A Flower for M' lady part 3 by Summer Cheng@SummerCheng37

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    Ladybug's POV:

      I noticed that I felt sorrowful ever since Chat gave me the orange rose. Well, it was my fault. I had not told him how I truly felt about him. It did not help that Adrien was in my poetry class with my civilian self either. I mean the guy sat with me and he was kind. He was ever so helpful with the homework too. Who knew he was that into the poems?  I certainly had never seen that side of him before now.

        I adored a particular cat, but despite my strong affection for him, I  discovered that I also thought about Adrien. I would never confess this to Tikki  or anyone else.  I did what I  could to avoid the guy as much as possible which was difficult since I had a college course with him.

       Outside the class, there was no need to run into him. The trouble was that he seemed to follow me a lot. I mean almost every day. I could not quite figure him out. What was his problem?

         I noticed that Chat Noir was quieter than usual during patrol. It seemed like he had a lot on his mind lately. I did not pry into his business because we had agreed not to. This agreement was what made things difficult between us. I felt a small part of me was starting to lose him. I dreaded the day we defeated Hawkmoth because I feared that once we did, I would no longer see Chat anymore. I did not know what I would do without him in my life.

        I was determined to remind Chat how important he was to me. Tonight, I arrived earlier than usual for patrol, and let my hair fall loose. It was on my shoulders now. I smiled as he approached trying hard not to look too eager to see him. He landed beside me and saw me looking at him. He smiled and held my hand. "To what do I owe this pleasure, m'lady?" He asked. I replied, "I was hoping you would notice me."  "I always notice you,  m'lady. You are beautiful, and I want you to know that I will not pressure you to be with me," He said. I shook my head. "Chat, I am sorry for all the times I hurt you. I should have seen the one who was always there for me. The one whom I l..." I started to confess to him when something whooshed toward us. I sighed.

          Chat Noir sighed. "M'lady, it looks like the patrol is officially over. We have crooks to deal with on this night," He blurted out. I looked to see where he pointed his paw and knew he was right.   We worked hard, attacking the two latest victims of Hawkmoth's recent advances. 

         After we finished being the winners as usual and Paris safe, Chat Noir handed me two things this time. I looked at him in surprise. The first was a bracelet, and the other was a bright yellow rose with white tips. I let him fasten the bracelet on my left wrist and admired the rose. I knew yellow meant romantic friendship and white meant loyalty. Did this mean he was implying he felt he was a loyal friend with some romantic interest in me?

        "Ladybug, what  were you trying to tell me earlier when those hooligans interrupted you?" Chat asked me. I pulled him close and kissed him. He closed his eyes, wrapped his arms around me, and kissed me back. He slowly removed one of his arms around my neck and placed it on my waist. "M'lady, you make it hard for me to remain friends when you kiss me this way," He stated sounding a bit breathless when he spoke. "Then, let's be more than friends, what do you say, Chat?" I asked. I could hear his heart beating fast. I could tell he wanted this.

      "As much as I want this, I have to say, I can't not while Hawkmoth is still on the loose, m'lady. I could not put you in harm's way, or anyone else I care about in harm's way. So, I have to say, I would love to, but it will have to wait, Bugaboo," He answered. He then kissed my cheek and leaped away.

       I stood there with tears of happiness in my eyes as he left. I knew then that Chat felt the same as I did for him. I would wait for him as long as it took because he was worth it. I went home glad for a change that at least I had the promise that Chat and I would be together soon. I was sure that Hawkmoth's defeat would be sooner than we imagined.

     The next day, my civil form, Marinette entered the classroom glad  Adrien had not arrived yet. I had not quite figured out how to deal with him. He arrived a few minutes before the class started and almost said something about him cutting it close. He sat in his usual seat beside mine and slipped me a note.  I looked at it in surprise, since when had he felt this way about little old me?

      Dear Marinette, 

      I have been noticing you. You are kind as you are smart, beautiful, clumsy, but stunning. I like you and I wish you would see me. See me for who I am. I am not just the boy who sits next to you. I am the boy who has a crush on you. Will you ever pay attention to me?

     Could you ever say, I will be more to you than just a homework partner? More than a college buddy? More than a friend? Hmm, what do you say, Miss Dupain-Cheng?

      Will you go out with me?


Adrien Agreste

I was shocked. Adrien liked me. The Agreste boy who could have any girl at his feet liked me. Why me?  What was it about me that had drawn me to him?   I did not know what to say. 

   I sure hoped he did not expect an answer soon because I did not have a clear one for him yet. I would have to think about this for sure. It sure stirred up some things that I had not thought about before.

    Later, after college was out for the day, I saw a red rose on the steps and picked it up. The single rose had a note attached to it. It read, "To the fine one, Marinette Dupain-Cheng is her name, and winning her heart is my game. Love, Adrien Agreste."  I looked around but saw no one.

    How had he left the rose and the cheesy note here without my seeing him?   What sorts of secrets did he hold?

 Find out more in A Flower For M'lady part 4

  Until then,


little owlets!

Summer out!

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