Oh Dear...

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"Pound it" Ladybug and Chat Noir fistbumbed.

"That was some great work guys" Ladybug encouraged.

"All in a day's work, M'lady" Char Noir replied, and with that he pounced off into the distance, probably to transform back.

Ladybug rolled her eyes playfully and directed her attention to Venom.

"Thank you Venom, for helping us, that probably would have taken much longer if you weren't here" Ladybug grinned.

"No trouble, we just wanted to be a hero" Venom grinned broadly, everyone of his sharp teeth displayed.

"Well, I think you did a fantastic job," the heroine complimented. "But now, you need to give back your miraculous" she said sadly.

Venom felt like everything stopped, he could almost here the noise of shattering glass as he felt something very important begin to fall apart...


"I'm sorry, but I have to do it for the safety of everyone, you, your kwami, even the city" she explained "I already made the mistake of letting one person keep their Miraculous for longer than they should have, it ended terribly, and it could have ended worse, I'm sure"

Venom could not believe what they were hearing.

"I hope you understand, I do this for everyone, and I'll give it back when we need your abilities, don't worry, so, may I please have your miraculous back?"

Venom looked down in thought, Eddie was going to have to give up Venom, not just superhero part, but the Kwami. It had only been a month, but he'd grown close to the little guy, or big guy as he liked to be called, and he wasn't going to see him again? Well he would, if Ladybug was being honest, but then it would only be in those few moments before and after battle, he wouldn't get those moments that he loved spending Venom.

But, this was Ladybug, she knew more about this stuff, they'd have to trust her...

"Do... do you mind if we change back privately, to keep the identity safe?"

Ladybug considered it for a moment, before nodding in understanding, go ahead, just don't try to run away or something.

Venom nodded, and slunk into an alley and behind a dumpster, away from the eyes of Ladybug "Turn away, you should know when we are ready"

"Okay" Ladybug conceded, turning her back from the alley

"Venom, mask off"

The black that surrounded Eddie's body retreated leaving the boy and kwami separated.

Venom had a wide smile, he didn't seem to know what happened. "We did good Eddie, we saved the day, yes?" He flitted through in his excitement. "I felt us using our powers, we did great!"

Eddie didn't say anything, he felt like if he were to speak, nothing would come out right, it was like someone filled his throat with syrup and glued his mouth shut. He silently began pulling off the bracelet.

Venom took notice of this, and seemed to panic "Eddie, Eddie, what are you doing? Stop" the creature pleaded.

"I-I'm sorry, but I have to"

"What, Why? We saved the day! We- We did good, we were good!" Venom argued.

"But, Ladybug says- sh-she probably knows more about this stuff, she's been doing this for longer" Eddie retorted, trying to explain himself.

"But I am a kwami, I know more than her" Venom growled.

"True but, the other kwamis must do it too, and that is more kwamis than just one of you, I mean, we'll still get to see one another, just... less" Eddie muttered.

"That's not enough" Venom wailed "What about, tater tots, and the noise in the morning, and and, and us!"

"..." Eddie didn't know what he could say, he simply slipped the bracelet off his arm "I'm sorry, he mumbled, he couldn't bare to look at Venom. He walked out the alley. Meanwhile Venom dropped down, trying to protest and he dragged the Miraculous after him. Eddie knew he wouldn't get far. This was painful

He walked out the alley and brushed past Ladybug, saying "some kid told me he had what you needed to get in the alley over there" and with that, he headed home, wanting to get as far away from this as he could.


Ladybug suspected that Venom must've sent another person to tell her that his Kwami and miraculous was ready for pickup.

She slipped into the alley and looked behind the dumpster. Looking down she saw a very upset little black blob sitting on a bracelet.

"Um, hi there, I'm Ladybug, are you Venom's Kwami?" She both greeted and asked.

The creature looked up, revealing to large eyes and a gritted frown with several sharp teeth. It seemed to snarl at her, but nodded.

"Ok, just let me change back, I'm about to anyway" as if on que, Ladybug's outfit disintegrated, revealing herself as a young girl.

"Hmm? Oh, hello Venom, it's been a while" Tikki greeted.

The Kwami, also named Venom apparently, did nothing more but huff.

Tikki shook her head and turned it to the girl, "he can get grumpy sometimes" she floated down, pulling him up "Come on, let's get you back to the guardian"

Venom begrudgingly followed Tikki into the girl's purse while the girl herself crouched down to pick up the bracelet which she put in the purse as well.

The former Ladybug stepped out from the alley and began her walk to the Master Fu's home.

On the way Tikki tried to coerce Venom in conversation, but Venom did not seem to appreciate that, instead staying in his own little world, increasingly muttering to himself in a way that Tikki couldn't decipher, but she did see how Venom was gradually seeming to get more and more angry. She hadn't seen Venom like this in quite some time.

"Uh, Venom," she began "I know that losing a master can be hard, but, it happens, it's not like he's gone forever, you'll still get to see him just... less, that's okay though, the others go through the same as well, and that's okay, and besides won't it be nice to see all your friends again, I know I wou-"

"AUUUGGG" Venom suddenly raged, he grabbed hold of the beast miraculous and fought his way out of the bag.

"Hey! What are you doing!" Tikki shrieked.

Venom paid no mind to her and sped out of the back.

"Woah, you can't be out here!" the girl exclaimed, she tried snatching at the Kwami, but he kept evading her attempts.

"come" missed

"Back" missed

"Here!" She finally managed to catch him, she had Venom in her grasp, but not for long...

"Ow!" Venom bit down on her hand, causing her to let go just long enough for him to zoom off with the miraculous.

"NO, NO, NO! I am not going to let this happen, this couldn't happen, it shouldn't happen, this isn't fair, this isn't fair, this isn't fair! Eddie had to realize this, he has to know, just has to."

So Venom had a plan. "Eddie is smart, very smart, he'll know this isn't right, he will, he'll realize that" If Venom went back to the ally, Eddie would be there, he was sure, then they could be a hero, together, he didn't care what Ladybug said, he was going to stay with Eddie.

Before he knew it, he was there, in the alleyway, he just had to wait...

A minute, 

that turned to 5,

 then 10, 

then 15, 

and then Venom realized... Eddie wasn't going to come back...

The Kwami sunk to the floor is shame, disappointment, fear, sadness. He gritted his teeth, kicking a pebble to that stupid dumpster 


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