Chapter 4: Justin and The Heroin of Paris!

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After everyone finished their wonderful get together picnic along with Justin they decided to go see a movie together in which Justin was thrilled because he could go for a movie right about now and he gets to spend time with his friends and new friends that he made when he arrived in Paris. So right now Justin along with his friends are walking towards the theater to see a movie but Justin doesn't know what movie they are going to see until he asked them.

Justin: So what kind of movie are we going to see if you don't mind me asking?

Nino: Oh were going to see that Ladybug movie of course and what I can tell dude that you probably never seen it before.

Justin: Well I have been gone from Paris for quite a while and didn't know what was going on until Chloe and Zoe told me.

Alix: Don't worry Justin you didn't miss much and besides some of the stuff in Paris are still the same just with newer stores and heroes who protect the city from Hawk Moth.

Justin: I guess that is true but still heroes and villains in Paris that is still quite a shocker.

Marinette: You will get used to it Justin trust me I know, when we all saw the first super villain that appeared and Ladybug came in and saved everyone.

Justin: I seen the video of that in which Ladybug was impressive as well as her speech to that Hawk Moth guy very responsible and brave of her to do these things.(Justin saids in which earned Marinette a smile and a blush)

Chloe: And Justin if you don't like the movie we could always watch something else.

Justin: Thanks Chloe, still I want to see what this movie is like before I decided rather or not I like it or not.

Luka: Take your time and enjoy the film Justin.

Justin: I will Luka thanks.

Soon everyone arrived at the theater in which Justin looked up and saw that the theater he used to go to when he was kid was still around and then looked to see the billboard of the Ladybug movie that looked more like an anime and Justin does love anime.

Justin: Well looks like this place hasn't change at all since I left.

Kagami: You liked coming here?

Justin: Yea before I moved away my parents and I would always come here and see a movie in which they usually get the biggest size popcorn because when I was little I was addicted to popcorn.(Justin saids in which made everyone giggle even Marinette who found it cute and adorable and wonders what Justin was like as a kid)

Chloe: It's true Justin was always hogging the popcorn and always putting too much butter on them in which he ended with greasy hands.

Justin: I was young and stupid ok...(Justin saids pretending to be said and that got everyone smirking and laughing)

Zoe: Yea but you were quite adorable back then.

Justin: Still am.

Nino: Alright everyone and Justin ready to go see the movie.

Everyone and Justin: YEA!

Everyone then headed inside and once they were all in the theater, Justin took in the site and saw that everything in the theater still looks exactly the same when he was there with his parents but decided to shrugged off the old memory and focus on spending time with his new friends and so he and the others went to get their snacks and drinks but sadly there was only one popcorn left and Marinette wanted it so Justin asked Marinette if she wants to share the popcorn with him and that got Marinette blushing that the cute boy she met wants to share popcorn with her in which Marinette excepted the offer and soon everyone got everything they wanted and headed into the seating area to wait for the movie to start.

Marinette: So Justin I was wondering about something.

Justin: What is it Marinette?

Marinette: I get why you and your family like to live normal lives but what made you decided not be like your uncle I mean I thought the Agreste were big on fashion and popularity?

Justin: Not all Agreste are like that Marinette, my dad and my uncle grew up with different futures and they both respected each others destiny in which dad wanted to become a baker and my uncle wanted to be a fashion designer and of course I don't have anything against fashion designers and I do admire their work but I just don't like being out in the spotlight and people taking pictures with so many cameras it hurts my eyes and it gets annoying where people just point at you like an object and not a real person.

Marinette: Oh sorry I didn't mean..

Justin: Hey it's alright you don't have apologized.

Marinette: Thank you but do you really think you can reconnect with your uncle, I mean I know he is a busy man running a company and everything but he hardly talks to anyone unless its his son and his assistant.

Justin: Well he has been through a lot ever since what happened to Emilee and I feel bad for him and I know I can help reconnect with him since he and I shared a bond long ago when I was a kid and he always likes to be around me even Emilee when she was still around.

Marinette: Well if you can do it, I believe in you Justin. Though tell me are you going to connect with Adrien?

Justin: Uh no not really, after what I have been told and what he does I pretty sure I don't want to get to know him and besides how could I be related to him.

Marinette: Fare point but just watch for yourself.

Justin: I can handle myself, I took years of martial art class along with karate and much more as well as work out so if anyone starts to trouble they will have to deal with me.

Marinette: Yea he is definitely not like Adrien at all, but I have to admit he is quite nice to be around and he shows compassion towards others and he hates liars which is good and also fact check work which is impressive.(Marinette saids in thought while admiring Justin Agreste)

Justin: Say wanna exchange numbers if you wanna hangout sometime when you get the chance.

Marinette: Rr...really

Justin: Well yea sure I mean I already got the others numbers in my contact but I didn't get yours yet so wanna exchange numbers.

Marinette: I would love to.

Both Marinette and Justin exchanged numbers so that if they want to hangout together and do stuff when ever they are free and it brought a smile of Marinette's face that someone so kind hearted and amazing wants to hangout with her.

Then soon after that exchanged numbers the movie was about to being and then soon silence was in the theater as Justin begins to watch the Ladybug movie with his new friends and so far he was liking the movie and the soundtrack for each scene was amazing since Justin does enjoy soundtracks from different movies and always puts them on his phone to listen to when he is just himself. After words the movie came to an end and Justin told everyone that he liked the movie but was more focus on the soundtracks in which the themes were very pleasing to his ears and once they got rid of their trash they all headed back outside to get some air.

Juleka: Seems like you enjoyed the film Justin.

Justin: It was alright, but I did love the soundtrack of the film. Soundtracks are like a man part of the film and they very pleasing to listen to.

Luka: Soundtracks are always very fond to listen to.

Ring! Ring!

Justin: Whose phone ringing?

Marinette: Sigh...mine its Alya probably wants to yell at me again thinking I did something to Lila again.

Justin: How long has she been doing the calling?

Everyone except Marinette: Too long.

Marinette: I tried blocking her and them but they always find me again probably Adrien spying on me and giving those idiots my number.

Justin: Hmm well hows about I do something that will make sure they wont call you ever again. Give me your phone I got this amazing idea.

Marinette handed Justin his phone in which everyone wanted to know what he was going to do until he spoke.

Justin: Hey Chloe, Zoe do you two remember that American television show called Family Guy.

Zoe: You mean that comedy show yea I used to watch that all the time.

Chloe: I only see some episodes why Justin?

Nino: Whats Family Guy?

Justin: A cartoon comedy show that makes people laugh but anyway while I was watching the shows I was able to practice the voices of the characters so you probably know what I am going to do next.(Justin saids with a smirk in which both Zoe and Chloe smirked while the others looked confused)

Then soon Justin answered the phone and out came out a loud voice that mad everyone cover their ears except for Justin who is used to load noises especially girls who had attitude problems.


Justin: Dam what a bitch that girl is.(Justin saids in thought)

Justin(Herbert): I am sorry miss but who is this Marinette you speak of my name is Herbert and I was just answering to see if this was my doctor talking about my nightly pills.(Justin saids while sounding like Herbert from Family Guy which got everyone giggling at the voice)

Alya: Wait what?......Adrien I thought you said this was her number?

Adrien: I thought it was, I guess I got the numbers mixed up?

Alya: Sorry sir wrong number.

Justin(Herbet): Oh don't worry about it but can you answer this for me if you don't mind me asking.

Alya: Uh sure what is it?

Justin(Herbert): Yes I was just wondering...mmmm where the blonde boy was.(Justin saids in which got his friends attention of what he was doing)

Alya: Wh...what? The blonde boy?

Justin(Herbert): Haven't seen the blonde boy in couple days, wondering if he is ever gonna come back.

Alya: Uh sir who are you talking about? Because I am sure I am not following?

Justin(Herbert): Sorry that you weren't listening, I am just lonely here and thinking about the muscular model boy wishing he come and bring some good news.


Jesus man that is wrong!

I am already getting chills right now!

I have a 0% that this is not Marinette's phone number?

Adrien have you been hanging out with old people?


Justin(Herbert): Oh gosh is that Adrien Agreste!! You sexy handsome devil call me!!!

Alya: I...I....WRONG NUMBER!!!!

BLOCKED!(Alya ends the call and blocks the number)

Justin: Problem solved.(Justin saids with a smirk and hands back Marinette's phone)

Nino: DUDE!

Alix: Hahahahaha that was awesome!

Marinette: HAHAHAHA!

Chloe: I got to watch more of that show.(Chloe saids in thought)

Luka: Wow that was good voice acting.

Justin: I been doing it for quite a while now and Marinette they will no longer call this number anymore but make sure to hide your phone and change the password so no one can unlock your phone.

Marinette: I think I will do that Justin thank you.

Ring! Ring!

Nino: Sigh..looks like Alya is calling my phone now, should've deleted the number after I broke up with her.

Justin: Give me the phone and I will take care of it Nino.(Justin saids then Nino with a smirk hands Justin his phone to take the call)


Justin(Quagmire): Whoah hey there sweetie coming to check up on old Quagmire are we.(Justin saids while acting like Quagmire now)

Alya: WHAT?!!!

Justin(Quagmire): Hey are you with other girls that is fantastic we can all have threesome or even more together..giggity giggity hehe oh right!

On the other side of the phone Alya was staring at her phone in shock as well as blushing madely red for who was on the phone with her and what that person said that caused her friends around her to feel shocked and disgusted of what they all heard especially the girls.

Justin(Quagmire): Hey did you like that thing we did last night because I can tell you enjoy it to hehe oh right.

Justin friends were gasping and their jaws hanging down from their faces of what Justin was doing and they couldn't believe what Justin was doing was actually getting their ex friends to blocked them from their phones so that they will not bother to call or text them.

Justin(Quagmire): Also if you come by my place again I got a package for you and its a big one oh!


Justin: There you go Nino she will not text or call this number ever again.

Nino: Dude you are one evil master mind and a good one thanks!

Alix: Oh my gosh my insides are hurting hahahahaha!(Alix while on the ground holding her laughter in but couldn't)

Justin: Does anyone else have their numbers?

Kagami: I have already blocked them from my phone so I am good.

Chloe/Zoe/Luka: Same here.

Ring! Ring!

Justin: Whose phone is that now?

Juleka: Mine looks like they are calling me next.

Justin: Phone please if you would.(Justin saids in which Juleka smiles and hands her phone to Justin)

Justin looked at the name and it was the girl that his new friends told him about aka Lila Rossi in which he was going to enjoy this a lot.

Lila: Juleka can you be a dear and tell us Marinette's number because I want to apologize for what I did to her and see if we could make amends.

Yea just tell Marinette to apologize to Lila for what she has done to her!

Juleka please come back to me, I don't want you to stay with those bullies!

Yea so just let her take her medicine because she deserve it!

By my count there is 6% chance that you are telling the truth but we all know that your the liar and not Lila.

Justin was listening to the voices over the phone and so help him he was pissed at these idiots especially that Lila girl and her stupid lies in which he pulled out the big guns and decided to go with Joe Swanson and his loud voice.


Admittedly Justin friends were shocked of the voice that Justin was doing and yet it actually made the people over the phone go silent which was amazing.

Lila: Uhhh...what?


Lila I think you should end the call right now..

Yea because the way that person on the phone was talking means he is serious.


Uh sir please we didn't mean to call this number we thought it was....




Justin: Oof that took a lot of me, there you go Juleka all better now.(Justin saids then hands Juleka back her phone but then looks at everyones faces in which their jaws hit the ground and their eyes widen like dinner plates)

Marinette: Wow just wow.....

Everyone: Yea wow.....

Justin: Like I said to you guys anyone who messes with my friends they will have to deal with me.

Nino: Dude you are my idol.

Alix: Can you get anymore awesome then before!

Justin: I try not to.

Zoe: I have definitely got to watch more of those episodes of Family Guy because what you just did Justin was amazing!

Chloe: And you gave us a good laugh as well.

Marinette: Justin that was the most amazing and yet funniest thing you have ever done!

Alix: Its official you are now one of us welcome to the team Justin.

Justin: Hehehe thanks.

Marinette: So Justin what do wanna do........(Marinette was about to say something when all of sudden she and her friends heard people screaming and running for their lives)


Justin: Uh whats going on and why are there people running away and screaming?

Marinette: Oh no it has to be an Akuma!

Justin: You mean those people who become villains when those butterflies land on an object and they become someone different.

Everyone: Yes.

Marinette: We better get out of here and hide before the villain shows up.(Marinette saids in which everyone agreed and began to run off)

Justin: I guess I should do the same.(Justin saids as he watches all of his friends leave while he did the same and decided to hide in the alleyway so he can be safe)


When Justin went into the alleyway to hid all of sudden he was hearing a voice that sounded like a villain in which he stuck his head out of the corner and saw the villain but for Justin when he looked at the villain more closely he didn't really know if it was a villain or some kind of rip off version of a 1960s danger because the guy had pink hair and was completely silver and had disco balls for hands.

COME ON SHOW PARTY CRASHER WHAT YOU GOT!(The villain known as Party Crasher saids while walking around the streets of Paris)

Justin: Party Crasher? What kind of villain name is Party Crasher to me he looks like 60s dancer rip-off but blue skin with pink hair and silver outfit with disco balls as hands. Weird?(Justin saids while hiding and checking out the villain in Paris)

Hold it right Party Crasher!(A female voice saids in which out came a girl with red suit and black spots and along with her were other costumes people in which Justin recognize as the heroes of Paris and their leader Ladybug)

Justin: Whoah its them the heroes of Paris, got to say they have style but Ladybug really knocks it off.(Justin saids while looking at the heroes who about to face the villain)

Party Crasher: Ah the heroes of Paris have you come to challenge me in a dance off!

Ladybug: Were here to take you down Party Crasher.

Party Crasher: Why doesn't anyone want to challenge me to a dance off?!

Justin: Dance off?(Justin saids in thought while watching the battle)

Party Crasher: All I want is a worthy opponent to see if he or she is worthy of being a true dancer like me so come on people show that person!(Party Crasher saids in anger then touches a civilization in which the person got sucked into the disco ball hand and an image of that person appeared on the ball)

Justin: Whoah so those hands of his are like prison for people who are trapped, hope those heroes know what they are doing.

Soon Ladybug and her team began to battle the Party Crasher while trying to dodge from getting hit with those disco balls of his and they were using every tactic to try and defeat the villain but so far Party Crasher thanks to his dance moves is getting the upper hand since he was reading the heroes body movements while using his dancing powers to target them and capture them but the heroes weren't quitting because they were dodging each attack from Party Crasher.

Justin: Looks like the heroes are doing well and dodging each attack from that Party Crasher guy but I don't think they have long because it looks like their almost tired out.(Justin saids while looking to see Ladybug and her team getting tired which could be bad news for them)

Bunnix: Hey Ladybug I think it is time for that lucky charm don't you think?

Ladybug: Right, Lucky Charm!(Ladybug saids and throws her yoyo into the air to await the charm to appear)

Justin looked to see Ladybug using that Lucky charm of hers to see what she can use to beat the villain and then once the glowing and those small little ladybugs finished all of sudden the charm came out and what it was....a frying pain in which Justin and the heroes were dumbstruck of a frying pain being Ladybug's lucky charm to defeat the villain.

Ladybug: A frying pan? Are you kidding me what am I suppose to do cook him a meal after words?

Carapace: Well think of some of way to use it because here he comes!

Party Crasher began to move towards the heroes and they were still trying to attack the villain without getting hit with the disco balls while Ladybug was trying to find a way to use her charm but so far she couldn't figure out how to use it.

Justin was getting worried about the heroes while he came into a thought idea in which he was thinking about what Party Crasher said about looking for a worthy opponent to challenge him to a dance off and then it clicked and since he knows a lot of dance moves from the music he listens to maybe he could give the heroes the help they need to beat the villain and when he looked towards the left and saw a clothing store for suits and that got him the idea for what he needs to do and so he came out of his hiding place while the villain was attending to the heroes and went into the store and found a good looking suit with green shirt, black tie, and black jacket and pants along with the hat and decided to bye it and put them on.

Meanwhile with Ladybug and the others they were still trying to find a way to beat the villain but so far Party Crasher was getting faster and quicker while the heroes were almost out of breath from dodging the villains attack.

Party Crasher: Come on heroes show Party Crasher your moves and see if any of you are worthy of challenging me and also hand over your miraculous as well once I beat you.

Ladybug: Come on guys we can do this together.(Ladybug saids to her team in which they all nod and got into battle stance)

Party Crasher: Have your way time for Party Crasher to end the heroes and take their miraculous to Hawk Moth.

HEY!(A voice saids from behind Party Crasher and the heroes looked towards where the voice came from in which they looked to see a person wearing a stylish green and black suit while hiding his face under the hat)

Justin: Time to show this guy how to dance.(Justin saids in thought while wearing his suit and looking towards the villain)

Party Crasher: Who are you?

Justin: My name doesn't matter I heard you are looking for a worthy opponent for a dance off well here I am.

Ladybug: Get out of here it is too dangerous!(Ladybug saids while trying to warn Justin who was hiding his face)

Party Crasher: Right sure you are then lets see your moves.

Justin: Very well.(Justin saids and then started to dance in which surprised both the villain and the heroes)

Heroes and Ladybug: Whoah!

Party Crasher: Not bad but check out this!(Party crasher saids while doing some classic dance moves in which Justin was impressed but not enough)

Justin: Not bad for a guy dressed up as a 60s dancer knockoff.(Justin saids with a smirk and it got the heroes giggled even Ladybug)

Party Crasher: Well then show me what you got!

Justin: With pleasure but first hows about a little music to get the dancing started. And I just know the right song for the job hope your ready Party Crasher because I am feeling Dangerous.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Michael Jackson Dangerous)

Soon when the music started playing Justin was working his dancing moves in which he moved in such ways not even Party Crasher couldn't compare to what Justin was doing while the heroes and Ladybug were staring in awe of how the guy in front of them was dancing so amazing.

Justin was moves were out of this world and thanks to those videos he has been watching from one of his favorite artist, he spent days and months dancing to get the moves just right and it turned out awesome in which Party Crasher was doing his moves but his weren't that very good while Justin's were out of this world.

Carapace: Whoah that dude got the moves look at him go!

Viperion: I'll say and the way he moves with the music playing is absolutely brilliant.

Queen Bee: Not to mention that suit he is wearing that is a very nice looking outfit.

Purple Tigress: That movement is so smooth.(Purple Tigress saids in thought)

Bunnix: And he's a fan of Michael Jackson, I loved Michael Jackson!

Ryuko: Very impressive.

Ladybug: Wow....he is amazing.(Ladybug saids in thought while looking at the guy who is standing up to Party Crasher)

Justin then had an idea in which he then started to moonwalk and headed towards Ladybug and the heroes and they were shocked and amazed of the Justin doing the moonwalk but didn't know it was him.

(Breakin(Turbo) Moonwalk)

When Justin did the moonwalk towards Ladybug and did a twirl, Ladybug wasn't paying attention Justin grabbed the frying pan charm and hid it until the moment was right to use it and then he started to dance more and more towards Party Crasher who was starting to get tired while Justin was dancing like wild.

Justin: HOOOOOO!!!!(Justin yells and did a simple Michael Jackson pose and ended the dance as well as the song that finished)

Party Crasher:

Justin: Why thank you now there is something I need for you do for me in return for showing off your moves as well.

Party Crasher: What would that be?

Justin: THINK FAST!(Justin saids and hits Party Crasher on the head with the charm pan)

WHACK!(Justin hits Party Crasher on the head and the villain is out cold)

Ladybug and the heroes just stood there in shock that the villain is knocked out cold thanks to the guy in the green and black suit and walked towards Ladybug and handed her the pan that he took from her to use on the villain.

Justin: Alright you can handle the rest and better hurry before he wakes up.

Ladybug: Uh......rr..right Ryuko you know what to do.

Ryuko: Right.(Ryuko saids and breaks the object that was the villains glasses in which the Akuma came out flying)

Ladybug: No evil doing for you little Akuma, Time to devilize got ya!

Ladybug: Bye bye little butterfly.(Ladybug saids as the Akuma turns back into a pure white butterfly and flies away)

Justin: So thats how she does it.(Justin saids in thought then looked towards Ladybug who is about to throw the charm into the air)


Soon Justin saw thousands of tiny ladybugs surrounding the city and repairing the damages and everything turning back to normal as well as the victim who became the villain in which he had no memory of what happened and decided to leave and go home while the heroes celebrated their victory. Justin thought it was time to make his getaway while he looked to see the heroes cheering for victory so he headed back into the alleyway to change out of the suit and back into his normal clothes but still going to keep the suit.

Ladybug and The Heroes: POUND IT!

Ladybug: Nice work team especially you...huh?(Ladybug saids then looks to see the man who helped was gone)

Carapace: He's gone I guess he had somewhere else to be?

Queen Bee: Still it was amazing to see a guy dance like that kind of reminds me of someone.

Viperion: Whoever he was he did a good job at helping us beat the villain.

Purple Tigress: Maybe we will see that stranger around or maybe not but he did a good thing and helped us complete the mission.

Ryuko: And those movements he did were incredible, I never met anyone who can move so well.

Bunnix: Especially when he is dancing like the King of Pop that was awesome!

Beep! Beep!(The beeping sound was coming from their miraculous)

Ladybug: Well looks like were about to transform back soon, catch you guys later bug out!

Ladybug and the heroes left and decided to head back home but for Ladybug she landed into an alleyway and changed back into her civilian form known as Marinette Dupain Cheng and out came her kwami known as Tiki goddess of creation.

Marinette: Here you go Tiki eat up and get your strength back.(Marinette saids and hands her kwami a macaroon to eat)

Tiki: Thanks Marinette and nice job taking down another Akuma.

Marinette: Well we had help from that stranger in the dress suit but I don't know who he was, he kept his hat down that covered his face.

Tiki: Maybe he didn't want to be discovered because Hawk Moth will know who he is and use him for his next Akuma.

Marinette: I guess so but other than that he helped us and those dance moves he did were amazing and so smooth.(Marinette saids in a trance)

Tiki: Heheh seems like you have a secret admirer.

Marinette: Hehehe don't be silly Tiki.

Tiki: I know I know but you have been staring and thinking about that Justin boy for a while now and since yesterday maybe he could be your secret admirer.

Marinette: Ww...what!(Marinette saids while blushing of the thought of Justin's name)

Tiki: Hehehehe.

Marinette: OH MY GOSH JUSTIN! I need to text him to see if he is alright.(Marinette saids then takes out her phone to text Justin)

Marinette(Text): Justin its me Marinette, I am just checking to see if you were alright and didn't get hurt so if you get my message let me know.

Justin(Text): Hey Marinette yea I am alright, hid myself in the alleyway to avoid being seen from the villain in which he looked weird but the heroes looked amazing by the way especially that Ladybug that heroin has style I give her that.

Marinette: Oh thank goodness he is alright and he saw us fighting the villain but luckily he was in a safe area to avoid being attacked by the villain.

Marinette(Text): Sorry we had to cut our hangout short..

Justin(Text): Hey don't worry about it we can do it another time when you guys are free and I will be waiting no rush Blueberry Angel.

Marinette(Text): Blueberry Angel?

Justin(Text): Well your sweet as an angel and your hair is the color of my favorite fruits I like to eat so I gave you the nickname Blueberry Angel.

Marinette was blushing at what Justin texted to her and for some reason her heart was beating fast and started to feel tiny butterflies in her tummy.

Justin(Text): So I would like to hangout sometime when your free and I did enjoy spending the time we had with everyone else and look forward to more of it soon.

Marinette(Text): I...I look forward to it as well Justin.

Justin(Text): Well alright then, I will see you guys around and get home safe later blue.

The text ended in which Marinette pressed her phone to her thumping heart that maybe just maybe she found someone who could care for her but has to wait and see. So for now Marinette and Tiki decided to head home and rest while also Marinette thinking about Justin on her mind.

As for Justin after he finished texting Marinette and got home safely, he decided to work on some of his classwork for his online classes as well as relax before doing anything else but also he was thinking about the heroes he seen for the first time and they were amazing but some reason Justin couldn't help but notice something about Ladybug and he couldn't place it in which he thinks he knows her from somewhere but decided to shrug it off and continue what he was doing. Then after words he cooked himself some dinner and then took a shower and headed straight to bed.

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