Chapter 6: Time with Justin!

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After Justin took down the idiots who have attacked Marinette along with his so called spinless coward of a cousin that he now despises, Justin took Marinette back to his penthouse to patch up her runes as well as get some pain killers to help with what Marinette went through in the alleyway.

Justin: Can't believe those bastards of what they did to Marinette, and that cousin of mine what an asshole, take the highroad so that little miss Rossi wont get Akumatized oh blow it out your ass coward. I swear if I hear the word one more time out that idiot's mouth I am going to make sure he never walks again that includes that liar and her idiotic minions.

Justin was talking to himself while cleaning up Marinette's cuts and patching up the runes on her body while she is still unconscious.

Justin: Looks like her clothes got torn up as well, I might as well run to the store near by and pick something up for her to wear. Better leave a note as well so that she knows who brought her here.

Justin finished cleaning up Marinette and patching up her cuts and then wrote a note and placed it near her as well as some pain killers to help while he goes out to get her some nice clothes to wear.

As soon as Justin left to go to the store to get clothes for Marinette, the girl herself was starting to wake up and was trying to open up her eyes in which she did but felt some pain on the way of waking up.

Marinette: Argh.....what.....what happened....ow...ow..ow.(Marinette saids while getting up but felt so much pain on her body)

Tiki: Marinette!

Marinette: Tt...Tiki...what...what happened?

Tiki: Lila and her gang along with Adrien ambush you and dragged you into an alleyway and did such horrible things to you!

Marinette: I...I remember...they ganged up on me and I was....held by Kim and Ivan while being hit by Alya.....and then......I was being beaten down.....

Tiki: Oh Marinette I am so sorry for what they did to you...

Marinette: It is not your fault Tiki...they just believe a liar over their friend then knew for years and now they are mindless sheep to do Lila's bidding.

Tiki: Well the important thing is that you are alright.

Marinette: Yea thats.....hey wait a minute where are we? This doesn't look like my room?

Tiki: No it doesn't but you have to admit, this place looks amazing. I wonder who lives here?

Marinette: Hey there's a note?

Tiki: Maybe who ever lives here found you and took you back to their place and probably cleaned you up because it looks like someone patched up your cuts Marinette.

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Marinette: Huh? It looks like whoever found me did something nice for me but who though?

Tiki: Read the letter maybe we can know who brought you here.


Dear Marinette,

I saw what those idiots and that liar as well as the stupid of cousin of mine were doing to you in the alleyway while I was passing by and I recorded everything that they did and once I saw you were down on the ground and beaten, I knew I had to stop those bastards from harming you so I Kung Fu the boys asses as well as knocked out the liar as well as so called reporter of that stupid blog of hers and once I took care of them as well as threw them into the garbage where they belong I took you back to my place to patch up your cuts and runes as well as place some pain killers that will help ease the pain. So for now while you rest, I am heading to the store to pick you up some fresh clothes to wear because the clothes that you are wearing now are all ripped and torn so I thought getting something nice for you to wear will help. Like I said before I will make sure nothing happens to you or our friends, I got your back Blueberry Angel and I always will.

Your new friend: Justin Jonathan Agreste.

Ps Adrien really is a spineless coward who should just go fuck himself as well as that stupid highroad bullshit.

Once Marinette finished reading the letter, she was brought in tears of happiness that her new friend who was so kind to her and her friends was the one who saved her as well as took down the idiots who bullied her as well as patched up her cuts and runes that Lila and her gang did but what made her smile was that Justin came to her aide and defended her against the mindless sheep and Kung Fu their butts. Admittedly Marinette press the letter to her thumping heart as well as smiling for her savior who did something very brave and honorable.

Tiki: So it was Justin who saved you and brought you here that is very sweet of him.

Marinette: Thank you Justin........thank you......

Marinette then found the pain killers that were near the letter in which she took some and then she was starting to feel better and decided to have a look around Justin's penthouse and it looked really nice and couldn't believe that his parents got him his own place to live while they are on their anniversary cruise.

Tiki: Hey Marinette look at this!

Marinette: What is it Tiki?

Tiki: There are pictures of Justin when he was younger, look how small he was.

Marinette walked over and saw the pictures of Justin when he was little in which she was gushing over the cuteness of her friend looked.

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Marinettte: OH MY GOSH HE LOOKS SO CUTE!!!!❤️

Tiki: He looks so normal and nothing like Adrien.

Marinette: I agree normal and so precious, aw look at those little cheeks of his and those cute and adorable eyes of his. Ooh I just want to give him a big hug and cuddle him in my arms.

Tiki: Wow there's even pictures of him with is parents as well.

Marinette saw the pictures of Justin with his parents and they look like a happy family which brought a smile on Marinette's face as well as giggles when she saw the pictures of Justin eating like a little piggy even dressing up as animals.

Marinette: Justin really does live a normal life, I have to say I think he looks very happy that likes this life better than what his cousin and uncle have.

Tiki: Yea, he is so not like Adrien and not someone who steps over people and not help others.

Marinette: But for Justin he does like to help as well as be there for others. Now that is someone who is filled with such kindness.

After a while now Marinette continue to look at the pictures of Justin with his parents and then went to look around his penthouse some more until she heard the door opening in which Tiki flew back into Marinette's bag to hide while her holder went to sit back on the couch and wait for Justin to come in.

Justin: Oh looks like you're up and walking again.

Marinette: JUSTIN!!!!

Marinette got up and engulfed Justin into a hug in which Justin smiled and hugged the girl back while also hearing some crying from the girl.

Marinette: 😢sniff....I...I was so scared Justin....I was so frighten of what Alya and the others as well as Lila did to me....and...and then came in....and...😢...sniff........

Justin: Shhh, it's ok Marinette I am here, they are not going to hurt you anymore not as long I am here.

Marinette: Thank you Justin...thank you for saving my life.

Justin: I do what I can to protect those close to me even such wonderful people like you and your friends.

Marinette: 😢sniff....You are so kind Justin.....and thank you for stepping up to Lila as well as Adrien.

Justin: Those idiots didn't put up a good fight not even that spineless moron of a cousin, can't believe I related to him in which I was wasn't.

Marinette: Hehehe...

Justin: What?

Marinette: You are definitely not like Adrien, because your way better than him in every way and you stand up to others and help them deal with the situations. I have never had such an amazing person like you as a friend Justin.

Justin: Why thank you Blueberry Angel.(Justin saids with a charming smile that causes Marinette to blush)

Marinette: Sigh....that smile oh that amazing smile of his.(Marinette saids in thought)

Justin: Oh here, I got you some nice clothes to wear and their your size. I also got you a hair pin since your pigtails got ruined so I thought wearing your hair like a bon will do nicely.

Marinette: Wow Justin thank you and you got me some boots as well?

Justin: It matches with the outfit and I think you will look fabulous in these clothes.(Justin saids that causes Marinette's heart to thump like crazy)

Marinette: Why can't I stop my heart from beating so much..(Marinette saids in thought)

Justin: If you want to freshen up, you can borrow my bathroom and take a hot bath to get you all cleaned up while I make us something to eat.

Marinette: Oh I don't want to be a bother.

Justin: Hey don't worry about it, you're my house guest or penthouse guest.

Marinette: Hehehehe, well alright and still thank you Justin.

Justin: You are most welcome, bathroom is up the steps near the bed side.

Marinette: Thank you I wont be long.

Justin: Take your time and enjoy yourself, you earned it.

Marinette: I think I will.

Marinette went upstairs with her new clothes while Justin stayed downstairs to cook up some food for him and Marinette while she relaxes in a bath and get cleaned up.

Ring! Ring!

Justin looked to see who phone was ringing in which was Marinette's phone and Justin went to see who it was and it was the girls parents.

Justin: Hello?

Sabine: Whose is this where is my daughter?

Justin: Hello Sabine it's me Justin. Marinette's friend.

Sabine: Oh Justin it's you, sorry I was hoping to speak to Marinette she hasn't come home yet?

Justin: I know because I found her being attacked by the liar as well as her minions.

Sabine: GASP!...Oh my gosh is she alright please tell me our little girl is alright!

Justin: She's alright, I took down those idiots for what they did to Marinette and brought her to my penthouse to clean up her cuts and runes as well as gave her some pain killers to help ease the pain.

Sabine: Oh thank goodness...thank you Justin for helping our daughter. How is she doing?

Justin: So far she is doing alright, the pain killers are helping and she starting to move again and I offer her to take a bath to get cleaned up and I got her some nice clothes to wear since the ones she was wearing got torn up.

Sabine: That is very sweet of you Justin. Marinette has made such a wonderful friend like you and thank you for defending her against those awful classmates of hers.

Justin: You're welcome and thanks but I think it would be best that Marinette does online classes because I don't think she is safe in that school anymore even with her friends at her side things could still happened with Lila and those bastard classmates.

Tom: For once honey I agree with Justin, I think our daughter should do online classes.

Justin: Hey Tom!

Tom: Hello my boy! Thank you for what you did my little girl most appreciated.

Justin: I do what I can sir.

Sabine: Justin we will take your advice about Marinette doing online classes I think this will help her adjust more than what goes on in that school.

Justin: Glad we agree on it Sabine.

Tom: Sabine and I will go to the school today and have her take online classes.

Justin: Make sure to talk some sense into the principle because after what Marinette and friends told me about him, he is going to need someone to give him a piece of his mind.

Sabine: And that is where I come in, I will do anything to help my daughter.

Justin: Great, I will tell Marinette that you called.

Tom: Thank you Justin and tell Marinette we love her.

Justin: Sure no problem sir.

Sabine: Alright goodbye for now Justin and thanks again.

Justin: You are very welcome, bye Sabine, bye Tom.

Sabine and Tom: Bye Justin!

Call Ended

Meanwhile with Marinette, after she walked up the stairs and found the room where the bathroom was, and when she walked in the bathroom looked absolutely stunning and had a window to look outside the view of Paris.

Marinette: Wow this looks amazing and the tub as well as the shower are stunning. Might as well get relaxed in the tub and strip these old things that I am wearing.

Marinette turned on the water of the tub in which the hot warm water was perfect and then she strip her clothes off and got herself a clean towel and hopped into the tub and felt the warm water on her smooth skin in which Marinette felt like she was in paradise.

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Marinette: Ooh...this feels so good. I feel like I am in heaven now.

Marinette began to watch off her body as well as her hair with soap and shampoo as well as liking the coconut scent from both and was starting to feel so clean and spotless again. Then after a half and hour later she got out of the tub and dried herself off and started to hair dry her hair and put on the nice clothes that Justin bought her which were a gray shirt, black jacket, black pants, and black boots that fit well even the hair pin in the shape of a flower and she put her hair into a bon and took a look at herself in the mirror and she looked absolutely amazing.

Marinette: Wow, Justin knows how to make a girl like me feel comfortable. These clothes look so amazing I think I might use to this look for now on.

Soon Marinette took her torn up clothes and left the bathroom with her new look then all of sudden smelled something very delicious from downstairs and went to see what it was coming from and once down she looked to see Justin cooking actually cooking in front of her and she never knew that Justin can actually cook for real.

Justin: Whoah look at you all dressed up in her new outfit. You look great Marinette and I take that you enjoyed your hot bath as well.

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Marinette: Yea it was relaxing Justin thanks for allowing me to use it and the clothes you got me fit perfectly as well as the boots they feel so comfy on my feet. Also thanks for the flower hair pin, I really like it very much.

Justin: You are very welcome Marinette, come I made us something to eat hope your hungry.

Marinette: Well I could use some food in my stomach since Lila and her goons ruined my lunch this evening.

Justin: Sit down and I will bring out our food.

Marinette took her seat and watch Justin bring out the food in which once she saw the food that placed on the table, she was in awe and amazement of how Justin was able to cook such delicious food that smell divine.

Justin: What do you think Marinette?

Mairnette: Wow you cooked this yourself!

Justin: Sure did, learned it from my parents.

Marinette: Well considered me impress.

Justin: Shall we eat.

Marinette: Yes.

Marinette started to eat the food and once it hit her mouth and tongue she was shocked of how delicious the food tasted in her mouth which Justin looked and saw that Marinette was enjoying his cooking and it pleased him very much. Then after they both finished their food, Justin brought out some ice cream sundaes and Marinette love them especially with the fruits that came with them.

Marinette: You never cease to amaze me even more Justin.

Justin: I try, wanna watch a movie while enjoying our ice cream sundaes.

Marinette: Sure I would love to!

Both went to the couch and looked for something to watch together until Marinette spotted the movie Mulan from Disney and asked Justin if they could watch that movie. Justin smiled and nods in agreement and told Marinette he was a huge Disney fan and loved all Disney movies even the classics from his childhood and so he played Mulan(The 90s cartoon version) and once he played both Marinette and Justin ate their ice cream sundaes together while enjoying the movie in which they both laughed and enjoy the music as well as the people singing the songs and the battles that Mulan was battling. Then after the movie was done and both Justin as well as Marinette finished their ice cream sundaes and helped cleaned the dishes together, Marinette looked at the time and thought it was time to head home.

Marinette: I had such a great time here Justin thank you for doing this for me.

Justin: Hey I am happy that enjoy yourself also your parents called and wanted to know where you were in which I told them everything what happened and they were pleases and happy that I took care of you and helped you.

Marinette: Oh thank you for telling me this Justin.

Justin: Also we discussed something about your time in school and we think that it is best you do online classes because right now that school is filled with toxic and idiots who believe a liar and harm you for no reason. So we decided that you should do online courses from now on and not have to deal with the bullying happening in school and your parents already head to the school to inform that principle at that god awful school.

Marinette: You know for once, I think taking online classes is something that needed the most and it is a lot more better than coming into class where so many of my former friends just sit and glare at me all day long while listening to Lila's ridiculous stories.

Justin: Thats good to know and you are more than welcome to come back to my penthouse whenever you want, you have my blessing.

Marinette: Really!!!......Oh I mean sure I would like to Justin.

Justin: Hows about I walk you home, because I don't think walking alone is a good idea and besides I think those idiots are probably still running around.

Marinette: I guess I don't mind you walking me home and I do enjoy some company.

Justin: Great let's get going, after you miss Marinette.(Justin saids while opening the door for Marinette)

Marinette: Hehehe why thank you good sir.

The sun was starting to set on the city of love, Justin and Marinette left the penthouse and were walking together on the streets while Justin was making sure none of those morons he took down were around and try to harm Marinette again. Marinette was feeling so much better now and she was hanging around Justin which brought warmness to her heart as well as protection because after what Justin told her about taking down the idiots of her former classmates made her realize that Justin is someone she can rely on as well as her true friends. Then after a couple blocks later Justin and Marinette came upon the bakery.

Justin: Well here you are Blueberry Angel home sweet home.

Marinette: Thank you for walking me home Justin, I really appreciated.

Justin: Anything for someone like you Marinette.

Marinette: You can call me Mari since we're friends I don't mind.

Justin: Mari. Thats cute little nickname.

Marinette: He thinks my nickname is cute!!!!(Marinette saids in thought)

Justin: Better get inside before it gets dark out, and if you need anything just call or text me and I will come over.

Marinette: I will and thank you Justin and get home safe.

Justin: I will, take care Marinette.

Marinette: See you again Justin.

Justin: You to Blueberry Angel.

Marinette: Hehehe you know I am gonna have to think of a nickname for you since you gave me one.

Justin: I'll take anything that you give me, but for now time to head back home and get some sleep.

Marinette: Alright have pleasant dreams Justin.

Justin: I will and you too.

Justin and Marinette waved goodbye to each other and headed back to their homes.

Once Marinette was inside her place, she was starting to have such feelings inside of her while also thinking about that boy she became friends with as well as defended her against Lila and her minions.

Marinette: Sigh....Justin......

Tiki: Ooh, thinking about him are you?

Marinette: Ww....what?! never he is just a really nice person and a good friend to me Tiki thats all he is as well as so dreamy....and such wonder eyes....oh no....what I am even thinking these things!!!

Tiki: Maybe some sleep will help you.

Marinette: Yea I guess I could use that.

Marinette then headed upstairs and saw her parents who engulf their daughter in a hug while worried of something happened to her but told them she was fine thanks to Justin who walked her home and made sure she was alright and that made the parents very pleased to know and thy both informed Marinette that she was aloud to do online courses and no longer has to step foot in that school anymore in which made Marinette very happy and then once she got the news about taking online classes she headed up to her room and put on her pajamas and saw the kwami's coming out to greet her. Marinette told them that she was fine after her new friend protect and defended her against Lila and the former classmates which made the kwam's relief that the guardian of the miraculous was alright.

So Pigtails who was this new friend of yours that saved you from the liar and my former holder as well as those idiots from that school?(A black kwami that looks like a cat saids to Marinette)

Tiki: His name is Justin Jonathan Agreste, he is your former holders cousin but Justin didn't know Adrien existed and already despises him for what he has done to Marinette.

Plagg: Another cousin? Strange didn't know Adrien had any other relatives?

Marinette: Well thats because Justin lives a normal life in San Diego with his parents and his father is the twin brother of Gabriel Agreste who is baker as well as his wife.

Plagg: Ok that is something? What else is there about this kid?

Tiki: Well he doesn't like the spot light or anything to do with being famous like his cousin, he does online classes, likes to skate a lot and have fun, likes to train a lot as well as focus on getting work down, but likes to spend time with his family and friends, sticks up for those who will bring harm to others like he did when he kung fu Lila and her minions and saved Marinette.

Marinette: And he doesn't like Adrien at all and hates his stupid advice which makes me and my friends very happy that he doesn't believe in Lila's lies since we told him everything and he did his fact checking.

Tiki: He's also an excellent cook and treats others with such kindness and respect. Though if some like Lila and the former classmates try to bring any harm to Marinette or her friends, Justin will defend and protect those close to him.

Plagg: I like this new kid.(Plagg saids in thought)

Marinette: Justin is such an amazing person in which I have never met anyone like him before.

Plagg: Is that him? The one who is looking at the bakery wearing the green shirt?(Plagg saids while looking out the window and saw Justin looking back at the bakery)

Marinette and the kwami's looked out and saw a boy who looked very nice and kind in which Marinette went on top of her balcony and looked down to see Justin walking away from the bakery and heading back to his place.

Marinette: Good night Justin.

Plagg and Tiki flew out and looked to see Marinette watching Justin leave in which Plagg felt something towards the new guy in which was a connection and a strong one at that.

Tiki: Plagg you alright?

Plagg: Yea I am good sugar cube, just watching pigtails new man walking away.

Tiki: Hehehe I get the felling that she and Justin will be perfect for each other far better than Adrien.

Marinette: Alright you two thats enough of making fun of me, come on it is time for bed.

Tiki: Alright Marinette.

Both Tiki and Marinette headed back in while Plagg stayed out and looked towards the boy known as Justin heading home in which he said one word that could change things.

Plagg: I just found my true holder for the miraculous of destruction.

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