Chapter 5: Reconnecting with Gabriel and Natalie!

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After the whole incident that took place yesterday, Justin was still pondering of the heroes of Paris reminded of him of some people that he knew about but decided to let it slide for now and focus on the main topic and that is reconnecting with his uncle Gabriel as well as his godmother Natalie who he hasn't seen in years but would like to see them again also be there for his uncle who has been through so much after what happened to Emilee so Justin thinks maybe him being near his uncle would help the man because he and Justin shared a connections before Justin and his family moved away. Before Justin and his family left both Gabriel and Natalie gave Justin something to remember them in which were two designs rings that were both black and green and other one red and black. Justin kept the rings and wore them around his neck to always remember the good times he spent with Natalie and Gabriel and today he was gonna go to the mansion and see them after so many years apart.

Right now Justin is up and finishing his online class work and was about done with it since Justin is an early person who likes to wait up early and get stuff done. Justin got up from his nap and made himself some breakfast and completed his studies as well as his work and once he was finished with everything, he went to take a shower and get dressed and wore a button green shirt with black jeans and black shoes while also wearing the two rings around his neck that his uncle and god mother gave him after he left Paris and moved to San Diego with his mother and father.

Justin: Alright today is the day I meet with Natalie and Uncle Gabriel, it has been years since I last saw them but I kept the rings they gave me after I left Paris and after finding out about what happened to Emilee I can't just leave my uncle so depressed for so long.

Justin finished getting dressed and made sure he had everything he needed and once he did, he locked the door to his penthouse and began to head out in which the sun was shining over the city of love and the weather was quite nice.

Justin: Sigh...nice sky, beautiful weather, and the city of love is so calm, just the way I like it. Maybe I should stop over the bakery and pick some treats up and besides I still have time in the world and I could use a quick snack.

Justin then proceeded to walk over to the bakery that he went to two days ago and pick some goodies up because he enjoys the fresh smell of delicious baked goods in the morning. Then after walking a couple blocks later he spotted the same bakery that he went to and still smelled the same feeling that he felt when he first step through the doors.

When Justin got near the place and looked through the door and saw that both Tom and Sabine Dupain Cheng were inside and the place was opened so Justin decided to head on in and greet the two once again.


Sabine: Hello and welcome!

Justin: Hello again there Sabine as well as you Tom.

Sabine: Oh Justin! Why hello again.

Tom: How are you Justin on this fine morning day.

Justin: Oh I am doing quite well sir, I just finished up my online classes and was coming out to enjoy the day as well as pick some goodies at your fine bakery here.

Tom: Well that is good news to hear Justin my boy.

Justin: Is Marinette here by any chance?

Sabine: No, she and her friends went off to school.

Justin: So she and her real friends went to school with those idiots I heard on the phone yesterday.(Justin saids in thought while thinking of that Lila girl he heard on the phone along with the other idiots)

Sabine: What would you like to have Justin?

Justin: Hmm...I will a couple of those delicious macaroons that I tried, one baked croissant, and some cranberry juice to go please.

Tom: Coming right up!(Tom saids and heads into the kitchen to prepare Justin's order)

Sabine: So Justin how did you enjoy your day with Marinette and her friends, she told me that you had a great time with them.

Justin: They are amazing especially that I was good friends with Zoe and Chloe since I was a kid and they introduced me to the others and they are such wonderful people.

Sabine: That they are except for those ones at school.

Justin: If your referring to that Lila Rossi as well as those who hurt Marinette and her friends, I know they told me all about them including what they did makes me sick.

Sabine: It was a good thing we kicked them out of the bakery because at first they were such nice children to my daughter but when that girl known as Lila came into the school they all changed and not for the better. Everyday I see my little girl come home with bruises and cuts on herself it just breaks my heart to see my daughter in so much pain.

Justin: She told me that as well, I just hate people who pick on others as well people who lie to them and have their minions gang up and beat the crap out of that person who didn't caused anything but believe someone new.

Sabine: You are a very honest person Justin.

Justin: Thanks and I did make a promise to your daughter that if those idiots try anything to bring any harm to Marinette or her friends they will have to deal with me and thanks to those classes I took on martial arts, kung fu, karate, and others I can help defend them from Lila and her ridiculous classmates.

Sabine: You will do that for my daughter Justin.

Justin: Of course I will she is my new friend along with the others that I have made and I will make nothing happens to them or Marinette.

Sabine: Justin you are such a wonderful human being and I thank you for doing this for our daughter.

Justin: You are very welcome Sabine. But something doesn't add up.

Sabine: What would that be?

Justin: How come the school doesn't know about what Lila and her goons did in the school, I mean surely the principle and the teachers would of known that Lila and her idiots did those horrible things to Marinette and her friends why are they not doing anything?

Sabine: The principle doesn't really take his job seriously and just listens to what that girl saids as well their teacher but other students as well as their other teachers don't believe the lies in which they tried to expose the truth but the principle saids it is just nonsense and if one more slip gets out of hand one of the students or teachers will get expelled or fired.

Justin: Ok now I think that principle is an idiot and who is the teacher there at the school who just let's the bullying happened?

Sabine: Miss Bustier is the teacher and she has been asking Marinette to be an example of the school.

Justin: Example? You mean like push all the work towards Marinette while the teacher does nothing that is just so messed up right now.

Justin: I wonder would happened if the school board would know of this, might as well have the idea of telling them when the time comes.(Justin saids in thought)

Sabine: We were thinking of having Marinette do online classes so that she can have more time to relax and not have to deal with the bullying all day long.

Justin: I think that would be wise to do and doing online classes is much more easier to do.

Sabine: Thanks for agreeing with me Justin.

Justin: With pleasure.

Tom: Alright my boy here are your goodies and you cranberry juice.

Justin: Thank you so much and here is your payment.(Justin saids and takes the goodies and his drink while also paying for his stuff)

Tom: Say hows about when you come back, wanna help me bake some pastries in the back.

Justin: Oh I would love to! And hey maybe we can come up with something that would help make sales even better and create pastries using different ingredients.

Tom: I like that idea Justin, I always had this crazy idea of using other ingredients to make our pastries taste so could and with your help it could happened.

Justin: I look forward to baking you two, have a wonderful and splendid day and tell Marinette I said hello when she gets done school.

Sabine: We will Justin, have a nice day as well!

Justin waved goodbye to Tom and Sabine as well as thanked them for the goodies and then proceeded to head to the park and enjoy the pastries as well as the cranberry juice. Then after he was done with his pastries and his drink, he headed off to see his uncle and Natalie who he thinks are still in the mansion. Then after walking for a couple hours later he came upon a familiar site and the site was the mansion of where his uncle lived and it still looked the same from the time Justin was around Paris with his family.

Justin: Wow the place hasn't change one bit? Though I am not sure yet once I go inside.

Justin then walked towards the door that was the front gate and found the door belle and decided to ring it so someone would answer.


Justin ranged the door belle and out of the hidden wall came out a weird looking camera eye that looked something Justin saw in the Star Wars movies and then heard a voice that sounded like his god mother Natalie.

Hello do you have an appointment with Mr.Agreste?

Justin: When did they install this thing?(Justin saids in thought)

Justin: Actually I came here to see some people that I haven't see in a couple years and would like to meet them.

Name please, so I can put you in for an appointment.

Justin: Hehehe, wow Natalie isn't that any way to speak to your favorite god son. Justin Jonathan Agreste.(Justin saids to the camera)

Wait a minute what did you just say?

Justin: Hello Natalie, its been a long time since you and uncle Gabriel saw me. I mean I was a young kid back then.

All of sudden the camera went back into the wall and the gates of the mansion opened up and Justin entered the place as well as looked towards the front of the door that opened to reveal a woman wearing a suit and glasses and was looking at Justin in complete utter shock.

Justin: Looks like she got herself some new glasses and changed her hair, they look nice.(Justin saids in thought)

Natalie: What was your name again?

Justin: Justin Jonathan Agreste, your favorite godson that moved to San Diego with my parents while also remembering my favorite godmother as well as my uncle thanks to these rings you have given me over the years.(Justin saids to Natalie and shows her the rings in which she remembers them)

Natalie: JJ...Justin....

Justin: Natalie.

Admittedly Natalie ran towards Justin and engulfed him into a hug, a hug that she hasn't seen the sweet little boy that she loved so much was now back in Paris and has grown so much. Natalie then showed some small tears that her little godson is back.

Natalie: It is you....oh Justin you have grown so much and you kept the rings we gave you after so long. I missed you so much of my life.

Justin: I missed you too Natalie and uncle Gabriel, is he here?

Natalie: Yes he is in his office working on new fashion designs.

Justin: Thats uncle Gabriel alright, always working on something new for the future. Though my parents and I would like to give him our regards of what happened to Emilee.

Natalie: You know about that?

Justin: Yes in which we felt so sorry for uncle Gabriel and what he was going through without Emilee around, we tried contacting him to see if he was alright but no such luck. I guess he so depressed of what happened to Emilee that I guess didn't want to be bothered.

Natalie: It was hard for him. But what brings you back home?

Justin: I chose to come back to reconnect with uncle Gabriel like we did years ago and my parents agreed on this in which while they are celebrating their anniversary on a cruise they thought it would be a wonderful idea that I come back to Paris and visit my uncle as well as my beloved godmother and of course they got me my own penthouse to live in while I stay here in Paris.

Natalie: I think that would be good for Gabriel, that he and his nephew bonded once again. And I am happy that your parents aloud you to come back home and visit us Justin but why didn't you go with them if you don't mind me asking.

Justin: Uh I think you already know why.

Natalie: Oh seasickness.

Justin: Yup seasickness, I didn't mind flying it is just ships and boats not my kind of thing.

Natalie: Hehehe, that I remembered when you were younger. Welcome home Justin.

Justin: Good to be back.

Natalie: Please come in while I see if Gabriel is not busy or not.

Justin and Natalie then walked into the mansion, and once they were in Justin looked and saw that the mansion still looked the same from before but with a portrait of his uncle as well as his so called cousin that he never knew Adrien.

Justin: The place hasn't changed one bit since I was gone. It is good to see this old place again.

Natalie: I am pleased that you remember it Justin, wait here while I go fetch Gabriel.

Justin: Sure thing and I like the new glasses and that you changed your hair. They look very lovely.

Natalie: You always know how to bring a smile on face Justin and thank you.

Justin: I do what I can to please my godmother.

Natalie then smiled at Justin after heading back into the office where Gabriel is working on new designs for his company while Justin waits outside to take in everything around him. Justin then sat down on a seat to wait for Natalie and Gabriel, in the mean time he took this time to check out some places in Paris that seemed interesting to visit so he went on his phone and looked up places to go and there were a lot of choices.

Meanwhile with Gabriel who was in his office and designing some creations for company stopped to look and see Natalie coming back into the room and was walking towards him.

Gabriel: Who was at the gate Natalie?

Natalie: A very special person who came all the way to see you sir.

Gabriel: Well tell that person I am very busy in the moment and have to schedule the appointment some other day.

Natalie: Actually sir this person is someone you haven't seen in couple years and came all this way to be with you again as well reconnect.

Gabriel: Sigh...who might at be Natalie.

Natalie: Your favorite nephew Justin Jonathan Agreste. And I know it was him because he looks exactly the same as well as has the two rings we have given him after left Paris with his family.

Gabriel then dropped his designing pen on the ground and his eyes widened of what he just heard from Natalie in which he started to remember a small little boy that he loved so much and they both shared lots of things together while Emilee was still around. He also remembered his twin brother as well as his wife that they all had such wonderful times together especially their sweet son who loved his uncle very much.

Gabriel: Justin....I..I haven't seen him in so he?

Natalie: He is outside waiting for you sir and he has grown so much but also still remembers you.(Natalie saids with a smile while Gabriel stopped what he was doing and proceeded to see Justin for himself)

Back with Justin, after he was finishing up checking out some places on his phone that he would like to visit soon all of sudden he heard the door to his uncles office opened and then Justin got up and ready to see his uncle again. Then when the door opened, out came a man wearing a suit with red pants, gray hair, white dress shoes and a silver ring but when Justin took a closer look at him this man was his uncle that he hasn't seen in years.

When Gabriel walked out of his office and looked towards in front of him, he saw a young man who shares the same appearance of his nephew that he hasn't seen in a long time but then looked to see the rings around the boys neck and that is something he remembered as well as the boy himself who has grown up so much.

Gabriel: Is it that really you Justin.

Justin then smiled at his uncle and walked towards him and then grabbed both his hands along with his as well as looking up his uncles face with the same smile that Gabriel remembered.

Justin: Hello Uncle has been so long.

Gabriel then looked upon Justin in shock but yet with joy and then gave his nephew a hug in which Justin was surprised at first but decided to hug his uncle as well while Natalie smiled to see both Gabriel and Justin reunion.

Gabriel: It is you....

Justin: I missed you so much Uncle Gabriel, I never stopped thinking about you and Natalie ever since I left Paris.

Gabriel: You have grown so much and now look at you, you have become such a mature and fine young man.

Justin: Thank you and you haven't changed that much either though you hair gotten grayer.(Justin saids with a smile that made Natalie giggle a little while Gabriel smiled to see Justin again)

Gabriel: Tell me is my brother and his wife?

Justin: Mom and dad are doing alright in which they including myself wanted to send our regards of what happened to Emilee as well as you I am truly sorry uncle.

Gabriel: I see...and forgive me for not speaking to any of you, I have been over a lot ever since Emilee.

Justin: I know uncle but your not alone because I am here for you now. And I don't want to see you so depressed after what happened and that is why I came all the way back here to reconnect the bond we shared.

Natalie: It's true sir, you and Justin shared a remarkable relationship together and having him back in Paris could be good for you.

Justin: And if you have the days when you are busy, I understand and we can schedule some days where you and I could have time together that is if you want to uncle.

Gabriel: I wouldn't have it any other way. I am very pleased to have you back home in Paris Justin and of course we can have time together in which I will schedule the days for us to spend time together.

Justin: I like that uncle very much, and also I have something for you.

Gabriel: What is it Justin?

Justin: This was given to me by Emilee after I left Paris and I think you should have it. Something to remember her because I think you should have this more than I do.(Justin saids takes out a gold ring with a green green gem that is the color of Emilee's eyes)

Natalie: One of Emilee's rings we thought it was lost?

Justin: No she has given it to me for safe keeping and I want you to have it uncle Gabriel. Call it as a reunion gift from me and from Emilee.

Gabriel: Justin, I don't know what to say.

Justin: I know you will take good care of it and I know Emilee will know as well.

Gabriel then gave his nephew a warm smile and took the ring that belonged to his wife and looked to see an engraving that saids Gabriel+Emilee then proceed to put on the ring and remember the times he had with his wife as well as Justin including his parents.

Gabriel: Thank you Justin for this.

Justin: Your welcome uncle.

Gabriel: Natalie hows about we take a break and have some tea together, would you like to join Justin.

Natalie: Yes sir.

Justin: I would be honored uncle Gabriel.

Soon Gabriel took his nephew into his office and Justin looked to see some of his uncles work as well as pictures of Adrien wearing them but soon saw the most beautiful portrait of Emilee that he has ever seen in his life and it was a true work of art.

Justin: Its beautiful uncle.

Gabriel: What is?

Justin: This beautiful portrait of Emilee, it looks lovely especially the patterns.(Justin saids while admiring the painting of Emilee on the wall)

Gabriel: It is a true work of art, I had a professional painter design it for me.

Justin: I give the artist credit, it captures true beauty and those amazing green eyes and the lovely blonde hair that shines like the sun itself.

Gabriel: Yes indeed Justin that it is.

Justin: Say I have been keeping updated on your fashion company and I have to say uncle your creations are magnificent very magnificent.

Gabriel: Why thank you Justin.

Justin: Your welcome and what design are you working on now?

Gabriel: Come I will show you.

Gabriel then took Justin over to see designing computer where he makes all of his creations on and when Justin saw some of the designs on it, he was impressed with his uncles work and his skills as an artist.

Justin: Very impressive uncle, especially how you added different color tones to your designs.

Gabriel: Yes I have plan to change my idea's once in a while and come up with brand new styles of fashion for my company.

Justin: Interesting, whats this one here looks like something related to military?(Justin while looking at a design that didn't looked finished)

Gabriel: Oh that is just prototype idea I had a while bit couldn't figure out what to put on it. I was thinking of putting crystals all around it but when I tried it, it didn't look right so I put that design on hold for now.

Justin: Hmm...mind if I try something uncle I think I just have the idea.

Gabriel: You know about fashion design?

Justin: I learned it from you of course, you use to teach me how to create designs when I was younger and made me some clothes that are my size.

Gabriel: Oh yes now I remember you were always a fan of my work.

Justin: Still is uncle and now lets see what we can do with this outfit and I did takes lots of art classes that had to do with fashion so I think I might have something in mind for this design you have.

Justin then looked at the design his uncle had and made a copy of it and keeping the original next to it and proceed to make the edits to the outfit while Gabriel watches his nephew work his magic to help create something totally different. Then after a couple of minutes later, Justin finished and showed his uncle the change.

Justin: I see what the problem was uncle, you wanted to have the crystals on the outside of the military look but it didn't look right so I came up with a better solution.

Gabriel: And what would that be Justin?

Justin: Instead of having them on the outside why not have them on the inside in which I saw the holes on the front and side as well as the lower half of the outfit and it got me thinking what if you put the crystals into those hidden places and it would be like a secret..

Gabriel: A secret hidden treasure..

Justin: Exactly! Take a look.(Justin saids and shows the redesign outfit to his uncle)

(Michael Jackson Man in The Mirror outfit from This is It)

Gabriel: This...this could work. Very impressive Justin I think this would do nicely for my company.

Justin: I am pleased you like it uncle.

Gabriel: What else can you do Justin?

Justin: Well I am excellent cook, I know basically every fighting technique since I took classes in martial arts, karate, fencing, kung fu and many others to improve myself but also working in the bakery with mom and dad was always my favorite thing to do as well as draw and paint as well as reading in which I am top of my class.

Gabriel: Very interesting do you go to school.

Justin: I do online courses in which I am almost done and soon to follow my dream.

Gabriel: That is wonderful to hear Justin.

Justin: Thank you, I been keeping focus on school as well as getting a lot good grades on my assignment, I am straight A+ student.

Gabriel: I can see that so what are your parents up to lately.

Justin: Mom and Dad are doing amazing and they are celebrating their anniversary on.....on a cruise.

Gabriel: Ah yes I remember when we took you on one in which you...

Justin: Please I do not need to hear the same word over again uncle.

Gabriel: Understood, so where are you staying at Justin.

Justin: Before I left, mom and dad got me a penthouse for me to live in while they are away so that and I already have everything I need to live since I more mature enough to stay at a place on my own.

Gabriel: Very well then and how are you enjoying your stay back here.

Justin: Quite well and I already bumped into Chloe and Zoe after so long and they introduce me to their friends which they were very nice people.

Gabriel: I am pleased to know that Justin and I am proud that you adjusting quite well back in Paris.

Justin: That I am.

Natalie then came in with tea for three in which both Gabriel along with Justin as well as Natalie sat down together like old times and talk most the time about what they have been doing in their lives in which Justin was pleased to hear the his uncles company is approving a quite well and making sales while Natalie who became his assistant takes care of the events and helps Gabriel with his fashion line and also while they were talking Gorilla came in and Justin looked to see him and have him a hug that he missed his favorite driver and when Gorilla looked to see Justin it brought a big smile on his face that the little boy who used to play with him was all grown up and still remember Gorilla. Justine was actually pleased that his uncle didn't mention his so called cousin Adrien Agreste because that is something Justin didn't want to know about as well as that girl Lila who is with him none stop like how Marinette and her friends told Justin about. After spending so much time together, Gabriel checked his time on his watch and looked to see that he still needs to do his work for his company and Justin understood what his uncle needs to do in which he told them that he was planing on walking around the city before heading back to his place.

Justin: It was very nice to see you again Uncle Gabriel as well as you Natalie and you too Gorilla.

Gabriel: And you as well Justin and of course I will call to schedule a day where you and I could spend time together.

Justin: I would like that mind if Natalie joins as well, I enjoy her company as well.

Natalie: I would be delighted, I will see you soon Justin.(Natalie saids and hugs her godson)

Justine: You too Natalie and uncle Gabriel I will see you soon again as well and make a lot of amazing creations for the company.

Gabriel: I will and thank you Justin and welcome back.(Gabriel saids and holds out his hand for his nephew to shake and so Justin did)

Justin: Good to be back. Enjoy the rest of you day because I know I will.

Gabriel: Take care Justin and thank you for some ideas for the company.

Justin: I do what I can to please my favorite fashion designing uncle.(Justin saids that made Gabriel smile for how he treats him)

Soon Gabriel nod his head for thanks and headed back to his office to continue his work while pleased to have his nephew back in Paris while Natalie asked Gorilla to show Justin out and then headed back with Gabriel. Gorilla showed Justin the way out and they both shared another hug together and waved goodbye to each other until Justin was't near the mansion anymore.

When Justin left his uncles place and was pleased to see him and Natalie again it brought a smile on Justin's face that he and his uncle were starting to feel the connection again like years ago and if he and Gabriel continue doing it, then Gabriel will no longer have to feel depressed any longer now that Justin was back in Paris.

Justin: was amazing seeing uncle Gabriel and Natalie as well as Gorilla again and I cannot wait to spend more time with them like we did years ago. Good times good times.

While Justin was walking around the streets of Paris all of sudden he stopped and heard something coming from the alleyways in which he started to head into the alleyway of where the sound was coming from and once he was close he looked to see a group of teens who look like they were surrounding someone in which Justin took out his phone and recorded of what is happening. And when he was recording he heard the first person said something that Justin remembers the voice and it was the same voice of that girl he heard on the phone talk bad to Marinette.


Justin: Wait did that girl just say...wait a minute are these guys the same people who harmed Marinette and that guy with the blonde hair is Adrien and that sausage hair like girl must be Lila. God have to say that girl is dam right ugly and that outfit she is wearing disgusting as well as that hair of hers.(Justin saids while recording of what is going on)

Marinette: I didn't do anything !!! How many times do I have to tell you Alya!

Justin: Marinette.....(Justin saids in shock while recording and looks to see Marinette on the ground and scared)

Alya: Yea right light we're going to believe a liar like you get her guys and hold her back.(Aly saids to the two boys while the red head and the one with the red shirt stayed behind)

Marinette: Let go of me Kim, Ivan stop your hurting me!

Kim: Good because you are going to feel a lot hurt after we are through with you after what you did to Lila.

Alya then walked towards Marinette and punched her in the face while Kim and Ivan started to kick her as well as bruise her and stomp on her while Marinette was covering herself and screaming in pain that made Justin very angry and looked to see his asshole of cousin just standing there and watching Marinette get beat up to a bloody pulp while seeing that evil smirk on that Lila girls face. Then soon after when Justin had enough recorded, he put away his phone and walked out of the shadows and teach these scumbags a lessons.

Justin: HEY!!!!

(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Admittedly Alya along with the others looked behind them and saw someone who they didn't know who it was but he looked like he wasn't liking what he saw and he looked pretty pissed.

Kim: Who are you suppose to be?

Justin: Someone who doesn't like scumbags like you assholes and how dare you threaten that girl and doing those awful things to her you have no shame at all.

Alya: Hey mind you own business we were just giving this girl a lesson not to harm our friend Lila here!

Justin: Please like that girl you just beat up to a bloody pulp can harm anyone because the only ones bringing harm around here are you shit bags.

Lila: BB...but..its true Marinette said such awful things about me...

Justin: Oh grow up will you and enough with the fake tears already because it is really pathetic if you ask me.


Justin: Wait a minute are you that girl who made that Ladyblog?

Alya: Why yes I am and I made such progress thanks to my best friend Lila.

Justin: Really how did you went from being a blogger to a total bitch after words because I took a look at the blog of yours and its full of shit. It doesn't even have anything to do with Ladybug anymore its just all about that girl next to you Lila this Lila that honestly no wonder your loosing followers.

Alya just gasp in shock of what Justin said to her and about her blog and actually she never checked to see if she was loosing followers on the blog.

Ivan: Hey watch what you say.

Justin: Oh what are you going to do chunky or even you monkey face.(Justin saids a smirk towards both Ivan and Kim)

Kim: Come on lets get this guy!

Both Kim and Ivan walked towards Justin while Marinette who was still alive looked to see who was in front of her ex friends and classmates in which was Justin.

Marinette: Cough.....Jj...Justin......(Marinette saids in a whisper to herself)

Justin: Sigh..I have to warn you guys once this starts there is no going back.

Kim: Whatever now hold still so we can knock some sense into you.

Justin: Oh you mean like this......HEEEEYAAAAAAA!!(Justin saids and then kicks Kim in the head)

Kim then went flying into the garbage can and knockout cold from the hard kick that Justin used on him while the others were just having their jaws hang down from their faces.

Justin: I'm sorry did you say something? I didn't quite hear it?

Ivan: Why you.......

Justin: YAAAAAA!!!!(Justin screams then kicks Ivan in the gut that he too went flying as well but into a pile of garbage)

Ivan was then soon knocked out as well and was starting to see stars hovering over his head, then the two boys know as Nathaniel and March were both in shock of what they saw and decided to go help Kim and Ivan out until Justin grab both of them by the neck.

Justin: Oh hello boys, what a pleasant day this is huh. Well too bad for you two and going up and now back down!(Justin saids then choke slam both Marc and Nathaniel to the ground)

Now both Marc and Nathaniel were out cold now and all that is left was Alya, Lila and Adrien. Alya and Lila were shaking in fear while holding each other while Adrien was covering them from what Justin is going to do next.

Adrien: Listen friend I don't know what made you upset to attack my friends but this isn't the way to do things here.

Justin: One I am not your friend and two they deserved for what they did to Marinette.

Adrien: You know Marinette?

Justin: She was a new friend I made when came back to Paris, and she and her friends told me all about you assholes as well as you Mr.High Road and if you dare say that advice to me your in for a real ass kicking by me.(Justin saids then cracks his knuckles which was starting to scare Adrien)

Adrien: But you don't understand I was trying to tell her to stop from treating Lila badly.

Justin: Or its the other way around, in which the girl known as Lila Rossi is the one who is treating Marinette badly and your just too blind and too stupid to think no wonder Marinette and her friends don't like you anymore Agreste because your nothing but an asshole and a coward.

Lila: Aa..Adrien are...are you going let him talk bad to you.....

Alya: Don't worry Lila, Adrien will keep us safe, right Adrien.

Adrien: Uh right.

Justin: I bet he doesn't know how to fight that well.(Justin saids in thought)

Adrien: Listen, Marinette needs to take the high road because I don't want Lila to get akumatized and besides if Marinette just apologized of what she did to Lila and everything will go back to normal.(Adrien whispers to Justin who looked at Adrien with rage)

Justin: Yea heres the thing I don't give a shit, and I don't care what happens to Rossi one way or another she will be exposed and she will endure the consequences of her actions and another thing take your highroad bullshit and shove it up your ass Adrien Agreste. HEEEYAAA!!!(Justin saids then kicks Adrien in the head knocking him out cold as well)

Justin: Now all there is left is a sausage hair as well as a tabloid writer who can't fact check her work about someone who told make believe stories.

Alya: Stay away!

Justin didn't listen and just walked right up to both Alya and Lila while giving both a death glare that made them shrunk under the glare and then Justin grabbed both of them by the shirt and banged their heads into each other and knocking them out cold while also doing one last thing and that was throwing the Lila girl into the garbage along with Alya while the boys were tied up and put into separate trash cans that smelled really bad.

Justin: Now that these bastards are taking care of, I might as well take Marinette back to my place and patch her up.

Justin then walked over to see Marinette who unconscious but still alive in which Justin felt her pulse and proceeded to pick her up gently and carry her back to his place to treat her.

Marinette: JJ......Jus.....tin.......

Justin: Marinette I got you, and don't worry I am going to take good care of you just hang on. I will make sure those bastards pay for what they did.

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