Chapter 15: Lies revealed!

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Morning arose over the city of love in which Justin who was in bed was getting up from his slumber while his beloved girlfriend Marinette still slumbers. Justin can tell that Marinette had enough trouble as it is and from that incident yesterday Justin can tell that Marinette needed some relaxation as well as trying to forget about what Rossi tried to do to Marinette. Justin was furious for what Lila tried to do yesterday and thank god she was gone in that crash otherwise Justin would love to see his girlfriend beat the living crap out of that liar.

Justin: Now that liar is gone makes me wonder what her sheep will think especially that moron cousin of mine.(Justin saids in thought they gets up from bed until he felt an arm grabbed him)

Marinette: Don't go.....stay....

Justin: Hehehe I am just going make us some breakfast Blueberry angel.

Marinette:'re so warm and soft.....

Justin: Come on give me my arm back.

Marinette: Give me a kiss and I will let go.

Justin smirked and gave Marinette a kiss on the lips that made her smile while she was still feeling sleepy.

Justin: Happy.

Marinette: Yawn!......(Marinette yawns then goes back to sleep with a big smile on her face)

Justin: I will take that as a yes.

Justin got up from his bed and headed down towards the kitchen to cook some breakfast for him and his lovely lady. Plagg woken up from his slumber and flew down to greet his holder who was making something good.

Plagg: Morning Justin.

Justin: Hey Plagg, good morning to you too.

Plagg: Making something for your special lady I see.

Justin: You can say that, I left you some cheese it's near the table.

Plagg: Thank you very much and I am sorry for what happened yesterday you know with that liar and the car.

Justin: It's all right Plagg you didn't know and thank god that liar is gone for good. Hard to believe she will turn to murder just like those classmates of hers.

Plagg: I wish I could have cataclysm her to dust and be done with it.

Justin: Yea but you're not a murder Plagg and besides Lila crashing her car was enough.

Plagg: I wonder how Adrien will react when he finds out of what happened to that Rossi girl.(Plagg saids in thought about his former holder)

Ring! Ring!

Justin looks over and sees his phone ringing and looked to see who was calling him until he looked and saw it was Natalie and went to pick up the phone and see what his godmother wanted.

Justin: Hello?

Natalie: Justin thank goodness you picked up are you all right?!

Justin: Yea I am fine Natalie why?

Natalie: Turn on the news.

Justin turned on the Tv and it showed that the news woman giving her speech on what happened yesterday with Lila Rossi and the car that she was driving.

Nadja: Hello this Nadja Chamack with the news. Yesterday a girl was was driving a orange lamborghini crashed into the river side near the Eiffel Tower and sadly the girl did not survived but we discovered the girl was plotting to kill two innocent civilians where one of them was someone I know and her name was Marinette Dupain Cheng. Marinette is a good friend of myself and my daughter who looked after my little girl for years. I was about to have a heart attack after seeing what was the most shocking and most horrible scene in my life because the girl driving the lamborghini was declared a psychopath and thanks the video that we have seen of what this girl is, it makes me wonder why would she try to harm or worse kill the girl who babysit my daughter. Police inform that the girl driving the car died in the crash in which the girls body was surreally damaged after the crash. To explain this we will go to Officer Roger who had this to say yesterdays incident.

Reporter: Officer Roger can you tell us what has happened here?

Officer Roger: Well I got a call saying that a girl driving a lamborghini was about to cause a murder in which the young man who was the victim along with the girl with him told me of what happened. They told me that the girl was speeding so fast that it looked like she was planning on running the two over but luckily the young man was able to get himself and the girl out of harms way. Then informed us that the car crashed into some vehicles followed by crashing into a tree while the driver herself burst through the cars front glass and hit the payment followed by landing into the water along with the car that took a lot of damage.

Reporter: What happened to the girl and do you know the name of who was driving it?

Officer Roger: The girl's body was found but she didn't survive, her entire body was destroyed and it would be best not to see what she looks like trust us. Also for the name of the person driving the car, the victims informed us that it was a girl by the name of Lila Rossi and to prove it we found a video of the call recording her trying to kill the two people in which one of them I know from my daughter's side.

Reporter: Lila Rossi as in the model for Gabriel Agreste?

Officer Roger: Thats the one, also it turns out that the girl has caused some trouble in the school that she goes too in which we are having detectives questioning the people in the school about what they know. The parent of Lila Rossi was called and lets just say she isn't too happy of what she found out no more questions answered.

Nadja: Hard to believe the girl who works for Gabriel Agreste turned out to be a murderer in sheep's clothing makes us wonder what Mr.Agreste thinks about this and by any chance knew what this girl was capable of doing. All questions will be answered soon and Marinette Dupain Cheng whoever saved your life is absolute good person, this Nadja with the news.

Justin turned off the tv and went back to talk with Natalie while also thinking what his uncle is going through after the news was brought up.

Justin: Natalie does Uncle Gabriel know about this?

Natalie: Yes, and he was furious of what he saw as well upset that you could have been killed...

Justin: Don't worry I am fine I got out of the way before the car was close. But I will need to have a talk with Uncle Gabriel about his so called model.

Natalie: I will inform him...and Justin thank goodness you are safe I couldn't bare the thought of loosing you...and what your parents might think.

Justin: I know, I will seeing you and Uncle Gabriel soon and tell him that I am all right and well.

Natalie: I will just be safe Justin.

Justin: I will I love you Natalie.

Natalie: I love you to Justin see you soon.

Call Ended

Justin: Sigh...

Plagg: You all right kid?

Justin: I'm fine. Might as well finish up breakfast.

Soon after half an hour later Marinette woke up from her slumber and headed down to meet her boyfriend who was placing the food on the table and the smell of it was delicious. Plagg hid himself in his holders cabinets while Tiki remained inside her holders bag.

Marinette: Morning handsome.

Justin: Hey beautiful, come sit I have to food cooked and ready for us to eat it.

Marinette: Wow this looks so good! It's official you have to be my personal chef because your cooking is out of this world.

Justin: Hehehe why thank you. Shall we eat my love.

Marinette: Yes. Mmm...the beans and bacon along with the sausage taste amazing especially the eggs.

Justin: Would you like a cup of chai I made it myself.

Marinette: Sure I would love a cup chai tea.

Justin: What did you just say?

Marinette: Huh?

Justin: Chai tea, chai means tea girl your saying tea tea would I ask you for coffee coffee with room for cream cream?

Marinette: I um....well...uh....

Justin: Pfff...heheh I am just messing with you Blueberry Angel.

Marinette: Oh ha ha very funny.

Justin: By the way the news was on and the incident showed of what went down.

Marinette: You mean with....

Justin: Yea, also Natalie called and found out about what happened and so did my uncle they were both worried and furious of what Lila tried to do to us.

Marinette: Makes me wonder what her sheep will think especially mr high road.

Justin: I can tell the lies will be revealed and everyone will know the truth.

Marinette: And when that happens if they ask for an apology I am not excepting them because I already gave Rose and Max once chance and they already starting to rebuild their friendship with me and thats all I want. The rest can just leave me alone.

Justin: If my cousin saids anything to you don't bother with him just walk away and avoid him because he is basically responsible for not telling anyone about that vixen.

Marinette: I will. And I still want to say thanks for saving my life no one has ever done something so brave for me.

Justin: I do what I can to protect those I love. I don't want to loose you Marinette, you're the spark that keeps me going.

Marinette smiled and blushed of what Justin said to her in which she got up from her spot after finishing her food and moved towards Justin and sat on his lap while wrapping her arms around his neck and giving him a kiss on the lips.

Marinette: did I fall for the perfect man.

Justin: Well I am one lucky man to have such a beautiful and talented woman with me.

Marinette: By the way I got a text from parents they told me that they saw the news and are worried about me would you mind walking me home to see them.

Justin: It would be my pleasure darling.

Marinette: He really is the perfect man.(Marinette saids in thought)

After both finished their food and cleaned up the dishes, Justin took his shower followed by Marinette and both got dressed and headed out to head towards the bakery so that Marinette's parents can see that their daughter is safe and unharmed. When they arrived at the bakery while holding hands like all couples do they heard voices from behind them in which were their friends who were running towards them.

Marinette and Justin friends: MARINETTE!!!!

(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Marinette: Guys hey wha.......OOF!(Marinette saids then gets tackled to the ground by Chloe and Zoe)

Chloe: You're all right!!!

Zoe: We were so worried about you.

Marinette: I am fine girls don't worry Justin saved me.

Nino: Bro you just saved my best buds life thank you dude!(Nino saids and hugs Justin)

Justin: It's what I do.

Kagami: You're not hurt are you?

Justin: No were both fine unlike Rossi who is you know.

Alix: Argh!! could she stood so low and do something so horrible!

Luka: She took things way too far.

Justin: She's not the only one.

Juleka: What do you mean Justin?

Justin: Let's just say two days ago both that Kim and Ivan from your school were arrested for two crimes they were about to commit.

Rose: What?! What did they do?

Max: I have 100% knowing that they did something stupid and horrible.

Justin: They were arrested for trying to burn down the bakery with Marinette inside followed by planning to drag her into the alleyway to beat her up. And yes did was another thing that was caused by Lila Rossi.

Everyone except Marinette: WHAT?!!!!

Justin: Luckily I recorded them and report them to the police they will be in prison for the next fifteen years for public destruction as well as attempted murder.

Chloe: Oh Mari-Bear! We should have been there for you.

Marinette: I am all right everyone really, Justin took care of the situation and I grateful for what he did.

Zoe: Thank you protecting her Justin.

Justin: Anything for my lovely girlfriend here.(Justin saids and brings Marinette close to him)

Nino: Wait you two are dating?

Marinette: Y..yes we are....

Alix/Chloe/Zoe: WE WON THE BET!!!

Justin and Marinette: Huh?

Alix: Pay up guys you lost.

Nino and Kagami: Dang there goes my last twenties.

Luka: I never bet I knew those two will be something.

Justin: All right what is going on here?

Juleka: The girls and ourselves betted on rather you two will be couple in which we lost the bet.

Zoe: That's right now pay up.

Juleka: Yea yea I know.(Juleka saids and hands Zoe the money)

Alix: We always knew that you two had some kind of connection. We can see it when you two spend time together.

Luka: It's really not that hard to notice.

Marinette: You all knew?

Everyone: Yes.

Chloe: And I am so happy Mari-Bear found someone better and he's our childhood friend.

Zoe: I wish you both a great life together. Take great care of her Justin and treat her right.

Justin: You know I will Z.

Nino: Bro give me some fist bump!(Nino saids as both him and Justin fist bumped each other)

Kagami: So how did your parents take the news?

Justin: Her parents took it well and I told them of who I am and they except me for being with their daughter. Though my mother however embarrassed us during a video call and it was humiliating.

Rose: Mother attend to embarrass their children, my mother does it to me all the time.

Max: Same for mine but I love her. By the way did you hear the news both Principal Damocles and Miss Bustier were fired and got their teaching jobs removed.

Justin: When did this happened?

Rose: Three hours ago, detectives and the school board came in and were informed about the schools bullying as well as attacks in which they ratted out Bustier and Damocles for their lack of teachings.

Max: After words they found video footage of Lila doing awful things in the school and blaming others while also seeing the bullying that our classmates have been doing. I still feel terrible for believing in her lies.

Rose: Me too..

Juleka: But you both were given another chance so there is nothing to be worried about.

Rose: Thank you Juleka.

Justin: The liar is gone, principal and teacher who didn't do their jobs gone, two morons in prison gone, all there is left is the lies to be revealed.(Justin saids in thought)

MARINETTE!!!!(Two. voices said from behind everyone and looked to see it was Tom and Sabine running out of the bakery and engulfing their daughter into a hug)

Sabine: Thank the heavens my baby's is all right!

Tom: We were so worried about you honey, when we saw the news about what happened we thought we lost our little girl.

Marinette: I am ok papa, actually you should thank Justin he was the one who saved me and protected me.

Sabine: save my little girl...

Justin: Like I promised that I will keep your daughter safe and I will always will.

Both Sabine and Tom smiled at Justin and gave him a warm hug that made Marinette smile as well as her friends.

Sabine: You are such a good person Justin. Your mother raised a fine young man.

Tom: You are very strong and brave man Justin say have you ever thought about marrying my daughter you will be a great addition to our family.

Marinette: PAPA?!!!!(Marinette saids while blushing and her friends giggling at the idea)

Justin: Umm.......

Sabine: Oh that would be wonderful I can only imagined what our future grandchildren will be like.

Marinette: Mama stop you're embarrassing me and Justin?!!!

Justin: I second it.

Um Marinette...(Everyone turned to see Nathaniel with Marc along with Mylene who are they woke up from a nightmare)

Marinette: What do you want?

Marc: We just um....well....

Marinette: Let me guess you found out the truth.

Nathaniel: Yea....we did....and I know you can't forgive us for what we did to you and everyone else we understand.

Mylene: We just came to tell you that were really sorry for not believing in you and we did our fact checking on Lila's claims and they were all lies everyone of them.

Marc: I feel like a fool for believing in them and also being a jerk and...a bully.

Nathaniel: Same...we understand you cannot forgive us we understand and we know our friendship is over. We just want to let you know that we enjoyed being your friend before Lila and we wish you a good future.

Mylene: Also I am breaking up with Ivan, the police told us of what he and Kim were trying to do to you Marinette.

Justin: Did you three know about them doing it? Did you know that they were going to set the bakery on fire with Marinette inside.

Tom and Sabine: THEY TRIED TO DO WHAT?!!!

Marinette: I will tell you both in a while.

Nathaniel: No we didn't know about that until today!

Marc: That took things too far I will never go so far as to murder.

Justin: What about beating Marinette to a bloody pulp she almost died because of that. Don't forget I was there when you did it.

Marc and Nathaniel: Oh.....

Marinette: I cannot forgive any of you for what you all did to me, maybe I will in a couple years but for now our friendship is over best to move on.

Mylene: We will...

Marc: I see that all of you didn't believe in Lila's lies..

Zoe: All of us fact checked as well as did Max and Rose.

Nathaniel: Well thats good but for some reason in school the only one who was defending Lila was Adrien I mean why would he stick up for after everything that has happened.

Justin: Because he knew Lila was a liar and decided to keep his mouth shut and not inform any of you thinking that her lies are not hurting anyone in which they were.

Nathaniel/Marc/Mylene: HE KNEW?!!!!!

Marinette: We both did and he told me not to expose her otherwise she would get Akumatized like I care. She gets Akumatized so many times. He also told me to take the high road and not expose the liar.

Nathaniel: That asshole knew all this time and never told us!!!

Marc: How could we be so stupid.

Mylene: Now I can see why he is always giving Marinette some kind of look.

Kagami: Speaking of which here he comes now.(Kagmai saids while seeing Adrien coming towards everyone in which Tom and Sabine stood in front of their daughter)

Adrien: Hey guys....


Adrien: What do you mean?

Mylene: We know that you kept the secret of Lila being a liar from all of us and not even bother to tell us!!

Marc: Why didn't you say anything to us?

Adrien: But how did....

Justin: And where the hell have you been? The detectives and the school board ratted the school out and everything about Lila Rossi is lie and not to mentioned she was on the news today.

Adrien: You told them!

Justin: All of us here knew she was a liar while Rose and Max here actually did their fact checking and found out everything. So did these three here.

Rose: How could you not of told us about any of this Adrien I thought we were friends!

Max: And Lila getting Akumatized I mean really what about the rest of us don't we not matter if we got Akumatized.

Adrien: Of course you do its just that Lila...

Justin: It's clearly obvious that girl has manipulated your mind Agreste. And if you say her lies are not hurting anyone well news flash for you dip-shit they were hurting lots of people and she used those lies for money and fame as well as causing others to turn their backs on others.

Adrien: But they weren't......

Marinette: They were hurting me!!!! I was lied to as well as bullied for years and where were you just standing there as I get bullied and beaten until I couldn't breath. You are the most selfish human being in the world Adrien and you call yourself a friend well I am no longer going to be friends with someone who can't even grow a spine.

Adrien: But Marinette if you would have just apologized....

Justin: Apologize for what you asshole! She was the victim not Rossi. You are just too stupid to think about what is right or wrong. You just stood there while Marinette was getting attacked and beaten up and you didn't even lift a finger to help her. You clearly have no clue what goes on in the world. You're such an embarrassment.

Everyone: Agreed.

Adrien: Look I know Lila lied and everything but once you see her again and show her some compassion she will change and everything will go back to the way it was.

Nino: Dude are you stupid and for real right now.

Alix: Doesn't he even know what happened on the news?

Justin: Let me tell you something Agreste, Lila isn't going be seen or any time soon or ever again.

Adrien: What do you mean?

Marinette: Adrien she's dead, she died after crashing her car into the river before she used it try to kill me.

Adrien: What?.......

Justin: It's all over the news and I was there when it happened as a matter of fact I was the second victim and saw the whole thing where Rossi was driving that car of hers and was going to use it to kill both me and Marinette.

Adrien: No...Lila would never do something like that.

Alix: For fuck sake Adrien Lila is a horrible person and a liar and she almost killed Marinette are you seriously this stupid!!!!

Marinette: Don't believe me, look it up Adrien.(Marinette saids while glaring at Adrien)

Adrien took out his phone and checked the news where he found the video and when he saw it his whole face turned pale and not mentioned felt sick when he saw the video of Lila recording herself trying to get rid of Marinette. Then saw the damaged car as well as a body being carried away in an ambulance.

Justin: Now do you see.

Adrien: Theres got to a mistake maybe she....

Marinette: Adrien she's liar and a dangerous human being. She never cared about anyone but herself and she used you for fame and money. I tried telling you but you never listen.

Justin: You really need to see a therapist because you clearly have no idea about anything. You think everything around you is a fantasy world well news flash for you its not. You got to learn to grow up and develop a back bone.

Adrien: But...

Kagami: Adrien don't, she's gone and her lies are exposed basically everyone now knows who she is and what she has done.

Excuse me are you Adrien Agreste?(A civilian saids behind Adrien that got everyones attention)

Adrien: Yes I am can I help with you something?

Civilian: Yea you can start by paying for my lamborghini that you and that crazy girl on the news stole yesterday!!!

Marinette: Lamborghini does he mean that orange car that Lila drove before she..

Justin: I believe so.

Nino: Wait he and Lila stole a lamborghini thats just messed up.

Sabine: Sir how do you know if it was him and that girl?

Civilian: I have them recorded on my video camera. The Agreste kid was picking the lock on the car while the girl had the keys that she took from my pocket and when I went to stop them the Agreste kid drove off without a trace. I parked the car in front of the museum where my wife works and was going to present it to her for our anniversary until these two took it and drove away with it.(Civilian saids while showing the video of Adrien and Lila stealing the car)

Zoe: Adrien what the hell is a matter with you?!

Chloe: You help that vixen steal somebodies car for their anniversary.

Nino: Not cool dude not cool.

Alix/Luka/Kagami: What an idiot.(Both said thought)

Adrien: But Lila said her mom got her that car.

Justin: She lied to you and I think that license she had was probably fake as well.

Civilian: That car was expensive and it was a gift to my wife and you ruined it!!!

Officer Roger: Adrien Agreste I afraid I will have to take you to the station for stealing an expensive car and working with a psychopath who tried to kill innocent civilians as well as caused problems at the school.(Roger saids while putting cuffs on Adrien who was shaken in fear)

Justin: How expensive was the car?

Officer Roger: The bill saids around $400,000 plus tax.

Everyone except Adrien: Oh Adrien is so doomed.(All said in thought)

Officer Roger: If Adrien Agreste doesn't pay he will spend the next six months in prison.

Adrien: Guys....

Nino: Oh look at the time I have to go and look after my brother later!

Alix: And I have to check to see what my brother is doing with his latest discovery.

Kagami: I got fencing with my mother, Luka would like to join.

Luka: Sure.

Rose: Juleka wanna go get some ice cream.

Juleka: Sure but you buy.

Rose: I can do that.

Max: I got to upgrade my systems see ya!

Nathaniel: Marc lets go to my place and fix our problems and work on a new story.

Marc: Ok.

Mylene: I am going home to see my dad.

Chloe: Come Zoe, let's get our nails done and enjoy some pool time.

Zoe: Lead the way sis.

Everyone started to leave and do their own thing while leaving Marinette, Justin and Adrien along with Roger and the civilian.

Adrien: Marinette surely you can...

Marinette: I'm sorry but I am no longer your friend and no I will not help you after everything you have done to me and I am sorry but you did this to yourself. Don't blame me because I wasn't the one who turned their back on a friend in need nor stood and watch a friend get beaten by others.

Adrien: Mari..

Marinette: Only my real friends can call me that and you are not one of them. I am going home to help my family in the bakery. Goodbye Adrien and never speak or talk to me again.(Marinette saids then leaves to back into the bakery)

Justin: I got no words for you. Hope you learn from the consequences of your actions. And you should think about this never let liars cloud your mind and don't be a coward.


Roger took Adrien to his car while Adrien didn't say anything and just sat in the car while Roger drives to the station. The civilian then left as well as try to find a different way to make his wife happy for their anniversary. Justin then went into the bakery and told his girlfriend that he was going to visit his uncle in which Marinette didn't mind and gave Justin a kiss before he left to go to the Agreste mansion. When Justin arrived at the door of the mansion, Natalie opened the door and hugged her godson.

Natalie: Sigh...thank you for coming Justin. Anything broken and worse?

Justin: No I am fine Natalie thank you for your concern.

Natalie: Gabriel is in his office and waiting for you.

Justin: Thank you Natalie.

Justin walked into the office and saw his uncle sitting down until Gabriel spotted Justin coming in which Gabriel got up and hugged his nephew for seeing that he was safe and unharmed.

Gabriel: I was so worried of what happened to you Justin.

Justin: I am sorry I made you worried uncle Gabriel. I am perfectly fine now. But we need to talk.

Gabriel: If it is about my former model Lila Rossi I know I saw the news of what that girl was doing. I should have never hired her and I was so blind to see that she was a bad influence towards my family.

Justin: Indeed she manipulated you and used you for fame and glory as well as money just like your son.

Gabriel: You know about my son?

Justin: You mean Adrien yes I do and thats another thing I need to talk about with you.

Gabriel: Come sit with me.

Justin: Why did you hire that girl in the first place?

Gabriel: I thought she could be trusted and try to find the people who are bad influence towards my son. Adrien never had a normal life since he's been homeschooled his whole life nor been out of the house because I was afraid of the dangers outside. Miss Rossi was put in charge of locating the people who want to use my son for fame and money but I was wrong in which I always had this feeling that Miss Rossi was only saying the things to me so that she can be part of my company and rise to the top.

Justin: So basically she told you lies about whats going on in your sons life and lying about the people she lied to thinking that they were a bad influence towards you and your son.

Gabriel: Yes but I also made sure to keep an eye on that girl because I didn't know rather too trust her or not if she ever slips but it looked like the news was all I needed to know.

Justin: She also lied to many good people including friends that I have made in Paris along with a girl who I love with all my heart.

Gabriel: Miss Dupain Cheng?

Justin: Yes I fell in love with her and have seen the torment that Rossi has caused her not to mentioned that liar almost killed me and Marinette. Uncle it is clearly obvious you might have hired a highly dangerous pathological liar who is also a threat to others including you.

Natalie: I have to agree with Justin, Miss Rossi wasn't someone I would trust.

Justin: Exactly. Uncle your an amazing fashion designer a really good one but a fashion designer should also know more about their models and what they are. So clearly you hired Rossi without fact checking to see anything that she did wasn't true or not.

Gabriel:'re right I didn't.

Justin: And don't blame yourself you didn't know that Rossi would turned out to be a total psychopath and a liar. You just needed someone to show you the light in all things.

Gabriel: That is why you are my favorite nephew.

Justin: And you are my favorite uncle who is an absolute fashion designing genius.

Natalie: Justin you also wanted to talk about Adrien correct.

Justin: Yes.

Gabriel: Is there something wrong with my son.

Justin: Obviously there is uncle. As a matter of fact he knew about Lila being a liar for years and never told anyone about it.

Gabriel: What?!

Justin: It's true he knew for so long and decided to keep his mouth shut about the whole thing thinking that her lies are not hurting anyone. Not to mention your son stood by while the girl I love was being beaten as well as bullied by Lila and her sheep. He thinks that Marinette was caused of Lila's suffering but it is Marinette who was suffering.

Gabriel: I was raised him better than this.

Justin: He doesn't know anything about the outside world probably being homeschooled for so long made him delusional thinking everything is a fantasy but it's not.

Gabriel: Did anyone else knew about miss Rossi and her lies.

Justin: Marinette knew and Adrien told her to not expose her lies and take the high road. He's been doing this to her for years and always giving her disappointment looks while thinking Marinette is the bully but it is Lila who is the real bully and threat.

Gabriel: When he gets home I will be having a long conversation with him.

Justin: About that I don't think he will be coming home any time soon.

Natalie: Why is that?

Justin: Let's just say he and Rossi did something stupid and Adrien fell for it.

Gabriel: What did my son do?

Justin: He stole a civilians expensive lamborghini that was a present too that civilians wife thinking that Lila's mother got her that car but it was all a lie. So right now Adrien is at the police station being questions and if he doesn't pay the bill its six months in prison for him.


Natalie: Sigh...I should have never let that girl into the mansion.

Gabriel: That boy is grounded for a long time and forget being home schooled I am sending him to a boarding school that boy needs to learn some sense.

Justin: For once I agree with you uncle.

Gabriel: I also figured that you and him wouldn't get along well.

Justin: And we never will not ever.

Gabriel: much is the lamborghini that he and Rossi stole?

Justin: $400,000. Plus tax.

The room was now silent in which Gabriel looked like he was about to burst into flame while Natalie had her eyes widen like dinner plates while dropping her tablet on the ground.

Justin: Adrien is so dead right now.(Justin saids in thought)

Gabriel: $400,000?!!!!!

Natalie: Sir...sir...

Gabriel: Natalie we're going to the station to have a talk with that son of mine. Justin thank you for informing of the truth and about what my son has been doing.

Justin: Of course. And if you and Natalie need time too cool down and process this I understand. We can get together another time once all of this processes.

Gabriel: Yes that would be wonderful for now I need to speak with my son. Don't worry I wont mentioned you to him he doesn't need to know.

Justin: All right. I will be taking my leave now I got things to do. Natalie tell Gorilla I said hello.

Natalie: I will and thank you for coming.

Justin: My pleasure, I will see you and uncle Gabriel another time.

Justin gave both his uncle and godmother hugs and waved them goodbye while Gabriel and Natalie go to the police station to talk some sense into Adrien about not to fall for liars and get into stupid situations.

Plagg: Looks like that cousin of yours in a heap of trouble.

Justin: You have no idea Plagg and should we care.

Plagg: What do you think?

Plagg and Justin: Nope.

Ring! Ring!

Justin: Hello?

Marinette: Hey if its not too much trouble can you possibly come back and help me and my family at the bakery we got a crowd of customers waiting in line and it's a pack.

Justin: Oh sure I will be there right away.

Marinette: Thank you so much see you soon love you.

Justin: Love you too.

Call Ended

Plagg: Looks like you are needed.

Justin: Yup seems that way.

Plagg: With no more Rossi around whats next?

Justin: There is still HawkMoth to deal with and I still promised Ladybug to train her in gaining new abilities.

Plagg: And you always keep your word.

Justin: I always do.

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