A Flower for M'lady part 4 by Summer Cheng@SummerCheng37

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   Chat Noir's POV:

    I felt relieved and sad all at once. My lady returned my feelings. She even surprised me with a kiss. But alas, I could not be with her at least not yet, since Hawkmoth was still a danger to us all.

      To make things more of a struggle, I found myself attracted to another girl. One whom I saw more of in college than I had in the past. She was kind, stubborn, and lovely. She reminded me of Ladybug which was crazy because there was no way that could be true.  I sighed as I thought of both women who had won my heart. The one by night who was my partner against the supervillain and the other by day the civilian girl, Marinette whom I found myself drawn to almost as if I were a moth to a flame.

      I knew giving m'lady the bracelet was risky, but I had to. It was to show her that my feelings for her were true. Then, the next day, I felt as if my heart were torn in two. I saw Marinette and something stirred in me that hadn't in years. What could it all mean?


      In my civilian form, Adrien Agreste, I am often overlooked as the model son of the "great Gabriel Agreste fashion designer."   Yet, I long to be someone people can see for me.  Marinette's attitude toward me never ceased to amaze me. She did not seem to like the attention I gave her, but she did not have many friends either. I could tell because the others had abandoned her years ago. I was still not too happy about this. I swore to remain faithful to her. I could tell she still had her doubts.

      I don't know what had come over me, leaving her that rose and the ridiculously cheesy note. Plagg had teased me nonstop since I got home. He knew that I had a thing for her. I sighed. Why couldn't I have one crush instead of two? Yet, I felt somehow that despite it all the girls would understand.  It was not like I meant for this to happen.  I was starting to love Marinette the more I saw her.  Her brushing me off only deepened the love I have for her. I liked Ladybug. Maybe a small part of me still loves her, but not as much as I had before.

        I sighed. All this was too much for even me. Why had the Chat side of me agreed to be with Ladybug after all this was over?   I longed for Marinette. Each night I dreamed of the college girl while I wondered at the same time how m'lady was faring.


         "Plagg, I am losing it?  I thought Ladybug was the one I wanted. Lately, I wish for Marinette.  I do still love Ladybug but I feel a deeper love for Marinette. I am not sure how to handle this.  I know my father could never understand."

   "  He keeps trying to push Lila at me. I will never betray my girls for the likes of that rotten rat. She is nothing more than a liar, a thief, and a slut. I never want to date someone to please my father again. Look how things went when I dated Kagami for two years to please him. The girl thought I loved her, and when I tried to explain she was devastated. She called it off before I could. I felt bad because she was a friend," These were the words I spoke to my kwami.

         I heard Plagg laugh. "I told you, boy, Ladybug is never far from you. Marinette is not either. The girls are one. As in Ladybug is your Marinette and Marinette is your lady."  Plagg said.

        "What?   Plagg, how could that be possible? I mean Ladybug has been acting strange lately. Last night she kissed me after we fought a villain. She never did that before except to snap me out of it when I was akumantized.  Then, Marinette well she does not seem to notice me. I thought she knew I would never leave her like the others. She seems a bit standoffish." I replied.

            "Adrien, it sounds like you love Marinette. You might love Ladybug a little, but your flame is more towards Marinette now. That is okay, I am sure  Ladybug will understand," Plagg stated.

              "You told me she is the same girl, so why does she throw herself at me as Ladybug to Chat, but cringe when I am around her as Adrien to Marinette then?"

                 "I know I gave her flowers as both, and they are similar but there is no way Ladybug is Marinette," I protested.

       Time skip!

  Two months later...

     It has been two months since I first discovered the truth. I now felt like a nervous wreck around her in both forms. I know it is silly, but now that I know m'lady is also my Marinette, things are more crazy than they used to be.

         Tonight as Chat I barely said a word to Ladybug which I could tell hurt her. I gave her a white flower, but I felt like it was almost a lie since I am after her as Marinette now. I was surprised Plagg could tell me the secret since I did not think kwami could do such a thing.

              I  helped her defeat Hawkmoth at last. I stood there unsure how to react. I was heartbroken more than I had been when I thought no girl would ever love me as Chat or Adrien.  My father was Hawkmoth as Ladybug had said. I sobbed. I broke down right on the Eiffel Tower and as Ladybug held me close I wept like a big baby.

                "Chat, are you okay? Why are you sad? " Ladybug asked. "I can't say it," I spoke up. "Say what?" She asked.  "Oh, I don't know that Hawkmoth is my father!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. Ladybug looked at me stunned. "Your father, but that would mean, you are...?" She said. Ladybug shook her head. "N-no, it can't be," She said. "Why because you despise me as Adrien Agreste is that it?  Is it because you love me as Chat, but as Adrien, I am nothing to you?" I asked.

               I ran off not noticing that I dropped something as I left. "Chat wait!" Ladybug called after me.  I could not look at her disappointed face. I needed to see Marinette. I ran to find her. I arrived at her new place and saw no one was home. I sobbed more. I knew Plagg was right all along, Marinette is m'lady. But that means...I  sat on her balcony. I did not see when she got home.


        "Chat are you out here?" She called out. I looked up to see Marinette staring at me.

            "Ladybug told me I could find you here," She said. "Marinette, stop I know everything. Plagg told me, you are Ladybug." I said. "What mean Ladybug?"  She laughed. I grabbed her and pulled her to me. "Kiss me," I said. Marinette kissed me. It was a nice kiss shared as Marichat. One I never thought I could have until now.  I kissed her in return. She pulled away her face red. 

             "Marinette?" I asked. "y-yes," she muttered. "Do you love  me?" I asked.

              "I love you Chat," She said. "I love you as Ladybug to Chat,  and Marinette to Chat." She confessed.  "A rose for m'lady Marinette," I said. I handed her a red rose and the necklace. I saw her gasp as she looked inside the locket to see side-by-side pictures of me as Adrien, and Chat.

                I kissed her as Plagg released the transformation. I heard him demand cheese. Ladybug's kwami took him to the kitchen for some cheese.  I felt Marinette back away. "What is it?  Do you not want me as Adrien?  Am I nothing to you when I am not Chat?" I asked.

                   Marinette sat beside me without a word. She pulled out a paper. She read it aloud, "Dear M'lady, I  would be lying to you if I said you were the only girl in my life. I have loved you for years.  Yet over time, I have fallen in love with Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I am not sure how it happened.  I know I shall always love her and a small part shall love you. What shall I do? Plagg said you were the same as Marinette. At first, I thought it impossible, but now I realize you have always been her. Oh, how happy I am. I worry you will never be able to love me as Adrien. Love Chat."

                 She laid on her lap and put the note I had given her as Adrien beside it. She gasped when she saw the handwriting matched. "Why didn't I notice before?" She asked. She looked at me. She blushed. "Do you love me?" I asked once more. "Yes, I love you," Marinette said. "As Chat or?" I inquired. "Both silly for you are him, and Adrien. I could not ask for anyone else," She said.

             Marinette stood up shoving the notes into her pockets. I stood before her. She leaned in and kissed me. I kissed her. "Wow, you kiss well Marinette, m'lady," I said. She laughed. "I will date you as Ladybug to Chat, Marinette to Adrien, and if you wish as Marinette and Chat, and Ladybug and Adrien too," She said.

             "When did you know you loved me as Chat and Adrien?" I asked. "I always loved you as Adrien, but thought you would never love as Marinette. I started to love you as Chat in my ladybug form. I thought I had to ignore you so many years later as Adrien because I thought, you wanted that. Only you started to chase me as Adrien," She explained.

             "You gave me flowers, the Chat side to the Ladybug half of me, and Adrien gave me at least one flower to the Marinette side. It was after this I started to believe maybe you were the same. I could not be sure.  Now, I know. 

     The end...


little owlets!

Summer out!

*Author's note: So how was it?

   Don't worry there are more Miraculous short-stories to come, but as for this one, A Flower for M'lady must come to a close.





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