Team Up

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Eddie was walking down the sidewalk when somebody ran past him, running into his shoulder in the process.

"Hey! What's up with that, jerk" Eddie shouted angrily, but the person who ran into him didn't stop, instead he kept running screaming. Suddenly something sped passed him in a flash.


He saw some kind of bizarrely dressed villain on a skateboard grab the stranger by his shoulder, jerking him back, and turning him to face her. "Cheaters never prosper," she said eerily.

Then before Eddie could even blink the man was but a small gold coin "but winners always do" completed the villain. She threw the coin into the air, causing it to land right into a black trophy she was carrying, right as the coin landed, a little bit of the trophy turned golden. And with that the woman sped off, to which people took as a que to run and scream in all directions.

Venom's head popped out of Eddie's shoulder sleeve "Bad guy"

"Yeah I think so" Eddie agreed. He ran off and into an alleyway.

Eddie began scrambling to do something but he only just realized "Wait, uh, what do I do?! How do I transform, is there- uh, um" he wasn't quite sure what he was supposed to do

Venom floated out so he and Eddie were face to face.

"There is an activation command, yes" Venom stated simply.

"W-w- WHAT IS IT?!" Eddie stuttered out, flabbergasted.

"You must say 'Venom, mask on' then we, shall become a hero" Venom explained.

"Okay, okay, uh, um, alright... Venom! Ma- Wait what if I want to turn it off" Eddie hastily asked

"We'll have to say 'Venom, mask off'"

"Ah right of course" Eddie muttered.

"I know you are being sarcastic"

"Awg shoosh, alright, he we go" Eddie took a deep breath, "Venom... MASK ON!"


Eddie saw Venom twist and contort, seemingly fusing with his bracelet. Bracelet balls changed into spikes, simultaneously it gained a more inky black color as opposed to its silver.

Eddie felt it all around him, like he was being consumed and overtaken by something, but it didn't feel scary or anything, instead it made him feel energized, ready, motivated. He could barely contain his yells of excitement as he threw out his arms and legs to be covered by the outfit. It ended with his head being covered by seemingly a new head? It wasn't like he was blind though, it was more like he was seeing through a new, he would even say better, set of eyes.

He looked down over his body and... wow, he really wasn't expecting this, he felt taller for one, and he had muscles??? He was only really expecting to get some weird looking suit, with hints at Venom's form, but geez, he just looked like a bigger, muscular version of the tiny Kwami.

Venom's insistence on being called "big guy" rather than "little guy" made a lot more sense now.

There was also another thing, he didn't feel like, he was just himself anymore, he felt like a new being entirely.

He stared down at his hands, wait no, he had to focus! There was a bad guy to fight! A villain that needed defeating, it was up to him.

He swiveled around, running out the alleyway only to-


be hit directly in the head by a yoyo. He fell to the floor, groaning against the concrete. His vision seemed to be blurry

Before him he saw the presence of a red figure, only to be joined by a black one that seemed to appear from nowhere.

"Wow, two accumitized folks in one day, this is gonna be a busy one" commented the black figure in a cheeky tone, Eddie's sight was coming back, and he saw it was Chat Noir.

Wait, did he just say that he was accumitized?

Eddie quickly scrambled up onto his feet, holding his arms out defensively.

"Wait, wait, no, we're- we're- wait, we're?" we're, where did that come from, aug, whatever, he'd deal with it later "we're not accumitized"

"What? Then you'd have us believe that you're what? Performing street magicians? Sorry, not buying it" The red one, Ladybug, said.

Oh, she probably thought they were talking about about that one lady too "oh, no no, uh, she, the skateboard lady, sh-sh-she is a villain, accumitized and all that, we, here, we are heroes" He probably looked insane with all the gestures he were doing "See, we have a miraculous" He held out his arm, showing the spiked bracelet.

Chat Noir turned to Ladybug "You think they're telling the truth?" he whispered.

Eddie's hearing was much much better now, so he could hear what they were saying easily.

"I don't know, I mean, the Miraculous looks familiar, but it could be a fake, like with Volpina" Ladybug argued, also in a whisper "they're not causing any trouble... yet, so, I say that we trust them, for now"

"Really?" The beast of a hero had snuck behind the two while they were talking, accidentally startling them in the process

"Ah!" Ladybug and Chat Noir shouted in surprise, bouncing back a step.

Ladybug was the first to regain her composure and begin the pleasantries "Yeah" she smiled "so, what can we call you"

Oh, I guess they did need a name, didn't they "Uh, um, Venom" he said without really thinking, he didn't know why exactly, but he figured it would do, Venom was a pretty cool name.

"Alright then, nice to meet you, I'm Ladybug" she greeted.

"Yeah, and I am Chat Noir, as you may already know, now, let's take care of this villain, I have a cat nap to get to in about an hour" Chat Noir joked, before propelling himself off in the direction of the accumitized girl.

"He's right, c'mon" Ladybug agreed, flinging her yoyo into the distance and pulling herself away.

Eddie followed suit with a powerful jump in the same direction. Pretty soon the three were running around the city, looking for the same girl.

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