, you slapped me again." I simply say, rubbing my cheek.

"Alya, you have a one hour detention." He tells her. Chloe glares at him.

"She assaulted my friend! She should be suspended!" She exclaims but I calm her down.

"Chloe calm down. Remember what we talked about when we was ranting." I tell her. She sighs.

"That is fine. Just make her stay away from my best friend." Chloe says before turning to me. I smile at her, showing her that she did the right thing. Suddenly, Chloe's and Alya's phone dings. I look at Chloe's phone to see that it was the ladyblog.

"Play the video." I say. Chloe plays it, showing a very familiar man.

"Marionette Dupain-Chang and Chloe Bourgeois, meet me at my house. It is an emergency." He says before the video ends. I quickly stand up and grab Chloe's arms before running out of the room and down the hall.

"Who was that man?" She asks, putting her phone in her pocket.

"Master Fu."

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