Chapter 7: New Miraculous Holder of Destruction!

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It has been a week since the indecent where Marinette was beaten by Lila and her gang who were taken down by Justin who saw his friend in trouble and rushed in and saved the girl. After Justin helped and cleaned her as well as taken Marinette to his place where they spend some time together and did a lot of things together that made Marinette happy but the one thing she liked was that she was gotten the chance to do online classes instead of going back to the awful school filled with negativity as well as a girl who lies and people who don't have a single brain cell left. Marinette was enjoying her new change as well as her friends who also decided to take online classes which Marinette informed them about and they all excepted the advice because they too wanted to get away from the toxic air that is coming from the school. Justin was pleased to hear that Marinette and her friends were doing online work and he even got to hangout with some of them in which he had a blast getting to know what the others do in life. Justin took each day to hangout with one of his friends and do lots of fun stuff together. Nino showed Justin some of his DJ tunes and they all sounded amazing, Alix showed Justin some interesting spots of go skate boarding and do some tricks, Luka and Juleka showed Justin around their house boat and played some music with some guitars that Justin found very pleasing, Kagami introduced her mother to Justin and she found the young man very well mannered even kind hearted and was offered to train with Kagami and did so many different fighting styles in combat as well as with swords, Chloe and Zoe decided to look back at the old days and share fond memories with Justin when they were kids in which they had a movie night together and watch a lot of their favorite movies that they watched together before Justin moved away with his family to San Diego. For Marinette, she was very happy to have someone to spend time with her who doesn't believe in Lila's lies and doesn't follow up Adrien's highroad bull crap, and from the moment she spend so much time with Justin she couldn't get him out of her head since he was so good to her and her friends which made Marinette show affection towards the guy but she doesn't know it yet not even Justin himself.

And as for a certain kwami named Plagg, ever since he first laid eyes on Justin over a week ago all of sudden he felt a strong connection towards the guy in which Plagg found out that Justin was his true holder and not Adrien who abused the power of the miraculous for his own doing and not taking the job seriously and ended up having his miraculous taken away from him by Ladybug and erased his memories of being Cat Noir ever again but and Plagg came to realize that the original guardian made a huge mistake in picking Adrien Agreste as the holder of the miraculous. So when Plagg sense the connection with Justin, he knew that the boy who saw outside the window was his chosen holder and thought that Justin would make an excellent holder for the miraculous of destruction.

So right now in Paris, Marinette is in her room working on some commissions for clients who have sent her request for some new clothes in which she is on her computer as well as working on some idea's for fashion lines while the kwami's are minding their own business.

Marinette: MMMMMM!!!.......more commissions which means more idea's.

Tiki: What are thinking of making Marinette?

Marinette: Well I got an email about someone wanting a clear blue dress with flowers on the side so I am coming up with idea's of how I want to design the outfit.

Tiki: Ooh, that seems like a nice idea.

Marinette: Sure is, which I am going to put my heart into making the perfect dress for my client.

Tiki: Good luck Marinette.

Marinette: Thanks Tiki, say have you seen Plagg anywhere?

Tiki: He's on top of the balcony thinking about something and I have no idea what it is?

Marinette: Mind checking on him while I work.

Tiki: Sure thing Marinette.

Tiki left Marinette's side and headed up to the balcony to check on her friend to see what is he doing alone outside.

Tiki: Plagg? Plagg are you up here?

Plagg: Oh hey sugar cube what's up?

Tiki: I could ask you that. What are you doing up here all by yourself?

Plagg: Oh just chilling and being myself nothing more. Why you ask?

Tiki: Because you have been acting weird for almost a week. I am wondering if you are all right thats all even Marinette can see that you are acting strange.

Plagg: Ok I will tell you but it has to stay between you and me.

Tiki: Uh ok? What is it Plagg?

Plagg: Well for couple years and months after pigtails took away the miraculous from Adrien who was fit to wear the miraculous of destruction and ended the bond between him and me well because he wasn't much of a holder and caretaker because of his obsession with Ladybug and finding out who she was and constantly flirted with her non stop in which after he got his memories erased and the ring taken from him all of sudden I couldn't feel a connection with him anymore.

Tiki: Well yea I mean Adrien wasn't fit to wear the miraculous for what he has down to Ladybug and the team so yes he got his memories erased and no longer has a connection with you.

Plagg: No thats just the thing, I didn't feel an actual connection like a strong connection which means that Adrien wasn't my true holder for the miraculous of destruction because his aura didn't match with the power from the ring.

Tiki: So you mean Master Fu made a mistake in choosing the holder for the miraculous of destruction?

Plagg: I think he did, I mean take a look at you and Marinette both of you have a strong connection thats why she was chosen to be the holder for the miraculous of creation and her aura matches with the earrings but with Adrien and miraculous of destruction not so much.

Tiki: I see so why are you telling me this?

Plagg: Because a week ago I felt a very strong and powerful connection towards someone who is fit to wear the miraculous of destruction and I am not fooling around about this Tiki because when I first saw this person with my own eyes I felt a connection and the aura that this person had matches with the miraculous meaning I found my true holder.

Tiki: Really! Plagg that is wonderful news to hear who is it?

Plagg: That guy that Marinette was talking about all day, Justin was it?

Tiki: JUSTIN?!!! Justin your true holder!

Plagg: Not so load, Pigtails might hear you.

Tiki: Sorry, but seriously Justin is the true holder for the miraculous of destruction?

Plagg: Yea I started to feel the strong connection from the minute he was leaving the bakery and I think he will make a much better holder than Adrien after what Marinette told us about this Justin besides him being Adrien's cousin.

Tiki: Well now that you mentioned it Justin is amazing and after what he did for Marinette I can see that he would make a great miraculous holder and he has the potential of being one as well as has excellent skills in combat.

Plagg: Exactly my point, and the way your holder was talking about him makes him more mature enough to become a super hero.

Tiki: Should we tell Marinette about this?

Plagg: Yes but leave Justin out of it, because I don't want her to know about him being the new holder of the miraculous.

Tiki: I guess you have a point there, let's go.

Both Plagg and Tiki headed back inside and looked to see Marinette still working on her commissions and the other kwami's doing their own thing. So when both of them looked at each other and nod in agreement of what they want to do, they both flew down and went to tell Marinette the news about miraculous of destruction and a new holder.

Plagg: dear guardian mind if we have a word.

Marinette: Hmm? Oh Plagg, Tiki what is it?

Plagg: We need to talk about the miraculous of destruction.

Marinette: What about it?

Plagg: Well ever since you took away the miraculous from Adrien for being well you know his idiotic self and trying to find out who you are and win your love for being Ladybug all of sudden I felt something that wasn't right with him.

Marinette: Well of course you didn't Plagg because he abused his powers for his own selfish needs and I spent days and months trying to find a replacement holder for the miraculous of destruction but I couldn't find the right person for the job.

Plagg: Well there's that but thats not it Marinette. You see while I was with Adrien I thought he and I shared something together like a connection but after years of being with him I didn't felt the connection at all.

Marinette: What do you mean?

Tiki: He means Marinette that Adrien didn't share a connection with the miraculous of destruction and his aura wasn't a perfect match.

Plagg: Basically speaking we think Master Fu made a mistake of picking the holder for the miraculous of destruction.

Marinette: He did? But I always thought Adrien fitted the miraculous well when he first became a super hero.

Plagg: Maybe so but after years of being with him, I didn't feel the connection with him and after he sided with Lila and did so many unspeakable things to you and the team, I came to realize that Adrien isn't my true holder of the miraculous.

Marinette: So all this time Adrien wasn't the true holder but a mistake. But if that is true than who is the true holder of the miraculous?

Plagg: Well over a week ago I felt a huge connection towards a person whose aura matches with the miraculous of destruction and I can tell that same person I felt is my true holder.

Marinette: Really who is it?

Plagg: I am afraid I cannot tell you who that person is because of the super hero code, that no miraculous holder must reveal their identity otherwise Hawk Moth might find out and try to take the miraculous.

Tiki: That is true Marinette, and Plagg can tell that this person is suitable for a replacement Cat Noir.

Plagg: And it's a guy who is more mature as well as smart to take on anything and he would make a perfect addition to the team.

Tiki: And he might not even be like Adrien when he was Cat Noir who knows he might actually be a great ally to us.

Marinette: How can you be sure of that?

Plagg: Because it is a kwami power.

Tiki: And since Plagg can go precent the miraculous to the true holder himself, you and the others will not know who he is and Plagg with fill in the information about the miraculous and the powers.

Plagg: That way you will have a new team mates who takes the job seriously and doesn't have to make a fool out of himself and will not flirt with you unlike Adrien.

Marinette: Isn't kind of risky to leave you on your own outside without a holder with your own miraculous what if Hawk Moth captures you?(Marinette saids while being worried for Plagg falling into Hawk Moth's hands)

Plagg: Don't worry, all I have to do is focus on the aura I felt a week ago and I will appear in front of my new holder and of course I am going to need one of the miraculous boxes so I could surprise my new holder of who I am.

Marinette was thinking to herself for a moment about having a new holder for the miraculous destruction and if what Plagg said what is true that he found his true holder for the ring which is no longer Adrien because he wasn't fit to hold a miraculous ever again and while she was thinking she came to realize that she needed more help as well as the team since Hawk Moth and Mayura are getting stronger everyday and there is bound to be more Akuma's popping out of nowhere and the team is struggling to fight back.

Plagg: Well pigtails what do you say?

Marinette: Sigh....I promised myself to find a new holder for the miraculous of destruction but so far I couldn't find such luck but if you said what is true Plagg that you found your true holder then I will have to agree with your idea but we have to promise that this new holder will be up for the challenge right and were spending time together so have to be able to get along with him.

Plagg: Don't worry I know you will get along with him quite well along with the others and I know he will as well. I promise you just get to know him better and he will be far more better than Adrien when he was Cat Noir.

Marinette: Tiki what do you think?

Tiki: I think go for it, and the team and yourself need all the help you can get if you want to defeat Hawk Moth and Mayura and if Plaggs saids what it is true I believe that this new holder would be the answer.

Marinette: Sigh...ok I hope your right.(Marinette saids and takes out a small box and puts the miraculous of destruction inside of it and holds it up for Plagg)

Plagg: I promise you wont regret it, time to meet my new holder see ya guys!

Plagg leaves the bedroom and the others looked to see him off while Marinette and Tiki looked at each other.

Marinette: You really think he found his chosen holder, I mean his true holder?

Tiki: If I know Plagg, I know he has and he did say he felt a connection with this new person and who knows you might actually like him.

Marinette: I hope you're right because I don't want another Cat Noir Adrien on the team.

Meanwhile with Justin, he was in his penthouse reading a book and while the news is on and so far there hasn't been anything happening for almost a week which means that Hawk Moth didn't send out any Akuma's lately so Paris is enjoying their time of peace for once just like Justin who is enjoying his time reading a quiet book with some macaroons that he got from Marinette yesterday and some warm tea.

Justin: Sigh...nothing like a nice cup of warm tea with some delicious macaroons that I got from the bakery while reading a nice book on this perfect day, just the way I like it peace and quiet.

Justin was enjoying some time for himself and decided to have some of his tea which was delicious and the macaroons that were baked by Marinette herself were amazing and they go well with the tea especially when you dip them into the tea itself. He also check the news to see what is going on in Paris and so far nothing seems to be happening and there hasn't been any fights with the heroes and the villains running around the area so they must be taking a break and enjoying life but for the villains Justin really doesn't think so much. Then when he was going back to read his book all of sudden he heard a knock on his door.

Knock! Knock!

Justin: Huh? I wasn't expecting anything? Could be one of those pranks where people knock on the door and runs away.

Justin got up from his spot and went towards the door and once he opens the door and looks to see who was outside his place in which he looked to see no one at all then looked both ways of the hall and could tell that there was absolutely no one to be seen.

Justin: I knew it, just one of those pranks just like back home.

Justin then closed the door and locked it and decided to go back and read his book until all of sudden he saw something near the book which looked like a small box that looked old with a symbol he doesn't know of and was wondering how it got on the small table where his stuff was.

Justin: I don't remember seeing this here? By judging how it looks, kind of reminds me of those ancient artifacts that I read about and this symbol on top of it looks like Chinese? Is this some kind of jewelry box from ancient times? If so how did it get into my penthouse because all the doors and windows were shut and locked. Might as well see whats inside the thing before I do anything else.

Justin then began to open the box when all of sudden a bright green glow appeared in front of him in which Justin shielded his eyes away from the light and once the light was dying down all of sudden Justin looked to see something appearing from the light that look so small but more like a baby kitten that was floating in the air in which Justin actually found it quite cute and adorable.

Plagg: Yawn! it was getting cramped in there?

Justin: Whoah it talks? But what the heck is it? I mean it looks like a small kitten but it floats weird?(Justin saids in thought)

Justin: Why hello little guy who might you be?

Plagg: Wow that wasn't the reaction I was looking for, I was hopping that you freak out or panic of my appearance?

Justin: And why would I do that I mean you're basically a floating little kitten that can talk and just came out of a jewelry box. I mean first super heroes and villains in Paris and now little creatures coming out of jewelry boxes man how long was I gone from this place.

Plagg: Yea I know it crazy isn't it anyway my name is Plagg god of destruction and I will be your kwami.

Justin: Wait a Kwami, you mean you're one of those beings that help give the super heroes their powers and jewel is the miraculous that they wear.

Plagg: Wow you're smart I give you that kid.

Justin: My friends told me about you guys and the heroes, and what do you mean that your my kwami?

Plagg: Why you are my new holder of course.

Justin: I am? Wait a minute I know that ring didn't that belong to Cat Noir? I recognize it from the pictures I saw of him online.(Justin saids while looking at the ring inside the box)

Plagg: Yes it did but not anymore because he wasn't fit to wear the miraculous after he used it for his own doing and try to get close to Ladybug and finding out who she was and while he kept on saying that he and her were meant to be together and that got me tired of him.

Justin: Oh yea I heard about that as well, the dude is more like a stalker than a hero and the suit itself makes him look like a porn star with a pole.

Plagg: Hehehehe I was thinking that same thing, anyway the reason why you're my new holder is because your aura matches with the miraculous of destruction.

Justin: Really it does how?

Plagg: Well you see kid, while I was with Cat Noir for couple of years I thought he and I shared a bond of trust and connection but all of sudden I didn't feel connected to him and his aura didn't really match that well with the miraculous.

Justin: So he was the wrong holder to wear the miraculous?

Plagg: Exactly in which the previous guardian before Ladybug made a mistake of choosing the right person to be the holder of the ring. But when I felt your aura kid, you share a connection with the miraculous more than what Cat Noir had.

Justin: But what makes you sure I am the one?

Plagg: Because you are more mature, very wise, smart, strong, takes things very seriously and look after those around you makes you worthy of being a miraculous holder.

Justin: Before I make my decision tell me more about the miraculous as well as this guardian you spoke about.

Plagg: Well kid many centuries ago magic jewels bestowing extraordinary powers were created, these were the miraculous. Throughout history heroes have used these jewels for the good of the human race.

Justin: So there have been others who used the miraculous long ago like in ancient times.

Plagg: Yes indeed and I had a lot of different holders in the past. You see kid there are two miraculous that are more powerful than the others, the earrings of the ladybug which provides the power of creation and the ring of the black cat which grants the power of destruction.

Justin: And Hawk Moth is after them.

Plagg: Yes according to legend whoever controls both these jewels at the same time will achieve absolute power.

Justin: And what I can tell this absolute power is what Hawk Moth wants but why exactly?

Plagg: When you merge the two miraculous the power will allow the holder to grant a wish.

Justin: And in every wish there is a price to pay because I read about stuff like that is fantasy books.

Plagg: Yes in which is why Hawk Moth must be defeated and his miraculous taken away along with Mayura who is the holder of the peacock miraculous that went missing along with the butterfly miraculous that is now in the hands of Hawk Moth.

Justin: How did they get lost in the first place?

Plagg: The previous holder before Ladybug who went by the name Master Fu made a mistake where he used the peacock miraculous that nearly caused the destruction of the guardian temple and created a Amok monster that devoured everything in site in which Master Fu lost both the peacock and butterfly miraculous and went into hiding to protect the miracle box that contained the remaining miraculous but luckily Ladybug was able to defeat the creature and restore the temple to his glory as well as the guardians but sadly Hawk Moth discovered the identity of Master Fu in which he sacrifice himself to keep the miraculous safe from the villain.

Justin: And how did he do that?

Plagg: He made Ladybug the new guardian of the miraculous as well as the protector of the miracle box but a coast Master Fu's memories were erased to keep the secret of the miraculous safe.

Justin: I am sorry to hear about that. So now that Fu is gone and no longer remembers being the guardian what is going on with Ladybug and how is she doing being the new guardian?

Plagg: She is struggling to be the best guardian she could be, and with the help of her team they are doing well but with more and more Akuma's popping out of the city thanks to Hawk Moth as well as Amok's from Mayura who knows how long they can last against the combine power of the peacock and butterfly miraculous.

Justin: Now I can see why they were having difficulty taking down the villains.

Plagg: Yea they are not looking too good.

Justin: Ok so if I am the new holder like you say I am what kind of powers do I get?

Plagg: Glad you ask kid, the powers of the miraculous will give you incredible speed, agility, super strength, near invulnerability, cat like visions to see in the dark, and the special power is called Cataclysm in which once you use the power it will create a dark matter in your hand and once you touch something it will turn into dust.

Justin: And there is a catch to the special power correct.

Plagg: Yes once the power is used up, you only got like five minutes to transform back into your civilian self.

Justin: I see so thats how it works.

Plagg: And to recharge all kwami's need to eat something to keep up our strength.

Justin: And what do you eat Plagg?

Plagg: Why camembert of course!

Justin: You mean you eat that kind of cheese really?

Plagg: Yea I know thats how the way I am.

Justin: Well if that is what you need to recharge your batteries, I will bye camembert for you little buddy.

Plagg: Yes!, I already starting to like you kid far more better than Cat Noir. He hardly gives me any cheese at all.

Justin: Maybe because he is just too stupid and too glued to finding out who Ladybug is under the mask how pathetic.

Plagg: So true, oh and you get a staff along the way.

Justin: Yea I get that, but tell me is it possible to change the weapon into something else that could be useful in a battle?

Plagg: Hmm..didn't really thought about it? I guess you have to think about the idea in your head and it might come to you.

Justin: Hmm...probably.

Plagg: Oh and you get to merge two miraculous together to get yourself a power boost.

Justin: Really is that even possible?

Plagg: Sure it is, Ladybug has done it lots of times, all you have to do is say unify and boom you have two miraculous at your command.

Justin: Interesting might have to give that a shot.

Plagg: So there you have it kid, anything else you want to ask?

Justin: Hmm...I will hold on the other questions later on and as for my answer I would be honored to be your new holder Plagg. I will help aid Ladybug and her team in their fight against Hawk Moth and Mayura because Paris was once my home and I do not want to see it fall into ruins.

Plagg: Awesome kid! Welcome to the world of the miraculous.

Justin then grabbed the ring from the box and put it on his finger in which the black ring turned silver meaning thats what the miraculous looks like in civilian form.

Justin: So how do I transform Plagg?

Plagg: Easy just say the words Claws Out and if you want to change back to normal just say Claws In simple as that.

Justin: Got it and do I get to choose my outfit because there is no way I wearing that god awful stripper suit that Cat Noir wore.

Plagg: Oh yea you get to choose what kind of outfit you want the wear, just use your imagination and it will appear.

Justin: Thats good to know, and hells know I am not going to act like that guy in which I am going to take the job seriously and after what my friends told me about of how the villains are beaten I know I can do the job far more better than Cat Noir.


Justin: What was that?

Plagg: Oh that was me, I haven't eaten anything since I arrived here.

Justin: So that was you knocking on the door.

Plagg: Hehehe yea it was.

Justin: Well I was planing on going out and get some air, why don't we pick up some camembert for you so you can fill up your stomach.

Plagg: This is the start of brand new friendship between us.

Justin: It might be and names Justin if you want to call me that.

Plagg: I think I will and its very pleasing to my ears.

Both Justin and Plagg who flew into his new holders shirt pocket headed out to get some as well as some food to eat while also thinking about what Justin wants to wear while being the holder of the miraculous of destruction.

Justin and Plagg headed out and found some stores that had some great food as well as a place to get some cheese for Plagg to eat that mad the kwami very happy that someone new is taken good care of him. Justin got himself a turkey hoagie while Plagg had his cheese and two sat by a nearby bench and ate their food together.

Justin: Happy that you got your cheese Plagg.(Justin saids to Plagg who sat a couple meters from him due to the smelly cheese)

Plagg: Sigh...camembert how I missed you so much.

Justin: Hehehe I will take that as a yes.

Plagg: This kid is way better than Adrien than I thought and he is very generous I like that.(Plagg saids in thought while eating his cheese)

Justin: So Plagg quick question besides Hawmoth and Mayura who else does give trouble towards Ladybug and her team if you don't mind me asking.

Plagg: Oh that would be Volpina who is a rip off of Rena Rogue who uses a flute to make illusions and deceive Ladybug and trying to get her miraculous.

Justin: And she's an Akuma right?

Plagg: Yea she's that awful liar, I think her name was Lila something with the letter R at end.

Justin: Lila Rossi.

Plagg: Yea thats right how do you know?

Justin: I heard her voice on the call weeks ago while trying to get in touch with my friend Marinette as well as seen her in the alleyway watching Marinette get beat to a bloody pulp by Lila and her minions which makes me sick. After my friends told me about her, and what she has done to Marinette over the years I just want to bash that liars face with my fist.

Plagg: Whoah this guy is hardcore.(Plagg saids in thought)

Justin: In which I also know about her lies and I don't believe anything that girls saids what is true in which they are not true but lies.

Plagg: He is definitely not like Adrien at all.(Plagg saids to himself without Justin hearing about it)

After both Justin and Plagg finished their food, they decided to keep back and enjoy the fresh air until the moment ended when they both heard an explosion happening nearby.


Justin: And it looks like break is over buddy.

Plagg: Seems that way.

Justin: Let's go check out where that explosion came from.

Admittedly both Justin and Plagg ran towards where the explosion was coming in which they both looked to see screaming people running for their lives which meant that their heading into the right direction and once there they spotted what looks like Ladybug herself facing off against a girl dressed like a fox in orange but when Justin looked closely it was Lila as Volpina.

Justin: I take thats Volpina aka Lila Rossi?

Plagg: Yup thats her kid and it looks like Ladybug needs help.

Justin: Seems that way, well looks like Rossi needs to learn another lesson.(Justin saids while cracking his knuckles)

Plagg: But first you need to transform so you can help her.

Justin: Right let's go buddy.

Justin and Plagg headed into an alleyway so that no one can see them and once they were alone Plagg gave the cue to Justin.

Plagg: Alright Justin you know the words and the abilities.

Justin: Right time for new cat to join the party. Plagg Claws Out!

Admittedly Plagg gets sucked into the ring itself and soon Justin was engulfed magical aura that surrounded his entire body and the outfit the appeared on him was all black with a hoodie that covers his whole head with cat like eats on top, scarf, cape belt, new boots, black leather suit, staff attached on his back, armored wist bands and shoulder plates, as well as a belt with the cat symbol in front.

After transforming Justin looked at himself in a mirror that was in an alleyway and when he checked out his new look, he look more like a warrior and he totally dig the idea look that he had in mind and decided to call himself Cat Warrior.

Cat Warrior: Not bad, far better than Cat Noir's look but for now I have to help Ladybug.

Meanwhile with Ladybug, she was battling against Volpina on her own in which the villain kept on using her illusion to get Ladybug confused so that it would be easy to get the miraculous from her.

Volpina: Aw whats the matter Ladybug not fast enough to stop me.

Ladybug: No it is just that I am getting tired chasing after the same person like every single time you get Akumatized.

Volpina: Well you can't rush perfection.

Volpina used her illusion to summon missiles and rockets towards Ladybug who opened fired at the heroin in which she dodged each of the attacks and once she was clear of them, she called upon her lucky charm.

Ladybug: Lucky Charm!

Once she used her charm and what appeared was a bottle of some sort in which Ladybug caught it and looked to see what she can use it for.

Ladybug: What the heck am I suppose to do with this?

Ladybug looked around her and searched what she could use to the charm for but so far nothing appeared in which caused her to get stuck while Volpina was moving towards her.

Volpina: Oh looks like the little bug is out of idea's so which means I can take your miraculous now and Hawk Moth will be very pleased.

Ladybug was about to do something when all of sudden Volpina played her flute again and summoned more missiles that were surrounding Ladybug from every corner so she couldn't get away.

Ladybug: What do I do now?(Ladybug saids in thought)

Volpina: Hehehe bye bye little bug.

The rockets and missiles locked on Ladybug and was going to terminate the heroin who shut her hers and waited for her defeat.

Volpina: HAHAHAHAHA!!!


Volpina: Oh what........


Volpina stopped laughing and then looked behind her when all of sudden she felt a sudden pain on her face in which a fist collided with her face and she got hit so hard that she went flying towards the cars and smashed into them and letting her illusions disappear along the way.

When Ladybug opened her eyes and looked to see Volpina smashed into the cars while holding her face in such great pain.

Volpina: ARGH!!!!!!!!....AHHH!!!!!!

Ladybug: What just happened?

What happens was that she got what she deserved which was a punch to the face.

Ladybug looked towards her front and saw the voice of the person who was dressed in all black and had a staff on his back but couldn't see the face due the hood.

(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Ladybug: Who...who are you?

Cat Warrior: The names Cat Warrior, your Ladybug I take it.(Cat Warrior saids to Ladybug who just nods while staring at the new cat hero)

Ladybug: Cat Warrior?....Wait a minute is this Plagg's new holder? But he looks so so...different..(Ladybug saids in thought)

Cat Warrior: Good to know, here give me your hand I will help you up.

Ladybug took Cat Warriors hand and once she was up on her feet, she looked at the new guys eyes in which all of sudden she was drawn to them but also taking a look at this holders appearance who looks completely different from Cat Noir. The guy known as Cat Warrior looks more warrior like and has an amazing voice.

Ladybug: So...your...your...I mean I am your....I mean you are my new partner thats it yea, you are my new partner.

Cat Warrior: I am, my kwami filled me in with the information about everything. The miraculous, kwami's, you and your team mates as well as Hawk Moth and Mayura.

Ladybug: Oh that is purfect!

Cat Warrior: Are you doing a pun right now?

Ladybug: Uh yea don't you think it's funny?

Cat Warrior: No not really, I don't like puns especially when they're a distraction towards the battle field.

Ladybug: Uh...I guess so.

Cat Warrior: My kwami also informed me about your former partner Cat Noir in which I am nothing like him, I hate puns, I hate flirting, and I especially hate when a teammates flirts with the leader of the group and not does the job right and that is why Cat Noir is not worthy of the miraculous. For me I like to focus on the job at hand and help out those in need as well as you Ladybug.

Ladybug just blinked of what she just heard from Cat Warrior and couldn't believe the words that came out of his mouth in which she was starting to think that this new holder is absolutely nothing like Cat Noir and he isn't even flirting with her or making puns and by judging the way he is looking at Ladybug means he is serious.

But soon they looked to see Volpina getting back up on her feet in which Cat Warrior decided to make his move while Ladybug was keeping her guard up.


Cat Warrior: That would be me.

Volpina: Ooh, who might you be tall dark and good looking?(Volpina saids while flirting at Cat Warrior)

Cat Warrior: My name doesn't concern you Akuma and it never will.

Volpina: Oh we got ourselves a bad boy here, well handsome my name is Volpina the new heroin of Paris and Ladybug's replacement.

Cat Warrior: Not believed by a minute.

Volpina: I know it's hard to believe but it is...

Cat Warrior: I don't give a fuck who you are and I pretty much don't care about your gibberish nonsense you're an Akuma and thats that in which you absolutely ridiculous in the outfit that your wearing right now.

Ladybug: Whoah he is definitely not Cat Noir.

Volpina now looked pissed what Cat Warrior said to her face and speaking of face all of sudden a purple symbol appeared on her face in which was the symbol of Hawk Moth was contacting his Akuma about something.

Hawk Moth: Volpina don't bother waisting your time with this....wait a minute is that? Volpina he is wearing the miraculous of destruction!!! I don't how or where he got from but take it from him along with Ladybug's miraculous now!!!

Volpina: Oh it seems like you're the new cat guy in town and it looks like Cat Noir is no longer around.

Cat Warrior: He wasn't much a hero anyway.

Volpina: Well then mind handing me your miraculous as well as Ladybug's and I promise to spare your lives.

Ladybug: Not on life!

Volpina: I wasn't talking to you bug I was talking to the guy in front of me.

Cat Warrior: Well, here's my answer for scum like you.(Cat Warrior saids with some venom in his voice and then pulled out his staff from his back)

Cat Warrior walks towards Volpina with his staff in his hand and then all of sudden Volpina gets hit so many times in the face with the staff and in the gut then followed by a hit under the chin.

(Reference of Cat Warrior hitting Volpina with a staff in which I used this scene from Batman Beyond)

Ladybug saw with her own eyes in which her jaw dropped to the ground of what Cat Warrior just did to Volpina in front of her.

Volpina: will pay for that!!!!!

Cat Warrior: Like that is ever going to happened, you're not even that tough even as an Akuma.

Volpina: I'll show you tough!!!!!

Volpina yells in anger and runs towards Cat Warrior in which the new hero ran and then jumps and hit Volpina with a kick to the face.

Cat Warrior: HEEYAAAA!!!

Ladybug: Wow......(Ladybug saids in awe)

Cat Warrior then soon moved fast towards Volpina who was struggling to stand but couldn't when all of sudden Cat Warrior unleashed powerful kicks all over Volpina's body and he was going all out on the villain.

Cat Warrior: YAA! YAA! YAA! YAA! HEEYAAA!!!!

Ladybug: Who did Plagg chose to be his holder? This guy is something else, I never seen someone move that fast and attack an Akuma with such skills?

Cat Warrior kept on kicking each part of Volpina and by the time he looked to see that she was barley moving due to so many hits and kicks, Cat Warriors knows that Volpina is almost defeated until he turns his attention towards Ladybug.

Cat Warrior: Ladybug allow me to use your charm.

Ladybug: But I need it to defeat the villain?

Cat Warrior: That maybe true but you cannot figure out how to use it but I think I can.

Ladybug: How do I know you could....

Cat Warrior: Ladybug the charm please.

Ladybug took a breath and handed Cat Warrior the charm in which the hero looked to see what the charm was and went back over to Volpina and undid the cap.

Volpina: Cough!...cough!...what....what the heck....cough!...what heck are you?

Cat Warrior: None of your business thats what. Oh and smile.(Cat Warrior saids then sprays Volpina in the face with the bottle in which started to burn her eyes)


Cat Warrior: Huh Fox Repellent so thats what it was?

Ladybug: Did...did you just spray her in the eyes with that?

Cat Warrior: It was Fox repellent, that was your lucky charm.

Ladybug: Really thats what it was?

Cat Warrior: Yea so where is the the Akuma?

Ladybug: It's the necklace thats where the Akuma is hiding.

Cat Warrior walked over and grabbed the necklace and then smashed it to pieces in which he looked to see the Akuma butterfly flying out of the jewel in which Ladybug did her thing.

Ladybug: No more evil doing for you little Akuma. Time to De evilize! Got Ya! Bye bye little butterfly. MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!

Ladybug saids and throws the charm into the air in which everything in Paris turns back to normal and Volpina turns back into Lila Rossi.

Lila: What happened?

Cat Warrior: You turned into a crazy vixen thats what.

Lila: Well are you going to stand there or are you going to take me home?

Cat Warrior: You got two legs that aren't broken, walk yourself home.

Cat Warriors saids and then jumps towards the roofs the building while Ladybug did the same and leaving Lila to growl in anger and huff and walked home on her own.

Ladybug: Hey Cat Warrior wait up!

Cat Warrior stopped and looked towards Ladybug landing in front of him.

Cat Warrior: Do you need something Ladybug?

Ladybug: Well actually yes and also what you did was absolutely amazing!!!! The way you took on Volpina like that and did those impressive moves that I never seen before was brilliant!!

Cat Warrior: Thank you for your words Ladybug.

Ladybug: Cough!...Alright now that I got that out of the way time to get down to business. So tell me Cat Warrior, how old are you? Do you have any brothers and sisters? Any hobbies in particular that I should know...mph.(Ladybug saids when all of sudden Cat Warrior puts a finger on her lips)

Cat Warrior: I am afraid I cannot give you that information, hero code one o one a hero must never reveal their identities to their team mates otherwise the enemy will find out and explore the heroes wicknesszes and used them against other people so no I will not tell you anything that involves my secret identity and I hope you can except that.

Ladybug: really are perfect...Cough!..I mean what you said was perfectly true in which I am impressed very impressed.

Cat Warrior: Good to know Ladybug.

Ladybug: Alright then did Plagg mention to you about the special powers that we have?

Cat Warrior: Yes he did in which after I use my special power I will only have five minutes to change back to normal and of course I know about if a villain shows up during an incident I hide somewhere so that no one can see me transform into my other self. Also it is important to protect those around you as well as fellow team mates and follow the leader of the group who happens to be you Ladybug. And our main goal is to stop Hawk Moth and Mayura from causing havoc around Paris and take away their miraculous and bring them to justice.

Ladybug: I didn't get to read the questions that I was going to tell you because you have already answer them for me.

Cat Warrior: I am a lot smarter than I look.

Ladybug: Yea...I can see that in your those eyes of yours.(Ladybug saids in thought while being drawn in Cat Warriors eyes)


Cat Warrior: It would seem that you are about to transform back Ladybug.

Ladybug: Yea looks that way.

Cat Warrior: Well I might as well get going.

Ladybug: Wait!

Cat Warrior: Hm?

Ladybug: Well before you go...I...I just want to say thank you for saving me from Volpina and helping me defeat her I really appreciated the help.

Cat Warrior: You are very welcome Ladybug, it is my job to help the leader of the team.

Ladybug: Well then welcome to the team Cat Warrior. Hows about a pound it before we go our separate ways.(Ladybug saids and holds out her fist for Cat Warrior)

Cat Warrior: Sure but let's do it my own way since I am going to be a new addition to the team.

Ladybug: Oh what do you have in mind?

Cat Warrior: Just follow what I do.

Together both Cat Warrior and Ladybug did a whole new fist bump in which the heroin liked it a lot even Cat Warrior himself.

Cat Warrior and Ladybug: Great Job!

Cat Warrior: I better be off now, until the next battle takes place. Farewell Ladybug and get home safe.(Cat Warrior saids to Ladybug with that amazing voice accent that causes Ladybug to blush then watches Cat Warrior leave her)

Ladybug: Cat Warrior.....whoever you are under that mask and hood is absolutely amazing. I think Plagg has chosen a good person to be the holder of the miraculous of destruction, I never shouldn't doubted him after he left.

Soon Ladybug left the area and headed back home while Cat Warrior stopped near an alleyway and landed on the ground and looked to see if anyone was around but so far the coast is clear.

Cat Warrior: Claws In.

Cat Warrior saids the words and changes back into Justin while Plagg came flying out of the ring and was given more cheese.

Plagg: Wow kid not bad on your first day of being a hero.

Justin: Thanks Plagg, have to say it felt amazing especially I got to kick the living crap out of the liar girl in which she deserved it.

Plagg: Thats true and interesting moves you got where you learned how to do those things?

Justin: Took classes in each fighting school to help improve myself.

Plagg: Impressive, Cat Noir couldn't do the stuff you could do because his technique are not compared to yours and Cat Warrior nice touch.

Justin: Thank you Plagg most appreciated. Wanna head back so you can eat your cheese while I attend to some reading and bake goods.

Plagg: Sounds good to me and thanks for being my new holder Justin.

Justin: Anything for my new little friend.(Justin saids and pets Plagg on the chin that causes him to purr)

Plagg: Purr.......

Justin: Hehehe come on buddy lets head home together.

Plagg: Copy that!

Justin and Plagg who went back into his holders shirt pocket headed back home to enjoy their time together as new friends and allies. Meanwhile with Ladybug who was home and changed back into Marinette was on her bed and thinking about the new hero she has met who saved her life and helped her defeat the Akuma.

Marinette: The way he came out of nowhere like that and did those moves against the villain was amazing.

Tiki: Seems like Plagg found his true holder and he doesn't share any similarities to Cat Noir.

Marinette: Yea and the way he fought was beyond anything I could have done when I am facing the Akuma's. How did he get such skills?

Tiki: Maybe in his civilian form he likes train a lot.

Marinette: You could be right Tiki but that accent of his was something was so charming and so calm and yet it felt so pleasing to my ears.

Tiki: Hehehe already thinking about the hero now.

Marinette: Ww..WHAT?!...No no absolutely he is just a teammate just like he said to me, he likes to keep the job serious and not flirt with anyone including me.

Tiki: Alright whatever you say.

Marimnette: Sigh....who are you Cat Warrior?(Marinette saids in thought)

Meanwhile in a dark lair of whereabouts unknown two costumes villains were speaking to each other in which one was wearing a dark purple suit with a cane and silver mask while the other one was dressed like a peacock with a feather fan in which the two were known other than Hawk Moth and Mayura.

Mayura: Hawk Moth are you certain what you saw was true?

Hawk Moth: Yes indeed, it would seem that Ladybug has chosen a new hero to be the holder of the miraculous of destruction.

Mayura: After so many days and months looking for one, she has finally found the person suitable for being a miraculous holder.

Hawk Moth: Yes and the way I saw this new hero in action against Volpina was highly skilled more skilled than Cat Noir. I must say I am very impressed with this new hero and shows no sign of fear.

Mayura: So now that the miraculous of the black cat was given to another, what is our plan?

Hawk Moth: Same as always sure the new hero may be strong and is now teaming up with Ladybug but soon both their miraculous will be mine and I will achieve absolute power and get what I deserve.

Mayura: As you wish Hawk Moth.

Hawk Moth: Prepare yourself Ladybug as well as you new cat hero because soon it will be your downfall.

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