Thank Goodness It's You Part 2 (Felinette) by Summer Cheng @SummerCheng37

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      Felix's  POV:

      I grin as I think about her.

     Why does her response to my text make me happy?  I was not even this happy with Kagami and she is my ex-girlfriend. I tried to make it work with Kagami, but it was obvious to her we were not meant to be. It was no wonder she left me for Luka. 

        I am glad that she is my soulmate, but I wish I knew her name.

      Will she mind my being a part of the Graham Da Vanily family?


       I recall how she told me she owned a bakery. Wow, imagine my soulmate the baker. I wonder if she would make me a pastry if I asked. I recall how she likes pink. I shake my head at the irony of it all. When I was a child I was convinced girls who liked pink were all silly girls obsessed with makeup or fawned over boys.

      " Felix's Flashback..."

      "Mom, when I grow up I want to marry a girl who knows how to cook," I said.

      "Felix, you are only six years old and already thinking about marriage?" Amelie asked.  "Yes, and she will be the prettiest girl ever," I said.  "Felix, looks are not everything remember that because you should love her for her and not for how she looks. Even when she is old and wrinkly you should love her."  Amelie responded.  

    "Mom, I do not think she has wrinkles," Felix said as he scrunched up his nose.

    "Felix do not scrunch up your nose, it is rude," Amelie corrected him.


  "One more thing," Felix said. "What is that son?" Amelie asked.  "I think she will be the one to make me happy," Felix sighed. "My son the hopeless romantic at six years old," Amelie stated. "Son, you need not worry about girls yet. Focus on your studies and learning how to be a proper gentleman," His father said.  "I want to marry a baker, who makes me happy and it would be nice if she could sing too, " Felix said.  "Son, no more talk of girls," His father rebuked him.

       I sobbed and ran to my room.   My little heart was sad because of what my father told me.  I  would have to give up thoughts of my future wife and I didn't understand.


    At ten years old, I spoke more of girls. Now, I was all into discussing hunting, writing, math, airplanes, and other manly things. My mother Amelie, smiled, I  was mature for his age, and she knew that  I would make a fine husband to the proper woman someday.

     When I was twelve years old, my father died. I  was sad because my father had been a good man, and he never once abused me or my mother. Yet, I also felt sad that my father did not spend much time with me. A fact, that would trouble me more than I let on about.

       Two years later at age fourteen, I  had my first crush. The girl's immediate rejection made me swear off girls.  I no longer spoke of them as fondly as I once had. 

        At age sixteen I  smiled, I had my first girlfriend, Kagami, and felt she was my love. I spoiled her with flowers, kissed her, and never thought, we would part. We were together a year when she broke the bad news to him.

     "Felix, I am sorry but I am in love with Luka. He makes me happier than anyone else. I truly am sorry," Kagami said.

   "What?  Kagami, please stay. I promise to do all I can to make this work,"  I pleaded with her. "I can't Felix. I love Luka, he holds the tune to my heart," Kagami confessed. I sobbed. She had broken my heart.  "Then, go to him and never let me see your presence again!" I yelled at her. I did not know what else to do. Why did the break-up have to hurt so much?


      Two weeks later, I saw a purple button appear on my phone and said to press in for Soulmate instructions. I did as it said and well, you know the rest.

        "End of Flashback..."

          I could not wait to meet her. I longed to put a face and name to her.

          I recalled she sent me a photo once of some cookies she had baked and of a dress she had sewed.  So, I knew she was a baker, and sewer who made me happy.

          " Soulmate?" I texted her.

       "Yes, I am here," She texted me.

    "Good checking to make sure you were okay,"  I texted.

    "Yes, I am fine now that you are here," She said.

        I asked her a question about her favorite anime. She said, "Yes, of course I like them, but you already knew that."  "Well, I was just making sure you had not changed your mind." I texted.

         "I can't wait to meet you," I texted.

   She was silent.  I sighed. Did this mean she was rejecting me? I started to panic.

     Could it be she liked someone else and had not told me?

      I hoped not. I had bought her some things to do with her favorite anime characters from Rwby. I sure hoped she would accept them.

       I sighed. Why had Kagami left me? I know we are not soulmates, but her dumping me had made me miserable for a while, but then I found my soulmate and began to chat with her.  Now, I only long to be with her. 

       Since I do not know her name, I call her Bug since she said she liked Ladybugs and She calls me a cat or sometimes Chat because she knows I like cats.


   I hear my pet cat mew.  It seems he approves.

   I stroke his fur. "Yes, Plagg, we get to meet her soon," I said.  At least, I hope we do, I thought.

    I had no idea what my soulmate would think of me. I hope I will be okay.

     I sigh. No answer. Well, there goes my happiness I thought. I felt a single tear fall.

    Find out more in... Thank Goodness It's You Part 3 (Felinette) by Summer Cheng SummerCheng37.    

     *Author's note: For those of you, who wonder, yes Plagg is a real cat, and so is Tikki. Also, part 4 will be the last part of Thank Goodness It's You (Felinette).





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