Skater Hater

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Venom couldn't help but think "this is so cool!"

Even if Eddie wasn't the biggest fan of heights, Venom loved it, so the Kwami's love of it seemed to overtake the boy's fear, giving the excitement to both of them.

It took them a while, because of her constant moving and zooming around, but eventually the group reached the villainess, who seemed to be stuck on a particularly troublesome target. She had managed to coinify him right in time.

"Hold it right there!" Ladybug shouted.

The Villain stopped, the first time she had that didn't have to do with coinifying someone. She turned around, with a huge grin on her face, "Ah, Ladybug, Chat Noir, o-other p... Slim-" She instantly lost her menacing tone to confusion "Wait, what are you??"

"Venom" was Venom's reply, his voice was unwavering.

"Okay then Venom, you've finally caught up to me, I am Skater Hater, her to give all those rotten cheats exactly what they deserve, give me your miraculous... uh wait, should the big uh, slime Venom guy's miraculous??" She whispered that last part to herself, then a glowing butterfly silhouette appeared before her.

She gave a firm nod saying "Whatever you say" Before dashing forward.

"Hero's cheat villains all the time!" Skater Hater lashed out, making a grab for Ladybug's earrings "With their tricks and deceptions! I think it's only fair you become apart of my TROPHY!" She was quickly loosing patience, for every time she'd make a grab Ladybug easily dodged.

"Geez, someone's got a temper- WAH!" Chat Noir commented only to duck as a gloved hand shot towards him.

In a moment of confusion Venom decided to launch forward to try to tackle Skater Hater down, try and stall her for a bit, only for her to quickly skate out of the way to launch forward back at Ladybug.

This went on for several seconds, lots of dodging and grabbing that wasn't doing any good.

Eventually the trio decided to make a run for it, but the girl only gave chase and she wasn't going to give up anytime soon.

"Give me your miraculous!"

"Sorry, we sorta need them" Venom tried shouted, instantly regretting, yeah okay, comedy wasn't exactly his thing.

This wasn't getting them anywhere. Venom side jumped, grabbing Ladybug and Chat Noir beneath their arms, jumping onto a nearby building, and running off via the rooftops. Skater Hater's only mode of transport was a skateboard, which meant she was landbound, unless she managed to do some god-tear parkour, they were all probably safe up here.

Venom dropped the other two heroes, they landed with a thud "sorry, we thought it would be better for all of us if we weren't being chased by that maniac"

Ladybug was the first to get back on her feet "No, thank you, that was smart of you to do"

"Yeah, we probably would've been... Claw-bered out there" punned Chat Noir, earning a groan from Ladybug.

"How are we going to defeat her?" Ladybug asked.

A silence washed over the group...

"I bet you the Akuma is in the trophy she's carrying" pointed out Chat Noir.

"Yeah, chancing are you're right, but how are we going to get to it, she's too fast, how could we grab it?" Ladybug questioned.

"You should probably get your Lucky Charm out for this one" Chat Noir offered.

Ladybug gave a firm name "Alright, Lucky Charm!" She quickly summoned her charm, and what landed in her hand was "a board game?"

"How are we going to use that?"

"I think I know how, but, I still don't know how we'll get her akuma... do you have any powers, Venom?" Ladybug asked.

"Uh, we don-" Suddenly the information jus seemed to come to them, shooting their skull "oh, we have appendages we can control" to punctuate the point 4 appendages seemed to grow from Venom's back "and we can temporarily transform ourselves and anyone we're touching to look like someone else, but, then I'll transform back to my secret identity in 5 minutes"

"Really?" Ladybug want to confirm.

"Yes, we believe that's right"

"Alright, then this plan just might work" She smirked.


Skater Hater was currently skating all through the city, she had lost Ladybug and Chat Noir... and that other guy she guessed, but that was alright. They were sure to come out at some point, then she could steal their Miraculouses. For now she was looking for rotten cheats to add to her trophy, the only way they were going to get some meaning in their lives, at least in her opinion.

"Oh, come on!" Shouted a high pitch voice.

Skater Hater's head perked up, sounded like something unfair just happened, perhaps it'd lead her to her next target.

In a flash she zoomed over, it only took mere seconds to reach the spot. From behind a building she watched to get an idea of the situation.

It looked to be two boys playing a game of checkers on a bench. One seemed very upset, while the other looked smug.

"If you can't handle losing don't play" the smug boy smirked, his voice was unnaturally deep and scratchy, yeah, puberty could be rough.

"But you always do this, you take my pieces when I'm not looking, and you always lie and say you haven't gone when you clearly have!" The upset boy accused.

"I'm just really good"

"No you're not, you are a cheater! A CHEATER!" The upset boy emphasized.

Looks like the villain had a new cheater to teach a lesson to. She began zooming forward, but then suddenly, from the cheater's back sprung out 4 long rope like appendages, which shot towards her. Before she could properly react she was quickly tied and bound, unable to move.

The upset boy turned around yelling "Chat Noir! Now!"

Everything seemed to move in slow motion as a blur of black and yellow sprung over her shoulder, snatching her trophy in the process.

The two boys seem to disintegrate, revealing Ladybug and Venom in their place.


Chat Noir raised his hand and threw the object onto onto the ground, causing it to shatter almost instantly.

From the broken remains a purple butterfly flew out, but it was quickly caught by Ladybug's yoyo.

"No more evil doing for you little butterfly" Ladybug smiled gently, letting a new white butterfly flutter out.

She took hold of the chess game, throwing up it up into the air "MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!" and as the swarm of ladybugs overtook the city Skater Hater's world went black.

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