I'm just gonna name this chapter ":)" cause no one can stope me

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The door opened, creaking, only open a sliver.

Eddie peared into the apartment, or at least what he could see, it wasn't much, but it was nice, tastefully and simply decorated. Eddie was wondering where the door opener was when-


Eddie's eyes shot down in attention and there was, an old man, a very short old man, like, just barely taller than a child, short. He also appeared to be wearing a red hawaiin shirt...

For a moment Eddie just stared in shot, he realized he recognized this man, and it was only now that he realized he didn't know what he was going to say.

"I know you" He blurted out quickly "I saved you, you were nearly run over by a bunch of cyclists"

The old man didn't seem shocked or all that familiar with the memory "Oh, did you? Yes, I believe I remember something like that"

"Well, mind if I come in? I need to talk about something with you, and it's private, I think" At this, the old man did seem to get a bit concerned, he opened the door wider waving the boy in.

"What is it?" he asked as Eddie trodded in. He closed the door behind him before walking to a mat and sitting on it.

Eddie made no move to sit down, instead saying "You gave me this miraculous, didn't you?"

The old man said nothing, but nodded, confirming he in fact did.

"I've come to return it" Eddie said, holding his hand out to better display Venom and the bracelet to the person before him.

The old man's eyebrows rose, not exactly in shock, it didn't look like shock, they were more so raised in a "oh?" sort of way.

"And why is that, has Venom been giving you trouble?" the elderly man questioned.

"What? No, no, of course not, I mean, I guess, but nothing I can't handel! Venom's... Venom's been great" Eddie looked away sadly, guilt riddled throughout his expression.

"Then why?"

"Ladybug told me I had to," Eddie revealed. "She actually tried to do that herself, but if you saw the news, you'd see that it didn't really go well, so it was better for both me and Venom if I gave back the miraculous myself."

The guardian placed a hand beneath his chin, nodding, but he made no move to get up or take back the kwami or jewelry.

After a few moments, he finally spoke "You know, the Beast Miraculous, is very special, it's been known as the teamwork miraculous by some, And the compromise miraculous to others, it requires a very special type of person to use it"

Eddie nodded along, not really sure where this was going.

"What's more" The man continued " Venom himself is a very special Kwami. What he requires is a close bond with, a partner, and though that is important to any Kwami, Venom almost needs it more so, the sad thing is though not many can really really... handle Venom, you could say he's a lot more... Emotional than most Kwamis and A lot of the time people who receive the Beast miraculous can't really handle his habits"

Eddie had a feeling he knew what habits mean, and had a sneaking suspicion it had much to do with the mice eating and seemingly no boundaries.

Simultaneously, he felt the way Venom seemed to shrink in on himself, maybe from shame or embarrassment, what this man was saying must be dragging up some unpleasant memories.

"Venom needs a very special owner, someone who can handle his habits, someone who cares about him, someone who will want him, like he wants them" the old man smiled a caring smile "it's a full time job having the beast miraculous, just like it's a full time job keeping any team together. I'm not quite sure why, but I felt you'd be the ideal person for that"

Eddie listened, taking in what he heard.

"Did I choose right?"

Before the boy could even reply Venom blurted out "Yes! Eddie is the best owner I've had for a long time! He gives tater tots! And Eddie listens! And Eddie isn't scared! Eddie cares! Eddie is the greatest! I don't want to be given back again! I want to stay! Don't make me leave please, or or, or I'll eat every last one of your uh grr, AUGG " The Kwami was breathing heavily after he finished his outburst, both Eddie and the old man stared shocked, yes, even the guardian, who had seemed relatively unphased up to this point.

They both blinked at the small creature.

"Venom, I- I wasn't going to let him give you back" the elderly man said.

Now, it was Venom's turn to be shocked and confused.

The man smiled kindly "I was going to lead into it, but," He turned his head back to Eddie's face, who likewise looked in the elder's direction "Eddie, you can keep Venom, the Beast Miraculous is different from most of the other Miraculouses in the way that it always needs to be with the miraculous holder, I meant for you to have it, there is trouble coming for Paris, and enemies are just going to get worse, Ladybug and Chat Noir need another permanent member to the team"

Eddie could hardily believe what he was hearing "but-"

"I was meaning to tell ladybug about it, but time escaped me, and I never got to it" he chuckled nervously.

"So... does this mean..." He trailed off.

The elder smiled brightly, and nodded in confirmation at what was implies.

A grin began to stretch onto Eddie's face, he looked down to Venom to say something, but before he could he felt something smack into his cheek, it was very not unlike the sensation of a particularly confused fly flying directly into your skin on a hot summer day.

A quick glance revealed that it was Venom responsible for the sensation, tightly hugging Eddie's cheek.

Eddie lifted his hand placed them on top of Venom, squeezing him close, as a sort of substitute hug.

"Get to stay with Eddie! Get to be a hero" The Kwami all but squealed.

"Yeah, I heard big guy" Eddie laughed. "Uh, thank you" He said to the man, unsure of what else he could say.

"Think nothing of it, I really did nothing but clear somethings up, now, you two should go, I have a busy day ahead of me" the old man said, pushing the two out of his apartment.

"Oh, sure, good luck with those things, have a good day" Eddie said, he hadn't quite removed Venom from his cheek yet.

The man smiled one last time, before gently closing the door.

Eddie smiled, letting Venom squirm free.

"Looks likes our little partnership is permanent" Eddie grinned.

Venom vigorously nodded "Yes, can't wait"

"Me too, me too"


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