Becoming Close

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"Eddie... Eddie! What is that noise!?" Venom yelled over the sound of the alarm, it had been blaring for almost half an hour now.

Slowly, Eddie stirred "what" he groaned, half asleep, then his eyes shot open "WHAT, I'M GONNA BE LATE FOR SCHOOL! Why didn't you wake me sooner" the boy shrieked, jumping out of bed and slamming the off button of the alarm clock.

"Was not aware that it was important" Venom explained.

"Well it kind of is" Eddie said frustratedly, simultaneously pulling on clothes and running down the hallway to brush his teeth.

Eddie brushed furiously at his teeth, trying to do it as quickly as possible, Venom flitted about Eddie as he did this.

When Eddie finished his teeth brushing he burst out the door and began speeding downstairs to the door.

"Wait, you need you miraculous" Venom insisted

"What? Why?" Eddie asked.

"In case of bad guys!" Venom answered.

"Uhg, fine" groaned Eddie. He went upstairs and grabbed hold of the bracelet, putting it on his arm.

"Will need to come with you as well"

"How are you planning on doing that? You can't show yourself to people, can you?"

"No, I can not" revealed Venom

"So what are you going to do?"

Venom thought for a moment, flying around Eddie, before burying himself onto Eddie's jacket sleeve, just on the shoulder, he was perfectly hidden beneath it. "This will work well"

"What about when it's hot and I can't wear a jacket?"

Venom simply stated, "Pocket"

"Well, okay then, just try not to cause a ruckus or anything" .... "Did I just say ruckus???"



Eddie was doing his homework, he had not seen Venom for a while, but he didn't let that bother him, the Kwami always tried to chew on his pencil while he was using it, so having the creature elsewhere really helped him keep his working along.

He was currently doing his math homework, creating graphs using the y=mx+b equation, when he heard a scuttling across the floor. He flung his head around and saw two blurs, a gray one with a black blur zooming after it.

Following the direction they were going in, he saw them go under his dresser.

Curiosity got the better of him when he heard the noise of desperate squeaks. He dropped to the floor and looked under the dresser, just in time to witness Venom bite off the head of a mouse.

"Venom, what the heck?!" the boy screeched.

"Eddie, I was hungry" Venom said "You regard the mouse as a pest, Two problems have been solved at once"

"Uh, well, yeah, but, you just-"

"Cats do the same" the Kwami pointed out.

"That's true but, you didn't have to do it so... graphically" Eddie strained.

"You were the one who decided to watch" Venom sneered.

"Yeah but-"

"I owe you nothing when I eat" Venom lamented passive aggressively.

"Okay, okay, just uh, don't do it in front of me" Eddie said

"Was not even trying to in the first place, but, will try"


Eddie was at school, taking a test.

"God, I hate history, I can never remember the facts" he muttered from beneath his breath. He was stuck on a particularly difficult question.

Venom popped his head out from Eddie's jacket, peering down at the sheet.

Very carefully he slipped out from the jacket entirely, landing on the floor. He scuttled across the desk, before silently floating up besides the head of a student, peering down at their test as well. He did this with many of the other students, being sure to stay away from their views and trying to stay away from the classroom's front as well.

Venom went back to Eddie, climbing into his hoodie's hood.

"The answer to question 8 is 1789" he whispered.


"You should've also answered question 14 with B, not C"

"Venom, are you giving me the answers"

"Yes, you need the help" Venom confirmed

"Venom, you can't do that, it's cheating, I could get in big trouble" Eddie whispered

"Only if we are caught"

"Venom, no, we can't, just let me take this test, alright?"

"But, Eddie-"

"I said no" Eddie reaffirmed.

"Quite back there" the teacher advised.

Eddie felt his cheeks turn hotter faster than they even had before. He looked down in embarrassment.

"Yes, ma'am, sorry ma'am" Eddie quickly apologies, diving back into his test

There was silence for a moment, before Eddie whispered "uh, thanks though, it's appreciated, I just need to do this on my own, you know?"

Venom nodded "Understand, sorry"

Eddie smiled, but now, he had to get back to this god forsaken test.


"Eddie, what is that you are eating" Venom questioned

Eddie had sat down for dinner, his mom wasn't home, so he had to settle for oven food.

"Uh, tater tots?" He said, somewhat confusedly.

Venom staired tauntly at the totted taters. "Are they... good?" he asked

"Uh, yeah? They're pretty good" Eddie said, punctuating his point by popping another potato chunk in his mouth.

"...I would like to try"

"Oh uh" Eddie wasn't quite sure on how to respond "go ahead I guess, I'm not stopping you"

The kwami dropped to the table, cautiously approaching one of the tots. He opened his mouth as wide as he could, and devoured it in one bite. Eddie stared at it for a moment in awe.

"... well?"

"I request more" Venom said, his face looked like it was caught in awestruck joy, and his eyes seemed a little wet too.

"A... are you crying?"

"No!" Venom yelped defensively "I would like more tater tots"

"Ok uh, have at it then, I don't care" offered Eddie "don't eat them all though!" he quickly added as he witnessed the Kwami beginning to devour the taters pacman style.


"Hey uh, so where do you sleep at night?" Eddie asked "I never see you when I go to bed" he pointed, pulling his pajama shirt over his head.

"Oh, around, under the under, in your desk" Venom was turned away from Eddie, he didn't get why he had to, but he did so anyway.

"Well uh, I decided to put something together for you" Eddie said.

Venom perked up at this, without even thinking he spun his head around, seeing Eddie crouching down at his closet door, rummaging through it's content.

After much rustling, he stood up, appearing to have grabbed something, he turned around and revealed he was holding what looked to be an old cardboard shoebox.

The boy walked toward the Kwami, holding the box out.

"What is in there, Eddie?" Venom questioned.

"Well I figured you needed a place to sleep so..." He took the lid off, revealing a minashiry of small comfortable looking fabrics, with cotton scattered about "I made you one" Eddie Smiled.

Venom looked in awe, hopping into the box, finding it to be quite comfortable he found himself unconsciously plopping down.

"You could get pretty comfortable, leave the lid on when it's cold, take it off when it's warm, and there are these little airholes in the top, they'd probably look like stars if the lights were on, what do you think?"

"I- I like it, very much" the creature said, still in pure amazement.

"Great, I tried to make it as nice as possible, I'm glad my work's appreciated" Eddie chuckled.

"Where does it go?" Venom quickly questioned.

"Oh uh, I was thinking hereeee?" Eddie offered putting the shoebox on his bedside table.

Venom poked his head out the box, looking at the surroundings, meanwhile Eddie stretched and got into his bed, pulling the covers over his body, and lying on his side.

"No" Venom finally said, the only response Eddie gave was a confused groan.

"Hm? Ok big guy, you can move it wherever you li- OOF" Eddie's words were cut short by something or rather slamming into his chest.

"Here" Venom's raspy voice concluded.

Eddie looked down at the thing that was the showbox "o-oh, okay?" He carefully wrapped his arm around it.

"Goodnight" yawn "Venom"

"Mmm, yes, good night Eddie"


Paris had gone without an akumitization incident for nearly a month now, probably the longest that it's been without one for a while. He was beginning to think he would never have to activate Venom.

Until that is, the faithful day that he did.

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